Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 12 ~ Lukas Von Bayern


I lay down beside my sleeping wife. She had suffered more than necessary, but she was stubborn. I hated that I had to punish her so much, but her pride was stronger than her common sense.

I thought that she had been beautiful when she stood up in the cave, but now I saw that she was more beautiful when she was tied down and taking a punishment and taking her pleasure. It would be hard work to get her to like me, but with time, I believed that she would. I was already starting to like her. She had spirit.

I may never trust her. Trust had to be earned, and I doubted that I could forgive her for what her family did to my people while we were at war. I owed it to them to make sure that my wife didn’t bring anymore turmoil to my people.

I would watch her and control her, but I’d never trust her.

I decided that I would hold her in my arms all night. If she moved or tried to do anything, such as kill me, I would feel it and wake up.

Thinking about what she might do now made me worry that I might not sleep properly for a long time. My people needed me well-rested so I could oversee the restoration of my lands. I planned to a have a trading post build where the Werdenfels castle had stood so no castle could ever be built there again.

I fell asleep surprisingly quickly with her wrapped up in my arms.


I felt her move. My eyes flew open. I was face to face with my angel. She feared me. I could see it in her eyes. It might be more appropriate to say that she feared what I could make her do.

Did you sleep well, wife?” I asked her, trying to provoke her. I wanted to lay her over my lap so I could punish her apple red arse some more, or at least so I could rub it and feel its warmth.

She tried to pull away from me. “We have to break our fast, my lord husband.”

I held onto her so she couldn’t get away from me. She refused to look me in the eye. She was filled with shame.

Was there a chance for us? Could she learn that what she and her family had done was wrong?

Sofie, lie down.”

I’m sure they’re waiting for us, my lord husband.” She was getting good about addressing me as I taught her. She must want to avoid being punished at all costs.

Obey me,” I whispered, testing her.

Her forehead wrinkled up with worry. She understood me all too well. I rolled on top of her, pushing her down.

I need an heir. You will give me one. Open your legs.”

A shudder went through her body. She stared at me, not moving her eyes away.

I knew her well enough to know where she needed to be touched and how. I laid my finger over her bud and stroked her like water beating on the shore of the lake.

Her hands went to my arms, holding onto me. “I choose punishment instead.”

Punishment won’t put an heir in you. Only fucking will.”

Set me aside. You could tell people that I didn’t satisfy you. Once I’m crowned, it will be too late. You have to do it now.”

It’s never too late to set a wife aside, but I’m not worried about that. I want you where I can see you. I want to know if you’re hatching more plans.”

What plans?”

The kind that get innocent people killed,” I told her.

I never killed anyone. I swear I never have.”

Not you personally, but you made plans with your father to get my throne. People died because of your plans. Don’t you realize that?”

We made no such plans. You attacked us first because my father wouldn’t let you have me. He heard what sort of a man you were. You proved last night that the rumors were true.” The look of confusion and accusation on her face made me wonder for a short moment. I had never been rough with a woman before. I had wanted to, but I denied myself. Then, I reminded myself that my wife was a very conniving woman. She had to know what was happening.

Don’t lie to me, Sofie. You won’t like the results if you do.”

If there was a plot, I didn’t know of it. My father told me to marry Prince Frederick, and I did to protect our lands and our people. That’s all I know. But my father never would have done that. It made no sense. We were too small to attack anyone. Werdenfels didn’t have an army.”

I wish I could believe you, but I don’t. I’ve lost my trust in your family. We used to be good neighbors.”

And now everything belongs to you. You’re the one who gained everything.”

Obey me, wife. I told you to open your legs.”

She took a deep breath and obeyed me. It was a marvelous sight to behold. Her body opening for me. I was able to stroke her with ease. She threw her head back and closed her eyes. She liked what I was doing and hated herself for liking it. I had her right where I wanted her.

Slowly, her body started to move. Ever so slightly, her hips rocked up towards me. It was a wondrous sight indeed. It gave me a chance to look at her body. Her pale skin was so soft, her limbs were soft and the swell of her breasts and roundness of her hips was making me ache with hardness to fuck her.

I brought her to the brink almost giving her what she needed, and then I stopped. “Remember, you fuck me, not the other way around.”

Slowly, I eased into her, enjoying every inch that plowed into her. It took all of my strength to pull back and wait for her to move forward. “Come, wife. I told you to obey me. I want you to fuck me.”

I can’t.” She shook her head.

You’re a woman. Wives obey their husbands. That is how the Lord God wants it.”

I can’t. Forgive me, but I can’t.” She pleaded with her eyes. I could feel how wet she was. She wanted me, and she wouldn’t have protested if I tried to make love to her, but forcing her to do it, was difficult for her.

I didn’t want to be cruel, but her plan had also been cruel. As her husband, it was my duty to punish her any way I saw fit. I wanted her to feel pain and learn from it. I wanted her to feel shame for what she had done and know that I had the power to shame her. I wanted her to know that I would forget her feelings and do what I had to do to be a good husband to her. The end result was more important than her momentary feelings.

I told you to fuck me.” I grabbed onto her breasts, allowing them to fill my hands as I squeezed and pinched the nipples between my fingers.

She moaned again, this time with pain and pleasure. It amazed me how responsive she was to my touches. After one night together, I felt that we had been made for each other. It was as if God had crafted her especially for me.

I fit into her perfectly.

She whimpered as I squeezed her breasts harder. Her nipples were perked up and a deep red as they harden, poking into the palms of my hands as I relaxed my hold on them.

Sofie moved towards me, pushing down against me, taking my cock deeper into her body. I exhaled with relief. I couldn’t have stayed still a moment longer. I needed her now.

Her eyes closed as if she were drifting off to sleep, and she licked her lips as her legs wrapped around me. I felt as if I were trapped, as if I couldn’t get away because she was pulling me closer, making me think of nothing but her, and her body, and how it made my body feel.

Her hips shifted forward and back, taking me deeper and almost releasing me as she made sad noises. I wasn’t filling her like she needed me to. I fought not to take her as I needed and as she needed for as long as I could, but then I had to take her, and I did so with great force.

She clung to me and screamed out yes as she came. Her body shook with passion.

You’re a very naughty wife. You’re only allowed to come when I give you permission to,” I told her when my racing heart had settled down.

I don’t understand,” she told me with bated breath. Her hand was over her heart, and she hadn’t returned from her petite mort yet. Her little death lasted longer than mine did.

The feeling at the end. The one that freed you. First, it builds, and then you think you might die, but you can’t stop it. You may only do that if I allow it.”

I don’t think that I could have stopped it,” she told me truthfully.

You will learn control.”

How?” she asked me.

I’ll punish you if you don’t listen to me.”

But you wanted to lay with me. It was your idea,” she protested.

This is your only warning. We need to get up and go to your coronation.”

She gave me a sour look, but she obeyed me. I’d teach her what I wanted from her. She had a whole lifetime to learn.