True Love Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Thirty-Two

Jon woke up with Trinity plastered to his side, one leg thrown over his, her long hair draped over his arm. Heaven. Pure and sweet and perfect.

He stretched to look at the clock and she snuggled in closer. He hadn’t slept that well in a long time.

He’d like to make love to her. Slow and easy, taking his time. But she was in no condition for that with her ribs, head still in a fog, and the dizzy spells that came over her. So he settled for turning on his side and gently pulling her close.

She wrapped herself around him and kissed his neck. “Feeling better?”

Of course she’d ask him that, when she was the one seriously injured. “I woke up with you. I can’t possibly be any better.”

She leaned back and smiled at him. “You’re sweet in the morning.”

“I’m sweet to you all the time.”

“True.” She dipped her head back under his chin and hugged him closer.

He slipped his fingers into her silky hair, avoiding the long line of stitches. “How is your head this morning?”

“Slow. Like yesterday, but once I’m awake a little longer, it gets better. There are things floating in my eyes.”

“Do you still have a headache?”

“It’s not so bad this morning.”

He gently rolled her to her back and slipped his hand up under the T-shirt he found her in last night. His shirt. And God, it looked good on her.

He checked out the bruising on her side. “Did you ice this yesterday?”

“On and off every couple of hours.” She put her hand over his. “Jon. I’m okay.”

“I know. It’s just . . .” He lightly traced his fingers over the bruises. “I think of what could have happened.”

“It didn’t. I’m fine. And we are moving on with our life together with Emmy, and for now, Steph is out of the picture.”

He wished for good. Except for Emmy’s sake. He’d endure Steph’s presence in their lives when necessary. “I think I’ll go deal with her apartment today.”

“You don’t have to do that. I rented a storage locker and hired a cleaning crew and movers to go there and empty the apartment a week from Monday. All of Emmy’s things will be delivered here that evening.”

He stared down at her, even though she still had her eyes closed. “You were supposed to rest yesterday and not stress about anything.”

“You took care of my business. I took care of yours. Well, your personal business.”


“We both know you didn’t want to deal with it. Unfortunately, you have the unpleasant task of going to see Steph. If I were you, I wouldn’t put it off. Her lawyer left you three messages at the house. I can’t imagine how many times he called your cell.”

“I ignored all six calls. She wants me to pay her bail so she can be out while she fights the charges. For the first time, her family, especially her father, has refused to clean up her mess. So far anyway.” He couldn’t believe her dad refused to get her out of jail.

Trinity’s eyes opened. “Are you going to pay her bail?”

“No fucking way.” He reined in his temper, and Trinity relaxed beside him because he wasn’t going to come to Steph’s rescue again. “I’ve given her every chance to be a good mother. She can’t even manage being a decent person.”

“Then let the court handle it and let it go.”

“If she’s smart, she’ll make a deal and serve her time.”

Trinity gave him a look that clearly said she didn’t think Steph was ever smart about anything.

Fair enough. He just wanted to drop the subject, but conceded, “I should go see her just so she knows where I stand on Emmy.”

“You need the closure.” Right again.

She read him so well.

“Tate is going to be here in an hour with the horses. I’m going to get some coffee and make Emmy breakfast so she’s ready for her big surprise. Are you coming? Or do you need more time to relax and let your eyes adjust to the light?” He’d kept the drapes closed in here and where he could in the rest of the house so she wasn’t bombarded by bright lights.

“I’m coming. I think I’ll sit up for a few minutes and get my balance before I try standing.”

“I’ll come check on you in a few and help you up, so you don’t fall.”

“I think I’ll be okay. I’m going to do what the doctor said and take it slow.”

“No horseback riding for you today,” he teased, knowing full well she wasn’t allowed up on a horse in her condition.

“I can’t wait to see Emmy’s face.”

He kissed her softly. “I love looking at yours and having you here with me.”

“So sweet in the morning. Remind me to stay in bed with you as long as possible.”

“My pleasure.” He kissed her again, then made himself get out of bed before things got too hot between them and he possibly set back her recovery.

He pulled on a T-shirt and sweats to cover the boxer briefs he’d slept in and headed down the hall. He stopped in Emmy’s doorway and found her in nearly the identical position he’d seen her in last night when he kissed her good-night, even though she’d already fallen asleep. Razzle lay by Emmy’s side, her arm draped over the cat.

Razzle spotted him, slipped free, ran off the bed, past him, and into the bathroom across the hall and straight into the litter box. “Good girl.”

He liked the cat. She looked like a masked superhero kitty with the orange fur around her eyes and spreading over her ears and the back of her head, like a cap. The rest of her was pure white.

He left Razzle to do her business, went to the kitchen, thanked God someone had made the coffee and set the timer, found two mugs in the cupboard, and poured for himself and Trinity.

Razzle raced in and immediately found the dry food feeding container and water bowl. She chowed down.

Emmy came in rubbing her eyes. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Hi, sleepyhead.”

Razzle ran over to Emmy, brushed her body against Emmy’s legs, then ran back to her bowl.

Emmy giggled. “She’s happy here.”

And so was his little girl.

“Let’s have some breakfast.”

“Peanut butter toast.” Emmy loved melted peanut butter.

“Take a seat.” He got out two pieces of bread and popped them in the toaster.

Emmy climbed onto the stool at the breakfast bar.

Trinity walked in wearing his shirt and a pair of black leggings and squinted at the bright light coming in the front window.

“Sorry, sweetheart, no window covering in here.”

“It’s okay. You have coffee, which is better.” She picked up her mug and took a sip, then went and sat next to Emmy. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Peanut butter toast.” Emmy leaned into Trinity.

“Excellent. I should add that to the menu at work. Maybe your dad will add some strawberries to both our plates, too.”

“Ooh, that sounds good.” Emmy smiled up at Trinity and petted Razzle, who had jumped up into her lap.

Jon took out two more slices of bread. “I’ll do that.” He appreciated that Trinity rounded out Emmy’s meal with some fruit without forcing it on her. If Trinity wanted it, Emmy did, too. He liked that she wanted to emulate Trinity. She couldn’t have picked a better woman to follow.

Better than her own mother.

Sad. It hurt Jon’s heart to think about how Steph harmed their little girl.

“So Emmy, your dad has something he has to do today, so you’ll be hanging with me. My sister Liz is coming over with the dress I need to try on for my brother’s wedding.”

“Do I get to go to the wedding?”

“Absolutely. We’re going as a family.” She met Jon’s gaze with a reassuring smile that erased his earlier glum when he thought about Steph.

He needed to start looking forward and not back. He needed to focus on the two people who loved and needed him.

He needed to put Steph in the past, because for the next however many years she was in prison, she didn’t need to be a part of their everyday lives.

“Do I get a pretty dress, too?”

“Of course.” Trinity sipped her coffee.

He served Emmy her breakfast and went to finish Trinity’s. “I can take her shopping for something tomorrow.”

“If you don’t mind, my sister said she’d pick something up in Emmy’s size that matches what I’m wearing.”

Emmy’s eyes brightened with excitement.

“I can give her some money for the dress when she stops by later.”

Trinity set her mug on the counter. “I’ve got this. I want to do it for Emmy.”

“Sweet,” he mimicked her.

“Are you guys going to get married?” Emmy asked, looking from him to Trinity and back.

“Yes.” He waited to see if Trinity contradicted him.

“When?” Emmy bounced in her seat with excitement, nearly toppling Razzle off her lap.

“Soon,” Trinity replied, though he hadn’t even asked her yet.

He planned to, right after her brother’s wedding. If she was ready, why wait any longer?

They ate breakfast together, Emmy chatting about everything and nothing to Razzle and them. It felt like this was how it had always been, yet it was new and . . . perfect.

Before he knew it, they were all dressed and ready to start the day when Tate drove in with the horse trailer.

“Who’s that?”

“Uncle Tate,” Trinity said, like it was a done deal, they were all family. She opened the front door and let Emmy loose to run right for Tate as he got out of the truck.

Tate scooped her up and held her to his chest. “I missed you, tiny tot.”

“You saw me yet-erday.”

Yesterday,” he corrected. “And that’s right. I did.” He touched his nose to Emmy’s, then leaned back. “Today I brought you a surprise from your dad.”

Jon stared at the two and his heart grew too big for his chest. Emmy beamed with delight. Tate treated her like she was his little one. Emmy had an uncle. In fact, she had three. And aunties. Liz walked around the front of the truck, holding a garment bag over her shoulder, and hugged Trinity one-handed.

“What did you bring me?” Emmy asked Tate.

“Well, I think I’ll let your dad show you what he got you.”

“I got Razzle back yes-terday.”

“I heard. I can’t wait to meet her.” Tate handed Emmy over to Jon.

He walked to the back of the trailer and waited for Tate to open the gates.

Emmy squealed, “Horsies!”

Jon thought he might be deaf, but no.

Emmy hugged his neck. “Thank you, Daddy. I love them.”

“You haven’t even met them yet.” Jon backed up a few steps as Tate led the first horse out.

Trinity walked over and took the big white-and-gray mare’s lead rope. “This is my horse, Luna. She’s a sweet girl.”

Jon walked Emmy up to the horse.

Trinity took Emmy’s hand and helped her pat the horse down her long neck.

Emmy’s eyes went wide. “She’s soft.”

Jon backed up so Trinity could walk Luna down to the barn and Tate could bring out another of the horses.

“This one is yours, tiny tot. His name is—”

“Brownie,” Emmy called out to the chestnut horse.

Jon laughed with Tate. “No, sweetheart. That’s a great name, but he’s called Baxter. He’s very gentle. The little girl who used to ride him got too big for him, so she thought you’d like to have him.”

“I do want him.” Her sweet earnest little voice made Jon and Tate grin.

Tate handed the rope to her. “Then he’s all yours.”

Jon put his hand on the rope just to be on the safe side, though Baxter was more interested in watching his buddy Red come out of the trailer.

“He’s a nice one, too?” Emmy watched the larger horse come closer.

“Yes, baby. He’s real nice. His name is Red.”

“Hi, Red.” Emmy waved to him over Baxter.

Tate handed the rope to Jon. “Uh, you weren’t expecting this, but apparently she comes with Red.”

“Another horse?” He hadn’t expected four, but he had the stall space in the barn, so why not.

“Not exactly.” Tate disappeared into the trailer and came back out, but with the horses in the way, Jon couldn’t see what he led out until he heard a loud bleating noise.

“Is that a goat?” He couldn’t believe it.

Tate walked around the horses and, sure enough, at the end of another lead rope stood a very pregnant goat. “Her name is Pippa.”

“She’s not a pig.” Emmy frowned at the goat.

“No, she’s not, tiny tot, but she has a mad crush on Red despite her being in the family way from another goat.”

Emmy gave Tate a confused look.

“Pippa is going to have a baby goat,” Jon explained.

“Really? When?” Emmy wiggled to get down.

“In about a week,” Tate stated. “It cost you an extra fifty, but my friend threw in a bunch of feed. He thought he could separate Red and Pippa, but she had a cow.” Tate grinned at his joke.

Jon laughed. “So you thought why not bring her along to join the menagerie.”

“Trinity will probably start her own goat milk cheese business now.”

Jon laughed again, because Trinity was that enterprising.

She and Liz finally joined them.

Trinity took one look at the goat and crouched in front of her. “Look at you. I think you and Adria are both carrying twins.”

And just like that Jon realized he had no chance. He was now the proud owner of a goat, plus one. Or two. They’d see in the next week or so.

Emmy cooed to the goat. Pippa loved all the pats and attention. She didn’t try to bite Emmy or knock her down, so Jon relaxed.

Tate eyed him. “We good?”

“All good,” he confirmed, smiling as Emmy brought her hands to her chin and squealed, “She licked me.”

Trinity stood, but wobbled until she got her balance with Liz right beside her steadying her with a hand to her shoulder. “I think I’m going to go inside and get out of the sunlight.” She hadn’t worn her sunglasses.

“I’ll go with her,” Liz volunteered, leading Trinity back to the porch.

“Let’s get these critters settled into their new home.” Tate took the lead rope for Red and the goat and led them down the driveway to the barn.

Jon picked up Emmy and led Baxter, though he mostly followed Red.

Tate called back to them. “So there’s a big cattle auction next week. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, so if you want, I can go. We’ll get this place up and running in no time.”

“Sounds good,” he heard himself say, even though he did have a lot going on right now. But he wanted the ranch, Emmy and Trinity, and the life they made here.

“Then it’s settled. You’re going into the family business.”

As in Jon was now a part of the suppliers for Almost Homemade. He loved it.

It didn’t take them long to put the horses in their stalls, feed and water them, then make Pippa comfortable in another stall with lots of hay in case she went into labor and delivered her kid.

Tate closed the stall door. “The renovations to the barn turned out great. The animals should be really comfortable here.”

“Thanks for picking up and delivering them here. I appreciate it.”

“That’s what family is for. Please get medical clearance from Trinity’s doctor before you put her on a horse.”

“Trust me, that’s not happening unless I have written consent.”

Tate slapped him on the back. “She’s a stubborn one, but I think she’s taking this head injury seriously. How did she sleep last night?”

“Like the dead. Me too, actually.” Jon tickled Emmy’s belly. “And Emmy slept with Razzle last night.”

“Everyone had a friend to sleep with then.” Tate gave him a knowing look that Jon didn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

Jon looked at the house and out at the rolling green landscape. “What do you think, Emmy? Will it be fun living out here and riding the horses?”

“This is the best, Daddy.” She hugged his neck again and he felt like Father of the Year.

This was the life he wanted for Emmy. Happy. Carefree. Filled with fun and sun and learning about taking care of the animals and land just like he did when he was a kid.

They walked into the house and he stopped short when he saw Trinity standing in the living room showing off the beautiful blue gown she wore to Liz and Tate.

“It’s gorgeous. The cut is perfect.” Liz looked at Trinity with sheer joy in her eyes.

Jon agreed. Everything about the dress showed off Trinity’s curves and golden blond hair to perfection. “God, you’re beautiful.”

“So pretty.” Emmy squirmed to get down.

He set her on her feet and she ran over to Trinity and touched her leg to feel the dress.

“Soft. Shiny.” Emmy hugged Trinity’s thighs.

Liz held up two tiny dresses. “What do you think of these?” One was blue, the same shade as Trinity’s dress. The other a pretty vibrant purple.

“Why two?” he asked.

Liz held one, then the other up to Emmy. “We’ll see which one fits her best.”

The alarm on his phone went off. He’d completely lost track of time. But he needed to meet with Steph and her attorney.

“Time to go?” Trinity asked.

“Yeah. Are you okay? Outside, you seemed off.”

“Just the sunlight messing with my eyes. I’m good now. Liz is going to stay awhile so we can catch up. Go. I’ll be here when you get home.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Put the past in the past and let’s move on.”

“Where are you going?” Emmy rubbed her hand over Razzle as she wound her way through Emmy’s legs.

He went to her and crouched low. “I’m going to see your mom.”

Emmy backed into Trinity’s legs. “I don’t want to go.”

Trinity brushed her hand over Emmy’s head. “Only Daddy is going.”

“You’re staying here with Trinity and Aunt Liz. I’m just going to talk to your mom about what happened and about her going away for a long time. That’s all. You are staying here with us. Okay?”

She nodded, but stayed close to Trinity.

“Do you want me to tell your mom anything?”

“She’s mean. I don’t want her.” Emmy turned and hid her face in Trinity’s thighs.

“Okay. I’ll tell her. I’ll also tell her that this is your home. This is where you belong. This is where you will stay.” He hoped that eased Emmy’s mind.

Emmy peeked back at him. “Promise?”

“I promise.” He held his arms out.

She hesitated for a second, then launched herself into his chest. He wrapped her in a big hug, careful of the bruises on her backside. “I love you, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you ever again.”

“And Trinity will be the mommy now,” Emmy demanded.

He took her face in his palms and held her away so she could see he meant what he said. “Yes. She is.” He kissed her on the forehead, then let her go.

She immediately went back into Trinity’s embrace.

“I’ll take care of her,” Trinity promised.

“I know you will. With your life.” He kissed Trinity, then left her and Emmy to go do the one thing he didn’t want to do but needed to do to end this chapter of his life so he could start a fresh new one with his girls.