On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 32


I’m surprised to hear Michael’s voice when I step out of the elevator. It’s a quarter to seven and he’s already at the office. His usual time to come in is eight-thirty. My mouth pulls into a smile and I quicken my step.

The sound of his voice fills my chest with syrupy warmth. I push his door open, peer in, and blow him a kiss. He smiles when he sees me and gestures that I should enter. I enter, shut the door, and deposit my bag on the chair.

I go around his desk, drape my hand around his solid shoulders, and plant a kiss on his cheek. I close my eyes and inhale his masculine scent. He swivels in his chair and turns around to face me.

“Yes, of course, I agree with the initial assessment,” Michael says into the phone.

A naughty idea comes to me. I remember the texts we had been exchanging the previous night and my promise to take his cock into my mouth. I hadn’t planned on doing it this early.

Recalling the time Oliver walked in on us, I go to the door and turn the key. Michael’s eyes follow me and when I come back and kneel down, I see that he’s already sporting a tent in front of his pants. He leans back on the chair but continues talking on the phone.

I unzip his pants and free his cock. It never ceases to amaze me how big it is. I stroke it lovingly with both hands and then lean forward and lick the head. I swirl my tongue and tease the sensitive area under the head of his cock. Michael’s breath comes out fast.

I’m impressed that he can still hold a decent conversation when a woman is sucking his cock. My tongue explores under his balls and then I finally take them in my mouth and suck. He lets out a gasp and then coughs to cover it up.

My pussy pulses with need as I take Michael’s steel-hard cock into my mouth. I suck at it hungrily, loving the manly scent surrounding me. Michael’s conversation seems one-sided as he merely grunts in response.

I move my head up and down, taking as much of his cock as I can. His free hand rests on my head and he rocks his hips upward. Sucking Michael’s cock turns me on just as it does to him.

My pussy drips wetness, soaking my panties. I’m tempted to rub myself to ease the growing ache, but I resist, determined to concentrate on Michael’s cock.

“I need some time to think this through,” Michael says in a strained voice.

I stifle a smile knowing that he’s barely holding on to his control.

“Yes, we’ll talk soon,” he says.

He disconnects the call and with a groan, he gently pushes my mouth from his cock and urges me to stand up.

“I want to fuck you while we look at the view of the city,” Michael says, his voice hoarse.

At the promise of the ache in my hot pussy being quenched, I cross the room and stand with my hands against the floor to ceiling window as though I’m under arrest. I feel Michael behind me, and I bend over.

He raises my short skirt, exposing my panty covered ass.

“I love you pantyless, and if you have to wear one, make it a thong,” Michael says.

“You are so bossy,” I purr.

“That’s because I’m your boss,” he says and we both chuckle.

He grips the hem of my lace panties and pulls them down. I step out of them and resume my position. We’re both so turned on, I expect Michael to plunge his cock into my pussy.

He doesn’t. His cock lingers at the entrance and then he glides it along the soaking slit of my pussy, driving me crazy.

“Please, Michael,” I beg, panting for breath.

He finally presses his cock into my pussy and with one powerful thrust, he takes away the desperate ache I have. He grips my hips, holding me in place as he fucks me fast and hard. I look at the view but take in none of it. My mind is on the pleasure that Michael is inflicting on me.

“Fuck yes!” Michael groans. “You look so hot, Ava!”

“I love your cock,” I cry out.

I never get enough of it and it doesn’t matter what time it is. Morning, during the day, evening, or deep in the night.

“Your pussy is milking my cock,” Michael growls. “I don’t know how long I can hold on for.”

“You don’t have to,” I tell me, feeling my orgasm close. “I’m about to come. Fuck me, Michael.”

He grunts in reply. My orgasm tears through me and my insides tighten against Michael’s cock. He shoots cum into my pussy. I gasp and moan as the orgasm slowly subsides.

We clean ourselves up and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I peer at my reflection in the mirror and grin. My skin has become as smooth as a baby’s. Lots of sex does that. Cum is like an expensive cream that works wonders on every part of a woman’s body.

I feel content with my life. I fork my fingers through my hair in an effort to tame it. I look like a woman who has come from having great sex. I give my hair one last shake.

I grab my iPad and return to Michael’s office. The switch is easy now. In the first couple of weeks of our affair, it made me horribly uncomfortable to sit opposite Michael taking notes, when minutes earlier, I’d been sucking his cock or begging him to fuck me.

“You have a just-fucked look,” he tells me. “I love it.”

I smile in response and sit down.

His expression grows solemn. “I need you to order some bikes for me. One for Elly, and two for us.”

“Bikes?” I ask. “What for?”

“Would you believe that Elly has never ridden a bike all of her life?” Michael says.

“She’s only six, Michael,” I point out.

“I knew how to ride a bike before I learned how to walk,” he says.

I roll my eyes, but I do understand what he means. I rode a bike all my life until I came to New York. Back home, I rode it everywhere. To work and even to dates. It doesn’t make the best mode of transport when you’re a little tipsy, but I loved my bike.

Barry hated it. At first, he said that he worried about my safety riding my bike on busy roads. Bull shit. A lot of people in my town rode bikes. They were safer than cars and you got in your exercise as well.

Only later did he admit that my bike riding embarrassed him. I can still hear his voice.

Why can’t you drive a car to work like normal people?

It hits me now how much I embarrassed Barry. He liked very little about me outside of the bedroom. He hated my unruly hair, my impulsiveness, and my laugh. My hair was too rough looking, my sense of humor was childish, and my laugh was unladylike.

If only I could relive the past. I’d be the one to dump him, not the other way around. My mood sours as I recall the person that I had been. A complete doormat. I don’t relate to that person anymore. Why couldn’t I stand up to him and tell him where he could shove it?

I wrack my brains for habits I have carried over from that relationship. I think I’ve been pretty open with Michael about what I want and don’t want. Like the jewelry. I’m proud of myself for saying no. It was an honest reaction. I don’t need gifts from him.

What about the apartment?A voice screams in my head.

That’s different. Michael doesn’t like my current apartment.

But you like it.

It’s true. I do like it. I shouldn’t agree to move to another apartment because my lover doesn’t like it. After all, I’m not asking him to move in. There’s also the question of what happens when our physical relationship ends. Obviously, he can’t continue paying my rent when we’re not lovers. I’d have to find another apartment and I know that can be a headache. I groan inwardly. I shouldn’t have agreed to it.

I feel suddenly ashamed. I’m slipping back to my old ways of being a doormat and that is the surest road to a broken heart.

“So, what do you say, is it something you can do?” Michael says.

I blink rapidly and try to make sense of his words.

“Order the bikes?” he says when he sees my confusion. “Your mind is far away, are you okay?”

I smile. “Yes, I’m fine. And yes, I’ll order the bikes.” A thought comes to me. “Will Paige be there?”

I’m not comfortable going with Michael and Elly to the park if Paige will be there. I try my best not to butt in on their family time.

“Paige doesn’t do bicycles,” Michael says in a mild tone.

“In that case, I’d love to come,” I tell Michael.

He narrows his eyes. “You do know how to ride a bike, don’t you? Please tell me I won’t be teaching my two ladies how to ride?” He makes as if he’s collapsing on the chair.

I decide to entertain myself on Michael’s expense. It’s too tempting not to. I feign a surprised look. “I thought you wanted to teach us both?” I cover my mouth as if in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry,” Michael says, wearing an alarmed expression. “I didn’t mean to make fun. Yes, of course, I’ll teach both you. It’s not a big deal.”

“Good!” I say and flash him a bright smile.

He shifts in his chair, clearly uncomfortable. “Oh, and what about the apartment? Do you have some places lined up that we can go look at?”

I shake my head. “No.” It’s my turn to look uncomfortable. “The thing is, I changed my mind. I don’t want to move to a place that I can’t afford by myself.”

His look softens. “Hey, you don’t have to. I’d follow you to the moon. You know that?”

My heart melts and guilt floods me. I smile and blink back tears. “Thanks.”