True Love Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Thirty-One

Trinity sat with her head resting on the back of the sofa, eyes closed, trying to think of nothing and just be calm and quiet. Emmy had her head on Trinity’s thigh. Trinity brushed her fingers through Emmy’s hair while she watched Sesame Street.

“Big Bird is too big,” she announced out of the blue.

“I really like his flouncy feathers.”

“When will Daddy be home?” She asked about every ten minutes.

“Soon.” She hoped.

Tate left an hour ago with her assurance that she could handle Emmy for a little while alone. They’d already had dinner. Emmy had put on her pj’s. It was still early, but Emmy seemed as tired as her.

Organ music played on the TV. Emmy counted with Count, the vampire, to find out the number of the day.

“One bat, two bats, three bats. Ah, ah-ah.” She mimicked the Count’s vampire laugh.

Trinity couldn’t help but smile. “Very good, sweetheart.”

“Three is the number of the day. I can draw a three.”

“You are excellent at numbers.”

The front door opened and Emmy scrambled to get up.

Trinity opened her eyes and watched Emmy launch herself into her dad’s legs as he held up the cat carrier so she didn’t bang her head on it.

Jon rubbed his hand over Emmy’s head. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you?”

“You were gone so long.” Emmy looked up at him with a scolding frown.

“I’m sorry. I had to take care of some business for Trinity, but look who I have . . .” He brought the carrier down to Emmy’s level and Razzle head-bumped the cage door and meowed.


Jon unlatched the door and let Razzle jump into Emmy’s arms. The cat accepted the fierce hug from Emmy and nuzzled her head into the little girl’s cheek.

“You got her. Thank you, Daddy. Thank you.” Emmy leaned into Jon, unable to hug him properly with her hands filled with cat.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

Trinity stood back, watching the sweet scene. “Honey, Puff and Dot found a home with a nice woman who lived close to your mom’s place. Is it okay with you if they stay with her?”

“Do they like it there?” she asked.

“Yes. And the woman lives alone and really wanted to take care of them.”

“Okay.” Emmy took Razzle and headed for the hallway. “Come see our new room, Razzle. We get to stay here now. No more Mommy’s house.”

Jon’s eyes filled with anguish. “She’s really upset about her mom.”

At her mom. Not you. She feels safe here. And you brought back her kitty. I have a feeling that will make all the difference in the world to her. Plus Tate is bringing the horses tomorrow.”

Jon’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t know if I’m up for that. I’m so damn tired.”

“One of the guys from Cedar Top will come by in the morning and at night to care for them for as long as we need him. He’s got a young family and could use the extra cash.”


“Also, Tate said you’re going to run cattle for Almost Homemade.”

“He mentioned it to me, and while I intended to make this a working ranch again, I—”

Trinity touched her fingers to his lips to stop him. “All Tate needed to hear was that you want to be a rancher again, so he’s already got a plan in place. He’ll fill you in. But since you’ve got your hands full with Steph, Tate thought the guy he’s sending is a hard worker and has earned a better position and can be your ranch foreman.”

“Done. He can have the job as long as he wants it.”

Trinity smiled. “I knew you’d say that.”


She slipped her hands up his chest and around his neck. “You’re a good man. My man.”

He leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. “Yes, I am. For as long as you want me.”

“I’ll take forever if it’s on the table.”

“Done.” Then he kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in forever. He held her gently in his arms because he remembered her cracked ribs, and it was the sweetest thing to know he kissed her with a desperation she felt, too, but restrained the rest of himself to protect her from further pain. “I really wish I could have spent the day with you and Emmy.”

“Thank you for working with Drake to take down Nathan. I really enjoyed watching Nathan get what was coming to him. Maybe a little too much.”

“Revel in it. He’d have enjoyed taking your business and rubbing your nose in it.” Jon sighed. “About my proposal . . .”

She touched her fingers to his lips. “I completely understand what you wanted now.”

“You do?” His eyes narrowed.

“Yes. And I think it’s worth revisiting soon, but right now you’re exhausted.”

“Give me a few minutes to bring everything in off the porch. We definitely need to set up the litter box and Razzle’s food and water. You can unpack your stuff in a couple of days when you’re feeling up to it.”

“You do that, then get in the shower. I’ll read to Emmy and we can call it a night.”

“You’re not supposed to overtax your eyes and brain.”

“I think I can manage a couple of books.”

Jon stepped back, but kept his hands at her waist. “You took a shower and changed. The doctor said I was supposed to watch you in case you got dizzy.”

“Are you upset, or disappointed you missed it?” She gave him a teasing smile.

He sighed out his mock devastation. “Mostly disappointed.” The sexy grin and light in his eyes did her heart good.

“Tate sat outside the cracked door and played a game on his phone with Emmy while I took a very short shower.”

Jon brushed his hand over her hair. “I just can’t bear for anything else to happen to you.”

“Then help me stop worrying about you so my brain can shut down and we can both get the sleep we desperately need.”

“All I want to do is hold you and crash.”

“I’ll meet you in bed.”

“I’d like to hear that every day for the rest of my life, please.”

“Done,” she mimicked him, and gave him a sexy grin as she slipped out of his light embrace and went to Emmy’s room.

Her heart fluttered with anticipation after hearing Jon so easily talk about them being together forever. She couldn’t wait to see his face when she carried out her plan to make that happen.