True Love Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Thirty

Jon thought this day would never end. His head pounded. His eyes blurred. And he didn’t even have a head injury to blame. Just overwhelming fatigue. All he could think about was Trinity and Emmy and all they’d been through the other night.

And that fuck Nathan piled on with his deceit and sabotage.

People were sick and in the hospital because Nathan wanted to force Trinity and Adria into a situation where they had to sell because they couldn’t take the financial hit after spreading themselves thin with the new stores. Or maybe it was straight-up revenge for Trinity not taking the deal. Either way, Jon was taking him down.

Drake searched through the video footage.

Jon called the FDA and sent them to the hydroponics farm to test their greens. They’d confirm the contamination didn’t come from there.

He sorted through Trinity’s meticulous order forms and inventory lists and found all the evidence that showed when she’d used the last of their Lettuce Harvest greens and replaced them with the hydroponically grown greens. Then he contacted the farm that supplied Tree Top Grocery that was owned by Bountiful Foods and spoke to them about their recall, only to discover Bountiful Foods handled the collection and disposal of all the contaminated lettuce, which gave Nathan access through his father’s company.

It might be circumstantial, but it was something to add to the case the police and FDA were building against Nathan.

Drake slammed his hand down on the desktop. “Got you, motherfucker.”

Jon watched over Drake’s shoulder as he rewound the video to show Nathan driving into the parking lot of the Billings Almost Homemade. He got out and went to the trunk where he pulled out four huge boxes of lettuce with the Tree Top Grocery logo right on them. “Son of a bitch.”

Yes! They got him. Finally Jon could do something to help Trinity, instead of standing by helplessly. He’d take Nathan down and make sure he never hurt Trinity—or anyone else—again. She’d worked hard to build Almost Homemade, and he wouldn’t let Nathan steal it from her.

Drake switched cameras to the one in the main kitchen inside the shop. Nathan immediately turned off the security system, then went to the office and turned off the camera system.

“None of the employees know that only Adria’s and Trinity’s passwords actually turn off the cameras.”

“That way the employees can’t steal from their employer.” Jon thanked God they had the evidence they needed to prove Nathan sabotaged Almost Homemade.

Drake shrugged. “They can try, but we’ll have them on video doing it.”

Jon raised a brow. “Have you actually caught anyone?”

“A prep chef was stealing prime beef and reselling it to earn some extra cash. Trinity fired him.”

The video continued with Nathan carrying out his potentially deadly plan. He pulled on a pair of latex gloves, unpacked all the lettuce, and set it on the huge prep table, broke down the boxes, pulled out the salad containers and a knife, and went to work making dozens upon dozens of salads until all the lettuce had been used. He stacked the prepared kits and filled the refrigerated cases in the front of the store, then put the remaining ones in the walk-in refrigerator in the kitchen. Presumably, someone on staff collected them along with the other salad kits that were taken over to the Bozeman store because they were short-staffed and couldn’t make any themselves.

“He did it alone.”

“Looks that way.” Drake made a duplicate recording of the video.

Jon handed him the card from his FDA contact and the one for the local police detective working the case.

Drake sent the video to both officials’ emails, then turned in his seat. “Nothing to do now but wait for them to arrest Nathan.”

Jon sighed. “It seems rather anticlimactic.”

“There can’t always be a big takedown. But Nathan will serve time for purposely poisoning those people, Almost Homemade will be cleared, and Bountiful Foods will be implicated in this as well. Adria and Trinity can file a civil suit against Nathan and Bountiful Foods for their lost revenue and damage to their brand and name.”

Jon agreed. “I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone who got sick also filed suits.”

“It’s less than Nathan and Bountiful Foods deserve and all we’re going to get.” Drake looked as disappointed as him that Nathan wouldn’t suffer more for going after Trinity and Adria.

Jon picked up his phone and accepted the call from the detective. “Did you get the video?”

“Watched it. We’ll have him in custody soon. I’ll let you know when that happens so you can put out a press release letting the community know who was really at fault.”

“Thank you, Detective.”

“You did most of the work uncovering his plan. The video is all the proof we need to back up your suspicions.”

Drake tapped him on the arm and jerked his chin toward the door.

Jon turned and stared at the man who tried to harm Trinity’s life. “Nathan. What are you doing here?”

“We’re on our way. Stall him if you can,” the detective said.

Jon kept the line open but held the phone in front of him.

“Is that Trinity on the phone? I need to talk to her, but she’s not answering my calls. Neither is Adria.” Nathan shifted from one foot to the other when Drake stood and eyed him.

“Adria is resting at home. She’s not to be disturbed.” The deadly warning in Drake’s tone made Nathan take a step back.

The office didn’t have much space, and Nathan kept the door at his back.

Jon wanted to know how far Nathan wanted to go with his scheme. “Why do you want to talk to Trinity?”

Nathan’s eyes narrowed. “Those two own this place, yet they don’t show up when there’s a crisis. They leave you to handle it.”

Jon didn’t tell the staff what happened the other night. He’d let Trinity explain her absence and provide as much or as little detail about Steph’s assault on her as she felt comfortable sharing.

“Trinity trusts me to take care of the situation and keep the shops operating smoothly.” Although Trinity had suspicions because of the business proposal he never got a chance to articulate to her, Trinity still trusted him. She loved him.

“Yeah, well . . . She should be here herself. It just goes to show that running the business isn’t her priority.”

Drake crossed his arms. “I guess you think you could do a better job.”

“The Billings store does far more business than this one,” Nathan shot back.

“Given the larger population in Billings, it’s not surprising the store’s numbers are higher. It was a smart move for the women to set up shop there and in Bozeman once they had their flagship store running smoothly and worked out all the kinks inevitable in a new business venture.” Jon used logic where Nathan, led by his ego, presented facts inaccurately.

“And now it’s time to let someone run the business properly. I see the potential of what it could be, but they’re too busy sourcing ingredients that increase prices and drop profits.”

Jon didn’t agree. “They’ve delivered on their promise to their customers. Locally sourced, organic, wholesome foods. Not only has Almost Homemade supported local farmers and ranchers—”

“You mean their family. Her brothers supply the beef. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law supplies the fruits and vegetables, the eggs, the chicken.”

“Mostly, but they have other small farms right here providing ingredients. Trinity partnered with a group of students growing hydroponic greens. She helped them expand their business. And as Almost Homemade grows, so will they along with us.”

“Us? So you are buying the business.” Nathan looked smug about catching him, but he only thought he knew the truth.

“No. But you’re right. Trinity and Adria work with family. Trinity and I are building a life together, and when she needs my help with Almost Homemade, I will be there for her. Always.” Jon didn’t get Nathan’s disdain for working with family. “If you’re so against Trinity working with her brothers and sisters-in-law, why did you tell Trinity you wanted to work here?”

“I did it to prove to my father I can manage the business. He’s seen the numbers for Almost Homemade. He agrees with me that I can build Almost Homemade into something as big, if not bigger, than Bountiful Foods.”

Drake sneered. “So this was all about proving yourself to your father.”

“He thought culinary school was a waste of time. But I showed him that I could be an asset even if I didn’t work in some office all day.”

“Good for you,” Jon mocked. “But Almost Homemade is not for sale. Not now. Not ever.”

“They can’t recover from the bad publicity, the lost revenue because people are afraid they’ll get sick, too, or the lawsuits that are sure to come from the people who got sick. Look at the store.” Nathan held his hand out toward the shop beyond. “There are nearly no customers. It’s going to take a lot to earn back their trust and bring them into the stores again.”

Jon saw the detective walking in behind Nathan. “Almost Homemade is in the clear. I will make sure everyone knows it. And you and Bountiful Foods will be the only ones who pay for harming those innocent people.”

Jon turned his phone and showed Nathan Trinity’s face on the video call he’d initiated while talking to him.

She delivered the first blow. “You’re fired.”

The detective stepped up behind Nathan and pulled his arms behind his back and hit him with another verbal blow. “You’re under arrest for tampering with a food product and attempted murder for deliberately poisoning people.”

Nathan struggled as the detective clamped the handcuffs on his wrists. “You can’t do this. I didn’t do anything. It was just a bad batch of lettuce.”

Drake tapped play on the video on the computer on the desk.

Nathan’s eyes went wide and round and filled with terror when he saw himself making the salads. “I turned off the cameras.”

“You thought you did,” Trinity said from Jon’s phone. “But I have the best security guy in the business. And he’s my big brother. He’d never let someone steal from me or tamper with the business that Adria and I built from the ground up.”

Jon loved that she threw it in Nathan’s face that the very family she worked with helped send him to prison. “You should have just taken no for an answer when she told you she didn’t want to sell. Bountiful Foods has the resources to start a competitive business of their own. Why didn’t you push your father to back you?”

Nathan’s gaze hit the floor.

Jon understood. Nathan’s father was willing to buy a successful business, but he didn’t believe his son could build it on his own.

And now his son was going to prison for doing something desperate to please a father who would never give him the attention, praise, or approval he desperately wanted.

The detective gave him and Drake a nod. “Thank you for your assistance.” He tugged Nathan out of the office with him, reciting his Miranda rights. “You have the right to remain silent . . .”

“You can’t do this!” Nathan shouted back to Trinity.

The detective just kept pulling him along out of the shop.

Jon turned the phone back so he could look at his beautiful girlfriend. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired. But elated that he’s been caught. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.”

“I thought you’d like to see him take the fall and hear what he had to say.”

“All of this because of his daddy issues.”

It made him think of Emmy and how the problems with her mother would affect her as she grew up. “How’s Emmy?”

“She opened up a little. She’s really pissed at her mom. She said she hates her.”

“I don’t blame her. But I also know that’s not good for her emotional well-being.”

“No. But give her time.”

“And she’ll have you to show her what it’s like to have a good, loving mom.” He hoped he hadn’t overstepped or pushed too hard, too fast for what he really wanted them to be to each other and for Emmy.

“She really needs to be reassured that we are all staying at the ranch together now and that she won’t have to go back to her mom. While you’re there, can you run up to my apartment and pack more of my clothes? There’s a suitcase on the closet floor and an overnight bag. Just grab the stuff out of my dresser and in the bathroom, and that should be fine until I can pack up the rest.”

He loved the matter-of-fact way she made it clear they were sticking together now. “Sure, sweetheart, no problem.”

Drake grinned beside him. “So you guys are moving in together.”

“I’m keeping him,” Trinity said for Drake’s benefit, and smiled at Jon from the phone.

“Cough if you’re being held hostage,” Drake teased.

“Hell no. My ribs hurt too much as it is. I sneezed earlier and thought my head might actually explode.” Trinity closed her eyes, then opened them again. “Besides, I don’t need to be rescued. I just need Jon to come home.”

“On my way, sweetheart.” And he couldn’t wait to get there.

“By the way, Tate and Liz got Razzle back. She’s here, in her cage, on the porch. I thought you could be Emmy’s hero like you were mine today taking down Nathan, and return her to Emmy when you come in.”

“What about the other two?”

“She seems to be the most attached to Razzle. The other two found a good home, but if Emmy wants them back, we can deal with that tomorrow.”

“She’ll probably be happy with Razzle. She complains about the other two. Steph didn’t treat them well, but Razzle always seemed to be the sweetest.”

“You look exhausted, Jon. Are you sure you’re okay to drive?”

“I think I have just enough left in me to get home, kiss you, and fall asleep.”

“Grab something to eat on your way. That will help keep you awake, and it’s probably been forever since you had a decent meal.”

He loved that she wanted to take care of him. “I will. Now say goodbye because you’re supposed to limit your screen time.”

“You called me.” She glared at him, but it turned into another grin. “See you soon.” And then she disconnected.

“You sure you want to keep her?” Drake teased, but there was a serious question in there about wanting to know Jon’s intentions.

“Definitely. Forever if she’ll let me.”

Drake gave him an approving nod, and Jon stopped worrying that her family didn’t accept him. Family meant everything to Trinity. And he liked the idea of having so many people to count on and trust to have your back. He didn’t have any siblings. He hoped Emmy did one day. Until then, she’d have a lot of uncles and aunts and cousins from Trinity’s side of the family.

Now that all the drama with Steph and Almost Homemade had been handled, he could focus on him and Trinity and building the life they wanted. He got her to move in. Now he needed to make it permanent and ask her to marry him.

Maybe it was too fast, too soon, but he didn’t want to wait.

He wanted her to be his wife and partner. He wanted Emmy to have the mother she deserved. He wanted to have more kids and make a million happy memories that spanned the next however many decades they were given.

And he wanted it all to start now.

“Go pack her stuff upstairs. I’ll get you something to eat and a cup of coffee for the road.” Drake smacked him on the back and walked out into the kitchen.

Jon trudged upstairs and into Trinity’s apartment. He liked her place and imagined moving her things and incorporating them in their home.

It took him only ten minutes to fill the suitcase and bag with her clothes and bathroom stuff. He found Drake waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs with a bag of food and a takeout coffee cup.

“Adria has all the shifts covered at all three stores. Stay home with Trinity for a few days, make sure she’s taking it easy. We’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner Thursday night.”

Right. He’d almost forgotten Declan and Skye were getting married.

That would give him time to come up with the perfect proposal and not steal any of the spotlight from them.

“Thanks for all your help, Drake. If I need any security work done at my businesses, I’m calling you.”

Drake smacked him on the back again. “Be sure you do. We like to keep things in the family.”

Jon stared after Drake as he walked out the back door to go home. It took Jon a second to follow him outside after that comment and absorb that Drake, and hopefully everyone else, considered him part of the family.

Trinity was a part of his.

He loved her. Emmy did, too, and she needed Trinity in her life.

Steph wasn’t out of the picture, but she had been sidelined for a good long time.

But he still needed to deal with her.

That was a problem for tomorrow.

Tonight, he had a beautiful, kind woman waiting at home for him, and he couldn’t wait to get to her.