Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 14 ~ Sofie Von Bayern


On the night of my coronation, I once again found myself bound to the rack Prince Burkhart had made for me. I felt more like a criminal than a princess.

This evening, I was bound to it, but I was facing into the room. I was standing with my feet planted soundly on the floor, but my legs were spread wide apart. My wrists were slightly behind my body, fastened to the contraption. My breasts protruded out from my body. The rack shook as I tested its hold on me.

The Lion was pleased with how he had me bound. He peeked at me often.

This evening, he was dressed and working at his desk as I waited for what he would do to me. I told myself that I wouldn’t cry out this time. He could punish me all he liked, and I wouldn’t scream, and I wouldn’t get wet. That I definitely wouldn’t do.

Abruptly, he set his quill down and rose from his desk. He strode across the vast room and stood looking at me.

Tears gathered in my eyes.

Let’s discuss your behavior today,” he said.

Yes, my lord husband.” I took a deep breath to calm my soul as I waited for him to do what he planned to do to me.

You spent hours in the chapel after your coronation when you should have been celebrating with our guests,” he stated.

I nodded at him. That was true, but I hadn’t wanted to join him and sit beside him or linger behind him because I couldn’t bear to sit down.

Why did you avoid me?” he demanded to know.

I said nothing and stared at him dumbly. Couldn’t he guess why I hadn’t gone into the hall after I had let everyone greet me and congratulate me?

The crown on my head, which was the only thing that I was wearing at the moment, shifted to the side and weighed heavy on my left ear. He had placed it on my head after he had tied me down to his hateful contraption. “Even a Princess has to listen to her Prince,” he said, righting my crown.

Why did you avoid me?” he repeated.

Because I feared that you would insist that I eat something.”

Why didn’t you want to eat?”

Because I feared that you would force me to sit down, and I couldn’t, not another minute,” I confessed.

As I recall, you didn’t eat breakfast either.” Anger flashed in his eyes. “Don’t you realize that you have to eat to keep up your strength? Taking your punishments will cost you every last bit of your strength,” he scolded me.

He strode over to the door. Although he was mad, his movements were always elegant, in spite of his size and strength.

He barked at his squire to go to the kitchen and fetch a plate of food for me. He also requested a bottle of red wine.

When he turned around and looked at me, a chill went through my body. “I’ll punish you for not eating until your meal arrives. It might take a while for him to wake up the cook.” The corners of his mouth rose up.

He went to his trunk and opened it. “I made this for you. I was thinking I would use it on you when you’re with child, but it should do to punish your delicate front.”

I had no idea what he was talking about. He was holding a stick in his hand that had brown ribbons attached to the top. It made me think about a May tree.

When he came closer, I saw that they weren’t ribbons. They were long thin straps of leather attached to the stick. I didn’t understand what he meant to do with it, but I hadn’t understood the rack either, and it had turned out to be a devise to hurt me.

He had a firm hold on the thick round stick and dashed forward to hit me. The tiny bits of leather slapped against my skin. I gasped and jumped as the leather touched the tip of my right breast. The pain was barely noticeable, but I had been surprised.

Then he whipped my other breast.

He whipped back and forth, hitting one breast and then the other. My breasts were no longer white, instead they were a light pink color. They were starting to feel warm.

I could tell that he enjoyed whipping them. He grinned the entire time.

As he continued, a warmth started to spread over the front of my body. My breasts were now painfully warm, and my core was molten with need for his manhood.

I feel dizzy,” I told him.

That’s because you didn’t eat. I will punish you every time you don’t eat.”

It would have embarrassed me to eat in standing, and I couldn’t have sat a second longer,” I confessed. The words spilled out of me. I didn’t care about anything other than getting him to stop the delicate burn spreading across my breasts. “Please rub out the burn, my lord husband.”

He gave me a curious look as if he doubted my veracity. Then he dropped his stick to the floor and stepped closer to me. “The pain can’t be that bad,” he stated, reaching for my pink globes.

He kneaded them and tugged on them, pulling and tugging on my nipples as I panted, trying to calm down.

You do seem to hunger for my touch,” he commented.

I wish to go to bed now, my lord husband.”

It’s exactly as I thought. You are too weak for your punishments. You will eat when your food arrives, and then I will punish you again. I won’t stop until you beg me to fuck you and fill you with my seed.” He stared in my eyes as he spoke.

A chill went through my body.

It had been different when he said those things last night. The difference today was that I believed that he could make me do anything he wanted me to do. If he said I would beg, then I knew that he could and would make me do it. I was no match to his power.

He released my breasts and watched them bounce back against my body with a smile on his face.

He picked up his stick thing again. This time, he whipped the area on and around my mound. My hips rocked from side to side, knowing that the subtle warmth would soon turn to pain. My pain threshold had significantly lowered since yesterday. Today, it would go faster.

No, I told myself with determination. He would have to wait a long time for me to beg for whatever he wanted.

The burn was starting to build.

Where is that boy?” I whined, picturing him flirting with a kitchen girl.

The Lion stepped back to me and laughed. “I never thought that you would be this entertaining. I knew that you were beautiful. Everyone has heard about your beauty, but you’re more than a pretty face to make pretty stitches.”

I looked at him, wondering how he wanted me to respond to that.

I’ll keep you as my wife even when you’re old and your skin goes dry and your hair turns completely silver.”

I doubt that I’ll survive that long,” I told him in all honesty, making him laugh again.

His arms swung. He would keep his word and punish me until my food arrived.


I sighed with relief when a knock on the door sounded. The Lion had been cruelly rubbing the burn. Instead of rubbing where it truly hurt, his fingers had slipped between my folds and rubbed my bud roughly, once again telling me how wet I was for him.

He was grinning as he took my plate with the same hand that had just been between my legs.

I hoped that he would let me sit on the bed to eat and not make me sit at his desk.

I needed a dressing table as well as a screen in this room. I would request that he make me a chair with a soft cushion on it so I could sit even after a punishment.

The Lion stood in front of me with the plate in his hands, grinning. “My squire forgot the eating utensils. I don’t even have a spoon to feed you with.”

I’ll manage, my lord husband,” I told him.

No need. I’ll feed you.”

Aren’t you going to untie me?” I fought against my thick leather cuffs to no avail.

I said that I would feed you.” He picked up a piece of meat and held it to my mouth. “Bite off a piece.” He rubbed the meat across my closed lips.

I turned my head away from him. I will not eat like an animal.”

He turned away from me and set the plate down. “I’ve never met a woman as stubborn as you are. Even when it would be smarter and less painful for you to listen to me and obey me, you don’t.”

I’m sorry I’m such a grave disappointment to you, my lord husband.”

I didn’t say that,” he barked at me, making me jump. He lifted up the stick whip thing again.

I tilted my head back and looked up at the ceiling. This was getting to be more than I could bear.

I felt his hand on my chin, making me jump. I hadn’t expected a gentle touch. My eyes flashed to his.

His grasp on me tightened. He forced me to turn my head to the side. Then he kissed me gently on my cheek. “You will take your punishments. They will go on for years. Every night in this room I will punish you until I no longer dream of the men I was forced to kill because your tiny realm thought it deserved more space. You will be punished until I don’t hear the calls of young men, calling for their mother a moment before they died. Until I don’t see blood, spilling out of them, and the opened eyes on dead bodies,” he added.

I shook my head, not wanting to see what he was seeing in his mind, but I could all too easily picture what he saw when I paired it with what I heard the night Frederick’s castle was taken and destroyed. Not to mention what I saw in that cave, where Lord Burkhart found me.

I forced my chin out of his hold and looked away from him and sobbed. He would never understand that I saw the same things. Maybe not on the same scale, but I saw more than I wanted to.

You will not look away from me. You will face what part of the guilt is yours to face.”

I nodded at him. He was right. Because of me, Frederick and his men had joined the war. If my father hadn’t had a daughter to marry off, then Frederick wouldn’t have had to join the war with all of his men. I certainly hadn’t brought them luck.

That’s better.” He whipped my breasts again and stroked my bud until my hips pushed forward eagerly into his touches.

Are you going to deny that you want me? That you prefer to be stroked more than you like to be punished?” he asked me.

I shook my head. There was no point in denying what was so obvious.

That’s better. You’re learning. Now I want you to say it.”

Tears spilled out of my eyes, and I gulped, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to take the punishment for not being honest with him.

I’ll make it easy for you.” His hand returned to my middle. His fingers tapped, twisted, and turned on my hardened bud. My hips were shouting out what my lips were too shy to say.

I want you, my lord husband.” I muttered as heat filled my face and ran down my neck until my blush mixed with the red of my whipped bare breasts.

Good, now look me in the eyes and say it.” He always wanted more. No matter what I did, he would always want more.

Punish me, we both know that you’re going to do it anyway. I’ll never be able to make you happy.” I hung my head and refused to look at him.

He grabbed onto my face and forced me to look at him. “I will not fall into your trap. You’ll get what you deserve. I’ll make you do what I want until I am satisfied.” He released my face. “I haven’t made you scream out yet. My people will think that I’m losing my touch. Or worse yet, they’ll think that I’ve fallen under your spell. We can’t let that happen, can we?”

No, we can’t, my lord husband,” I agreed with him, knowing that he would do whatever he wanted no matter what I said.

You are so right, wife.” He turned away from me and went to his wardrobe. In it, he had placed his sword and his sword belt. I watched him closely as he got it out.

I sniffled when I saw it. He grinned when he saw that I was afraid. My breasts were too sensitive to take a blow from the heavy leather.

My eyes stayed on him as he returned to me, watching his every movement, but when he pulled back, I closed my eyes as tightly as I could.

Then the belt landed. I screamed as if his intent were to murder me. The front of my thighs were burning. He hadn’t used his belt on my breasts. I was relieved, but he still may thrash them.

I felt his hand, rubbing my thighs. “That hurt, didn’t it. You must be very sensitive here.”

It seems so, my lord husband.” I broke down in wretched tears.

Before I knew what was happening, I was enclosed in his arms. “You’re being so brave. Just a few more years, and I’ll have had my revenge on you.”

He was trying to be an arse and poke fun at me, but he was tenderly holding me as well. He was impossible to understand.

I was so heartbroken. I felt so alone. Everyone I knew and loved was either murdered or missing. I had no one, and the one person who did talk to me thought that I was evil and was trying to save my soul by making me hate myself.

Please, send me to the convent. I’ll never bother you again,” I pleaded.

You aren’t going to the convent. I already lost a friend to them.” He stepped away from me and picked up my plate. “You need to eat.” He pinched some green beans between his fingers and lifted the food to my mouth. “You need your strength because we are only getting started.”

He fed me bite for bite from his own fingers, and I ate, accepting the food he offered me. But every now and then, he had to stop because I was so overcome with self-sorrow that I wept like a little girl. I had lost all of my control to the point that I no longer felt as if I were a human being. I was only a soul with a body that needed to eat. I hated that he could get me to do whatever he wanted me to do.

When the plate was empty, he set it to the side and gave me some wine to wash down my food. I drank greedily, hoping that the wine would numb my senses. “Are you ready to pleasure me?” he asked me.

Yes, my lord husband.”

Immediately, he shed his vestments and stood so his left thigh was between my legs. I was practically sitting on it as he pushed against me.

I struggled with my restraints again. “Move your hips against my thigh. Show me how you plan to make love to me tonight.”

His thick thigh felt so good between my thighs that I began to rock against him before I could decide if I would obey him or not.

Were you a virgin when you married the Prince of Tirol?” he asked me, obviously doubting that I had been.

My hips stopped moving. Why did he have to ruin everything? “Yes, I was,” I replied.

He appeared to be thinking about that, but then he nodded. “Did you like making love with him?”

That is none of your business.”

Fair enough. But answer me this: Did you get wet for him like you do for me?”

That is also none of your business.”

He took hold of my chin and forced me to look at him as his thigh drove upwards, stimulating my bud. “Sofie, answer me,” he demanded.

I only had one night with him. He was loving and gentle and kind to me. I was a stranger to him, and he showed me every courtesy.”

The Lion snorted. “So he had no idea that you needed him to be rough with you. How sad. A woman like you needs to be pushed down on the bed, she needs to have her legs spread wide apart, and she needs a strong man to fuck her with all of his might.”

My body responded to his words by getting wetter for him. My core had gone soft, and I could hardly stand on my feet.

But you won’t get that from me. I would have given it to you if your father had allowed me to marry you when I asked him, but he did not, and thus you will not be loved the way you need to be. Instead, you’ll be the one fucking me. I will never make love to you.” His eyes held so much promise in them. He meant every word he said. My husband hated me.

His words were so cold that I was rendered speechless.

I tried to look away from him to hide my pain, but he grabbed onto my chin and forced me to look at him.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine, kissing me with such passion that it stole my breath away. He cupped my breast in his hand, kneading and tugging on my breasts. His body pressed down on mine as his tongue slipped into my mouth, claiming that area of my body as his.

Both of his knees were between my legs, parting them further. Then he thrust up into me, filling me with his manhood.

Fuck me,” he whispered in my ear before his lips returned to mine. His tongue thrust into my mouth. He had penetrated me in two different places at the same time.

I tried to move against him, but I didn’t have a proper hold on anything that could have given me the support I needed to make love to him as he wanted me to. I tightened my muscles, the ones that surrounded his manhood, but my little movements weren’t enough to satisfy me.

His arm wrapped around me, lifting me up. In spite of what he had just said, he was the one making love to me. He rammed himself into me, making me moan and call out to God, as I begged the Lion not to stop.

I could feel his fingers on my wrists. He was freeing them as he continued to make love to me. As soon as my hand was free, I wrapped it around him. He stole a breath of air, releasing my lips for a moment. I used that time to kiss his lips.

Then my other hand was free. I wrapped that one around him too as we kissed.

I leaned my head back and moaned. I was getting close. He laid his forehead on my shoulder. I wished that he would play with my breasts again.

I should have released your ankles before I plowed into you.” His words were filled with regret. He pulled away from me, and I could see his manhood. His sword was very red and hard. It curled upwards, and the tip had saggy skin. It was shining in the candlelight, slick with my juices.

He knelt down and released my ankles. As soon as I was free, he stood up and slammed himself back into me. I gasped and reached out to him, laying my hands on his shoulders.

Wrap your legs around me,” he demanded.

I wrapped my legs and my arms around him. His hands grabbed onto my rump, holding me on his manhood as he moved us over to the bed and sat on it. I was straddling him on his lap. He released me and leaned back on the bed so he was laying on his back. “Fuck me, wife, but you may not come until I give you permission.”

I wanted to come, and he was the only way I could get what I wanted. I was perched on top of him, but I didn’t know what to do.

He grabbed onto my rump and took hold of it, moving me up and down on his manhood. “Keep that up,” he warned me.

His hands released my rump, and they went to my breasts. That felt so good that I pressed forward into his hands, filling them with my breasts as I lifted up. I could feel that his manhood was about to escape me. I lowered back down, allowing it to fill me again.

He smacked my rump. “You’re going too slow,” he complained.

I moved faster, and faster, riding him as if he were my favorite horse. I felt as if we were one, leaping over fences and ferns and gaining speed. His hands teased my breasts and pinched my nipples, making me gain even more speed. “I’m going to come,” I told him, repeating the word that he had used for it.

No, you won’t.” He twisted my nipple until I cried out in pain. “That made you wetter. What kind of woman are you?” his question had a hint of admiration in it.

I can’t hold back. Please, my lord husband, allow it,” I begged.

He took hold of me by my hips, and suddenly he was in control of our love making in spite of being under me. I let him do what he wanted with me. It felt better when he was in control.

He grunted and flipped me on my back, thrusting into me with purpose. “Come,” he whispered.

I did immediately. My entire body pulled together, and then it released as I screamed out to him. “My lord,” I repeated as my fingertips dug into his back, and my toes curled in. This was the best thing I had ever felt.

The Lion pulled out of me and moved me on the bed so I was on the same spot as last night. He lifted my crown off of my head and smiled at it. Then, he covered me up and got out of bed.

I watched with tired eyes as he washed himself and then blew out the candles. He returned to bed and pulled me close to his chest.

I waited a moment, wondering if he might say something to me. “Good night, my lord husband,” I whispered.

Good night, Sofie.”

Nothing more came.

I wrestled with my thoughts until I was able to fall asleep.