Forbidden Hunger by R.L. Kenderson


Raven rolledover in bed and got up on her hands and knees, feeling hot and out of sorts.

The sun was up, but all she knew was that it was day. She had no idea what time it was or how long she’d been in heat.

Chase and Ranulf were both asleep beside her. She had tried to send them away after they helped the neighbor, but then her heat had risen again, and they had been there, and…

She hung her head in defeat.

She wanted them. She wanted them with her. She wanted them to stay. She wanted them to be hers and for her to be theirs. She wanted them to fall for her like she was falling for them.

And didn’t that just put the icing on a very fucked up cake? The last thing she needed was to be in love with two men at the same time. Two men who obviously liked having sex with the same woman, but that didn’t mean they wanted to share a mate.

Raven pushed her butt to her heels and lengthened her torso. Something was up, but she wasn’t sure what. She wasn’t in pain as of yet, but she felt like she was on the precipice of something big.

A beat of sweat rolled down from her hair and over her cheek.

That wasn’t a good sign. She’d been literally hot during her heat, but she’d never sweat like that.

Thinking that it might be a good idea to lie down again, she did just that as the worst pain she had ever felt hit her body.

She cupped her lower belly and yelled so loudly that a dog outside started barking.

Ranulf and Chase both shot up in bed.

“Oh fuck,” Chase said, looking at her and then down to his penis. “I feel like I’m going to explode.”

Ranulf rolled Raven toward him. “We are drowning in your scent over here. I think the end of your heat is near.”

That would explain why she felt the way she did and why she hurt so much. It felt like someone was sitting on her uterus.

Chase moved close behind her. Both of them touching her felt like brands on her body.

“Are you going to make it stop?”

Chase pulled her chin toward him, so he could kiss her. “That’s why we’re here. But are you ready for us?”

She had no idea why they kept asking her that. She’d been having sex with them the whole time. Now was not the time for this kind of questioning. She was hurting.

Ranulf slid his hand in between her legs and cupped her. “This is it, Raven. You have to tell us you’re ready to take this all the way.”

A contraction squeezed her insides, and she gritted her teeth. “If you two don’t get inside me right now, I’m going to kill you both.”

Chase laughed. “I guess we know what she wants.”

She growled back at him. She wasn’t trying to be funny.

Chase kissed her neck as Ranulf pulled her top leg over his hip and pushed two fingers inside her.

She moaned at his touch, but she was surprised that, from behind her, Chase did the same thing as his friend.

They’d never done this with her before, and she would have assumed that it would feel awkward, like too many digits in all different places. But while one pushed against her G-spot, the other fucked her with his fingers.

“Oh my God.” She shivered. “What are you doing?”

“Getting you ready.”

That didn’t make sense. She already knew she was ready. The insides of her thighs were dripping wet because she was ready.

Their touch was amazing, causing her pain to subside momentarily, but she was getting close to orgasming. If she came without them and their seed, she’d only feel worse.

She was about to tell them to stop when they both pulled their hands away at the same time, like it was choreographed or something.

Her abdomen got tight. She knew more pain was coming, and it was going to hurt, but Ranulf looked into her eyes as he gently thrust inside her. His eye contact made her feel special and exposed to him at the same time.

She expected him to roll her onto her back or lie back so she could ride him, but he looked over her shoulder at Chase.

Chase cupped the back of her head and turned her just enough to see his face. He ran his hand down the side of her hip and lifted her leg in the air.

She maybe—probably—should have guessed what was happening next, but she was unprepared.

Chase nudged at her opening and pushed.

She gasped and held her breath as she looked into his eyes. She was soaked, but both males were well-endowed, and as Chase drove home, he stretched her wide.

Once they were both inside her to the hilt, Chase kissed the corner of her mouth.

Ranulf put his hand on her hip. “I hope you know how incredible you feel to us.”

She didn’t get a chance to answer because the sharpest pain ever hit her, and this time, it didn’t go away. It was like her body knew how close the men were to her, and it wanted their essence immediately.

She clutched at Ranulf and Chase, grabbing on to skin wherever she could. “Please, please, I need it.”

She didn’t know who started moving, but it didn’t matter because once again, the two of them had their rhythm in sync. It was like they’d practiced it a hundred times, but she was too far gone to worry if they had done this before with someone who wasn’t her.

She had never felt so full in her life, and the two of them touched her everywhere. Inside and outside. She couldn’t tell where she ended and they began. Even though she’d been having sex with them for some time, the feel of them both inside her at the same time was nothing like she’d ever felt before. Physically and mentally.

She wanted them to be a part of her forever.

She wrapped one arm around Ranulf’s shoulder and the other back around Chase’s as she arched her neck. She knew what she was inviting them to do, but she couldn’t help it. She was in the middle of her mating heat, and she wanted to be marked.

Chase and Ranulf knew what she was doing and humored her by kissing and sucking on her neck. Ranulf was on one side and Chase on the other, and the double touch was what pushed her over the edge.

When she exploded, she swore they bit her. With her eyes slammed shut, she couldn’t be sure, but she was going to let herself imagine they were making her theirs.

Her climax was strong, and within seconds, Ranulf and Chase were coming, too. Their knots stretched her even further, but it was a painful pleasure. One she was going to think about for months after.

The combination of their seed coating her inside felt like a relief, but instead of the pain dissipating, like it normally did, it triggered another orgasm. And it made both males come again. There was a different kind of pain, and she knew it was her cervix opening up to allow their seed to reach her uterus.

For a minute, she imagined small children. The image in her head flipped back and forth from a child who looked like Ranulf to another who looked like Chase. If one of them did get her pregnant, who would it be? Did she want it to be one over the other?

She didn’t, so she pushed all thoughts of babies away.

The two men held her as they continued to have orgasms. They were getting weaker in strength, but she was still shocked at how many times her body could do it.

When it was finally over, she felt like she’d been through a battle.

“You okay?” Ranulf asked.

“I think so.”

He kissed her forehead, her nose, and her lips. “I’m going to pull out now,” he whispered.

She nodded to let him know she understood.

He slid from her body, and Chase followed.

He ran his hands over her from behind. “Still doing good?”

“Yes.” She would have thought she’d feel incredibly empty, but as she rolled to her back, she understood why she didn’t. “Oh my God.”

Her belly was huge. It wasn’t really huge, but she looked like Kendall had at six months pregnant.

Ranulf and Chase put their hands on her abdomen and smiled, as if she really were their mate and she were pregnant with their child. Closing her eyes, for a moment, she let herself dream of what it would be like for them to be one big, happy family.