Forbidden Romance by Lena Lucas



The storm was awful outside, and that should have been my main concern and how I was soaked. I felt my shirt plastered to my breasts, and I was pretty sure my nipples were hard as hell too. It was cold outside, the rain feeling frigid on my chest, and I should’ve been embarrassed that anyone could see I was sporting some serious THO—titty hard-on. But I also didn’t want to draw attention to that part of my body by picking my shirt away from my chest or covering them up with my also soaked jacket.

But instead of caring about any of that, I’d been more consumed with getting here and seeing Colton.

I’d been looking forward to visiting the clubhouse all day. Who am I kidding? I always look forward to coming to the MC because of him.

Colton Phoenix, President of the Cruel Sons MC. He’d taken over the coveted position after my father passed, and they couldn't have picked a better man for the job. He was as ruthless as he was fair. And he always put the club first, which was what any great prez did.

My gaze kept searching him out. I could feel his eyes on me, and I tried to act like it didn’t affect me, but God it did. So badly.

I always told myself I came to the clubhouse daily because I loved everyone here, and of course that was true, but I didn't need to visit daily to show them I cared. The truth was I came here because I wanted to see Colton.

The MC had always been my second home, but as I got older and started becoming more independent with my life, and after I started going to college, I tried to build a life for myself. I didn’t want to be dependent on the club but would always know they were here for me if need be.

And at twenty, I was doing a pretty good job of living my life. I had my own apartment, paid my own bills, and although my job was with the MC—organizing their financials and going over them for any discrepancies—I took my job seriously. It was what I was going to school for, my business degree, to be able to help the club and my life.

I could hear the prospect next to me rambling on about his day, but I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't remember his name but knew he was a fairly recent addition to the club and still had most of his obligatory year as a prospect ahead of him. Instead, I let my thoughts drift.

I reached a really low and dark point in my life after my father passed. I’d never had a mother figure to rely on, and the only place I could turn was the motorcycle club. Everyone here was rough around the edges, had crude attitudes, but that was reserved for those they didn’t love, who weren't family.

And even when they couldn’t offer the right words of comfort during that hard time after my father—their president and a brother figure—they were accepting of my tears.

I felt safe here, amongst these men who were so big and muscular, a foot taller and wider than me, and over double my weight. Gentle giants… that’s what they were to me.

It may have been strange to an outsider, but this was my home, and the men within this MC were my family.

And I was in love with one of them.

My gaze went right back to Colton. He watched me. He always watched me, and I liked it. God, I loved it so much that he couldn’t seem to keep his gaze off me, and every time our eyes met, and each time we spoke, a thick and heavy tension filled the air in the best of ways.

Sexual tension.

Colton was the biggest and strongest man here by far, and everyone looked up to him, as they should. But it wasn’t just because he was the leader of the Cruel Sons. It was because he just exuded confidence and authority, and everyone was helpless not to fall in line.

Not to mention he’d level anyone who went against him or the club.

But I sensed that there was a kind, fiercely compassionate side to Colton, one that would cross mountains and oceans in the name of love.

Every time I came to the clubhouse, my eyes immediately searched for him. I just couldn’t help myself. And today was no different. My heart clenched in longing at the sight of Colton. He had this scowl on his face as he looked at the prospect standing beside me—who was still talking about something having to do with grease and car parts. I took that time to appraise Colton and check him out shamelessly.

His arms were so big and muscular, triple the size of mine. He held so much power. I instantly got wet and clenched my thighs together. His shoulders were wide, his chest broad. Although he was fully dressed, his shirt stretched across all that hardness, showing all that power that lay beneath the surface.

The fire behind him cast shadows along his form, seeming to make him appear even bigger, almost sinister. Although I knew that was farthest from the truth.

His gaze held a dark and ferocious intensity even greater than the fire as the flames ate away at the wood.

“So what do you think?”

I reluctantly tore my gaze away from Colton to look at the prospect. He seemed pretty expectant of whatever my reply would be, although I couldn’t have answered him if my life depended on it. I hadn’t even heard a word he said.

“Uh,” I said and felt my face heat as embarrassment clawed its way up in me.

Instinctively, I glanced back over to where Colton was and felt my eyes widen as he stalked toward us, this harsh, dangerous look on his face as he glared at the prospect.

“You might want to leave,” I found myself warning him. I didn’t know what had set Colton off, but he was gunning for the kid, that was for sure.

“Leave? Why…?” His voice trailed off as he noticed Colton heading straight our way, a murderous glare on his face.

“Fucking beat it,” Colton growled, and the prospect stumbled away, murmuring something incoherent as he all but ran in the other direction.

I faced Colton, seeing that dark and deadly look still on his face as he glared at where the other guy scurried off to. And when he swung his head back in my direction, his expression softened as his gaze roamed over my face.

He was less than a foot away, and I felt myself sway at his close proximity and the dark, spicy scent that surrounded him. I knew it wasn’t cologne, knew Colton didn’t care one way or the other about smelling good for others. No, the scent that came from him was all him, all male, and turned me on like nothing else in this world.

I so badly wanted to press myself up against him, bury my face against his chest, and just let him hold me. I wanted to hear him whisper words against my ear that I’d always fantasized about.

“I want you.”

“You’re mine.”

“No one else will ever have you, Willow.”

“Was he bothering you?” Colton asked in that deep, baritone voice of his, the same one that always made my toes curl in desire. His tone was harsh, as if he were itching for me to tell him that the prospect had been bothering me, just so he could go kick his ass.

“Um.” I shook my head. “No. I think he was talking about doing stuff around the clubhouse. I’m not sure, ’cause I wasn’t really paying attention.” I felt like a bitch for admitting that, but sure as hell wouldn’t tell Colton what had my focus so ensnared… like he didn’t know I’d been staring at him. “He seems like a nice kid.” I emphasized that last words in hopes Colton saw how much of a threat he wasn’t.

I smiled, realizing my voice was betraying my nervousness. I just couldn’t help myself when Colton towered over me like this.

He flicked his eyes in the direction of where the prospect had run off to, then was looking back at me. “Good. I don’t like it when those prospects talk to you. They don’t know their ass from their heads, and I have no doubts they’ll say something to offend you or cross lines.”

He sounded… possessive, but surely that was just in my head? Sure, I saw the way Colton watched me, but I always assumed maybe it was in an overprotective way because he felt loyalty to me because of my dad. But maybe… not? Maybe he wanted me like I wanted him? God, the very idea that this man—the one I was in love with—desired me so much he didn’t want any other man talking to me turned me on far more than it should.

Colton once again frowned,his eyebrows furrowing deeply as he glanced over at the prospect, who had to still be in sight. Why else would Colton keep shooting daggers at the poor guy?

“He’s new here, right?” I asked, and Colton glanced back at me and gave me a hard nod. “Cut him some slack,” I said, smiling, my tone light. “No doubt you scare the shit out of him, and he probably looks up to you. I’m sure he is beating himself up right now, wondering what he did to get on your bad side.”

Colton exhaled and lifted a hand to rub it along the back of his neck. I was riveted to the sight of his bicep bunching, all that muscle and power arousing me so much.

“Yeah. You’re right. But it’s hard not to knock little shits down a peg or two where you’re concerned.”

I tipped my head to the side and lifted a brow. “Where I’m concerned?” I had to smile at that. So protective. He was so aggressive when it came to me, scaring off anyone he considered a threat. “I’ll have you know,” I teased, “that I manage to knock little assholes down a peg or two at school every day.” I chuckled, maybe being a little extravagant in my descriptions. It wasn’t like guys hit on me every day. Hell, not even once a week, or even once a month. Maybe I had some invisible STAY FAR AWAY sign hanging over my head? But the couple who had made a play at me had been shut down instantly by a hand in their face and a firm shake of my head.

Because I want Colton. Only Colton.

Colton scowled even more and crossed his thick arms over his wide chest. “Are there little fuckers bothering you, Willow?”

God, his voice was so deep it caused chills to race over my arms.

“’Cause I’ll drive you to class and pick you up every day if it means they’ll stay the hell back.”

I licked my lips and shook my head. “No, it’s fine. I was mainly joking.” I smiled, hoping it reached my eyes. “I’m as invisible as it comes to the opposite sex.”

He grunted. “Invisible, my ass. They notice you, believe me.”

My face felt like it was on fire from his words.

“Besides, I’m pretty sure no one at the clubhouse, especially a prospect, would ever be a threat to me.” I reached out and touched his forearm, not sure why I did it. My hand looked so tiny in comparison to his broad, commanding frame, his thick, muscular forearm. Colton looked back up at me, pausing at my lips, which I felt tremble under the sheer force of his stare. I felt his muscle tense under my touch. I snatched my hand away and murmured, “Sorry.”

“No. You don’t ever apologize to me.” He cleared his throat. “And I like you… touching me.”

I felt my eyes widen at his admission.

A few seconds passed, and neither of us said anything. Colton’s gaze flickered down to my lips again, which I realized I was nibbling on, as if I wanted him to keep his focus trained right on that part of my body.

And so I felt brazen and bold as I let my own gaze wander down his monstrous body until I felt my eyes widen at a very large and obvious bulge behind the fly of his jeans.

Then, Colton let out a very soft grunting noise, and reality came crashing back to me. I snapped my eyes back to his face, realizing I had just been staring at his massive erection in the middle of the clubhouse, where any of the members could have seen.

Heat flooded my cheeks once more.

“I should get to work,” I said, stuttering slightly from my nerves, embarrassment, but mostly from my arousal. I turned away and rushed into the back room, and even though I didn't look back at Colton, I felt his eyes trained on me the entire time.

And it felt… hungry.

Once in the back room, I leaned against the now closed door, closed my eyes, and strained to gather my composure again. But it felt pointless. He made me burn alive, and I honestly didn’t know how much more of this torment I could withstand. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I was terrified things would be weird after.

And things aren’t already weird now? I can’t even be in front of him without my pussy getting uncomfortably wet.

God, I wanted him so bad, and I knew I had to do something. I had to be honest with Colton.