On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 22


I rarely drive but as the farm is on the outskirts of the city it makes sense to drive myself rather than take a cab. Officially, William works on Saturdays too, but I feel bad to call him when I know he’s spending time with his family.

My first stop is to pick up Ava. I’m glad she wanted to come with us. I love her company, not to mention the kisses I get to steal when we’re alone. I remember the previous evening and my cock twitches.

We got to her apartment close to eleven and as soon as we’d shut the front door, we had been all over each other. I’ve never had such chemistry with a woman as I do with Ava. It doesn’t matter if we spent the previous day making love; when I see her, my cock jumps to attention.

There had been no time to go to the bedroom and I’d taken her in the living room while she was gripping the back of the couch. Hot. My cock swells as the memory of her cries come to my mind.

I wonder if there’s time for a quickie before we have to pick up Elly. I look at the time. Twenty minutes to two and I’d promised Paige I’d pick Elly up at two. I discard the idea of going into Ava’s apartment. I don’t want Elly to have to wait for me a second longer than necessary.

When I get to Ava’s apartment, I text her that I’m parked outside and moments later the door opens, and she steps out. Just looking at her takes my breath away. She looks casual and sexy in a hat that doesn’t quite tame her mop of red hair, white trousers which are totally unsuitable for a farm visit, and knee-length suede boots. She’s a walking temptation and I notice other men staring at her as she walks across the street.

“Hi,” she says, a shy smile on her face.

“Hi, beautiful,” I tell her.

She snaps on her seatbelt and I turn the ignition key. I key in Paige and Elly’s address in the navigation app on my phone.

“Did you have a good night?” I ask.

“Hard not to after that session,” she quips.

I laugh. Every man likes to hear that his woman enjoys their lovemaking. I catch myself as the thought comes out fully formed. In my private thoughts, I’ve taken to referring to Ava as my woman. It doesn’t imply any sort of possessiveness, I tell myself. What else would you call a woman you were exclusively sleeping with?

“So, what do they have on this farm?” Ava asks.

“I don’t really know. Paige organized it and she was supposed to go with Elly but something came up. To be honest, I’m glad it did. It gives me a chance to get to know her better.”

As we leave the city, the traffic eases and the scenery changes and there are more trees and green lawns.

“It’s nice to get away from the city, isn’t it?” I ask Ava and throw a quick look her way. She looks so sexy and relaxed with the wind blowing her thick mane of red hair and one leg crossed over the other.

“It is,” she says. “Makes you realize just how congested the city usually is.”

We are in the suburbs now, and the homes are sprawling and tucked away from the road. I’ve never had a longing to live anywhere but in the city, but now I can’t help but wonder how it would feel like to raise a family in the suburbs.

That’s another thought that I’ve never entertained since Paige left me. My dreams of a family went with her. An image of Ava and two of our children standing in front of one of those perfectly manicured lawns comes to mind. I like the image. As impossible as it is, I like it. I’m sure Ava’s dreams do not involve marriage and sprouting an army of children. She’s very career-oriented and she’s very good at her work. Things like family and children have probably never crossed her mind.

My navigation alerts me that we are close to our destination and I slow the car. Paige and Elly’s home is a huge Georgian colonial set way back from the road with a huge lawn bordered by mature trees.

It’s within easy reach of the city and I find myself envying Charles for having had such a setup. He was lucky to experience family life. As I bring the car to a halt, I see my life and its emptiness. My weekends are not a lot different from my weekdays.

Having a family would mean that my weekends were busy with family activities. I catch myself and quickly reign in my thoughts. No point of thinking about that when I don’t even have a girlfriend. I suddenly wish that Ava and I had a relationship. An all-round relationship not just fuck mates, as sweet as that is.

Women can hurt and betray. But that thought is not as harsh and strong as it once was. The fact is that there are good women too. Women like Ava who are honest about what they want.

I smile when I remember the jewelry box in the car dashboard. I can’t wait to give it to her.

I guide the car up the long circular drive and stop in front of the imposing home. Before I can kill the engine, the front door flies open and Elly comes running out. I turn off the car and get out.

I open my arms and she comes running into them. It’s an unexpected surprise and a sweet one to be greeted with such enthusiasm.

“Hi sweetheart,” I say to Elly.

I look up when I hear footsteps. Paige. She’s dressed in heels, a too-tight dress, and big sunglasses that cover half her face. I frown as she walks over to us.

“Hi,” she says brightly. “My plans are canceled, and I’ve decided to come along with the two of you.” She sees Ava in the front seat and drops her sunglasses an inch. “I didn’t know we would have company. Nice. Hi Ava.”

I’m surprised by Paige’s friendliness but I’m not complaining. She opens the back door and slides in without waiting for my reaction. Disappointment comes over me. I had envisioned a fun day with my girls Ava and Elly.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell her to get out of my car. She’s Elly’s mom. With a sigh, I open the door for Elly, and she enters. Ava smiles and winks at me when I enter the car and my resentful feelings dissipate. If she’s happy, I’m happy.

The farm is half an hour away and we chat as we drive. Paige is good at meaningless nonsensical talk, but I appreciate it now as it helps dilute the tension and puts us all at ease. It’s not every day that a man finds himself in the same car as his daughter’s mom and his lover.

“Do you remember when we went to this farm to buy a Christmas tree?” Paige says leaning between the front seats.

It had been Paige’s first year in New York and she had been nostalgic for the kind of Christmas her family had back home. I had offered to take her to a farm where they sold real trees and buy a small one for her. The tiny tree we had come back with had not been worth the trouble we’d encountered.

We had gone back home muddy and wet, having slid and fallen several times. But we’d also had a good day. It was one of the few truly nice and happy memories I have of my relationship with Paige. I chuckle now at the memory. How young and carefree we had been.

Paige tells the story and even Ava laughs a little. My admiration for her keeps increasing. We see signs of the farm and I turn off at the next exit. Nostalgic feelings come over me. The open farmlands remind me of home and I suddenly miss my family.

I will definitely make plans to go visit sometime this year, with Elly in tow. The few times I’ve been have not gone well and that’s been my excuse for keeping away. They think I’ve changed too much and that all I think about is money. They may be right.

My sister is married with three girls and if I remember correctly, the middle one, Maddy, is just about Elly’s age. My sister and I don’t really get along. She stares at me as if I’m from another planet and doesn’t usually have anything to say to me.

But maybe Elly will help us bridge that gap and get to know each other afresh.

“We’re here! We’re here!” Elly cries and bounces in her seat.

Her enthusiasm is infectious, and I find myself grinning in anticipation. We follow the winding road until we come to the farm. There’s a large parking area almost half full. It seems we’re not the only ones with the idea of spending an afternoon at the farm.

I don’t know who to open the door for, but Elly makes it easy for me as, by the time I open her door and help her out, the ladies have helped themselves. I keep Elly’s hand in mine.

“Which animal are you excited to see?” I ask her as we walk to the welcome sign.

She skips as we walk. “A goat, a cow, and a pig,” Elly says.

I laugh. “Those are three animals.” Elly and I chat as we walk into the building on the right with a receptions area. Ava and Paige walk behind us, the heels of their shoes clicking the ground.

A pretty blond smiles at us from behind the reception desk. “Good afternoon. Welcome to Georgie farm.”

I smile back and echo her greetings. Once upon a time, I’d have definitely hit on her. She’s pretty with a gorgeous smile and a cheerful manner. Now, my interest is making sure that my daughter has a fun day out.