Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 28 ~ Sofie Von Bayern


The Tirolers wanted to attack us. Frederick’s cousins had formed an alliance, and they no longer tried to hide their ambitions. I’d been right all along. I woke up in a very cold carriage as we made our way to their castle.

Lady Klara explained that they were bringing me to safety. She told me that all would be well now.

I feared that we wouldn’t survive the journey. It was snowing heavily. We women huddled together in the carriage. The men rode on horses, going ahead of us to check the rode.

I was relieved when we did reach their castle. A boy of eight rushed into Lady Klara’s arms. She introduced him as her son, Albert.

I was brought into the woman’s sewing room. There I was reunited with my maids. I was so overcome to see that they were still alive.

They brought me to my room. It was nice to have them fussing over me again.

A warm bath arrived, and they helped me undress. Their shocked gasps reminded me of the play I’d had with Lukas.

I tried to explain, but they had a doctor sent for, not understanding that I had wanted the strokes I received.

I was examined, and the doctor gave me something to help me calm down as he explained that I was slightly unbalanced because of the abuse I suffered during my marriage. He assured the women that I would soon feel better after I’d had time to recover.


When I woke, I went to the window and opened it. I had to close it immediately because I couldn’t take the terrible cold wind on my skin. I hoped that Lukas wasn’t out in that, searching for me. I called for my maids and asked them to show me where the chapel was. I needed to pray for my husband.

On the way to the chapel, I asked my maids how they had faired.

Their lives had been terrible at first, but when the Tirolers found out that they were my personal maids, they were brought here to wait for my return. A plot to kidnap me had been in place for a long time.

At the chapel, I confessed my worries to the priest, and I told him my life story. He told me that his lords and ladies wanted to overthrow the Lion. They wanted to rule both realms. They wanted to keep me here so the Lion would follow me.

Their plan was to kill him. I would be married off to a young cousin of Frederick’s who was younger than I was to keep the peace.

I sobbed already feeling like a widow once again.


I tried to reason with the Tirolers, but they insisted that they were saving me from my husband, especially Lady Klara.

I believed that she thought that they were doing right by me, but the others knew what they had done to my family.

I know what you did,” I said, facing them. “You lied to my father, making him think that Lord Burkhart wouldn’t be a suitable match for me.”

We weren’t wrong. The entire castle could hear your screams,” Lady Adelheid countered. The men were being very quiet, letting her deal with my anger.

You started this war for your own profit, killing so many people. How can you sleep at night?” I asked them.

Frederick was a young man when he came into power. We advised him, but he wouldn’t listen to us, and then he got himself killed by marrying you. He should have stayed out of the war, but he brought turmoil to our lands. It’s better if we were to take charge,” she explained to me as if I were a small child, but I wasn’t. I was her liege lady. She owed me respect and obedience. I reminded her of that.

The men appeared to be very uncomfortable, but Lady Adelheid laid her arm around me and told me that I was confused because of the abuse I suffered.

I pushed her away from me. “How dare you touch me?” I straightened my gown. I was dressed much richer than any of them were. I squared my shoulders and told them that they wouldn’t get away with this.

Your power will only last until we get the notice that your husband has died. He’ll die because he was chasing you. Everyone knows that you have a history of running away from him because he liked to beat you. Everyone heard yours screams. No one will doubt that you were abused. They will be on your side in this matter, but you will need a husband, one who can protect you and give you a child. My youngest son will adore you. I’m certain that you two will be very happy on your side of the mountain. Georg will rule with Klara on this side. You have to see that it’s the only way to obtain peace. We all have to do our part.”

I will never marry any son of yours.” I turned on my heel and returned to my room. I wasn’t surprised to hear the key turn in the lock.

Once again, I was a prisoner.


A couple miracles happened after the snowstorms ceased weeks later. I heard that Lukas was still alive. He knew of the plot against him, and he was being careful. The Tirolers couldn’t get close enough to him to kill him.

The other miracle had happened inside of my body. I never got my courses. A babe was growing inside of me.

It was only a matter of time before someone noticed, but they were keeping me under lock and key. No one saw me but my maids. They were sworn to serve me.

Months had gone by since I’d seen my husband. I knew that he was looking for me, but he didn’t know about this tiny hidden hunting castle.

Another miracle was that the priest was allowed to visit me. He promised me that he had sent a message to the Pope, telling him of the intrigue happening here. He was certain that the Pope would send men to help my husband fight for my safe return. A royal heir was chosen by God to rule. No one could deny that. The Pope would also forbid a marriage between me, and the Tiroler boy who was a good four years younger than I was.


Then one day a few months later, Klara came to visit me. She did every so often. I stayed in bed, pretending to be ill when she came, but one day she burst in while I was taking my bath. I had finished, and my maids were washing away the soapsuds as I stood in the bath.

Lady Klara screamed and scurried away to tell the others of my round belly.

I wasn’t surprised when I was called to the tiny scholar. Lady Adelheid, Lady Klara, their sons and the priest were gathered together.

How could you be pregnant?” Lady Adelheid asked me.

You have children. There is no need for me to explain how this child came to be inside of me.”

Whose is it?” she asked me.

I beg your pardon,” I said, stepping closer to her.

Have you forgotten how you suffered the last time?” Lady Klara took hold of my hand and turned me so I was facing her. “Lions and wolves aren’t good matches.”

Wolves devour eagles with one snap of their teeth,” I told her, making a clear threat that I was still a wolf as well as a lion.

It’s clear what we have to do. We have to get rid of the baby,” Lady Adelheid smiled at me. “Like we did last time.”

What? You killed my child?” I felt dizzy. My precious daughter. I dropped down on a bench in front of the fire. “Why? How?”

It was a poison that I slipped into your drink,” Lady Adelheid told me. She sounded proud of herself.

She almost died with the baby. It almost went wrong,” Lady Klara spoke softly with her mother-by-marriage. “And then the baby was a girl. She could have married my son. I think she carries another girl. Lady Sofie and her baby can tie us to her family twice. It would be a bond that no one would question. Remember, you regretted not thinking of that sooner.” She turned to her son and bent down so they were face to face. “Would you like to marry a girl as pretty as this lady?” she asked him.

Yes, mother,” he smiled at her, looking for her approval.

Then it’s settled,” she said, standing up straight again. “We’ll inform the men on their next visit.”

There is one little problem,” Lady Adelheid stopped Lady Klara. “If the child is a boy, we’ll have to kill him.”

Of course,” Lady Klara replied. I could see that she didn’t feel comfortable with that.

I have to protest, ladies.” The priest stepped forward. “Surely, you wouldn’t consider murdering a child of God, especially not a royal child. The Pope would never allow it. He would strip you of your lands and your title.”

Only if he found out about it,” Lady Adelheid looked at the priest with murder in her eyes. Then he face lighted up. “But if she does die, birthing the bastard, we could raise the child. Klara you need to get with child again. You need a daughter for this plan to work. That way, no matter what happens, we win.”

Yes, my lady.” She bowed to her mother-by-marriage, and I was brought back to my room.