Forbidden Romance by Lena Lucas



My obsession for her was what fueled me, made me this madman, this stalker so I knew where she was at all times so I could protect her if need be.

I ran a hand over my jaw, scruff covering my cheeks, shaving far down on my priority list.

Already half an hour had passed. And it was thirty fucking minutes too long.

Each second dragged by, taunting me, a painful reminder that she was what I needed more than anything else.

The clock above the clubhouse fireplace taunted—laughed at my fucking impatience—from its position, and I wanted to hurtle the beer bottle in my hand at it, knocking the fucker down so I didn’t have to stare at it any longer.

Christ, I needed to see her.

The club members were laughing at something, probably from an obscene joke, but I couldn’t focus on anything but the time.

The patch members of the Cruel Sons MC weren’t only my brothers at arms and by patch, but also close as brothers even though it wasn’t by blood. We’d been through a hell of a lot over the years, and I knew they’d always have my back. But even so… I’d never admitted the deepest secret I kept buried inside.

Where is she?

I scrubbed my hand over my face and exhaled, trying to force myself to settle and my expression to not be so fucking severe, which I was pretty sure is was.

She’s late.

I made sure I was at the clubhouse at the same time every single fucking day, all because I knew she’d be here then.

I waited. And waited. Hell, I’d wait for the rest of my life if it meant I’d get to see Willow.

And like a lovesick adolescent, I kept glancing restlessly at the door every few seconds. Where was she? Why wasn’t she here yet? The very protective instinct in me to watch over her rose up viciously. I needed to see her. I needed to burn every curve of her delicate body into my mind over and over again.

I needed to validate every detail of her face that was seared into my memories.

My body was on edge, my skin scorching hot and tight in anticipation. I was already hard, the length thick and firm like steel as it pressed against the zipper of my jeans. I didn’t even have to see Willow to have this reaction. I just had to think of her.

That’s how much she affected me.

Willow Levaine, the daughter of Boone, one of our own, a fallen MC member, was innocent as much as she was strong. And I’d loved her for years.

And no one could ever tell me she didn’t feel the same way for me. Each and every single time our eyes met, there was one hell of a connection between us. I imploded, overcome by my sheer obsession with her.

I wasn't a patient man, especially not when it came to the only woman I’d ever loved. When I saw something I wanted, I took it. I was capable of it. Years spent honing my body and mind pushed me to the top of the food chain, to the VP spot of our club, then to the coveted ranking of Prez in our club. And although the latter was done by tragedy, I took my position as leader really fucking seriously.

Every man here respected and feared me, and rightfully so. I was without equal, ruthless, cunning in my ways to get the club what it needed and wanted.

Yet I denied what I needed and wanted. Her. Willow. A goddness in her own right, and the only woman who would ever own my heart.

Although I’d never told anyone about my love and desire for Willow, everyone knew to stay away from her. I might not have said the words aloud, but the possessive look I carried when she was near no doubt said a hell of a lot.

I had no fucking doubt the other club members definitely noticed the raw tension Willow and I had, the unspoken need and desire. But they knew better than to call me out on my infatuation—my love—for her.

From the moment I saw Willow, I knew she was something special. My love for her started as brotherly, wanting to protect her, needing to make sure she was happy. I’d never seen her as anything more than the daughter of a club member. But as the years passed and she grew into the beautiful, smart woman she was today, my feelings for her had shifted into so much more.

I’d been celibate for years, well before I ever learned of Willow’s existence. I’d been too focused on getting my life in order and had no time for females. I had no desire for them. Then I joined the club, and it took up my life and my focus. I had a purpose, and I arrived at making a name for myself within the MC.

But when I realized I loved Willow—was in love with her—all bets were off, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from her forever.

But I would’ve never have crossed lines like that with her, never disrespected a fellow patch by going after his daughter. That would have no doubt caused tension in the ranks, and this club was my life, the members of my family. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—fuck that up.

And when tragedy struck, when Boone passed away, leaving Willow alone and this hole in the club, I knew I had to step up. We all stepped up. She always knew she wasn’t alone. She may have been a grown woman, but we’d never abandon her. We loved her.

And I was in love with her.

And as I glanced at the club’s front doors then around the room, I noticed members eyeing me. They knew mentioning my obsession was off limits. They might be a gang full of men who were powerful, dangerous members of a motorcycle club, but they still knew their place in this club.

I stared at the other club members, eyeing each of them. They were busy with mundane, random shit. Good. And I knew from past experiences they’d stay like this, even when she came to the clubhouse. They’d give her friendly hugs, talk to her about what was new with her. Genuinely interested in what she was up to, but that was how far it ever went.

Because they knew.

Because wanting Willow was forbidden here. I’d made that the damn law. Everyone knew I’d fucking rip them to shreds if they even thought about doing anything else with her, pursuing more with her. And I had played it off back in the day as just watching out for her… but hadn’t given a shit about concealing my intentions lately.

Because I can’t stop wanting her. I won’t stop loving her. And the only way to ease my torment is to make her mine.

The air was thick and sluggish inside our clubhouse, the scent of stale cigars and old beer lingering in the main living area we all congregated at. And I realized that whenever Willow was here, everything seemed… better. The air was fresher, as if she brought with her a purifying ray of warmth where she went. Every step she took cleansed the gritty world we lived in. She made every dark, dirty, dangerous secret of mine feel like just a part of my character, like it didn’t define the man I was at my core.

I was once a brooding outcast, always alone and empty inside. But then Willow’s father Boone introduced me to the motorcycle club life. I’d been reluctant at first, thinking I’d never truly fit in. Hell, I never had anywhere. But the MC embraced me, made me one of their own, and I never looked back.

Fuck, where is she?

I started pacing, feeling like a caged lion.

She was the only thing that could smooth out the rough edges of me, and she didn’t even know it. I’d found my missing piece in her. The way to make me whole.

I owed a lot to Boone. Without him, I didn’t know where my life would be. Probably still starting drunken fights in bars and aimlessly numbing myself with alcohol.

And I turned my life around, even if I was a member of a notorious motorcycle club.

I was going to be the man Willow needed, someone worthy of her.

Turning my attention to the wall that housed all the pictures of current and past members, I stopped on Boone’s image. Though he passed years ago, his presence was still here, like a father to our motorcycle club, a president always in our hearts. It was out of respect for him that I hadn’t claimed Willow as mine when he’d been alive, and even still after he passed.

But I can’t wait anymore. I can’t, and I won’t. I need her as mine and by my side always.

I still remembered the day Boone introduced the club to his daughter. She stood next to him, this tiny little thing not even half my height, and yet her smile radiated such warmth that the intensity of her presence left me in awe.

I knew even then she was someone special, and I vowed to always look after her and make sure she never got hurt. We all had.

The storm today had come on strong and hard during the middle of the night, with cracks of lightning and booms of thunder. It hadn’t let up an ounce throughout the day, but even through the racket, I heard the low rumble of an engine approaching the clubhouse.

No one got onto the property unless they were part of the club or strictly allowed, the massive gates keeping any unwelcome assholes out. The prospects kept a lock and chain on the damn gate for just this reason and only opened it for those we knew.

And I knew it was Willow.

My heart raced, and I got jacked up at just the thought of seeing her.

God, she’s my addiction, and I need my fix.

I’d never been a particularly patient man, and the distance between Willow and me—meaning I hadn’t claimed her as mine—was becoming unbearable. Seeing her wasn’t enough anymore. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, to show her… to fuck her so hard she’d know it with every fiber of her being that she was it for me.

Even the thought of it, of laying her out on my bed and devouring every inch of her, got me so fucking hard my cock ached fiercely. I reached down to adjust myself so my raging hard-on wasn’t noticeable.

I swirled the glass of whiskey in my hand and brought it to my lips, savoring the strong taste as it filled my mouth. I imagined what Willow would taste like, no doubt the honey between her thighs the sweetest I’d ever taste. I wanted to feel her juices coat my tongue and slide down my throat.

I groaned and finished off the liquor before setting the glass down and staring at the front doors, willing them to open.

Time’s tormenting slowness gave me too much opportunity to fantasize, and I was getting too fucking aroused with no outlet for that need.

And then the doors opened, and she walked in.

My gaze was hyper-focused on her. Nothing else mattered. The storm continued to rage outside, thunder booming behind Willow as she stepped fully into the clubhouse and shook off her soaked umbrella.

She was drenched, her clothes clinging to her curvy-as-fuck body. My gaze was riveted to her breasts as her white T-shirt plastered to the huge mounds.

I groaned and lifted a hand to my mouth, running my palm over my cheeks and jaw as her little nipples stabbed through the cotton.

Sweet Jesus.

Every sound and sight around me faded away as I stared at her… as it always did when she entered the room. It was just Willow for me.

It was as clear as her innocence, something incredibly rare. I didn’t doubt that she was a virgin, and while I wanted to be the one to take that from her, I wanted her to want me to have it.

And then Willow’s eyes scanned the entire room before settling on me. I realized she’d been searching me out.

My heart jackknifed in my chest at that realization.

Her smile lit up when our eyes met, and the heat emanating from her slammed right into me so fiercely I actually placed a hand on my chest and rubbed my palm over my heart.

Her dark hair was damp, the umbrella unable to withstand the wind and rain. The black strands framed her face, laying against her fair skin. Her eyes were so big and blue, and the light smattering of freckles made her look so damn innocent. During the summer, those little spots that dotted the tops of her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose darkened from the sun and made her even more gorgeous.

And then there were her lips, so red and plump, and so fucking sexy to me.

I let my gaze slip farther downward, looking at every feminine dip and hollow, every curve and sway of her body.

God, her body was so incredibly curvaceous.

The sight of her pushed me into absolute fucking arousal and had my cock so damn hard the length strained against the zipper of my worn jeans. She was standing less than ten feet away from me, every male part of me rising up violently. She looked so fucking sexy that it took every ounce of my willpower not to stalk toward her, throw her over my shoulder, and haul her sweet ass to my bed to claim her.

Her gaze flickered away from me, and I followed it, noticing the prospect standing beside her. I glowered before reality came crashing in when I realized he’d be able to see her gorgeous breasts and straining nipples as easily as I was. Fuck, she was beautiful, her curves enough to make my mouth water, causing me to nearly drop to my knees and worship the ground she walked on.

Who the fuck am I kidding? I already worship her.

I didn’t even want that little shit talking to Willow, let alone getting a glimpse of her sinful body.

I glanced around to make sure none of the other club members were staring at her. Because the truth was, if I caught anyone checking her out, or even inadvertently looking at her in that way, I would have seriously lost my shit.

I found myself stalking toward him, other members moving out of my way. I was aware of a low, deep sound filling the room and realized it came from me. He wasn’t allowed to even fucking stand in front of her when she looked like that… all sexy as fuck. He needed to leave, because his damn life depended on it right now.

She’s mine, motherfucker.