Feels Like Love by Jenna Hartley

Chapter Seventeen

“Where were you?” Liam asked when I joined him and the rest of the guys in Tristan’s backyard.

Making out with your sister.

“Reading bedtime stories to River.”

He frowned. “It’s kind of late, isn’t it? He usually goes to bed earlier.”

“Oh, well, Wren let him stay up a little later. And he was bouncing off the walls, so it took a bit to calm him down.”

He chuckled. “If I could bottle his energy and sell it, I’d be rich.”

“It’s not like you’re hurting for money.”

Neither was I, but I wasn’t raking in the cash like Liam either. Plus, I’d noticed a number of new purchases lately. In the past year alone, he’d traded in his old truck for a brand-new model. He’d been doing all the projects on his house, so… yeah.

“True.” He grinned, popping a chip into his mouth. “But you know what I mean.”

We sat around talking for a while. Tristan was working on a new platform, and it was starting to drive him a bit crazy. Or maybe it was the kids. I didn’t know how he balanced everything he did. Asher had just returned from a pastry conference. And Liam had another inspection coming up next week, though he’d started doing more of the work for them remotely.

It was nice. Easy. I could almost forget about the fact that I’d kissed Wren and was lying to my best friend. At least until Liam nudged my foot and asked, “How’s Tits McGee?”

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “Would you please stop calling her that? It’s so disrespectful.”

“What else am I supposed to call her? You won’t tell me her name.”

“Whose name?” Tristan asked at the same time Asher asked, “Who the hell is Tits McGee?”

“This chick Bennett’s been texting with. He met her on LoveBirds.”

“Oh yeah,” Tristan said. “How are you liking the app so far? I’d love to hear your feedback.”

“Are you telling us The Vine got it wrong?” Asher taunted.

“Of course, it was wrong,” Liam said with a roll of his eyes. “Bennett wouldn’t dare touch my sister.”

We all laughed, but mine had a nervous edge to it. Wren. The sexting. The Vine post. My air supply felt as if it were being cut off, and I tugged at the neck of my shirt, hoping it would help me breathe easier.

“How did you know about her?” Tristan asked Liam.

“I saw her tits on his phone one day. And get this—” Liam leaned in, resting his elbows on his thighs “—he was sexting her at work.”

“Bennett,” Asher gasped with mock outrage. “You naughty devil.”

“Ha-ha.” I rolled my eyes and sipped my beer. I should’ve known Liam would bring this up. Now I could understand why Wren hated when he butted into her love life. Though my reasons were different.

“Tired of getting all your pussy at the clinic?” Asher teased with a “meow” and held his hands up to look like claws.

“Good one!” Liam raised his hand for a high five, and Asher slapped his palm.

I rolled my eyes. “I always forget how immature you two are.”

“Have you met in person?” Tristan asked.

Instead of answering the question, I said, “I already told Liam—it’s nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious?” Asher balked. “This shit is serious since the last time you got laid was at prom.”

“Says the guy who goes home with a new woman every weekend.”

“Hey.” He raised his hands. “I can’t help it that women find me irresistible.”

As serious as Asher had been since returning, it was good to see him laughing and joking around. I hadn’t seen him this light since he’d moved home from LA.

“Did I tell you about the chick I met on my last inspection?” Liam asked.

“Yes,” we all groaned in unison.

“She was fucking hot. And this thing she did with her tongue…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Asher said.

We sat outside for a while longer talking about work and whatever, until Tessa came to the door. “Hey, guys. Do you want some more beer?”

“We’re good,” Tristan said, waving her over. “Come sit with me, babe.”

She smiled and pushed the screen door open to join us. She climbed on his lap, leaning her head against his shoulder. I wanted a love like that. One that was comfortable and passionate. Loving and deep. It was so clear to everyone that Tristan and Tessa belonged together—it always had been.

“I should probably get going,” Asher said after a while and stood. “Early morning.”

“Me too.” Liam joined him, tossing my bottle and his into the recycle bin.

I stood. “Night, guys.” I waved to Tristan and Tessa, and they smiled back, contentment written on their faces. “Thanks again.”

“Night,” Tristan muttered, already lost in his wife. Asher, Liam, and I headed out front to our cars.

Asher opened his trunk and handed me a white box with the pastries I’d requested. I opened the lid, and they were perfection as usual. “Thanks. These look great.”

“What?” Liam peered over my shoulder. “Why don’t I get any? Since when does Bennett get special treatment?”

“Since he placed an order at Fall River Estates and paid for them.”

“Psh. Whatever.” Liam stood and peered into the box while I checked the contents and Asher explained the flavors.

When Liam reached for one, I closed the lid.

“Oh, come on,” Liam said. “You can’t share one?”

“Nope.” I tucked the box under my arm. “These are for Wren and River.”

“I thought I was your best friend.” He was teasing, but there was an edge to his voice I didn’t like.

“You are,” I said, though I didn’t feel like a very good friend at the moment. Lying. Sneaking around. Kissing his sister.

He’d been acting weird ever since that stupid blog post. Borderline passive-aggressive—making comments, trying to provoke me. It was almost as if he suspected something was going on between Wren and me, even while he claimed it couldn’t possibly be true.

Or maybe I was the one acting oddly. I felt as if I was constantly looking over my shoulder, extra careful about how I behaved around Wren when anyone else was around so as not to arouse their suspicion.

“I’m out, fuckers.” Liam turned and threw his hand up with the middle finger raised.

I frowned as I watched him walk away and peel out of the sleepy neighborhood in his truck, the sound of his engine cutting through the night air.

Asher studied me for a minute then said, “I sure as hell hope you know what you’re doing.”

“What are you talking about?” I fiddled with the lid of the box.

“Are you just fucking around, or do you have feelings for her?”

“Tits McGee?” I asked, cringing at the name.

“Also known as Wren.”

I swallowed hard. He knew? Or had Asher just made an educated guess and was trying to trick me into confessing the truth?

“Come on, Bennett. Give me a little credit. I’ve seen the way you look at her, and the timing is a little too suspicious.”

“Okay.” I blew out a breath. “Fine. Yes.”

His eyes went wide. “Wow. I didn’t think you’d admit to it.” He laughed into his hand. “Oh shit. You are so fucking screwed.”

“Tell me about it,” I muttered, not wanting to mention the fact that I was her dating coach and in love with her.

“Are you going to tell Liam?” He shoved his hands into his pockets.

I shook my head. “It’s not serious. Not for her anyway.”

“Wow.” He dragged a hand through his hair—dark, wavy. His looks always made the girls a bit crazy for him. “Who would’ve guessed that little bird would want no-strings sex.”

I gnashed my teeth. “We haven’t had sex.” We’d just…fooled around. “And don’t you dare say anything to anyone.”

“Hell no. I’m not getting involved in that. You know if Liam finds out, he’ll kill you, right?”


“God, I wish I hadn’t asked.” He shook his head and climbed into his car without another word.

I didn’t feel better after telling him. If anything, I felt worse.

I drove home, my gut churning with guilt. But I forgot about all of it the moment I saw Wren. She gave me a sexy smile, practically pouncing on me when I walked through the door.

“Hey.” I laughed.

“Hey.” She pressed up on her toes to kiss me. I loved that she was doing that more and more lately—feeling confident to take the initiative. To touch and kiss me whenever she wanted to. Well, at least when we were alone.

“What have you been up to?” I asked. She tasted like wine, and she felt like home.

She flashed me a coy smile. “Research.”

“What kind of research?” I kicked off my shoes. My body hummed with desire.

“Blow jobs.”

Fuck me. I squeezed my eyes shut. “Wren…”

Had she been watching porn while I was gone?

“Now, hear me out,” she said, a serious expression in place that would’ve made me laugh in any other circumstance. “I just want you to give me some pointers. Show me how to make you—I mean, that—feel good.”

My throat closed up. “You want to know how to give someone a blow job?”

“Yes. And…other things.” She nodded eagerly. And fuck if I didn’t want to say yes immediately.

Even so, I thought about tonight. About Liam and the way he’d acted. The way he’d been acting lately. And I knew this was dangerous—not only to my friendship with Liam. But my relationship with Wren and River.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Who was I kidding? My dick thought it was a fantastic idea. He was urging me on, tempting me to agree.

“Did Liam say something to you tonight?” she asked, perhaps sensing the change in my mood.

“Asher knows.”

She jerked her head back. “He does?”

I nodded. “He figured it out, though he doesn’t know about the coaching.”

She nodded, rolling her lip between her teeth. “Same with Harper.”

“But that’s it, right? I mean, except for that ridiculous post on The Vine.”

“You heard about that?”

“Of course I heard about it. I can’t tell you how many people asked me about it this week. Wanting to know if it was true. Congratulating me or wishing me luck in the race to win your heart.” I rolled my eyes.

She stared at me, mouth agape. “You’re kidding.”

“I wish I were.”

“What did you say?”

I lifted a shoulder. “That we were just friends.” What was I supposed to say?

“Liam asked me about us,” she said.

I swallowed hard. “He…what?” I should’ve expected it, yet it still caught me by surprise. Considering the way he’d been joking around tonight, I figured he’d already dismissed the post’s claims. Besides, he thought I was sleeping with Tits McGee, not that I was going to tell Wren about that. And I never would have imagined he’d confront Wren about it.

“Yeah. You know the other day, when he ‘happened’ to pop over for pancakes?”

I nodded, feeling as if her voice were coming at me through a tunnel. Or maybe I was underwater.

“He asked if we were sleeping together.”

My chest tightened. “He… What did you tell him?”

“I told him to mind his own business. But when he pushed, I swore it wasn’t true.”

“Fuck.” I sank down onto the couch, dragging a hand through my hair.

“Ugh,” she huffed, pacing. “This is why I didn’t tell you. Because I knew it would stress you out. And you’ve already been stressed enough as it is—between your house and work.”

My eyes flashed to hers. “You should’ve told me.”

“No.” She practically stomped the floor. “No.” She shook her head, and I wondered how much she’d had to drink. “I’m sick of Liam’s double standards. He can date. I can’t. He can fuck whoever he wants. I can’t. Fuck him and his rules!”

Fuck… That word from those lips.

I groaned when my dick stood up and took notice. Not like I wasn’t already hard any time she was near. But the way she was getting, so fired up. It was sexy.

“Are you…” She laughed, the sound incredulous. “Are you…excited?”

I shifted. “Of course I am. You’re talking about blow jobs. And throwing around the word fuck like confetti.”

“Can I see?” She peered down at my crotch, and I bit the inside of my cheek. She took a step toward me, wobbling slightly.

“How much have you had to drink?”

“Just a little.” She held up her thumb and forefinger. “Liquid courage. But not too much that I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“You’re sure this is what you want?” I asked when she placed her hands on my thighs, her eyes glued to my crotch.

She met my eyes, sliding her hands closer to my dick. “Yes. Teach me.”


“We’re both adults, right?” She inched closer. “And what we do when we’re together is no one else’s business.”

“But it doesn’t go any further, right? I mean, this can’t be anything more.”

“Obviously,” she sighed. “Look, Bennett, I’m not under any illusions here. I know what this is and what it isn’t.”

“And what’s that?” I asked, wishing she’d clue me in.

“Temporary. You living here—coaching me.”

The problem was, I didn’t want it to be.

But I was already so hard at that point, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I never was where Wren was concerned.

“I thought you were timid when it came to guys. A dating disaster. Your words, not mine.” I cupped the back of her neck and added, “But you’re never that way with me.”

“Yeah, but—” She blew out a breath. “You’re different.”

“Why?” I asked. I wanted—no, needed—to know before this went any further.

“Because you’re you,” she said, a soft smile playing at her lips. “You’ve always been there—whenever I had a scraped knee or was upset. You always made it better. Just like I know you’ll make this easier.”

She sighed. Apparently, she wasn’t done, and I wondered if she would’ve been so candid and brazen were it not for the wine. “I know you’re Liam’s best friend. But you and I have always been close, especially after these past few weeks together.”

“I feel the same way.” And more. “Which is why I’m hesitant to do this.”

“I know,” she sighed, glancing down briefly. “I do.”

My friendship with Liam was definitely a consideration. But I was tired of holding back my feelings for Wren. Of pretending I didn’t want her. What if this was my one shot? My chance to finally show her how good we could be together?

Or, more realistically, maybe this was my way to get closure. To put my feelings for her to bed once and for all. To get her out of my system so I could finally move on from the one woman I could never be with.

I’d already kissed her. Touched her body over her clothes. Was this really any different?

Don’t answer that.

“What do you want to know?” I couldn’t seem to help myself.

“I don’t know. Everything?” She flashed me a sheepish grin. “I mean, I’ve never really even seen one.”

Guess that answers my question about porn.

“What kind of ‘research’ have you done?” I asked.

“Read some articles. Some erotica.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. This conversation was so wrong on so many levels. But my body didn’t know that. Actually, strike that, my body reacted like it was the best damn thing I’d ever heard. And I supposed, in some ways, it was. The idea of Wren touching me, pleasing me, had a rush of adrenaline and desire flooding my veins.

“Come with me.” I tugged on her hand, my voice gruff.

She swallowed hard and nodded, quickly doing as I said. When we made it to my room, I locked the door as soon as we were inside. I unzipped my pants, the hiss of the zipper echoing in the air. Electricity swirling between us like a thunderhead cloud puffing up. She watched my every move, licking her lips as I removed my pants and stepped out of them. Leaving me in a pair of boxers and my shirt.

“Will you take your shirt off too?” she asked, surprising me. “Please.”

I chuckled, gratified by her response. Her blatant desire.

The more layers between us, the better. I was already so keyed up, I didn’t know if I could handle the sight of her naked skin. Even so, I said, “I will if you will,” knowing it was a bad idea.

She reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her breasts to me. Holy fuck. For a second, I thought I was going to black out, and I had to grip the edge of the dresser for support.

“You are so beautiful,” I said, knowing the rest of her would be just as magnificent. Large nipples, pebbled with arousal. Generous breasts that I wanted to take in my hands just to see how much would spill over.

She dipped her head, then said, “Your turn.”

I reached behind my neck and removed my shirt in one quick movement. Wren swallowed hard, running a hand up her neck and into her hair. I drank her in, trying to read her every reaction. Lust. Desire. Need. Desperation. I felt it all too.

“Last chance,” I said, dipping my fingers beneath my boxers.

She stood and joined me, her breasts brushing against my chest and making me groan. “Fuck, baby. It’s taking everything in me not to touch you right now. Not to throw you on the bed and do whatever I want.”

“What’s stopping you?” She grinned as she lowered my boxers. “Pretend I’m any other girl you take home.”

But she wasn’t just any other girl. This was Wren we were talking about.

Her fingernails grazed the skin of my thighs, and my cock jutted out, nearly hitting my stomach. Wren’s mouth formed an “O,” and her reaction was both adorable and incredibly sexy as she drank me in.

Dear sweet Jesus, this woman is too much. So innocent and sexy. So gorgeous, she didn’t even realize it.

Her eyes were fixated on my dick, and I liked the way she was looking at him. So did he. “Can I touch you?”

There’s nothing I’d like more, except being inside you.

I chuckled. “I was kind of hoping you would.”

When she reached for me, my dick jerked, and she jumped back with a little squeak of surprise. “Oh!”

I shook my head with a laugh and grabbed her hand. “Come on. I won’t bite.” I leaned in, my erection dancing against her thigh. “Unless you want me to.”

The way her breath caught let me know that she liked the idea. So, I nipped at her collarbone. Her neck. Her breast, each one provoking a sexy-as-fuck response.

“Oh god, Bennett.” She tilted her head back, granting me access. “Touch me, please. Do what you want. Anything you want.”


I backed her over to the bed, laying her down gently. “Was this all a ruse to get me naked?” I teased, tracing her breasts with a light touch.

“I really am going to give you a blow job,” she said, eyes focused on mine. “You’re the one distracting me.” She grinned.

“Distracting you, huh? Maybe I should stop my demonstration.” I lifted my hand, and she whimpered. Whimpered. At the loss of my touch.

I smirked. “That’s what I thought.” I resumed touching her.

I wasn’t opposed to a blow job, but I was more interested in making Wren feel good. I took my time, exploring her body, tracing her curves. Her breathy moans and hushed sighs told me she liked what I was doing. The way she kept wriggling her hips, arching her back, let me know she wanted more.

I smoothed my palm down the middle of her chest then followed the trail with my lips. I returned to her breasts, dedicating my attention to one nipple then the other.

“Bennett.” She twisted her fingers in my hair. “That feels so good.” Her skin was flushed with color, her birthmark turning an even deeper shade of red like a mood ring to let me know just how aroused she was.

“Yes. Keep telling me what you want. Communication is rule number one in the bedroom.”

When I reached the waistband of her shorts, I glanced up at her. My lips were poised above her hip bone, and I could smell her arousal.

She pushed up onto her elbows and said, “My turn.”

I sensed she was nervous, so I allowed her to take the lead. She climbed on her knees and placed a hand to my chest, pushing me back on the bed. Her tits swayed with the movement, and I palmed one.

“My plan was to make you feel good. To help you relax.” She pulled her hair to the side and leaned over, giving the top of my dick a gentle kiss.

“Baby…” I placed my hand on her back, her skin warm. “Everything feels good with you.”

She dipped her head. “You’re just saying that to make me feel good.”

I lifted her chin, meeting her gaze. “I’m not. Can’t you see I’m about to come, and you’ve barely touched me?”

“What?” She glanced to my cock as if for confirmation.

Sure enough, a dot of precome had leaked out. My balls were drawn up tight, and I was doing my best to think of anything but what came next. Because I sure as hell didn’t want to blow this.