Feels Like Love by Jenna Hartley

Chapter Nine

Istilled, my arm draped over Wren’s side. Her back cradled to my chest. My nose in the crook of her neck.

Her breathing had evened out, but there was no way I could sleep. Not with her body pressed to mine, her ass nudging against my dick. Skull. Orbital. Lower maxillary. I closed my eyes and tried to do a mental scan of a dog’s skeleton in an attempt to get my dick to calm down.

But with every hit of her perfume, I lost my train of thought and had to start over. I was currently on my fifth attempt to recite all the bones. Meanwhile, Wren was completely oblivious.

I wanted her. And she had no idea how incredibly sexy she was.

I was in love with her. And she didn’t have a fucking clue.

I had to make sure it stayed that way. She could never know, and I could never have her.

I’d thought I could resist the temptation, but I’d been wrong. I’d known living with Wren would be difficult, but I hadn’t imagined just how hard it would be. How hard I would be. All the fucking time.

It didn’t matter whether she was wearing a floral-print skirt or a graphic tee and joggers or… I bit the inside of my cheek. Those sexy-as-fuck pajamas she had on tonight. It didn’t matter whether her makeup was done or her hair was in a messy bun; she was gorgeous.

She was also Liam’s sister.

What the fuck am I doing?Cuddling on the couch? Holding her in her sleep? Coaching her in dating?

I tried to steady my breathing and remain still, even as I squeezed my eyes shut. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I’d failed at avoiding Wren. And as hard as I tried to justify my actions as those of a well-meaning friend, I knew that was a lie. Even so, I couldn’t bring myself to move. The woman I loved was in my arms, and nothing had ever felt so right.

The longer I stayed, the more relaxed I grew. Until finally, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. As always, when it came to Wren, I was completely under her spell.

* * *

The smellof coffee infiltrated my nose, noises in the kitchen bringing me back into consciousness. I cracked open one eye and realized that I was still on the couch. But now I was alone. As much as I wished Wren were still in my arms, I told myself it was a good thing.

“Good morning,” she called from the kitchen.

She was still wearing those damn pajamas. I’d had dreams of her in those pajamas. Exploring her body through the silky material. Hard nipples. Wetness seeping through from her pussy. Undressing her slowly, discovering all her secrets.

She busied herself with something. I pushed off the couch and ran a hand through my hair. God, I needed a shower. And a toothbrush. And some kind of release.

“Coffee?” she asked, holding up a mug.

I nodded and joined her in the kitchen. “Thanks. Sleep well?”

“I slept so well.” She sighed. “It must have been the pastries.”

“Right.” The pastries. I laughed, wondering if we were going to talk about last night—the cuddling. I hadn’t slept that well in a long time, and I didn’t think it had anything to do with the pastries. But everything to do with having her in my arms.

“I’m not kidding,” she said, filling her mug and then cupping it in her hands as she faced me. It had the effect of pushing her breasts together, and I wanted to nip at her cleavage. Instead, I turned away. “I think I’m going to need one every night before bed.”

I chuckled and picked up my mug to take a sip. “Don’t you think they’d be less exciting if you had them that often?”

“Is sex less exciting just because you have it often?”

I spat out my coffee, spraying it all over the counter.

She started laughing as I wiped up the mess. “Oh my god. That was awesome.”

I rolled my eyes and tossed the paper towels in the trash. “Moving on. What do you want for breakfast?”

“You know you really don’t have to cook for me.” She leaned her hip against the counter, studying me over the top of her mug. “Especially now that you’re my dating coach.”

“About that…”

“Nope.” She held up a hand. “If you’re going to tell me you changed your mind, it’s too late. Last night was great practice.”

If last night was any indication of what to expect as her coach, I was all in.

No. I shook my head. New plan. I needed a new plan.

Right. The sooner I got her dating someone else, the less chance I’d be maimed by her brother. He could focus on killing the new guy instead.

“I was going to suggest we work on your new profile picture.” I started pulling out the supplies to make omelets as well as bacon. She was so preoccupied, she didn’t even try to stop me.

She scrunched up her face. “I don’t know.”

“Come on,” I said. “River won’t be home for a few more hours. The weather is beautiful—perfect for a photo shoot.” Wren still didn’t seem convinced.

“You really think we should do this?” she asked, juicing an orange.

“Relax.” I rubbed her shoulders, swallowing hard before I removed my hands and backed away. “I promise you’ll look amazing, not that you need my help for that. And since I’ll be the one taking the photos, you can’t judge them too harshly.”

She laughed. “Fine.”

“Now, we have a few options. But I have one idea I really like, and I want you to roll with me here.”

Okaaay. But if you tell me that I need to put on lingerie and pose, then you can forget it.”

Mm. The idea was tempting. Her splayed out for me in a tiny scrap of lace. Her nipples poking through the thin material. Her—


“Right.” I shook my head as if to clear it. “Okay. After we eat, get ready and put on your favorite outfit.” When she perked up, I added, “One that’s not sweats or loungewear.”

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes.

While we ate breakfast, we talked about River and the week ahead. It felt so normal, so natural. And I wondered if this was what it would be like to be in a relationship with Wren. Without the sex, obviously.

When we finished eating, she cleared the table and started washing the dishes.

“Quit stalling.” I gave her ass a little pat and then froze. Had I really just done that?

She stilled, sucking in a shaky breath. More importantly, did she like that?

Moving on. Pretend it never happened. “Remember. Pick something that makes you feel good. Sexy. Powerful.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” She waved me off and headed down the hall to her bedroom. I finished cleaning up then headed for my bathroom.

Beneath the spray of the shower, I closed my eyes, my cock growing harder the more I thought about her. I slid my hand down my stomach, fisting my length. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d jacked off to thoughts of Wren, but the images seemed more powerful. More real.

It wasn’t long before my stomach was clenching, pleasure coiling tight at the base of my spine. And then I thought about how good it felt to hold her, to touch her skin. What it would be like to slide the strap down her arm, revealing her breasts to me, and I lost it.

I hissed through my teeth, hips jerking, panting as I let go. Yes. Yes. Yes, I whispered.

Spent, I leaned my forehead against the tile, regret filling my bones. I’d lost track of the number of times I’d justified my actions to myself, arguing that jacking off to images of her was somehow better than acting on my desires. But since last night, I’d had an ache in my chest that wouldn’t go away. Just like I was coming to realize that no matter how many times I jerked off to thoughts of Wren, I’d never be satisfied. Because all I really wanted was her.

When I returned to the kitchen, Wren was wearing a pair of suede booties with jeans that clung to her curves. Damn, those hips. That ass. I kept going, unable to stop.

On top, she wore a denim shirt that was unbuttoned to about halfway and a floral tank top that dipped low on her chest, showing off some of her ample cleavage. Her hair was half up, twisted back or something. And a pair of dangly flowers sparkled from her ears.

“What?” She glanced down at herself then turned from side to side. “Too frumpy? Does it scream ‘mom’?”

I stepped closer and tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’re perfect.” And I meant it. She was perfect in every single way, and I was so fucked.

She dipped her head, her cheeks coloring. Absofuckinglutely perfect. I wondered if that was what she’d look like when she came.

“You really know how to boost a girl’s ego.”

I lifted a shoulder. “All part of the service. Now, grab your camera.”

She hesitated, leaning her hip against the counter. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“I’m not going to touch your baby. I want to use it as a prop.”

“Ohh.” She nodded slowly. “I see where you’re going, and I like it.”

I grinned. “Good. Now get a move on before River gets home.”

“So bossy,” she teased. But when she smiled at me over her shoulder, I knew she loved it.

The screen door shut behind us, and we went out on the deck. The sun was peeking through the clouds, but it was filtered by the large trees that shaded the backyard.

“What backdrop do you like?” I asked, knowing better than to even attempt to tell her where to stand.

She glanced around before saying, “How about over here?” She put her back to the yard, greenery behind her.

“Good.” I moved closer, getting in position. “Now I want you to pretend I’m the client, and you’re taking photographs of me.”

“Mm.” She grinned, popping the lens cap off the camera. “I’m liking this more and more.”

I heard the click of the shutter then frowned. “You’re not actually supposed to take pictures of me. This is about you.”

“Exactly. And photographing you relaxes me.” She smirked.

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. There was no use arguing over it. She’d do what she wanted to anyway. “But those photos better never see the light of day.”

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I took a picture with my phone.

“Bennett! Delete that one. I wasn’t ready.”

“Oh no.” I grinned. “I like that one. It was perfect. Maybe that should be your new profile picture.”

“I’m changing my password.”

“Oh, come on,” I teased, snapping a few more. I loved seeing her like this—so carefree and playful. So utterly herself.

“Bennett,” she chided, resting one hand on her hip, camera in the other.

“Tell me about River,” I said, and immediately, her face broke into a smile. That’s it! I took the shot, hoping I’d captured it.

“You know all about River,” she said, and I took some more. Candid photos. Beautiful photos. I was totally saving these for myself to look at later.

“I know, but pretend I don’t. Pretend I’m someone you’re on a date with and I want to know about your son.”

“Okay.” She inhaled, her expression pinching.

I lowered the phone. “Wren?”

“Yeah?” she chirped.

“Why do you clam up anytime I mention a date or ask you to practice? You react as if I’ve told you you’re going to have a root canal.”

“Because I start going over all the scenarios in my head, overthinking things, afraid I’ll say something stupid.”

“Why don’t you stop thinking of everything that could go wrong and start focusing on everything that could go right?”

“I just…haven’t had the best luck when it comes to men.” She sank down onto one of the cushions that lined the built-in table in the corner of the deck. Liam and I had helped build it a few summers ago. I’d surprised her with the white twinkle lights, knowing she’d love them. And I’d been right.

“I know.” I took a seat next to her. “I know I wasn’t around when everything went down with Kade, and I’m sorry.”

She toyed with her camera, though it was off, the screen blank like her expression. “I appreciate that. Though, it’s not like you could’ve done anything.”

“I disagree.”

She rolled her eyes but kept her attention focused forward. Not on me. “As much as you and Liam and everyone in my family would love to beat the shit out of Kade, it’s not worth it.”

“He took advantage of you.”

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s in the past. What’s done is done.”

I gnashed my teeth. “He should be paying child support.”

“I’m glad he’s not.” She turned to me, fury in her eyes. She’d switched back on, toggling from sad single to protective mama bear. “I don’t want that emotionally abusive asshole anywhere near my son. He signed over his parental rights years ago. That’s more important to me than all the money in the world.”

“I—” I shook my head, taken aback. “Wow. I didn’t realize…”

“What? That Kade wants absolutely nothing to do with River? That I’m going to have to explain that to my son one day? I’m going to have to make sure he understands that it has nothing to do with him and everything to do with Kade. And I’m going to have to make sure River believes it.”

Well, fuck.

She stood, her expression hard. We’d been having such a good time, and I’d ruined it. I’d pushed her when I shouldn’t have.

“Wait.” I grasped her wrist, holding it lightly so she could leave anytime. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “I need to do a few things before River gets back. I’m sure you got at least one photo we can make work.”

She turned and headed for the house. I briefly considered following her but decided better of it. I’d pushed her hard enough. I needed to back off. If not for her sake, then for my own.