Coaching His Babygirl by Rory Reynolds

Chapter Nineteen


Darlene grabsmy arm and tugs me away from Coop and into a big hug. She pulls away then leads me down the hallway towards our classrooms. The hallways are filled with students, but it’s almost like we are in our own little bubble for how much attention they pay us.

“You look happy,” she says slyly.

I smile up at her, practically beaming. “I honestly can’t believe how happy I am. I’ve never been so happy.”

“I take it you had a good weekend?”

I sigh. “The best weekend ever.”

Darlene waggles her eyebrows at me. “So it’s like that?”

“Yep,” I agree, busting out in giggles.

Her face turns serious for a minute. “Everything is good with you guys?”

I let out a content sigh and lean against her shoulder as we walk arm in arm. “So good. He told me he loves me,” I whisper-shout.

Darlene lets out a squeal that’s loud enough to draw the attention of every eye in the hallway. “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you.”

“Me too,” I say, smiling happily.

The bell rings, interrupting our girl time.

“Dang it!” Darlene says. “Work calls. We’ll chat later.” She hugs me enthusiastically then runs off towards her classroom.

My morning classes go off without a hitch. The band is on point with our practice, and I think we are ready for our next competition which is a huge relief. I’m not sure why I’m always so paranoid about those kinds of things, but I am. Coop is right when he said we’re an amazing band. My students are dedicated and willing to put in the work to be the best. Which is exactly what we are—the best.

My phone vibrates on my desk, and I smile knowing only one person would text during the school day. Sure enough, when I look, it’s Coop.

I have to have lunch with a couple recruiters today.

My lips turn down in a pout. I was looking forward to stealing a kiss, but work calls.

Me too, babygirl. Are you behaving?

I send him a devil emoji. Now why would I do that?

To protect your sexy little ass from a spanking.

I laugh to myself. Guess you’ll just have to punish me, daddy.

I can practically hear his low growl in response to my teasing. I shift on my seat, turning myself on just like I hope he’s getting turned on. I’ve spent the whole morning hot and bothered after our quickie this morning. I’m wet and achy, completely ready for more. Not that that’s a huge surprise, I’m always ready for more when it comes to Coop.

That can be arranged…He replies. Love you, babygirl. Behave.

Love you, too, daddy.

I let out a happy sigh, something I’ve done a million times today. Since I can’t see Coop for lunch, I decide to eat in my classroom and catch up on some grades. I finish up and grab my guitar. I start playing and lose myself to the music.

“Holy shit, girl,” Darlene says from the doorway, scaring the crap out of me as the last notes of my song float through the air. “I didn’t know you could sing like that.”

I turn and smile wryly. “Apparently it’s now the worst kept secret at Thurston Academy.”

Weirdly enough, I don’t feel uncomfortable or shy at being caught like I normally would. In fact, I feel good getting Darlene’s praise. I’m changing… becoming more confident in myself and my talents, and I have Cooper’s love to thank for it. I’ve become a stronger person with his guidance. Who knew that letting out my submissive side would create this new, stronger version of me?

“You’re amazing, Mel. You could be a professional.”

I shrug off that comment because regardless of her thoughts, I will never play in public. “Stagefright kills any hope of that one dead.”

“That sucks because you’re so talented!”

“Thanks. I really just play for myself.”

“So, Colt and I are going to The Playground on Wednesday, and I wanted to invite you and Coop. We can get dinner and hang out.”

I smile widely at being invited. “Sounds like fun! I’ll ask Coop.”

She returns my smile. “Good! I’ve been itching to play,” she says, and I have a feeling it’s not the sexual kind of play. I’m sure she gets plenty of that from Colt. “Ugh, I guess I should go get set up for my next class. We are doing reproductions of Van Gogh this week… Nothing like a class full of Freshmen ruining the classics,” she says, making her eyes go crossed and sticking out her tongue.

I laugh at her antics. “Better than hearing them butcher Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

“Truth! At least it isn’t my ears that bleed.”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “Get out of here, trouble.”

She sticks her tongue out but leaves. “Later!”

* * *

I look in the mirror,frowning at my appearance. Coop comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, meeting my eyes in the mirror. “You look beautiful, kitten.”

I take in my appearance again. I’m wearing skinny jeans and a corset top that I once got for a Halloween costume but lost my nerve and never wore. I’ve never dressed like this before, but my goal has been to step out of my comfort zone… this is definitely out of my comfort zone. He’s not wrong though… even I can admit that I look hot.

“Let’s go before I change my mind.”

He shakes his head, kissing my cheek. “If you aren’t comfortable, change. You don’t have anything to prove to anyone.”

“It’s just different,” I say with a shrug.

“I don’t want you dressing how you think other people want you to. I want you to be you.”

I smile at him and cup his cheek. “And that’s why I love you. But I think maybe… this is me? A different, more confident me.”

He leans in and kisses my lips softly. “That’s my girl. You ready?”

“Yep,” I say cheerfully, getting excited for our dinner with Darlene and Colt. My first double date!

We ride in comfortable silence to the club, and, like always, he threads his fingers through mine as we walk side by side. My heart skips a beat at the sweetness. I love how he’s always touching me. Even at school he finds little ways to touch me. Holding hands, a gentle touch to my lower back as we walk in the hallways, a sneaky kiss… he’s always finding a way to show his affection, and I love it.

Darlene and Colt are already seated when we get inside. Darlene jumps up and hugs me. “I’m so glad you could make it!”

I smile happily. “Me too.”

“We waited to order until you got here.”

I chew on my bottom lip feeling slightly embarrassed because I know that I’m going to have a hard time picking my dinner. I always struggle. Every time I’m out with Coop he picks for me, and he’s never picked wrong. I wonder if he will do it while we are with our friends or not.

I grab a menu and start perusing, trying to make my own decision. Once again, I’m tied up between the four-cheese mac and the chicken tenders and fries. Normally, when I’m with other people, I would order something a little more grown-up but being here at Teddy’s, I can order from the “kid” menu, and it is acceptable. I do ennie meenie miney mo, but still can’t decide what to order.

Cooper leans in and brushes my hair behind my shoulder. “What are your options, babygirl?” he asks lowly.

I look at him with a broad smile then show him on the menu the two things I’m struggling to pick from. He kisses my neck below my ear. “I’ve got you, kitten.”

I don’t even try to hold back my happy sigh. My posture automatically relaxes, and I feel happy and free again. It’s funny how letting Coop take charge of even this tiny thing makes me feel free. In this moment, he’s my daddy, and I’m his babygirl and it’s his job to take care of me.

I love it.

The waitress comes and asks for our orders. Cooper orders the chicken tenders and fries for me and a steak for himself with a side of the mac and cheese. Butterflies flutter in my stomach because I know he’s ordered that so I can have a bite or two. He really is the perfect man. The perfect daddy, I correct myself.

Our food comes quickly, and just like I thought, Coop feeds me a couple bites of his mac and cheese, smiling at me when I happily eat from his fork. “Good?”

“Delicious, thank you.”

“Anything for you, babygirl.”

While we eat, the guys start talking about the football team and how they are on their way to the state championships. Darlene pulls a funny face, and we break off into our own conversation.

“Did I tell you that Charity accepted the job at Thurston?”

“No, that’s exciting,” I say, feeling less than excited that my best friend’s best friend is obviously going to be moving here.

“Yeah, she’s moving here over the summer!” she goes on excitedly, not noticing my distress.

Self-consciousness fills me up, and I start wondering where I will fall into her life when her true bestie is close. Darlene is the only friend I have, aside from Cooper… what will happen if she is too busy with Charity? What if I’m only her friend because her best friend lives a million miles away? What if she ditches me when Charity moves here?

Coop squeezes my thigh under the table and draws me out of my ‘what if’ downward spiral. Thankfully Darlene doesn’t seem to notice that anything is amiss with me. I don’t want her to catch on to my overly self-conscious thoughts.

“I can’t wait for you to meet her. I know you’ll become fast friends,” she says excitedly.

Even though I have my inner doubts, I force them down and smile.

“She’s coming to visit during winter break. We should definitely hang out… maybe show her around the club while she’s here,” she says with a conspiratorial wink.

I give her a surprised look. “Is she…?”

“Yep, kinky as fuck.”

Colt looks at Darlene with a frown. “Watch that pretty little mouth of yours.”

She looks at him repentant. “Sorry, daddy.”

He snorts because despite her look and words, he knows she’s anything but repentant. She’s pushing his buttons on purpose. Not really being a brat, but definitely asking for a punishment in her own way.

Dinner is delicious and the company is even better. Once the guys pay the check, Darlene claps her hands excitedly. “Ready to play?”

My eyes widen and I wonder exactly what she has in mind. I don’t want to offend her, but I’m definitely not into playing with dolls or anything like that. I’m honestly not really sure what kind of little Darlene is. It’s never come up in conversation and feels like something too intimate to just outright ask a person.

“Yep, let’s go!” I say excitedly despite my reservations.

She turns to Colt and bats her lashes at him. “Can we, daddy?”

He gives her an indulgent smile looking every bit the loving daddy dom. “Of course, baby. We’re right behind you,” he says. Both him and Coop stand to follow our lead to the club proper.

We make our way to the club, passing straight through the bar without pausing. Darlene pulls me straight to the giant playground in the middle of the room. Since it’s a weeknight, it’s not very crowded, which leaves plenty of space for us to have fun. On the inside, I feel like a giddy kid, brimming with excitement. I haven’t felt so carefree in forever.

As a kid, it was always about shuttling me to the next music lesson, and there was very little time to just play and be a kid. Now, years later, I’m getting that chance, and it’s all because of Cooper. I turn and give him a happy smile that he returns. He mouths the words ‘I love you,’ causing me to smile hugely at him.

Darlene finally lets go of my arm when we are standing in front of two empty swings.

“Do you like to swing?” she asks, seeming shy.

“It used to be my favorite thing. It’s been forever though.”

She smiles wide. “You’re going to love this then!”

We both hop on our swings and start pumping our legs. The only thing missing is the wind in my hair, otherwise this feels like when I was a kid and I love it. Cooper and Colt are standing off to the side watching over us while they chat. Probably more sports talk. Boring.

Darlene and I swing until we are both breathless and laughing joyously.

“Hey girls!” Tessa says as she walks up beside us.

“Tessa!” Darlene squeals, jumping off her swing and running to the other woman and enveloping her in a hug. “Come swing with us!”

She chews on her bottom lip for a minute but then nods her head. “I can do that for a little bit. I’m just on a quick break from bartending.”

“Yay!” Darlene lets out another squeal showing how happy she is to be joined by our friend. She totally has embraced her little side, and I wonder if I will ever feel comfortable enough to do that. I guess swinging is a good start to connecting with that part of myself.

“Hey, Mel. How’s it going?” Tessa asks.

“Good. How are you?”

She looks past me and over to where the guys are standing and makes a disgruntled face but doesn’t answer.

Darlene leans in and whispers, “I see your best friend followed you over.”

Tessa rolls her eyes and continues to watch the guys. I notice him right away. He’s big… bigger than Cooper, which is saying something because Cooper is tall and built. He looks both scary and intimidating with his arms crossed over his chest. I think his name is Ransom, but I only met him briefly at Darlene’s birthday dinner.

“Is he your boyfriend?” I ask innocently.

Tessa stops her swing and gives me a withering look. “Fuck no. He wishes he could control me.”

Darlene’s eyes widen, and she looks towards the guys, probably wondering if they heard what she said since she definitely didn’t whisper. I realize that all three of the men are watching us. Ransom’s jaw ticks, and he looks mad enough to spit nails. It’s obvious that he heard her outburst. I feel terrible that I even asked. Especially when he looks so upset.

Cooper frowns at me, and I wonder if he’s upset with me or if he’s just frowning because of Tessa’s words.

Darlene giggles and shushes Tessa. “You’re gonna get us all in trouble!”

“I’d like to see that jerk try something,” she mutters under her breath.

I give her a wide-eyed look then look back at Coop. He shakes his head and says something to an obviously frustrated Ransom, who then turns and walks away. No, not walk—he storms off with steam practically coming from his ears.

Tessa gets up from her swing abruptly and waves at us. “I’m going to get back to work.”

“Sorry,” I apologize. “I didn’t realize…”

Darlene smiles. “Pssh, it’s not your fault, girl. Tessa and Ransom have some kind of major history or something. Not that either of them are talking about it.”

“I guess so…”

A few minutes pass by then Colt comes over and tugs Darlene against his chest with a growl. “You causing trouble, little girl?” he asks with heat in his eyes.

Darlene bats her lashes at him. “Probably,” she says. I instinctively know this is her way of asking for a different kind of playtime.

Colt gives her a devilish smile, then lifts her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She raises up enough to wave at me. “Thanks for playing with me. I had fun!”

“Me too,” I giggle.

I turn my attention to a very scowly, completely over-the-top handsome Coop. “Were you causing trouble, too?”

I blink up at him innocently. “No, daddy. At least not on purpose. I was just curious…”

“Hmm… do you know what happened to the curious kitten?”

I chew on my bottom lip, not answering because I have a good idea what would happen to a curious kitten if Coop had anything to do with it. “No?”

“She gets her bottom spanked for causing trouble for her friends.”

My eyes go wide and my core clenches at the threat. Part of me wants to jump up and run into his arms and beg for the spanking. It’s been a long time since he’s spanked me properly, and in a short time I’ve grown quite addicted to it. Another part of me doesn’t want to be a bad girl. I want Coop to see me as his good girl.

“But I wasn’t bad on purpose. I didn’t know I would upset Tessa by asking her a question.”

“I know, babygirl. You are my good girl,” he says lowly in my ear, causing shivers to trail up and down my spine. “That doesn’t mean you’re not going to get your bottom spanked.”

Another shiver runs down my spine; my panties are getting wetter by the second at the threat of him spanking me. I wonder where he will do it. Will he take me to a private room or will we go home, making me anticipate the moment for longer?

Either way, I’m ready for it and all the good things that tend to come afterward.

“Let’s go my curious kitten. Time for your punishment.”

“Okay, daddy,” I murmur meekly.

With a hand on my lower back, he leads me away from the playground and towards the private rooms. I smile widely, knowing I won’t have to wait long to get what we both want. Instead of continuing to the private rooms, Coop leads me to the public punishment area instead. I swallow thickly, wondering if he’s just trying to see how I’ll react. I start to drag my feet, not knowing how I feel about possibly being punished where anyone can look and see.

“We don’t have a private room reserved. I didn’t plan on punishing this sexy ass tonight,” he says, gripping my ass in his firm hold.

I let out a little whimper. “I don’t know about this…”

“The best part about this arrangement is you don’t have to think about it. You just have to follow my lead.”

I look up at him with caution. “I don’t know if I can do this though…”

“I saw how turned on it made you to see the other littles punished here. The idea isn’t appalling to you. What are your reservations?” he asks, his tone serious.

“I-I just I’m not sure I could actually go through with letting other people see me like that…”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do,” I answer without hesitation.

“Then trust me to take care of you. If it’s too much, you tell me, and we stop.”

I think about it. No, I’m not appalled by the thought of being spanked publicly. He’s not wrong that it turned me on seeing the other woman with her red bottom on display. But could I be that girl? I don’t really know, but I want to try. My wet pussy agrees with my naughty thoughts.

“Okay, daddy.”

He smirks at me, his sexy dimples on show. “That’s my good girl.”

I practically swoon at being called a good girl. I love that more than I probably should. I live for hearing him call me his good girl. I could eat the words up and never be hungry for anything else ever again.