Passionate Obsession by D.M. Mortier

Chapter Sixteen


I hate it when I am forced to hurt men who are simply following asinine orders from an asshole bureaucrat. Of course, I arrived at the jet just seconds ahead of the CIA and Metro police. I knew that Dr. Everette in his overzealousness would have involved numerous other law enforcement agents in his scheme, with none of them understanding or knowing that they were following the orders of a lunatic. These men didn’t deserve to have to deal with the kind of power I was. They didn’t deserve to die tonight because I had to protect my family.

Taking a page out of my sons’ book, I confiscated weapons, disabled vehicles and communication devices, and created such mayhem and confusion that by the time anyone boarded the jet to look for us, I had already taken the boys out of there. I made it appear as though we had left the jet hours before and the staff was waiting for our return. My staff had been with the Agency for years. They knew how to implement discretion. Dr. Everette wouldn’t get far here.

“Where are we going, Dad?”

“Where’s Mom?”

“Are those men following us from Uncle Colt’s ranch?”

“When are we going home?”

The boys had been throwing questions out at me since we got into the car to pick up Kat. We were in a chauffeur-driven, armored, tinted-windows limousine, armored in anticipation of protecting Kat and tinted windows to ensure privacy.

London was not the place to hide, too many damn CCTVs. As the boys and I made our way back to the hotel where I’d left Kat, I thought of our options. There weren’t many, and even the few that I had were dangerous for Kat. She didn’t have our strength, our speed, or our super-speed healing capabilities. At least, I’m not sure about exactly what her powers are because Kat never talks about her abilities. In fact, whenever I ask, she changes the subject by talking about the boys. It was almost as if she was embarrassed of her abilities.

Leaving the boys in the car, I strode into the hotel to collect Kat. I heard Dr. Everette as soon as I entered the foyer.

“I can’t see! I can’t see!” He sounded panicked and terrified. And as I rounded the corner to see what was going on, the good doctor was on the carpeted floor, on his knees, rubbing at his eyes as though that would clear his sight.

Kat stood a few feet away with a nonchalant pose and watching the doctor intensely as though she wanted to slit the bastard’s throat. However, I knew that Kat wouldn’t hurt a fly, no matter how pissed she got.

“What did you do?!” Dr. Everette suddenly roared, frantically crawling about on the floor as though he wanted to go after Kat.

“Whatever do you mean, Doc?” Kat asked sweetly.

“Detain her!” Dr. Everette instructed two men who had been standing around looking uncertain about what to do.

“I wouldn’t if I were you,” Kat said drily.

When one of the guys made to reach for her, I was across the foyer in seconds and about to intervene, but both men suddenly dropped on the floor as well, grunting in pain.

“My head,” one of them gritted out. He was holding his head with both hands, his eyes closed as though trying to block the pain.

“It hurts!” the other man yelled, his teeth clenched and also holding his head in agony.

“Listen well, Doc,” Kat said softly, bending down so that the doctor could hear her clearly. “I won’t tell you to stop coming after me and my family because I know that you’re too stupid and greedy for that, but I think it’s fair to warn you that anyone you send after us will end up dead or wish that they were.” Kat straightened.

“Come with us, Katia,” Dr. Everette begged. “We can do so much good for the world if you would only help us.”

Kat looked to my direction, her gaze cool, as though she wasn’t shocking the hell out of me. “Can we go home now please?” she murmured.

I’m not gonna lie; I was fucking impressed. I had on my shield. She wouldn’t have been able to see me, but clearly, she sensed me. Looks as though she had a lot that she hadn’t told me. I was a bit surprised. I never thought Kat would keep things from me. “How did you know I was there?” I asked her as we climbed into the car.

She gave me a look as if to say, “Are you for real?”

“Mom! You should have seen how fast Dad was going!”

“It was even faster than that time at the hotel!”

“There were even more guns and bad guys!”

“Dad took down the bad guys like they were toy soldiers!”

The boys were falling over each other trying to relay the story of how I got them off the jet. Kat looked tired, but she patiently listened to their excited chatter with a few occasional questions thrown in. When the driver pulled into the underground garage twenty minutes later, the boys were yawning, and Kat looked like she was just as tired as they were.

Getting into the garage elevator after I pressed in my code, I watched dispassionately as Kat clutched the boys tight against her. She refused to look at me. It wasn’t the time or place to ask her what the hell was wrong. It was already after ten at night, and the boys needed to be put to bed.

The elevator delivered us directly into a spacious living room.

“There will be a tray of sandwiches and pastries in the kitchen,” I told Kat.

“Is there any soup or noodles in there instead?” Kat asked coolly.

“I’m sure there’s food in there.” I wasn’t used to there being discord between Kat and me, so I was really at a loss on how to proceed. I watched as she hustled the boys into the kitchen, almost force-feeding them spoonfuls of chicken noodle soup while they were still yawning and basically falling asleep at the small kitchen table. Once they were done, I lifted one son in each arm and took them to one of the three bedrooms in the penthouse.

This was a penthouse used by the Agency, so we didn’t have any clothes to change into, only some generic basic toiletries that were always in the penthouse. Kat had the boys strip off their clothes, including their underwear, before climbing into their bed, which they thought was hilarious. They gave a tired giggle as their naked bums hit the cool sheets. I’m sure if they weren’t so sleepy, we would be having a hollering, screaming, naked blitz through the penthouse. Thank God they were too tired to fully enjoy their first mom-approved naked state outside the bath.

Kat threw their clothes into the wash so that they would have clean clothes to wear in the morning.

While Kat took a shower, I made a few calls to organize our exit out of London. I don’t know what was going on with Kat, but I had the fastest shower in my life to ensure I caught her before she fell asleep. I didn’t have to worry however, because Kat, wearing a large towel, was waiting for my clothes to put in the wash as well. She still hadn’t said more than two words to me since putting the boys to bed. It was killing me to not know what the hell was going on in her mind.

Wearing a large towel around my waist, I finally cornered her in one of the bedrooms where she’d escaped to after placing our clothes in the wash. She had the quilt pulled up to her neck, but I knew, like the rest of us, she was naked under the covers.

“Okay. You’re pissed at me. Why?” I was determined to not focus on the fact that a naked Kat was so close and within reach.

“I finally realized that you have probably never been truthful with me,” she bit out hotly, hugging the guilt tightly around her. “How can I trust you?”

I moved toward the bed and sat on the edge next to her hip. She tried to move away from me, but I caged her in with my hand on the bed by her waist, stopping her from moving any farther on the bed. “What are you talking about, lass?” My heart rate sped up with anxiety. I loved her so fucking much. Just the thought that she might leave me had bitter acid churning in my stomach. “I’ve never lied to you, and I never would.”

“Oh really? So, you just happened to forget telling me about going to meet with your ex-fiancée?”

My heart slowed and then started at a normal speed in relief. I never thought of my prior relationships as an issue, and they shouldn’t be. If she was having such an issue over one ex-fiancée, how did I tell her that she was the third woman I had intended for my wife? “It was not a meeting with my ex-fiancée,” I said lamely. “At least not how you mean it.”

“And how should I mean it, Mac? Giselle is your ex-fiancée, and you went to meet with her without telling me. Is there a different interpretation?”

“Yes. I have been chasing this slaver for the past three years. Giselle is MI6. She had a lead, and I was simply following up on that.”

“I’m hearing why you had to meet with your ex-fiancée, but I am not hearing why you didn’t tell me about it.”

The fire in her eyes told me that my answer better be damn good. “If I had had more time on the plane to explain what was going on, I would have. Giselle being an ex-fiancée was no secret and certainly had no importance to me. However, while the information I needed from Giselle was classified and critical, it bears no reflection on my trust in you or how I view our relationship.”

“I asked you what was going on, and you brushed me off.”

I leaned over her, wanting to be as close to her as possible. “Kat, I didn’t have time. And did you miss the part about the information being classified and critical? Besides, when I’m with you, I don’t want to focus on my work or all the other shit that’s going on in my professional life. That area has nothing to do with you, at least not yet.”

“While I can respect your need for discretion when it comes to your work, I also expect you to tell me shit like a meeting with an ex! And I love being with you too, but I need to believe that you’re being honest with me. I shouldn’t learn about your secret meeting with your ex-fiancée from Dr. Everette.” Her dark eyes grew even darker with hurt. “Given our situation, I should be aware of where you are at all times, who you’re with. I stupidly thought that it was you and me against the world, but you’ve just proved me wrong, proved that I was naïve to think like that.”

“No, you’re not stupid or naïve. We are a team, and I was wrong. I shouldn’t have forgotten that. Of course, there have been women in my past. Giselle was my second fiancée, and we weren’t an engaged couple for long.”

“Oh God. Do I even know you?” She tried to move away from me, straining against my arm. “You know about Trey, so why don’t I know about Giselle and the other woman? Living in the shadow of Elizabeth was bad enough.”

I pulled her closer to me, pulling her against me. She stiffened, but there wasn’t a force on earth that was going to convince me to let her go. “You know me, lass.” I could hear the pleading in my voice, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t lose her. “You and the boys are everything to me. And you don’t live in any woman’s shadow when it comes to me.”

“I don’t believe that.” She tried pulling away from me again, but I held her tight against me. Turning her head away, she refused to even look at me.

I didn’t mind that. As long as she was still against me, her skin touching mine, at least our arms touched, then I could remain sane.

“How could we’ve been married for five years, five years, Mac, and I still didn’t know that you had two other women you wanted to make your wife? You’re Catholic. You don’t take marriage lightly.”

I heard the tears in her voice, and it gutted me. “Those relationships combined didn’t last more than a year.” I tried to keep my voice as soft as possible, running my palm up and down her arm, her side, her hip, slowly, calming. “I proposed to my first fiancée, Nya, because she told me that she was pregnant with my child. I have always taken precaution, taken care of contraceptives. So, if she was pregnant, it was my fault. However, when I surprised her by taking her to a specialist friend of mine, because I thought any child of mine may pose a significant risk to the mother, turns out Nya wasn’t pregnant and had never been pregnant. I ensured that she would never be able to contact me again.”

Kat gasped, turned sharply, and looked up at me then with a frown, clearly indignant on my behalf. “Do you want me to find her and blind her ass?”

I chuckled at how quickly she could turn from fighting me to defending me. “I definitely want to hear all about your abilities in that regard.” My own words unsettled me, reminding me that, while I hadn’t told her everything about me, she hadn’t either. I held her gaze, now sobering on the thought of why she had withheld that information from me. “I want to understand why you didn’t tell me about your abilities.”

“That’s different,” she muttered. “And not what we’re talking about.” She shifted closer to me and didn’t seem to notice that the silk sheet had slipped a little around her bosom.

That brief glimpse of her gorgeous breasts reminded me that we were both naked and separated by a flimsy piece of silk and cotton. My body was more than ready, heating, pulsing with need to reacquaint itself with her lush curves. Rolling, I draped one of my legs over one of hers, effectively trapping her under me. Her curves sank perfectly into my hard contours. Everything about her felt right. My cock was rock hard, and I was hoping like hell our discussion was at an end.

“Nor is it what you think,” she was saying.

Jesus, I tried to concentrate and remember what the hell we were even talking about. Oh yeah, right, she was talking about her abilities, which I was still oblivious to.

“But you, sir…” Kat continued, frowning up at me as though she only now realized that she was under me, and my cock was almost trying to poke a hole in her belly.

She cleared her throat, but she still sounded hoarse when she spoke. “You need to own your shit and tell me about these bitches you intended to marry for life.” She tried to shift, but there was no give in my hold over her. “Be glad that I no longer feel the need to slice your balls off.”

“My balls and I thank you.” I grinned, so damn glad that she had lost that “I’m going to kick your ass to the curb” vibe. I don’t know if I could survive losing her now. I have no idea when she became so essential to me. I tightened my arms around her, praying that I didn’t fuck up enough for her to ever really want to leave.

“My relationship to Nya happened when I was much younger,” I told her softly. “However, the Giselle debacle happened two years before I met you. I was going through a phase when I was tired of being alone, and I thought Giselle understood the work that I did. I can’t say that I loved her. She was beautiful, a damn great agent, and complemented my life perfectly, at least that’s what I thought. After six months of living together, I thought I could trust her and tell her about who I was, what I was. However, before I did, I had to go on a last-minute assignment that took me out of the country for mere hours instead of the usual days. I think that’s why I surprised her. She wasn’t expecting me back so soon. She was in our bed with one of her fellow agents.”

“Jesus! Now I don’t feel so bad about what happened to her.”

It was my turn to be confused. “Why? What happened to her?”

Kat told me about Dr. Everette’s double-cross, and to say that I was stunned was putting it mildly. I was pissed that Giselle betrayed me, but I wouldn’t wish that kind of death on anyone.

Kat didn’t seem to have that problem.

I laughed. “You’re so damn bloodthirsty,” I teased. I sobered when I thought about my disastrous engagements. “I never told you about Nya and Giselle because I don’t like talking about them. For what it’s worth, those relationships were experiences in my life that I wanted to forget. They weren’t actions that I was particularly proud of. I choose two women who were liars and cheats, and quite frankly, neither spoke well of my ability to be a good judge of character.”

She turned into me and wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me softly. It was a kiss that told me how much she cared with no hint of the usual raw passion between us. As though anticipating my hurt, she was clearly trying to heal me, not turn me on. I wanted to tell her that neither of those women hurt me. They bruised my pride, caused me to question my judgment, but they never touched my heart. Nothing like what would happen if Kat did any of those things to me.

“There’s nothing wrong with trusting someone,” she told me softly. “What happened to you reflects the evil in those women, and that’s not on you. That reminds me, I owe Elizabeth an ass-whoopin’. She sold Dr. Reiner your sperm.”


“I know, story for another day, but that bitch’s rent is due. And it may be important that you know that they are holding Dr. Reiner in a government facility in Alaska. That too, we need to discuss later.”

I couldn’t wrap my head around that betrayal. I shouldn’t have been surprised after her stunt at Colt’s house, but I was not only surprised, I was gutted. She had been my girlfriend for two years, the longest relationship with a woman I’d ever had besides Kat. It made me even more grateful for the friendship and trust I had with Kat.

“Despite those trifling bitches, it would be sad if we all went around not trusting anyone, always expecting the worse in others. People can do evil things to each other; no one knows that better than you and me. You’ve lived and experienced wars, you took down so many dangerous monsters on a daily basis, but yet you’re still you, still the gentlest man I know. I love that even after those experiences, experiences that would have made most men bitter, you still try to keep so many people safe, you still try to do good things for others. I feel honored that you’re ours, mine and the boys.” She kissed me again and mumbled against my lips, “I want you to know that I will never knowingly hurt you like that.”

This woman was killing me. I started to feel bad that I wasn’t being completely honest with her. She thought that those women were my fiancées in the last ten years. She didn’t know that I was engaged to Nya almost fifty years ago. “Ah lass, I know you won’t because I will never let you go.” I wanted her with me always. I couldn’t breathe without her. I couldn’t live without her, and I didn’t want to. “I would destroy anyone who even tried to take you away from me.” I covered her lips with mine. It was time I showed her that, as far as I’m concerned, she’s my only fiancée, the only one to become my wife. And she was the bean chéile mo chroí, wife of my heart.

Discarding the towel from around my waist and the sheet from her body, I deepened our kiss, loving how her body instantly curled into mine, instantly responding to my passion. Matched it and stoked it. Passion for passion. I loved how our senses seemed to sync and fuse. The feel of her soft skin and her addictive taste ratcheted up desire so intense it felt as though every nerve in my body was live-wired and electrified.

She flipped me to my back in such a determined, sexually aggressive manner that it turned me on even more. There was nothing sexier than having your woman want you with such manic desperation that she simply took what she wanted. Slowly, provocatively, she moved over me, starting at my lips, my neck, my chest, my chiselled stomach, kissing, nipping, sucking, and licking me as though I were the sweetest treat she’d ever tasted, and she simply couldn’t get enough. She moved over me with the slow sultriness of a sex kitten and touched me with such sensuality, such reverence that my blood pumped through my veins like hot lava.

I grunted and growled out my approval, my wholehearted endorsement of her possession of my body. She owned me.

She gripped my cock in both palms, stroking it up and down with her fingers closing tightly around the steely length. She then licked the dark pink, taut bulbous head with a long swipe of her tongue, repeating the action over and over again and then licking the hard veiny columns with the same maddening enjoyment.

“Ah fuck!” I was hard as fuck and starting to leak. If I didn’t get inside her soon, I was going to lose my damn mind. “For God’s sake, suck me or fuck me,” I growled, unable to hold my shit together and withstand the teasing a moment longer.

“How about I do both?” She smiled at me slyly and licked me again before opening her lips over my hard tip with a sexy, ravenous suck. Her hot mouth closed around my cock and sucked me in so deep that my world narrowed to an intense sensual maze that I didn’t have a hope in hell of surviving. With her beautiful soft hair draped over my hips and the hard tips of her breasts abrading my thighs with each rhythmic suction of my cock, her mouth became my own personal hell and personal haven all in one. Twisting and curling her tongue around my cock with a dexterity worthy of a gymnastic feat, she sucked me in so damn deep it was one of the most erotic experiences in my life.

I was a limp mess, and in a sexual lethargy, after a spine-bending climax that should have put me on my ass for the rest of the night, but then she slithered seductively up my body. I was suddenly alive again. Her magnificent breasts swayed provocatively, her voluptuous ass in a slow sultry roll, and her back arched at an impossible angle, causing her long hair to flow behind her, caressing my legs as she sheathed my cock in her heat.

She was my own visual fantasy of a sexy, hot woman, and I was hard and pulsing like a fucking teenage boy in seconds. It was beyond shocking what this woman, a virgin days ago, had reduced me to. She slid up and down my cock slowly and with deliciously seductive provocation. My cock encased in her sopping wet, velvety walls had me growling in ecstasy, gritting my teeth to stop from splintering prematurely.

She wore the sexiest knowing smile on her face as she grinded and rolled her hips on my granite length in a sultry dance as old as time.

Groaning and rasping deep in my throat as though I were drawing my last breath, I gripped her ass to hold her just there as I corkscrewed into her, wanting to get her as brainless as I was before I climaxed again. Feeling a fierce tingle shooting up my spine, I knew I was a fucking goner, too damn close, but I was determined to bring her along. I latched onto the hard tip of her breast and was fucking glad to hear her soft pleas. She cried out with each tag of my lips around her taut flesh and her walls tightened like a vise around my cock, choking, squeezing, sucking my bruising cock deep inside of her. I swerved my head and took the other nipple into my mouth, tugging hard on the plump peak as I tunneled hard and deep up into her with fevered urgency.

I couldn’t withstand the intense passion between us a moment longer. My control snapped, and I lost my damn mind as I fucked her. Every nerve ending, every thought splintered and fractured as I exploded into her. Her scream of release was a fucking symphony to my ears, to my senses because I had nothing left. The ecstasy to be found in her arms was a fucking drug. Had to be. Otherwise, why was I on her again in the next hour, just as fucking crazed as before?