On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 17


“The meeting with the CEO of Go Foods has been canceled,” I tell Michael as we go over his schedule for the following day.

“Fine. Can you call Jeremy Wyatt and find out if he’s free to meet tomorrow?” Michael says.

“I will,” I tell him.

The change in Michael since the DNA results came back is subtle but because I spend a lot of time with him, I see it. It’s as if the knowledge that he’s a father has matured him somewhat.

We’re going over his schedule for the following day and I know that Paige, his ex is bringing their daughter to meet him. That has got to be nerve-wracking. I cannot even begin to imagine.

“Hey, what are you doing this evening?” Michael says abruptly.

I look up in surprise. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go up to Miley’s apartment and have some wine with her.” If I find her that is. These days we communicate by text messages and calls.

The dreams we had of spending evenings together have remained just that. Dreams. Her affair with the good doctor is going well though we haven’t had time to get into details.

“Would you mind coming home with me?” Michael says. His vulnerability shows as he waits for my answer.

“Shouldn’t you be alone when you’re meeting your daughter for the first time? It might be uncomfortable to have me there.”

“Paige will be there, and Elly is six years old. It doesn’t matter. Besides, Paige and I agreed not to tell her that I’m her father. Not right away anyway.”

Something close to jealousy twists itself in my chest. Paige and I. When had they become an entity? As soon as that thought is formed, I mentally chastise myself. They are parents and of course that makes them an entity.

I think about the alternative: Spending the evening wondering whether Michael and his ex-have kissed and made up. I’m also curious about her.

We finish going through Michael’s schedule and call it a day. I go back to my office, switch off my computer, and get ready to leave. Michael places a hand on the small of my back as we walk to the elevator. I like his proprietary hold as if he wants to let every man know that I’m taken.

When William sees us, he jumps out of the car and opens the door. I’m getting used to the luxury of being driven home every evening. I can count the number of times I’ve used an Uber in the last few weeks.

Michael leans over to kiss me and I open my mouth when our lips connect. Kissing Michael never gets old. If anything, his kisses turn me on now more than they did at the beginning of our affair.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” Michael murmurs into my mouth.

“Only like ten times,” I tell him.

The car pulls up into Michael’s apartment block and Michael and I go in.

“Good evening, sir,” the doorman says to Michael deferentially and then turns to me and smiles. “Hello, Miss Ava.”

“Hi, John,” I tell him with a bright smile of my own.

In the elevator, Michael pulls me in for a kiss. I mold my body into his, loving the press of his hard body against my soft one. We break apart when the elevator stops.

“What do we do now?” Michael says.

“We could make dinner. It’ll give us something to do and they might stay for dinner.”

“Groceries?” he says, and I remember that he doesn’t cook.

“What time are they coming?” I ask.


“That gives us enough time to shop and cook,” I say enthusiastically. I like cooking when I’m stressed. I haven’t done a lot of cooking in New York as I’m mostly in Michael’s house and we spend more time in bed than out of it.

We stay in the house long enough to have some coffee and then we leave for some grocery shopping. Luckily, there’s a grocery store within walking distance from Michael’s apartment building.

He takes my hand as we stroll down the street. Sparks leap from his hand to mine. What would it feel to be in a relationship with Michael? He’s sexy and smart and good company. The full package. A memory jumps to my mind. I remember thinking the same thing about Barry before we officially became a couple.

Men are charming like that. They shower you with love and attention until something better comes along. I will not allow myself to be taken in by Michael’s charm. As long as I keep in mind that what we have is a physical relationship, I won’t get hurt.

We enter the grocery store and I take the opportunity to slip my hand from Michael’s. I don’t want us to pretend to be more than what we are. We are already crossing lines by having dinner with his ex and his daughter.

Michael grabs a shopping basket and we walk down the aisle while I grab groceries.

“What are we cooking?” Michael says. “And don’t look at me for ideas.”

I laugh. “I thought we could make spaghetti and meatballs. What do you think?”

He shrugs. “Sounds good. Kids like spaghetti, don’t they?”

My experience with six-year old’s is nonexistent. “I guess they do.”

A leggy brunette strolls by and does a double-take when she sees Michael. She stops and comes to him smiling.

“Michael, is that you?” she says and throws her hair back and thrusts her chest forward.

Michael narrows his eyes. “Nelly?”

“The very same,” she says and then comes to him and aims a kiss on his mouth but he moves and it lands on his cheek. “I tried to call you several times after our very nice evening.”

The way she says it leaves me in no doubt what the evening entailed. She rests a hand lightly on his chest in a gesture that implies intimacy and stares at him, a blatant invitation in her eyes.

I want to scratch her eyes out and I shock myself with that thought. I’m not the jealous kind and I’m disgusted with myself. I take a step away but before I can take another, Michael’s hand shoots out and he takes my hand, imprisoning me into place.

“Nelly, you haven’t met my girlfriend Ava?”

My heart skips a beat and my body grows warm.

“Girlfriend?” Nelly says as if the very word sickens her.

She’s not the only one who is surprised. I am too. I plaster a winning smile on my face. She looks me up and down and is clearly not impressed by what she sees. It doesn’t matter what she thinks. What matters is Michael and he’s clearly happy to introduce me as his girlfriend.

“You know where to reach me if you want to,” she says.

“We have to go. Take care,” Michel says.

He pulls me to another aisle. “Sorry about that. I had to tell her you’re my girlfriend else she would not have left me alone.”

My heart shrinks with disappointment. Stupidly, I’d hoped that Michael had started seeing our affair in a different light. It’s stupid, I know. We’re not in a relationship. After getting everything we need, we head to the check-out to pay.

“Are you okay?” Michael says when I extricate my hand from his as we walk home.

I need to keep a physical as well as an emotional distance from Michael.

“Why are you asking?” I say flippantly.

“You seem different,” he says. He wants to know why I won’t hold his hand but we’re not that close that he can just ask.

I feign ignorance. “I’m fine. It’s a nice evening for a walk, isn’t it? We should do this more often.” Now, why did I say that? Friends with benefits don’t make long term plans because things could change at any moment.

John, the doorman is comically shocked when he sees Michael carrying a grocery bag. He’s beside himself as he attempts to take it away from Michael.

“I’ll carry that for you, sir,” he says.

“It’s fine, thank you,” Michael says, hanging on to it.

I burst out laughing in the elevator. “He’s never seen you carrying anything heavier than your phone,” I tease Michael.

He chuckles. “That is entirely possible.”

I take charge of the kitchen and put him to work washing all the vegetables. Soon, his kitchen resembles a well-used kitchen.

“Should I rinse the cutlery?” Michael asks. “I don’t think they’ve ever seen the light of day since they were bought.”

“Good idea,” I tell him and admire his back view as he reaches up for the plates.

He catches me looking. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll carry you to the bedroom and there won’t be dinner for anyone.”

“How am I looking at you?” I say, feigning innocence.

“Like you want to fuck me,” Michael says bluntly.

My legs turn to jelly and my panties dampen. I force myself to concentrate on the meatballs that I’m shaping.

“What else do you like doing apart from cooking and… you know,” Michael says with a twinkle in his eyes.

I laugh. “Let me see. I love to go to the gym, but I haven’t taken the time to look for a gym here in New York.”

“Really?” Michael says. “I go to the gym too, but I’ve neglected it since you came into my life. I’ve been getting my workouts in a different way.”

I laugh at his suggestive tone. “I love going to the theatre. Yeah, I know it sounds old fashioned, but I love it.”

“Maybe I’ll take you sometime,” Michael says.

Warmth floods me. I’m only happy because I love watching plays, nothing more. Certainly not the thought of spending time with Michael.

“That would be nice,” I tell him.

The doorbell rings and we both turn our heads to the clock in the kitchen. It’s five minutes past seven. We’ve been so engrossed in conversation that we completely forgot about our guests.

“I’ll go let them in,” Michael says, and I smile at him encouragingly.

He strides out of the kitchen and it hits me that we're getting to know each other. What people do when they’re dating. I need more tips from Miley on how to do this “friends with benefits” thing. How do you stop yourself from wanting to get to know a person beyond the physical?