Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds

Chapter Seventeen


The week dragson and on. Everyday Cooper waits for me to carry my bags both before school and after school. He hasn’t texted or called once, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I miss him. I miss us. I can’t help wondering if he misses me as much as I do him or if I’m alone in my misery. His stubborn refusal to let me carry my own bags is the only thing that’s keeping me from falling completely into a pit of despair.

“Good morning,” Coop says as he opens my car door.

“Morning, Coop.”

He gives me a strange look then reaches out to touch my cheek. He lightly runs his fingertips under my eyes where I know there are dark circles from lack of sleep.

“Are you okay?” he asks, looking genuinely concerned.

My eyes burn with unshed tears at his sweetness. He’s the wronged party at this point. Yeah, there is the kiss with Janice, but it’s my own stubbornness that’s keeping us apart. I’m terrified of the feelings I have for him and even more terrified of what will happen if we get back together then fall apart again. I don’t think I would survive it. I truly don’t.

I shrug my shoulders, my words caught in my throat.

“You look exhausted,” he growls lowly, sending a shockwave of lust through my system.

I shrug again. “I haven’t been sleeping the best.”

Anger flashes through his eyes briefly, then is gone as quick as it appeared. “Babygirl, you need to take care of yourself.”

I look at my toes at his reprimand. Does he think I’m not sleeping on purpose? I can’t sleep because my dreams are inundated with him. Everything from sexy dreams of our times together to nightmares about him disappearing. I spend hours a night either turned on or chasing after him in my dreams. Neither are good for productive sleep.

“I’m trying,” I have to bite back the desire to call him daddy. God, I want to so bad.

His shoulders slump, and a sad look crosses his face. “I know, babygirl. I hate seeing you like this.”

I sniffle. “I hate feeling like this.”

“Let me take you to dinner tonight. We should talk…” he says, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I don’t even have to think about my answer. I’ve pushed him away, and it’s obviously not working. Time to try something else. “Okay. Dinner.”

He smiles widely, and there is a spark in his eyes for the first time in days. My heart feels lighter at the sight. Just that look on his face is enough for me to be glad that we are going to talk, even if I don’t know what my decision is yet. I’m obviously not doing a good job at deciding for myself. Maybe talking to him will help.

He walks me to my classroom, and before I can protest, he brushes his lips over my cheek. “Have a good day.”

My cheeks turn a bright shade of pink. “You too,” I manage through my shyness. I feel like I’m right back to where I started. I’ve reverted back to the shy, blushing virgin that I was before we started dating.

The day is a frustrating one. My students won’t quit screwing around. Everyone seems to have a case of the Fridays. They don’t want to work, and I can hardly blame them. The more I think about Coop and our dinner date, the more I want this day to be over with.

Finally, the last bell rings, and school is over. The students stream out of my classroom, and I quickly gather my things, ready to get the heck out of here too. Excitement at seeing Coop and knowing that I’ll be spending real time with him has me smiling a genuine smile for the first time in days. Like always, Coop is waiting for me outside my classroom. He greets me with a smile and reaches for my bags. I don’t grumble about him taking them. Instead I hand them over happily.

It feels great to smile. I feel lighter and happier. Nothing has changed, not really, but knowing that we are going to spend some time together has me practically giddy.

“How was your day?” he asks.

“Long,” I say with a shy smile. “How was yours?”

“Long.” He smirks. “I had something more pressing than yelling at a bunch of teenaged boys waiting for me.”

I blush, knowing that he’s talking about me. I can’t get over how happy that makes me. I file this feeling away for later, knowing that it will play a huge part in how our upcoming conversation is going to play out.

“I made a reservation at Teddy’s. Would you like to ride together?” he asks, looking vulnerable for once like he’s expecting to be let down.

Part of me thinks that riding together is a bad idea. I’m still not positive how things will play out with our talk, though my heart is definitely tugging me in one direction. If we ride together, then there is no escaping. I’ll be stuck if things go badly. I chew on my bottom lip, considering my options.

Common sense flies right out the window at his down-trodden look. He really does think I’m going to turn him down. I mentally shake myself. Regardless of how this dinner ends, Coop and I will always be friends. We may not be romantically involved when this night is over, but we will remain friends. At least I hope we can be. I can’t see a life for myself without him in it in some way.

“Together,” I say with a smile.

His answering smile makes my heart sing. We stow my work things in my car, then like the gentleman he is, Coop helps me up into his truck.

“Thanks,” I say shyly.

“What have I said about thanking me?” he teases, smirking at me knowingly.

“I guess you’ll have to keep reminding me.”

“I can do that,” he says with a charming smile. The one that makes my stomach break out with butterflies and my core to clench. Crazy how just a simple smile can have such a visceral reaction from me.

The drive to the restaurant is quiet but not uncomfortable. It’s like we’ve both decided not to discuss anything until we arrive. The comfortable silence between us makes me miss our quiet moments together. It fills me with longing.

He pulls up to the club and drives around back to the restaurant entrance. I laugh to myself that I ever considered the club as a children’s playground. I’ll never forget the look on Cooper’s face when he told me exactly what the club was and the hungry way his eyes bore into mine.

“I hope you don’t mind coming here. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea,” he says.

I smile reassuringly and bravely reach across the truck to put my hand on his thigh.

“It’s perfect. We will be able to talk more freely here than anywhere else.” And that’s one hundred percent true. The Playground is a judgment-free zone, and so is the attached restaurant.

I’m a little surprised when we are seated in a private dining room. Cooper didn’t just get a standard reservation. He reserved one of the individual dining rooms where we will be completely alone and able to talk without any nosy, listening ears. I’m grateful for his thoughtfulness. Just because this is a judgment-free zone, I still don’t like the idea of anyone listening in to what we are going to discuss.

The fate of our relationship—and my heart—are on the line with this conversation. It’s the most important talk of my life.

We are seated and the hostess leaves us with our menus and the promise that our waiter will be with us shortly. I nervously look at the menu, knowing that with how nervous I am, I won’t be able to stomach a single bite, let alone decide on what to eat. I’m looking over the options for the third time when Coop grabs my menu and sets it aside.

“Let me help.”

I remember all the times he’s ordered for me and how perfect his selections have been. My building anxiety suddenly lessens as a wave of gratitude flows through me. “Thanks, da-” I barely catch myself from calling him daddy… we aren’t there yet. “Thanks.”

He gives me a sad look, and I know it’s because he wants to hear me calling him daddy again. He wants our relationship back to what it was, and despite my fears, I’m figuring out that I want it too.

The waiter comes in, and Cooper places our order, getting me grilled chicken with five cheese macaroni on the side. Perfect as always. When the waiter leaves, Coop reaches across the table and holds my hand. It’s only then that I realize I was thrumming my fingers on the tabletop, probably driving him crazy.

“Sorry,” I say with a blush.

“No need to apologize. You’re nervous. It’s understandable.”

“This just feels…” I pause, not knowing how to put it into words. “Huge,” I add lamely.

He gives me a warm smile. “It does. It’s going to be okay; you know that, right?”

I shake my head because no, I really don’t know that. And that right there is the crux of the issue. I don’t know how things are going to end with us, and that’s what has me freaking out.

“No matter what is decided here, everything will be okay,” he reassures me.

“I’m just scared,” I admit.

“I know you are, darlin’. I would be willing to give up my man card and admit to being scared too if it would help you.”

I smile at that because, yeah, it does help.

“I know I’ve already apologized, but I feel like I need to tell you how sorry I am again. I want to make sure you know that I would never willingly hurt you like that. Never.”

My heart pounds in my chest because this is the moment. This is where I either tell him we are good and move forward with our relationship, or I break it off. This moment will change both of our futures, and it feels huge. Because it is huge, I realize.

“I know you wouldn’t, Cooper. You’re a good man. I’m sorry that I didn’t give you a chance to explain things that night. I was just so… shocked and hurt that I couldn’t see past my feelings to the reality of the situation.”

“Babygirl,” he says, squeezing my fingers in his strong hand. “You have nothing to apologize for. None of this is your fault.”

I squeeze his fingers back. Despite his words, I’m not reassured because this last week of misery is my fault. My fear is keeping us from being together.

“What can I do to make this better for you?” he asks.

God, could this man be any more perfect? I’m the one keeping us apart, yet he is the one trying to make me feel better about it. I’m the cause of our continued heartache, and he’s trying to fix it even if it means we won’t end up together in the end.

“I’m scared.”

“I know, babygirl. I don’t know what to say that would make you any less afraid.”

“Guarantee that we will always be together and happy?” I say with a hopeful expression.

He chuckles. “Relationships just don’t work like that, but I can guarantee I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re happy and that your heart is safeguarded.”

I let out a little sigh. “I know you will. I’ve been miserable without you… daddy.”

The smile he gives me is megawatt it’s so happy. I’ve never seen him so happy. He stands from his chair and circles around to my side of the table, and falls to his knees beside me, then I’m tugged into his arms. I snuggle against him, feeling like everything is right in my world once again.

Our lips meet, and we kiss slow and sweet in reunion. The kiss quickly deepens, turning heated. The waiter picks that moment to show up with our food, but Coop doesn’t let me go, he just continues holding me, and I continue holding him. The waiter quickly sets our dishes on the table then excuses himself quietly.

As soon as he’s gone, Cooper’s lips are back on me, kissing my cheek, my jaw, my neck, back up to my lips… his mouth is everywhere, teasing me with gentle swipes of his lips. It feels so good, so right. I let out a happy little moan as he nips my earlobe. My fingers thread into his hair, holding him to me as he kisses me.

Our tongues dance and stroke, slicking against each other hotly. I shift on the chair feeling turned on and antsy. He winds his fingers through my hair, tugging my head back, controlling the kiss like the dominant man he is. My pussy clenches at the small bite of pain. I moan into his lips, encouraging him.

His other arm wraps around my waist, and he tugs me from the chair until I’m straddling him. I groan when I feel the hard ridge of his cock beneath his pants. Oh, Jesus, he feels good against me like this. I wrap my legs around his waist, wriggling my pussy over the top of his hard cock.

With one hand in my hair and one on my bottom, he controls me completely. He holds my head exactly where he wants it so he can deepen our kisses while his other hand helps me writhe on top of him until I’m panting and close to orgasm.

We kiss like that for endless moments, me riding the edge of release while he teases and torments me. We completely lose ourselves, kissing our reunion. I can feel his heart pounding in his chest below my palms, racing like my own. Before I can reach my pleasure, Coop breaks away from my lips. I look at him with lust-glazed eyes as I wantonly rub against him. It’s only been a week apart, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime since he’s touched me. I’m a livewire waiting to spark into flames.

“Fuck, babygirl. You’re killing me here,” he groans, gripping my ass tight in his palms.

I blink innocently at him, wriggling my bottom. “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I gasp.

“Like hell you don’t. Rubbing this hot little pussy all over me like you’re starving for my cock.”

“I’m completely famished, daddy,” I moan as I rock on him enticingly.

“I’m not fucking you on the floor,” he growls lowly, stopping my movements with his firm grip.

I whimper, hating that he’s preventing me from taking what I want from him.

“It’s private,” I say pleadingly. Now that I’ve decided to be brave and hand over my heart, I seem to have found that bold streak he brings out in me again.

“Yes, it is, but I’m still not fucking you here on the floor like an animal.”

“There’s a wall you could use instead.” I smirk and trail my hands down his chest toward his waistband.

“Fuck, you’re tempting me, kitten. But not here. When I take you again, it’ll be at home in a bed, just you and me.”

I pout at him but secretly love that. I love that he knows exactly what he wants, and it’s not a quick fuck. He wants to take his time with me. Deep down, I want that too. I’m just impatient to get it.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” I ask boldly.

He squeezes my ass in a punishing grip. “Someone has found her sassy side awful quick.”

I shrug. “I just know what I want and don’t want to wait for it anymore.”

Coop’s lips tip up in a knowing grin sending my heart aflutter. “Let’s get out of here then.”

* * *

The car ride toCoop’s place is quick and filled with sexual tension. He holds my hand the whole way, threading his fingers through mine and teasing me with gentle caresses of his thumb along my wrist. Who knew such an innocent touch could be such a freakin’ turn-on?

By the time we arrive, I’m wetter than I’ve ever been and ready to crawl into his lap right here in the truck. The only thing keeping me in my seat is the fervent way he said the next time he takes me, will be in a bed. I won’t begrudge him that. Besides, beds mean all kinds of possibilities, and I want them all.

I stay in my seat as he circles around the truck to my door. He opens the door and tugs me out, kissing me fiercely before my feet even fully hit the ground. The kiss ends just as quickly as it started. I’ve hardly had a chance to catch my breath when he bends and lifts me up over his shoulder. I gasp and giggle as his hand finds my bottom in a playful spank. He uses his grip on my ass to hold me in place as he quickly strides into the house. He doesn’t put me down until he’s tossing me onto his bed.

The look on Coop’s face is positively feral. I lick my lips, turned on beyond belief by the possessive look in his eyes. He looks like he’s barely holding on to his control… I want him to let loose. I want him to completely lose that firm control he holds on to.

I let out a squeal when he grabs my ankles and tugs me to the edge of the bed, my skirt riding up until my panties are on display. He falls to his knees between my spread thighs, throwing my legs over his shoulders.

“Tsk, tsk… look how wet you are for me, naughty girl.”

I moan lowly when he teases his fingertips over my damp panties. “I can’t help it. I want you too much.”

“What do you want?” he asks, running his rough palms up and down my thighs coming closer and closer to my core with every upward motion until his fingers are teasing at the edge of my panties.

“You, daddy. All of you.”

He lets out a low growl in appreciation of my words. “Do you want my fingers?” he asks, teasing along my panty line.

“Yes,” I gasp.

“What about my mouth on this sweet cunt?”

“God, yes…”

“Hmm…” he murmurs, lightly petting over the gusset of my panties, teasing me. “And my thick cock? Do you want that buried deep? Fucking you?”

“Please,” I beg, wanting it all. I’m greedy for it. I want everything he has to offer. I’m walking the edge of sanity, ready to plunge to the other side if he doesn’t touch me soon.

“I’m not sure, babygirl. You’ve been awful naughty, keeping me away from what’s mine.”

His fingers dip below my panties, pulling a cry from my lips as he gently caresses my wet folds. It’s not enough to bring me to release, just a gentle tease that is meant to drive my arousal higher. His fingers move slickly along my pussy, teasing up around my clit, then back down until he’s rimming my ass. I whimper and squirm away from the forbidden touch. He lays his arm over my lower stomach, pinning me in place so he can touch me wherever he wishes.

“Maybe I should punish this sexy ass of yours,” he growls. His fingers circle my bottom hole, pulling a gasp and moan as he gently applies pressure. From his touch, I don’t think he means a spanking. My heart skips a beat, and my core clenches at the dirty threat.

“I’ve never…” I say stupidly. Of course I’ve never. Until a short time ago, I was a virgin in all ways.

“I know,” he says, looking darkly into my eyes. His lustful gaze is enough to have me relaxing into his touch. I can see he’s in control yet totally aroused by the possibility of taking my ass. I trust him with this. I trust him with everything.

He leans in and laps at my clit with his tongue, growling in frustration when my panties get in his way. I gasp in shock when he rips them from my body. The lace falling away like tissue paper. “Cooper!”

He gives me a satisfied smirk. “Oops.” I let out a breathy giggle at his playfulness. Even when he’s in full dom mode, he’s still my loving daddy. “Hope you weren’t attached to those.”

I shake my head because he could rip a dozen pairs of my finest panties if it meant that he’d lick my clit again. “Good,” he growls, lowering his mouth to my pussy and sliding his tongue from my aching hole up to my clit.

“Daddyyy…” I squeal when he licks me over and over, driving me up and up until I feel like I’ll combust at the slightest touch to my clit. The frustrating man just teases circles around my clit though. Never touching me in the way I need to push me over the edge. “Please,” I beg.

One small swipe of his tongue. One touch of his fingers. Hell, one breath on my clit, and I’ll explode into a million pieces.

“Not yet,” he chides. “You’ll come when I say.”

I let out a keening moan sounding like a wounded animal, but I nod my acceptance. “Yes, daddy. I’ll be your good girl.”

He gives me a mischievous smile. “There was never any doubt.”

I cry out when he flips me over without a warning until I’m draped over the edge of the bed, my ass in the air, my toes barely touching the ground to help me keep my balance. I clutch at the covers, knowing what’s coming. I don’t even have time to prepare before his hand cracks down on my ass in two quick spanks.

“Do you know why you’re getting this spanking?”

“Yes, daddy. I was a bad girl,” I gasp through the pain of another spank.

“You didn’t trust me. You didn’t trust in us,” he scolds.

Tears fill my eyes, but not from the spanking that he’s slowly and precisely administering. “I’m sorry. I was so scared…”

“I know you were, babygirl. I forgive you.”

The words are a balm to my soul. I let go of all of the guilt I’ve been secretly harboring, hiding it even from myself. He’s right that I didn’t trust him, which seems ridiculous now. Our relationship is built on a foundation of trust. I could never give myself over like this to a man I don’t trust implicitly. I relax into the bed, accepting my punishment.

His hand falls again and again, creating a stinging heat in my skin. He’s not spanking me hard, just enough to warm my skin and cause my pussy to tingle and grow wetter. He pauses in his punishment to push his fingers between my legs. He slides wetly into my pussy, pumping his fingers deep twice before pulling them out and up to my tight bottom hole. I gasp when he circles my back entrance.

“One day, I’m going to take this tight little ass of yours and you’re going to beg me for it,” he promises.

I whimper into the sheets, fisting them in my hands as he teases me with his touch and words. I’m ready to beg him to do it now; it feels so good. So naughty. I press back into his fingers, silently letting him know I want more. He doesn’t disappoint. He applies slight pressure to that sensitive ring of muscles, teasing the tip of one finger into my ass. I nearly come undone when his other hand teases down to play with my clit.

“Oh, God. Daddy!” I cry out. “I’m going to come.”

He lets out a feral growl, leaning over my body until his lips are by my ear, his hands still working their magic. “Do it, babygirl. Come all over my fingers.”

He pushes his finger further into my ass then pinches my clit. I explode. My muscles clench down as he thrusts his finger in and out of me, his fingers rubbing tight circles around my clit, pushing me higher and higher as I wail out my pleasure. I come so hard I see stars and tears fill my eyes. I’ve never come so hard in all of my life.

He slowly pulls his finger from my bottom and gives one gentle tap to my clit that sends a shudder through my body as I have another mini orgasm from the almost too rough touch to my sensitive clit. Before I have a chance to catch my breath, Cooper flips me over and crawls between my legs, pushing me up the mattress until I’m in the center of the bed.

I’m not sure when, but at some point he stripped his clothes and is hovering over me in all his naked glory. I’m still fully dressed, minus my panties which he destroyed in his eagerness. I expect him to strip me so we are equally naked, but he doesn’t make a move to. Instead, he notches his cock to my entrance and sinks into me. My pussy clenches around him, still sensitive from my orgasm.

“Fuck, you’re so goddamn tight.”

I don’t know if it’s that I’m so tight or if it’s just that he’s so damn big because he stretches me in the most perfect way. His thick, hard length sinks into me to the hilt and I can’t hold back my moans of pleasure. I don’t even try to silence them. He grinds himself into me, rubbing against my oversensitive clit as he does.

“Oh, God…”

“Not God… just your daddy.”

“Yessss…” I hiss, clenching around him. I love the naughtiness of calling him my daddy. I love that little nod to the taboo. Others might not understand the appeal but fuck them. He’s my daddy, and I’m his babygirl, and we are perfect.

He slowly pulls out until just the head of his big cock is poised at my entrance. I whine in anticipation, wondering if he’s going to go fast or slow. Will he tease us both, or will he bring us to quick releases? My question is answered when he pushes back inside me with slow precision, setting a maddening pace that has my pleasure building slow but steady.

My arms encircle his neck as he leans down to kiss me. I run my fingers through his hair, holding him to me as his lips lightly caress mine in light, teasing kisses. He nips my bottom lip, and I open for him. His tongue slides against mine in the sweetest kiss I’ve ever had. He’s making sweet love to my mouth just like he is to my pussy. Tears well up in my eyes at the exquisite pleasure of it.

Coop grips my ass in one big palm, canting my hips until with every stroke of his thick length he’s rubbing against my g-spot.

“Ohmygod, daddy,” I moan. “Right there…”

He lightly nips my lip, then kisses a line down my jaw to my ear. “That’s it, babygirl. Let daddy take care of you.”

I nod, gripping his shoulders as he kisses down my neck. He lets out a growl of frustration when he gets to my shirt. I move to unbutton my blouse, but he knocks my hands aside and grips it on both sides, giving me a questioning look. I nod my head, and in the next second, the buttons go flying as he rips my shirt open.

Fuck, that was hot. My nipples pebble under my bra, and my pussy clenches down on his thrusting cock. His fingers deftly release the front clasp of my bra, and then his mouth is on me. Licking and nipping at my hard nipples, never stopping his thrusting hips. He plays with my nipples. Each swipe of his tongue and nip of his teeth sends a line of pleasure to my clit like the two are connected by some invisible cord.

It’s all too much. I’m going to come again and there’s no stopping it. It builds and builds until it feels too big for my body. I thrash my head back and forth and grip his hips with my legs, trying to stop the build-up. It’s too big. It feels like I’ll fall into a million pieces that will never be put back together again if he doesn’t stop.

“I can’t. Daddy… please…”

“You can,” he growls against my breast before biting down on the pale skin. That one harsh touch throws me over the precipice.

My body jolts up as my pussy clenches down on his cock. His thrusts turn harder, faster, drawing out my release. Bringing me to a higher ledge. Forcing me up and up until it’s almost celestial. My nails dig into his back, and my teeth sink into the hard muscle of his shoulder as I try to ground myself. It does no good because that thick hard cock just keeps pounding into me. Driving me over that edge again.

I scream to the heavens until my voice is hoarse and I’m out of breath. Fireworks explode throughout my body. My eyes are blind to the room from the sheer magnitude of the explosion that’s wracking my body. I’m barely cognizant of Cooper reaching his own release. Some distant part of me registers his groan and the warm heat of him filling me with his come.

I collapse back to the mattress, my body completely limp and my mind practically dead to the world. My lungs suck in oxygen like they’ve been deprived for hours. I finally blink my eyes open and find the face of the man I love looking down on me with a satisfied smile and warmth in his eyes.

“I love you, Melinda.”

I swallow thickly. This is a huge moment. Cooper just told me he loves me. I don’t know what to say. I mean… I love him. I do… God, I love this man with all of my heart. But can I find the courage to say it?

I lick my lips and his eyes trail down to them. He leans in and kisses me gently. “You don’t have to say anything,” he murmurs, kissing me again, this time deeper causing my toes to curl.

I thread my fingers through his hair and return the achingly sweet kiss. When he lingers at my lips, kissing me like I’m the world’s most precious thing, I make my decision. Why would I hold back from telling the man I love that I love him too?

Yes, it’s fast. Probably too fast for most, but it’s not too fast for us. We’ve already overcome so much in our short relationship, and we’ve come out the other side stronger and closer than ever.

I break our kiss and look him in the eyes. Wanting him to see the truth of my words. “I love you, too, Cooper. So much.”

His smile is so bright it’s blinding. His lips crash to mine in a searing hot kiss. I gasp and wriggle against him when I feel his cock thicken against me again.

He lets out a low growl. “Again? My girl is needy today.”

“Again,” I moan.

He laughs, rolling us until I’m straddling him. His hard cock is trapped between our bodies, pressing against my clit in the most delicious way. I rock against him, shivering at the sensation because I’m still so sensitive.

Coop’s big hands grip my hips, and I reach between us, lining his cock up with my opening before sinking down on him slowly. He’s so big this way. He goes so deep it hurts so good. My pussy flutters around him as I let myself adjust to this new position. His grip on my hips tightens, but he leaves me in charge of my movements. I rock on top of him causing us both to moan. I slowly raise my hips then let my own weight draw me back down on him.

“Ohhh…” I gasp.

“That’s it, baby. Take your pleasure.”

I do it again and again, loving the feel of him so deep inside me. My hands roam up my body, teasing my nipples as I ride his thick cock. He slaps my hands away, replacing them with his own. He tugs and pinches my nipples much harder than I ever would. Each little pain is like a shockwave through my body pushing my desire that much higher.

This time when I start my downward slide, he lifts his hips meeting me. I cry out at the intense sensation.

“Like that?” he asks knowingly.

I nod my head, raising up again and falling until we crash together again. Over and over, we move setting an almost punishing rhythm. I fall to his chest, unable to keep my balance as his thrusts become harder, more purposeful. Our breaths mingle as our lips touch in an almost kiss as he fucks me from below, holding me in place so that he’s now in charge. I willingly give it up to him, loving every bit of what he’s doing.

“Fuck. I’m going to come. Going to fill this tight little pussy with my come.”

I groan at his dirty words. I love his dirty talk. It turns me on like crazy and is enough to push me off the ledge into another earthquaking orgasm. My pussy clenches down and his cock jerks inside me as we come together. Our movements slow until I’m collapsed over his chest, his cock still twitching inside me as he pours the last of his release inside me.

I shiver when he strokes my back, petting my skin as I come down from the high of another powerful release. My eyes fall closed and I doze cuddled in his safe embrace.