On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 30


After dinner, Michael and I stand up to dance on the outdoor dance floor. The moonlight bathes the few couples on the dance floor with a silver light, giving all of us a romantic glow. The music is slow, and it feels good to be held tightly in Michael's arms.

I’d danced with everyone else at the office party except Michael. He’d stood glowering at me but not asking me to dance. At the time, I’d been sure that he was jealous but now, I’m not so sure. He seems different. Withdrawn. Nothing I can put a finger to but something has changed.

I refuse to worry about it. I’m determined to enjoy these three days. When else will Michael and I get a chance to be away together like this? Here, we’re not boss and employee and we’re not breaking any unwritten rules. We’re just another couple.

His hands slide down and rest on my ass, squeezing every so often. When he does that, the vibrations flow to my pussy and I can feel myself growing wet. I caress his impossibly large shoulders, massaging the tension from them.

The next song the DJ plays has a fast beat and we let go of each other and dance. Surprisingly, Michael is a really good dancer.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" I ask him when we go to the bar for a drink.

He laughs. "Paige, Charles, and I loved going to nightclubs and we'd spend the whole night dancing."

I'd never noticed how much Paige featured in our conversations. That's why she worries me. In addition to the fact that she and Michael share a beautiful child, they have a history that can draw them together.

"Hey," Michael says and cups my cheek. "Don’t look so serious. We’re on vacation."

I smile and pick up my wine. "You’re right!"

Michael takes a huge gulp of his whiskey on ice and then contemplates me. "Tell me," he says. "What did you want to be when you were a little girl?"

I laugh at that question and give it some thought. "I wanted to be a nurse."

He shakes his head. "That wouldn't have worked very well. I'm glad you changed careers."

"I’m offended!" I tell Michael while laughing. "You don’t think I'd have made a good nurse?"

"I think you'd have been an awesome nurse," Michael says. "Trouble is, all your male patients would have fallen in love with you."

My heart pounds hard against my chest. Is he in love with me? It's on the tip of my tongue to ask but I bite it back. I don't want to spoil our work-cation just when it's beginning.

"It's odd how life goals change," I tell Michael. "I'd thought I'd be a nurse when I was growing up, then I fell into personal assistant roles and now I'm seriously thinking of going into finance."

"That's how life should be lived. Our goals should keep on evolving." He's so sexy when he’s solemn.

"I bet you've achieved most if not all of your goals," I tell him.

Michael laughs. "Not even half of them."

"Really? What’s remaining?"

Michael and I are in a bubble by ourselves and I don't notice the other people in the bar. He suggests we carry our drinks to a table with a view of the beach.

The wind is warm and tangy as it whips across my face. My dress wraps itself around my knees and Michael takes my hand claiming it’s to stop the wind from carrying me with it.

It's both exhilarating and frightening to watch the ocean at night. The waves splash on the shore angrily before retreating and returning with more force.

"It’s beautiful," I whisper.

"Just as you are," Michael says, his tone solemn. We are silent for a while. "Nature makes you feel really small, doesn’t it?"

I nod. "It does. Both big and small, I think. Makes you feel as if you belong. "

"Part of life's grand plan?" Michael says.


"My dreams and goals used to be about the company but that's changed now," Michael says. "Now I want to raise a happy little girl and maybe have a family."

All air leaves my lungs. It's a big admission for Michael to make. I have so many questions, but I don't have the guts to ask. Will he ever see me as something more than his lover? Is there hope for us, even the tiniest little bit?

"Do you think about having a family?" Michael asks me.

That was just about the only thing I used to think about when I was with Barry. I'd daydream about our three kids and even had cute names for them. It made me feel so stupid later when he dumped me and proposed to Wendy.

No, family is not something I daydream about.

"Not really," I tell Michael. "I did enough of that when I was with Barry." I shouldn't have added that last sentence.

"You shouldn't let a past relationship dictate the rest of your life. I let my bitterness with Paige and Charles affect my life for too long."

"Hard not to," I say. "That was a painful blow."

Michael shrugs. "People are dumped every day. I should have let go and moved on."

I don’t notice when we finish our drinks as we keep talking deep into the night. When we finally go back to our room, there are no guests milling around.


The warmth from the sun feels like a blanket is wrapped around me. I sigh silently as I lie on my tummy on a blanket in the sand, inhaling the scent from the ocean. I can’t remember feeling as relaxed as I feel now.

I smile as memories from last night come over me. Michael and I made love last night and then fell asleep in each other’s arms only to wake up for another session before dawn.

We slept for another couple of hours before waking up for breakfast. It was delightful knowing that we didn’t have to rush anywhere. We were not going to the office and neither was Michael rushing to get back home before Elly woke up.

We spent the morning on the balcony overlooking the beach, sipping water, and just talking. We had an early lunch and then he left for his business meeting.

I could spend the rest of my life like this. As a lady of leisure with people to wait on me and my days spent lying on the beach. A giggle escapes my lips at the thought.

"Do you always giggle when you're alone?" A deep voice says above me and before I can reply, he continues. "I hate to see a beautiful lady all alone. May I join you?"

I roll onto my back and stare up at Michael's gorgeous face as he stares down at me. I pat the sandy ground. "Yes, please. I’m not averse to strange handsome men."

"Can I just say that the view from up here is delightful?" he says.

I blush. The bikini I'm wearing is a little daring with a thong for the bottom.

"Have you put on sunscreen?" he says.

"No, I couldn’t reach the back of my legs," I tell him, my voice growing husky.

"I better arrange the umbrella to protect your skin," he says and arranges it in a way that no one passing by can see me.

I shiver with anticipation. "You'd better hurry up before my lover comes back," I say getting into the role.

I roll back onto my tummy and close my eyes. I can hear Michael's movements as he picks up the suntan oil. Seconds later, liquid warmth hits my legs as he splashes oil on them. His hands gently massage my legs and I purr with pleasure.

He moves higher and higher up my legs to my thighs. "Does your lover tell you what a beautiful body you have?"

"All the time," I say with a smile.

I spread my legs and some of the oil trickles down the inside of my thighs. I let out a soft moan as Michael’s hands dip into my inner thighs. He caresses my thigh muscles and kneads them, removing all knots of tension.

His hands move higher to my ass and he massages my ass cheeks. Every so often, his hands dip between my legs and graze my pussy. He must feel how wet I am. I'm desperate for him to touch my pussy.

I raise my hips slightly and make soft purring noises. We're on a public beach but I'm so turned on that I don't care who sees us.

Michael makes circular motions on my pussy but it’s not enough. I'm needy and achy. He slips a finger into my soaking wet pussy. I clamp a hand over my mouth as I feel a scream work itself up my throat.

Agonizingly slowly, he moves his finger in and out. I raise my hips to meet it. When he adds a second finger, I cry out.

"You like that?" he says, his voice gruff.

"Yes. Don’t stop." I can barely get the words out.

He chuckles softly. "You do know what will happen after this?"


I say. "I'll take you up to our room and have you suck my cock," Michael says.

"And then?" I manage to say.

His fingers pick up the pace, working furiously in and out of my pussy and his thumb rubbing my clit. Heaven.

"And then I'll turn you around and fuck you when you're on all fours," he says.

His words almost make me come. I imagine Michael’s huge cock slamming into me and his strong hands gripping my thighs to hold me in place.

"Please," I moan and writhe.

The orgasm is so close. As if sensing this, Michael adds another finger and I cry out. A few more thrusts and my pussy clamps on his fingers as an orgasm rolls over me. A strangled cry escapes my lips as I drown in pure pleasure.