On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 15


My dinner is ready, and I dump the pasta and salad onto a plate and carry it to the living room. The apartment is eerily quiet even with soft background music from the radio. It’s the first evening that I’ve been alone. Most days after work, I’m either with Miley or Michael.

I haven’t seen Miley in several days. Most evenings, she has a date and though she hasn’t said anything, I’m thinking it’s the sandy-haired doctor keeping her busy. I’m happy for her though I miss her.

I’ve been trying to keep my mind away from Michael, but I keep going back to him. His ex is in distress and he’s probably consoling her. I swallow hard as I imagine his strong arms wrapped around her.

Stop it!

I’m not a jealous person. But more than that, I have no right to be jealous of Michael and his ex. Our relationship is not proprietary. We are just having fun and jealousy has no place in what we have. I push away my food. It tastes like metal.

The doorbell rings just then, and puzzled, I get up. I’m pretty sure it’s someone who’s ringing the bell for the wrong apartment. That happens a lot. I hit the buzzer.

“Ava, it’s me, Michael.”

Just hearing his voice is enough to heat up my blood and raise my spirits. I buzz him up and open the front door. The first thing I notice when he enters is how tired he looks.

He automatically leans in to kiss me on the mouth. “I’m sorry to barge in on you like this.”

“It’s fine,” I tell him. “You look like you could do with a coffee.”

“Yes please,” he says. “Do you have anything stronger?”


“I’ll have that,” Michael says and sinks into the couch.

Luckily the wine is already cold as it’s been in my fridge, waiting for Miley to come over. I uncork it and carry it along with two glasses to the living room. I’m guessing that Michael’s meeting with his ex did not go well, but I don’t want to pry.

I pour out the wine into two glasses and hand him one. His brow is drawn tightly together and my heart squeezes. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask what happened when he speaks up.

“I have a daughter that I knew nothing about,” Michael says, his voice emotionless.

I don’t understand. If I remember correctly from the scanty information Michael had volunteered, his ex had left him for another man. “Oh?”

He nods. “Paige was a few months pregnant when she left me. Now she says that the baby was mine. Apparently, Charles, my ex-best friend could not biologically father a child.”

No wonder he looks so stressed. A child! “How old is she?”

“Six,” he says. “She’s pretty.” A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

“Can you trust Paige?” I ask him.

“We’ll have a DNA test, but I think it’s true. She looks nothing like Charles or Paige. She has my eyes and my hair.”

I let out a slow breath. “Did Charles know?” I have so many questions. It’s a bizarre tale. Who keeps a daughter from her father?

“He did. That’s another thing I don’t get. Why didn’t they tell me that Elly was my daughter? How could they keep something like that from me?”

I lean over and wrap my hands around his wide shoulders. I can hear the pain in his voice and imagine what’s going through his mind. If indeed Ella is his daughter, Michael will have missed six years of her life.

I pour us more wine.

“What am I supposed to do now?” Michael says.

“Wait for the results,” I tell him. “If Elly is your daughter, I imagine you’ll want to get to know her.”

He nods and shoots me a grateful smile. “That sounds like a plan.” He places his hand on my knee. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I can be here for you.” I gulp my wine in an attempt to get rid of the warning bells going off in my head. I’m becoming emotionally involved in his life and that can only lead to one thing—heartbreak. But what could I have done? Throw him out? Tell him I don’t want to hear any of it?

We can be friends with benefits. People do it all the time. That doesn’t mean that I’ve opened my heart to him.

“Enough about me,” Michael says and places his empty glass on the table. “Did you miss me?”

“Maybe,” I say with as much coyness as I can muster. I pick up the wine glasses and take them to the kitchenette, swaying as I walk.

Michael’s growl follows me to the kitchen. As I’m rinsing the glasses, strong arms circle my waist. I turn around and wrap my hands around Michael’s neck. Our breathing comes out fast and our eyes feast on each other’s mouths. The games are over.

We both know what we want. Michael needs to lose himself in my body and I need him to quench the ache in my core. He cups my face and crashes his mouth to mine. My hands run over his shoulders, massaging the hard muscles underneath. He grinds his pelvis against mine, his cock grazing my pussy, and sending shocks of pleasure through my body.

“I want you naked,” he growls and lifts me up.

I half cry out and half laugh as he flings me over his shoulder like a total caveman. The floor whizzes by as he carried me to my bedroom and gently deposits me on the bed.

I’m still laughing as I look up at him. “You’re crazy!”

“For you,” he says, stripping off his clothes.

My laughter dies as I take in the compactness of his body and the ripples of muscles on his chest as his shirt goes off. Next are his trousers. He pulls them down together with his boxer briefs.

My mouth waters at the sight of his gorgeous big cock pointing straight out toward me. When he’s completely naked, he comes to the bed and undresses me, pausing to lick whatever part happens to be in the vicinity of his mouth.

The foreplay already happened in the living room and the rest in my head. I’m already wet and ready for him and I pull him to me and guide his cock into my pussy. Seconds later, my eyes are squeezed shut as I ride the waves of pleasure brought by each hard thrust.


A door banging shut wakes me up from groggy sleep, but I can barely open my eyes. I feel Michael stir up next to me and I smile sleepily. There’s nothing like waking up next to a man. I love man smells. Cologne mingled with leather and pine scents.

The sound of a turning knob reaches my ear before my brain works out that something is terribly wrong with that as Michael and I are the only ones in the house.

“Wake up girl, you’ll never believe this. I had the most romantic night. You’re going to pee your pants when you hear this.” I raise my head to Miley’s too-loud voice.

The light switch goes on and I blink rapidly against the harsh light of the overhead lamp. Michael also snaps awake and sits up, his glorious naked body on show as the sheets and comforter fell off the bed at some point during the night.

“Oh, God!” Miley screams. “I am so sorry. You’re going to kill me; I just know it.”

Seconds later, the bedroom door bangs shut. My eyes are pulled to his cock, standing at attention, rock hard for all the world to see. Or in this case, Miley. Michael and I turn to each other and burst out laughing.

“I better go and check if she’s okay,” I say and climb out of bed.

I slip on a nightgown, leave the room, and shut the door behind me. I find Miley in the kitchen gulping down water.

“I’ve never seen one like it!” she hisses. “Is it real?”

I cover the giggles spilling from my mouth. “Of course, it’s real.”

“Fuck!” She takes another gulp. “Is it painful?”

What are we, teenagers? “I’m not having this discussion,” I tell her. “What happened to get you all excited?” I start up the coffee machine.

“It’s not half as exciting as that.” She gestures toward the bedroom and I laugh.

“Anyway, I’ll tell you some other time. You need to go back and take care of that poor man. I doubt he has any blood left in the rest of his body.”