On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 34


Whoever thought that the park could be so much fun or that seating on a bench with Michael watching Elly go down the slides would be so captivating? I sip on fresh lemonade, enjoying the coldness in my throat as it goes down.

I feel Michael’s gaze on me, and I turn to him. His look is intense. I cock my head to the side. “Something wrong?”

He rouses himself from his thoughts. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have two gorgeous ladies in my life.” He leans forward and kisses me lightly on my mouth.

Elly runs to us and takes a sip of her lemonade, all the while looking back at her playmates.

“She’s having fun,” I say when she goes back to play.

“She is,” Michael says. “I’ll miss her when they go back to their own home.”

A glimmer of hope forms in my chest. “How are the roof repairs going?”

Michael shakes his head. “No idea. Whenever I ask Paige, she gives me a vague answer. Can’t be long now though.”

I would not put it past Paige to have lied about it. Either way, at some point, it will have to end. Maybe she hopes that by then she’ll have made headway with Michael. Thoughts of Paige and Michael bring fear into my heart. What if. So many what-ifs.

We linger in the park for another hour or so and when we leave, it’s almost six. Michael drops me home and gets out of the car to walk me to the door. He gathers me in his arms for a kiss.

“I’ll drop Elly off and come straight back. We’re getting in the shower together. Wait for me.” His voice is low and sexy and full of promise.

I can’t keep a grin off my face as I enter my apartment. I hadn’t been looking forward to spending an evening on an anti-climax. Spending all afternoon ogling Michael’s abs and then saying goodbye later… I’d have spent the evening and night masturbating.

In my bedroom, I strip off my clothes and wrap a towel around myself. I go to the kitchen and sip on cold water as I wait for Michael. My body is tight with suppressed sexual tension. I resist the urge to slip a hand under the towel to play with my clit.

I want Michael’s big hands on me. It doesn’t take long before I hear the doorbell. Heart pounding, I put the glass in the sink and hurry to buzz Michael up. I fling the door open and moments later, he enters and shuts the door behind me.

“That was fast,” I tell him and lead the way to the bathroom, swinging my hips as I walk.

“I might have broken a few traffic rules,” Michael says.

I hear the rustle of clothes and I giggle when I turn to see Michael stripping off as we head to the bedroom. By the time we enter the shower cubicle, Michael’s clothes are all off.

“Lose the towel,” he growls. His cock is steel hard, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

I tug at it and Michael’s stare drops to my pussy. I shiver at the longing in his eyes. He closes the distance between us and slips a hand between my legs.

He cups my whole pussy in his large hand, and I let out a whimper of need.

“This is mine, Ava!” Michael says in a voice laden with passion.

“Yes,” I tell him. “I want you so badly.”

He pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply, pressing his hardness between my legs. I raise one leg and wrap it around his waist.

“Fuck me now, Michael,” I tell him. “I need your cock in me!”

He grips my hips and lifts me off the ground. We move to the wall and he takes me right there and then, his cock plunging into me.

“Now we can shower,” Michael says to me minutes later as we resurface from earth-shattering orgasms. He takes my hand and we enter the shower cubicle. A flash of guilt comes over me when I remember my refusal to take him up on an offer to move to a bigger place. I push it away and focus on the warm drops of water cascading down my body.

Michael stands behind me and reaches for the shower gel. I close my eyes as his hands rub gel all over my back and ass. He washes the back of my legs and then turns me around to clean my front. His hands make circular movements on my nipples arousing them to hard peaks.

“I love your body,” Michael says.

I move to reach for his cock.

“Don’t move. You’ll get your turn,” he says. “I don’t want anything to break my attention.”

I smile at the intensity of his voice. His hands dip to my stomach and then to my pussy. I part my legs to give him access and he gently rubs gel into my folds. I squirm and try to stop moans from escaping my mouth, but it’s impossible with the sensations that come over me.

He withdraws his hand and guides me back under the water. His hands are like silk on my body, caressing the undersides of my breasts, running down my hips, and teasing my pussy folds.

“My turn,” I tell him, eager to get my hands on his hot body.

Michael flashes me a sexy smile and lets his hands drop to his sides. I pour gel on my hand and rub it on his chest, brushing his nipples and the washboard that is his abs.

“There’s a lot of you,” I tell him.

“You’re not even halfway yet, baby,” Michael says in a lazy drawl.

I might not be halfway, but I’ve reached my focal point of interest. I lather his cock and balls, and with the pretext of washing him, I stroke his cock up and down. Michael’s eyes are closed as he rocks back and forth in time to the rhythm of my hand.

His breathing changes and I know he’s close to coming but before he does, he covers my hand with his.

“Let’s finish up here and go to bed. I want you in my arms,” Michael says.


“I looked into Bisley college,” I tell Michael later as I lay sprawled on his chest.

Michael’s chest was made to lie on. It’s solid and warm. No, make that hot. With his hand softly caressing my back, it’s not a position I want to change soon.

“They have evening classes and the way I see it; it will take me less than three years to get a finance degree.”

“That’s wonderful,” Michael says, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. “Did you apply?”


“Why not?” Michael says.

I don’t know how to say this. Right now, my life is at a crossroads. I’d come to New York to escape heartbreak and the plan had been to stay a couple of months and then go back home.

“New York was not supposed to be permanent,” I tell Michael in a small voice. By saying that, it sounds as if I’m saying that we’re not permanent either. I desperately want Michael to tell me that it’s not so. That he and I have something special going on.

He’s silent for a few seconds. “You plan on going back to Washington?”

“That was the plan.” I would change it if I had reason to, but Michael has not given me a hint that he wants more than we have.

If we were in a committed relationship, I wouldn’t think twice about applying for college here. As it is, I don’t want to be stuck in New York if something happens. Like Michael deciding that he wants to be with Paige. I want to have the option to take off. The thought brings tears to my eyes. As much as I tried to protect my heart, it’s impossible. I’m in love with Michael. How could I have let that happen? I’d made a promise to myself that wouldn’t let myself be vulnerable. I would not let another man hurt me by falling in love with him. I’m disgusted with myself. I couldn’t even wait for six months. This is not even how it was with Barry. This is a lot worse. Michael has stolen all of my heart.

“That shouldn’t stop you,” Michael says. “You can always transfer your credits if you decide to move before the course is over.”

His words are like a knife to my heart. They are not the words of a man planning for our future. They’re the words of a man who doesn’t do commitment. I’m a fool. I’ve always been when it came to men. They must see that trait in me from a distance. Otherwise, why do I attract men who do not commit to me? Miley has already had several marriage proposals. I’ve never had even one. It’s difficult not to be bitter when you find yourself yet in love with another man who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.

My phone vibrates on the bedside table and I reach for it. It jerks Michael awake. He’d been dozing with nothing to stress him other than getting home in time for Elly’s wake up time.

I click on the new message. It’s from Miley.

Hi stranger, wanna come up? Alec is here with his brother for dinner. We could do with another person.

I type a reply right away.

Sure, be there in twenty.

“Are you serious?” Michael says.

I hadn’t realized that he could read my messages from where he lay.

“You have to go home, don’t you?” I ask him, a note of rebelliousness in my voice. I’m angry and I want him to know how it feels like to be rejected. No, that’s not it. I want Michael to know that I have a life as well.

That my life doesn’t revolve around his free moments.

“I wasn’t on planning on going home now but if that’s what you want, fine.”

He sounds upset. Tough. I feel the same when we carry on like people having an affair. I feel as if I’m sleeping with a married man. I want more and if I can’t have it, I’ll do as I please and try to meet other people.

Maybe my dream man is out there. Hard to believe that with all the hotness that is Michael is lying beside me.

I yawn and then get up. “I’m going to take a shower,” I tell Michael.

“I’ll be gone by the time you get out,” he says, his voice terse.

“Fine. I’ll see you Monday at work.”

I lock the bathroom door behind me and lean on it. Tears balance in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Michael and I are hurting each other with words. I know it's my fault. I’ve changed the rules of the game, but I haven’t told him.

But, how can I? How can I tell Michael Fowler, the master of affairs that I have fallen hopelessly in love with him?