Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 26 ~ Sofie Von Bayern


I couldn’t believe that he was finally listening to me. I never thought that he would allow me to see this side of him again, the side that was so powerful and excited me.

I turned my head and kissed the hand that would soon punish me.

I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand for a moment, wanting him to feel my thankfulness and deep appreciation.

Your prince gave you an order,” he scolded me.

I darted off to find the strap. It was buried at the bottom of his chest under precious fabrics and laces. Things that were too valuable for anyone but a noble to touch. The strap was plain and boring. He must have hidden it here a long time ago, wanting to punish me with it, but then I had been expecting, and he refused to risk it.

I hurried to fetch the strap and return to him. I knelt down before my lord and presented it to him, knowing that my actions would please him and help ready him to take me after the punishment.

The weight of the strap was heavy as I held it up with my fingertips. It wasn’t as heavy as his sword belt. It would be the perfect way for us to find our way back to our love play.

He took the strap from me. “Stand and undress.”

With shaking hands, I fumbled with my garments, removing what I could. I turned my back to him so he could open my stays.

That stays on,” he ordered, pointing at my corset. “Open your shift in the front and bare your breasts and present them to me. Turn around and face me, girl.”

I spun around to face him. My knees were going soft in the presence of such a dominant man. He was making me terribly wet for him. I opened the cord bow at the front of my shift and reached into my shift and cupped my breast and drew it out. Then I cupped the other one and pushed the fabric to the side so my breasts were presented to him. Lukas had yet to touch me, but already my nipples had turned a deeper color, and they had hardened for him to admire.

He stared at them a long time. He reached out and roughly grabbed onto one of them, kneading and tugging on the nipple before he dropped it. “Turn around. Go to the side of the bed and lay down on it, on your belly.” His words were dripping with need. We both needed this.

I lay down on the side of the bed as he instructed me, peeking at him to see if I had pleased him. He laid the strap down directly in front of my eyes. I heard him go to his trunk. The one with the expensive fabrics and laces in it.

Filled with anticipation, I listened to his every movement. He took hold of my ankle and wrapped something around it. He tied my ankle to the bedpost, making my foot slide across the floor to be able to tie it. Then he did the same with my other ankle. My legs were spread as far as they could go. He flipped my shift up and out of the way. The cool air in the room sent a shiver of pure lust through my body.

He walked around the bed. I saw that he had thick lace in his hands. That was what he was using to tie me down. He took hold of my wrist and wrapped the lace tenderly around it. Then he bound it to the bed post ahead of me.

He still had one hand to tie down, and already, I could hardly move.

The thought of having to take what he gave me without being able to move heated my middle making me gush for him.

Again with great tenderness he bound my wrist to the last bedpost. “Can you move?” he asked me.

No, my lord husband, I can not.”

Good.” He slowly walked around the bed like a cat, toying with its prey. The Lion had the Lioness where he wanted her.

The strap in front of me lifted out of my sight. It was about to start.

The room was completely still as I held my breath, waiting for the strap to strike me.

Then I heard it cut through the air. It landed with great force, erasing my fears that he was only teasing me.

The strap landed again. My other cheek exploded with heavenly pain, making me scream out in ecstasy.

You have been a very bad girl, forcing your husband to take you how you want him to. I’m here to tell you that I’m the one in control, wife. No woman tells me what to do.” He gave me two more blows crisscrossing my cheeks, making them bounce and my insides gush for him again. I was already ready for him to take me.

I’m sorry, my lord husband. I’ll respect you more.”

You better.” The strap landed lower, hitting me where my rump turned into my thighs. I couldn’t hold back my scream again. My legs were spread so wide that the strap had also touched my womanhood, making it clench and release exactly as I needed it to.

Yes,” I said as loudly as I could speak.

That’s right, Sofie. Let me know how much it hurts you. Give me your pain, and I’ll give you my pleasure.”

The strap landed relentlessly as I screamed and begged for more. I was certain that he would see how wet I was. I could feel my wetness spreading and running down my thighs.

I need you, I called over my shoulder to him. Enter me so I can fuck you, my lord husband.”

Our eyes met, and he said nothing for a moment. Then he dropped the strap to the floor and opened his trousers, releasing his manhood and plowing it into me.

We both gasped with pleasure as we were joined. He held still, and my body knew what was expected of it. I rocked my hips forward, feeling his hard shaft move inside of me. Then, I pushed back, taking him completely again. I worked as fast as I could, but it was difficult because I was tied down so tightly.

He smacked my burning thigh. “I’ll see to this myself, but I want to hear you. Be as loud as you can as I take you.” He pounded his body into me, taking my breath away. He reached under my body and grabbed onto both of my breasts, squeezing them tightly.

Then I squeaked out, finding my breath again. I was making a ruckus as he fucked me hard. The entire castle had to know that we were making an heir for them.

A moment later, I was coming, but that didn’t stop him. If anything, he fucked me harder. One orgasm chased the next, and I couldn’t say how many times I died before he was able to join me in death.

My body shook as he lay on top of my back, kissing my shoulder. “I want you to rest after I release you. Hold my seed in you tightly.”

It was many moments later that he released me and pulled his manhood out of me. I clenched my body together not to let his seed escape me.

He untied me and washed me without allowing me to get up. “I’ll have your wedding gift returned to our chamber so we can use it this evening. I’ll make a few improvements on it for you beforehand.”

What will you do?” I asked him.

It will be a surprise. Rest now.”

I drifted off to sleep as he washed himself. It was hard work, putting an heir in me.


I called a maid to help me dress after my nap. She gave me looks of pity as she looked at my neck and arms. She would be scared out of her wits if she saw my rump and the back of my thighs. They were giving off a delicious warm feeling.

I was starved with hunger, and after I had eaten, I would want my husband again.

I wanted to be with child and not get my courses again.

I went down to the great hall and asked a servant to bring me a large plate of food. Few people were in the hall at this hour. The weather was surprisingly good, and everyone was outside.

I wondered if our rekindled love had warmed the realm as well. The weather often reflected my mood.

Lady Adelheid and her daughter-by-law, Lady Klara, sat down beside me. “Have you thought about taking a walk?” Lady Adelheid asked me.

I was actually feeling a bit weak in the knees from the punishment and fucking I had gladly endured. “Perhaps, I’ll sit out in the courtyard and enjoy the sun that way,” I replied politely.

I have the perfect idea. We could take a carriage ride and enjoy the sun that way. This may be the last chance to do so this year.” Lady Adelheid smiled kindly at me.

That does sound lovely.” I had only once in my life sat in a carriage. That had been when I went to Prince Frederick’s castle to marry him. I had loved being able to sit in the bumpy carriage and look out at the mountains and valleys. It had been a beautiful ride.

Then that’s what will do.” Lady Klara took hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze. She must still feel sorry for me because I had lost Anna-Rosa. She had been the only lady who stayed at my side. I trusted her even though her husband’s people hailed from Tirol.

We went out to the stables and ordered a carriage. Lukas had been talking to Marcus about horses when we entered the stable. He was thrilled that I wanted to get some fresh air. I asked him to join us, but he told me that he had to work on my surprise.


Lady Klara huffed when we rolled away from the castle. “I feared that brute might want to come along.”

He isn’t a brute,” I told her surprised that she of all people would think that. She had been with us when we said goodbye to our Anna-Rosa. She had to know that the Lion loved me.

My precious dear, you are a loyal soul.” She laid her hand on my shoulder.

I blushed, realizing that she had heard us at play today and thought the worst. The people at the castle would never understand that Lukas and I had a special relationship. I was too embarrassed to try to explain it to her.

We rode on for a long time, climbing up into the mountains. The views were breathtaking, and I was glad that I agreed to come along.

Then we decided to have a late picnic. I worried that we wouldn’t return before it turned dark, but the women insisted that the trip back to the castle would go much faster because we would be traveling down the mountainside.

We ate the foods that they had brought along and drank the sweet wine. The wine made me feel tired.

The ladies hurried to get me back into the carriage. They told me that I was safe now. Then I fell asleep on Lady Klara’s shoulder.