Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 27 ~ Lukas Von Bayern


Sofie and the women still weren’t back. I went to the stables and asked Marcus if he had heard anything. He hadn’t.

Perhaps a wheel broke, and they’re stuck,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. It was a possibility. Nevertheless, I wanted my wife back. I needed to know that she was safe, but I wouldn’t have a chance finding them in the dark.

I went to the tallest tower and looked out over the land. I couldn’t see a fire burning. If I had, I would have ridden in that direction to be with Sofie.

I tried to remember if she had taken a cloak with her. Then I remembered that she had been wearing her light blue gown with the silver threading. That gown had a matching cloak. I went to our chamber to see if her cloak was there. It wasn’t. I sighed with relief. She had it with her. I didn’t want her to suffer in the cold.

It was impossible to sleep in our bed without her beside me.

At the break of dawn, I stood ready to ride out and find my wife. Several of my men joined me. We would divide up and search every path that led away from my castle. I wouldn’t rest until I found my wife.


We searched for Sofie and the carriage for days and found no sign of it. The lords of Tirol had also gone missing. It was clear that they had kidnapped my wife.

I wanted to hear what they might want from me. I was willing to pay any price for her safe return. If they wanted Tirol, they could have it. Sofie was all that I wanted.

Then my realm was hit by the worst series of snowstorms in history, making travel impossible and travel over the mountain passes unthinkable.

I had to wait to go to my wife, not knowing if she lived or died. I hadn’t even received a ransom request for her.

Once again, my heart filled with revenge. This would not go unpunished. I couldn’t let them get away with taking my Sofie from me.