Feels Like Love by Jenna Hartley

Chapter Thirteen

My phone buzzed. I glanced down to see Wren’s name on the screen and immediately smiled.

Wren: What are you wearing?

Was she asking because she wanted to know if River had picked my clothes again? That kid loved clothes and dressing up, and he had a really good eye for style. It wasn’t like I’d ever put much thought into my outfit, but seeing him light up as he picked through my clothes was definitely a highlight of my morning. That and the coy smile Wren had flashed me over her coffee mug when she caught me humming the song we’d danced to last night.

Just thinking about last night had my body buzzing with excitement. And we hadn’t even kissed. But our bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces as we swayed in her living room.

Growing up, I could remember her parents doing things like that—showing affection, dancing to a song only they could hear. I’d always looked to Wren’s parents as inspiration. I wanted a love like theirs. One that was deep and loyal, passionate and strong.

I finally typed out a response.

Me: A pair of gray slacks, blue button-down shirt, and my lab coat.

Wren: Sometimes, I imagine you fucking me in your lab coat.

I blinked at the screen a few times, swallowing hard. I hadn’t expected her to say something so brazen. So hot. It was a huge fucking turn-on. Everything about her was.

And while I wanted—desperately—to believe it was true, it also made no sense. I didn’t think I’d ever heard Wren say a word as crass as “fuck.” Was she drunk? Didn’t seem likely, considering it was the middle of the day. Had someone stolen her phone and started texting me?

Apparently, I took too long to respond because another message came through.

Wren: It’s not working, is it?

I could just imagine her sighing in defeat. But seriously…what the hell was she talking about? And then it dawned on me, just as her message came in.

Wren: The sexting. I was trying to practice it on you.

She’d been bugging me to help her with it for the past week. I’d been putting her off because I’d imagined us sitting in front of her phone, brainstorming responses to other men. Not…this.

Me: Sexting is a subtle art. Like any part of dating, sometimes the most tantalizing part is the tease. The buildup.

Me: You want to set the scene. Get both parties on the same page.

Wren: How? Can you show me?

If this was just practice, then I could finally say whatever I wanted, right? I may as well indulge a little, enjoy my fantasies since I knew it wasn’t real. At least, not for her.

I glanced up to make sure the door to my office was closed. Then I typed out a message and hit send before I could rethink it.

Me: You looked so fucking sexy last night.

Wren: I did?

I wanted to laugh, but…how did she not know? Those jeans and that ass. But it was her smile that got to me. The way she’d felt in my arms.

Were we really doing this? I didn’t want to question it. I didn’t want to consider the consequences. For once, I just wanted to allow myself to do what I wanted. I was so sick of holding back with her.

Me: When we were dancing, the feel of your body pressed to mine was insane.

Wren: I liked that too. I liked your hands on my hips, digging into my skin.

I kept going, allowing myself to imagine this was real. Just this once.

Me: The things I want to do to you…

Wren: Like what?

Oh no. She wasn’t getting off that easy. I needed her to give a little. I needed to push her to see how she’d respond. To see if she’d clam up like she claimed she did on dates, or if she’d give just as good as she got. With me, she always seemed relaxed, fun. At least, if I didn’t mention the word date. But I didn’t want to think of that right now.

Me: You tell me. What would you like?

Three dots danced on the screen. Disappeared. Then reappeared. Interesting.

Wren: You’d kiss me slow and deep, savoring me.

Fuck yeah, I would. My dick jerked to attention.

Me: I’d definitely take my time with you. Kiss every single inch of your smooth skin.

Wren: Where are we?

Good question.

I started typing the words, “the kitchen” but had a better idea and deleted it.

Me: On the couch. I’d feed you some of Asher’s pastries.

Wren: Mm. You know what I like.

I could picture it all so clearly. Wren on the couch, me holding an éclair to her mouth. The cream oozing out. And then I’d trail the filling down her chest, getting her messy. Just so I could lick it all off. I pressed a hand to my cock and groaned.

Wren: You’d settle your body over mine. Your weight pressing me into the cushions.

Me: And then I’d explore every freckle, every curve, lavishing your body with attention. First, your nipples. I want to know if they’re as pink as your lips.

Me: Tell me, baby. Are they?

She didn’t respond for a minute, and I wondered if I’d pushed too far. Expected too much. I was about to text her to apologize when an image came through.

Oh. Holy. Fuck.

I blinked a few times, expecting it to disappear. But it didn’t. There, on my screen, was an image of Wren’s tits. And god, they were perfect. I couldn’t see everything—she’d kept her lacy bra on. But I could see enough to make me hard as stone.

Wren: Was that not proper sexting etiquette or something? You told me guys were very visual.

I was so busy drooling over her that I’d forgotten to respond. At least until she’d thrown the ice bucket of reality on me with that last message.

This was practice for the guys she would date. Guys who weren’t me. I squeezed my phone so hard I was afraid it would shatter.

Shit. I ran a hand down my face. Get your head in gear.

I stared at the picture again, still in awe.

Me: Perfection. Absolute perfection.

Now I really didn’t want her to be with anyone but me.

Wren: Your turn.

Was she asking me for a dick pic? We’d definitely just crossed a line. Okay, more like jumped over it and then gone back to stomp on it. But yeah…I…wow. I hadn’t expected this.

Me: What is this—middle school? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?

Wren: Well…

I didn’t care if it was pretend. I didn’t care if Liam would kill me. I needed this. Her.

I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pants, sliding them low on my hips to give her a hint of what was beneath without actually showing anything. I wanted it to be tasteful and mysterious like her picture—leave a little something to the imagination. I took a picture of my chest, abs, and bulge and sent it to her before getting dressed again.

I held my breath, waiting for her to answer. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long.

Wren: Holy hotness.

I smiled, growing even harder from her reaction. That sounded more like Wren. Not the “fuck me in your lab coat.” Though, if that was what she’d wanted, I’d be happy to oblige.

There was a knock at the door, and I fumbled with my phone. Shit.

“Yes?” I called.

The door opened to reveal Liam, and the mere sight of him standing in the doorframe had my phone flying into the air and landing on the desk in front of him. With the picture of Wren’s chest right there on the screen.

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh…

“Studying up on some anatomy, Dr. Nash?” he teased with an inquisitive arch of his eyebrow. I grabbed the phone and jabbed the power button before sliding it into my pocket.

I blinked a few times. Did that really just happen? Had Liam walked in while I was sexting with his sister and caught me with her tits on the screen? Thank fuck her birthmark wasn’t visible in the image or he would’ve known it was her. Even so, sweat broke out at my hairline.

“Is this what you do all day at work?” he teased, sinking into the chair across from my desk.

I couldn’t… I rubbed the back of my neck. I couldn’t breathe, my heart was drumming so hard in my chest.

“Says the man who only works half the year,” I teased, though I knew Liam was a hard worker. And I didn’t imagine it was easy to regularly spend time away from home.

“So, who is she?” He grinned, ignoring my comment.

“No one,” I said. For only two words, that sentence packed a shit-ton of lies.

Who is she? Your sister.

Who is she to you? My entire fucking world.

My phone buzzed again, drawing his attention to it. “Someone seems insistent. Don’t you think you should answer?”

“Later,” I growled.

“Sorry to cockblock you.” His smug grin told me he wasn’t. Though if he knew who I’d been texting, cockblocking would be the least of my worries. “But we have a lunch date.”

I stood and followed him out the door, taking the opportunity to check my messages.

Wren: So, do you think I’ll pass?

Me: Pass?

Wren: The sexting portion of my dating exam. I have a date with an Aussie named Arlo this afternoon.

A date? This afternoon?

Me: With flying colors.

I hit the “Send” button with more force than was necessary. I was angry. Not at Wren, at the situation. How could I have been so stupid to let this happen?

Was I really so willing to betray my best friend? And it wouldn’t just impact my friendship with Liam. It would change the entire dynamic of our friend group. And for what? A woman who would never look at me as anything more than a friend? Who could never be anything more than my best friend’s little sister?

Sometimes, I’d wonder if she was using the “coaching” as a ruse to get close to me. But then she’d tell me she was going on a date or we’d dissect one after the fact, and I knew it was nothing more than wishful thinking.

“Hey.” Liam clapped a hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”

I forced a smile. “Oh yeah. I’m great.”

He quirked an eyebrow, reminding me of Wren, and I pushed away the thought. I waved to Stacy on my way out, and fortunately, Liam talked most of the drive to the winery.

“How’s it going at Wren’s?”

I nodded. “Good. Yeah.”

“She dating anyone?”

I debated what to tell him but figured in a small town like ours he’d probably hear about it anyway. It was best if the news came from me. At least then, I could spin it to Wren’s advantage.

I shook my head. “She’s gone on a few dates. Nothing serious.” Though she certainly seemed excited about this Arlo guy.

He coughed. “A few dates? With who?”

“Guys she’s met on a dating app—LoveBirds.”

“Tristan’s latest project?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Don’t worry, though. I got an account, and I’m keeping an eye on everything.”

I’d done it on a whim, but now I was glad for it. I could check out the guys she’d matched with and see if I knew them. I didn’t intend to do anything beyond that—just make sure she was safe.

“Good thinking. What about Tits McGee? Did you meet her on that app?” He grinned, glancing over at me from behind the wheel. “Hell, maybe I should check it out if that’s any indication of the women on there.”

Inwardly, I cringed. “It’s nothing serious.”

“Oh, I’m not looking for anything serious.” He twisted his hands on the wheel. “Sometimes I think Tristan is the only one of the four of us capable of anything serious.”

I chuckled. “Well, it helps when you meet your soul mate in high school.”

“True. Though Asher and Bianca were pretty serious, at least before it ended.”

Before Asher had moved home abruptly, he’d been engaged. He still hadn’t told any of us why they’d called off the wedding. Or his reasons for moving home. But we all assumed the two were linked.

“I’m not sure I can ever see myself settling down and get married,” Liam said. “Don’t tell my mom that, though.”

“At least she has River.”

“It wasn’t easy.” He shuddered, and I wondered what had really happened.

I knew it hadn’t been easy for Wren, but everyone adored River. He’d brought so much joy and light to so many people’s lives. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. And every time I thought about the fact that I’d be moving out soon and not seeing him every day, it felt as if an English Mastiff were sitting on my chest.

“How are the repairs coming?”

“Fine,” I said. “The place is going to look kick-ass when it’s done.” I would’ve asked him how his latest DIY project was going, but I knew if I did, he’d talk me into helping.

He grinned. “I didn’t realize the bachelor pad was getting a revamp. This doesn’t have anything to do with the owner of the pair of tits on your phone earlier, does it?”

“No.” I focused on breathing in and out through my nose.

“Why are you so defensive and secretive about her anyway? Judging from that photo, she’s hot.”

“I’m not being secretive. There’s nothing to tell.” I swallowed back the bile that rose at his statement. If he only knew… We needed to talk about something, anything, else. “Have you seen much of Tessa lately?”

“I ran into her at Mom’s shop the other day. She was buying some books for the kids.” He turned on the blinker and turned onto a different street. “Why?”

“I don’t know. It just seems like she never hangs out with us anymore.”

Before their second kid, Tristan and Tessa had been inseparable. The town’s golden couple who did everything together. They were both outgoing and friendly, kind to everyone. It was probably the reason they’d been so popular in high school. Even though Tristan had been captain of the football team, and Tessa was president of the student council, they’d never fit the stereotype of being popular and snobbish.

“Well, she does have two young children at home. Life with little ones can be chaotic,” Liam said, turning into the parking lot for Fall River Estates winery.

“Yeah, but that doesn’t stop Tristan from coming out,” I said, something niggling at my gut as we headed into the restaurant.

“I’m sure it’s just a phase. It’ll pass.”

I hoped he was right, though it got me thinking about Wren as a new mom, wondering what she’d been like. And while I shouldn’t have brought her up, I couldn’t seem to help myself. “What was Wren like after River was born?”

“She was…” His lips curled into a soft smile. “A natural.”

I’d figured as much.

Conversation turned to other matters, but I couldn’t help thinking of Wren as a new mom, holding our child. Pregnant with my baby. It would never happen, but that didn’t stop me from wanting it all the same.