Don’t Fall for the Doctor by Lacey Bolt

Chapter 34

Early Saturday morning, Michael settled himself in a chair in the corner of the restaurant kitchen. True to his promise, he didn’t ask Ashley why she was so reluctant to work in a restaurant, but just arrived early at her apartment to take her to breakfast and then drive her to the interview. The table he was seated at was the same one where he and Ashley sat during their date. He offered to sit somewhere else, far away from the kitchen, but Jeff shrugged him off and now handed him a steaming mug of coffee and a plate of biscotti.

He settled down to work on his computer while Ashley and Jeff moved about the kitchen. He could barely read a sentence before glancing back at her. He already loved watching her move around a kitchen. She moved like she was doing a carefully choreographed dance, with sure movements and ease. She used a large knife with skill, and she was more confident than he’d ever seen her. Watching her prepare to cook was like watching an artist prepare to create a masterpiece.

Michael wished he could hear the conversation between Ashley and Jeff as they cooked, but they were talking too quietly. Soon, an enticing aroma of sauteed onions and garlic filled the kitchen, along with other unfamiliar smells. He watched in amazement as she placed one pan after another filled with food on the large cooktop while placing others in the oven.

He lost count of how many items she was cooking at once. This was the woman he’d been dreaming about, the one he couldn’t remove from his mind. He had known there was something more to her lurking below the surface. He had seen hints of her passion and confidence in the times they’d been together, one on one. This was the same woman who, only weeks before, seemed too shy to talk with anyone at work. Never had Michael seen her look as happy and confident as she looked in that moment.

A satisfied smile crossed her face as she tasted something that was simmering on the stove. Michael longed to have that smile remain on her face. In that moment, he knew that she was someone remarkable, unique. Someone who he did not want to let go of. Someone he was falling for, hard.

He stretched his arms out, looking at the clock in surprise to see that another hour had passed by with him watching her cook. He realized that he could easily spend his entire day watching her in her element, doing what she so clearly loved to do.

With a sigh, he was dragged back to reality by the buzzing of his phone. He glanced at Ashley to see if she noticed the disruption, but she was too focused on her work to notice anything else.

He looked at the number on the caller ID. It was the hospital.

“Hello, this is Dr. Tobers.”

“Hi, th-this is Dr. Peter Emmit, third-year medical student.” Michael waited for what would come next. He wasn’t on call this weekend.

“It’s about your patient, um…Henry Watts.”

Michael sat up, alert. “What about him?”

“The attending doctor told me to contact you. I know you aren’t on call this weekend, but he told me to . . .”

“What’s going on with Henry?” Michael snapped at the medical student and didn’t care. If one of his patients was in trouble, he needed to know immediately.

“His condition is worsening. They need you at the hospital. We had to perform a code blue on him, but he was resuscitated.”

Michael swore under his breath. He grabbed his computer, tossed it in his bag, and looked around him. “Call me back in five minutes with an update on him. I’m on my way, will be there in half an hour.”

He hung up on the medical student and glanced at Ashley. There was no way he could wait to leave until she finished her interview. He had to be at the hospital as soon as possible. His heart skipped a beat as he thought of how much he wanted to stay there, watching her every move. But he was a doctor. He had responsibilities to people other than himself. Minutes could make the difference between life or death, and he was wasting valuable time.

“Ashley.” His voice sounded rough even to his own ears. She broke out of her concentration, looking up at him as though she forgot anyone was in the room. She gave him a beaming smile. His heart broke as the smile faded from her face. “Emergency at the hospital, I have to leave. If I’m not back by the time you are done, you’ll have to . . .” He paused, lost for words at the thought of disappointing and abandoning her.

“It’s ok. Go do what you need to do. I can take the bus. I’ll get home on my own.” She gave him a confident smile again. “Go save lives, doctor.” She blew him a kiss.

He took one last longing look at her, torn between wanting to support her and the demands of his job. His heart sank as his phone started buzzing again in his hand. Michael answered the phone as he turned his back on Ashley and walked out of the restaurant, listening to the medical student fill him in on the details of Henry’s medical situation.