Forbidden Hunger by R.L. Kenderson


Chase checkedhis phone just as Ranulf sat up on the other side of Raven. Both their phones had been vibrating for the last five minutes. Something had to be up.

“What is it?” Ranulf asked in a low voice so as not to wake Raven.

Chase frowned. “Damien. He called and texted me.”

Ranulf picked up his cell from the nightstand on his side of the bed. “Same here.”

“Holy shit. Hunter’s contact, Trey, called him about a fight.”

“I can’t believe it,” Ranulf said.

“They must need money.”

“Or they have no idea we know about the fighting ring. It stopped at the same time Monica fled, but it probably stopped because Wayne had been killed. Not because they know we’re onto them.”

“Which is why Trey contacted Hunter.”

“So, are we going to go?”

Chase looked at his phone. Damien wasn’t making them leave Raven, but he had asked that they check in once Raven’s heat was done.

“I think we should.” He looked over at his friend. “We both know Monica’s probably not going to be there, but if we can help find her, it would help out Raven. I know how much she wants to find the female, and if we can deliver her on a silver platter, that would make her feel like she got justice for the girls at the after-school program.”

“Agreed.” Ranulf slid off the bed and started to get dressed. “Honestly, now that her heat is over, I could use a little physical activity outdoors.”

Chase leaned over and kissed Raven on the forehead before getting up and dressed. “I really hope this thing ends soon. Too many of us have gotten hurt.”

“Very true.” A dressed Ranulf went over and kissed Raven. “We should probably leave her a note and text her.”

“Good idea.” Chase looked over at her. “You think she’ll be okay?”


“Should we get out of here then?”


“Good.” Chase was looking forward to using something other than his penis for something important.

* * *

Ranulf and Chase didn’t have time to go home. Instead, they met up with Quentin and Hunter in an empty parking lot along the way.

The four men exited the two SUVs and gathered around to talk.

“You two up for this?” Quentin asked Ranulf and Chase.

“Yes.” Like Ranulf had said earlier, it felt good to be out, doing something. Not that he didn’t love fucking Raven—and he would take her during her heat again in a heartbeat—but he had started to feel confined, being in the same house and not going anywhere for a few days. His wolf was ready for this.

“Are you sure you’re rested enough?” Quentin asked.

Chase raised his eyebrows. “And why do you ask?”

“You know why. I’ve heard mating heats can be rough.”

Chase grinned. “Yeah, I know that’s why. I was teasing you. But, yes, her heat ended hours ago, and we took a long nap. Ranulf and I are both ready.”

Just then, another SUV pulled up next to them, and Ram and Saxon got out.

Hunter grinned at the other vampire. “Ram,” he said as he held out his hand.

The two clasped hands and moved in for a half-hug.

Chase noticed Quentin frowning at the interaction, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to not smile at his friend going all territorial on his mate. He was really happy that Quentin had found someone, but Quentin probably wouldn’t appreciate Chase laughing at the situation.

“I didn’t know you two were coming,” Hunter said to Ram and Saxon.

Saxon snorted. “We’ve been babysitting for the last few days. We needed to get out of the house.”

“Babysitting?” Ranulf asked.

“Ram’s human. My Demi’s friend. And if I’m ever going to be able to go out with my mate in public again, we need to get rid of this bitch and her brother.”

“So, you came to kick ass?” Quentin asked.

“My alpha doesn’t want me to, but if something comes up”—Saxon shrugged—“I’ll do what I have to do.”

Chase chuckled. “I understand. My wolf is sick of being cooped up.”

Ram frowned. “What have you been doing?”

“A little bit of this, a little bit of that,” Chase joked.

Hunter rolled his eyes. “Raven went into heat, and these two have been busy with her.”

Saxon nodded knowingly, but Ram shook his head. “It still amazes me how shifters have babies.”

Ranulf snorted. “As if your way makes more sense?”

“It makes perfect sense. When we want to have a child, the female drinks our blood, so her womb can prepare itself for implantation. We’re so efficient; we do it on the spot.”

“Until you mate with a human,” Saxon muttered. “Then, you’re going to have to do it the human way.”

Ram shrugged. “It’s all fun and games.”

“Until someone gets knocked up,” Saxon finished.

“Do you not want offspring?” Chase asked Saxon.

“Don’t listen to him,” Ram said about Saxon. “I’ve been living with him for a year and a half. He was also the guy who wasn’t going to get mated.”

Saxon narrowed his eyes. “Mind your business, vampire.”

Ram shrugged. “Just calling it like I see it.”

Quentin rolled his eyes. “Can we discuss what we’re going to do once we get there?”

“Oh, right,” Chase said.

“Quentin and I have met Frank before, so we thought that we would talk to him and keep his attention off the four of you.” Hunter reached through the open window of his car and pulled out a small black item. “We have a tracker if you can figure out which vehicle is Frank’s and attach it to the undercarriage.”

“But if he were smart, he wouldn’t be having a fight tonight,” Quentin said, crossing his arms over his chest. “He has to know that we have linked him to Monica. And Monica definitely knows we are onto her.”

“But Frank doesn’t know that we are a sentinel and a Guardian,” Hunter said.


“Speaking of that,” Hunter said to the rest of them, “when we gave Frank our information, we switched last names, so they couldn’t find us online. I doubt it will come up, but it’s something to keep in mind. Hopefully, we’ll just pretend that we don’t know the four of you.” He lifted the tracker. “Who wants this?”

“I’ll take it,” Ranulf said.

“You know, if one of us could drink his blood and stick around to follow him from a distance, we could find out where he’s going,” Ram said.

“That’s a good idea,” Quentin said.

“You are more than welcome to do that,” Hunter said firmly. “Quentin and I aren’t going to be doing that.”

Quentin put his arm around his mate and kissed him on the side of the head. He looked at Ram. “Honestly, it would probably be hard to do, and once you do it, you won’t be able to get rid of the taste of him.” He cringed.

Ram lifted a shoulder. “We’ll see what happens.”

“Oh, and one more thing,” Quentin said, dropping his arm from Hunter. He also reached into his SUV and pulled out several burner phones. “Here you go.” He handed them out after checking each one. “All our numbers are programmed in.”

“I guess we’d better do this then,” Chase said.

“Bring it on,” Ranulf said.