On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 46


“That’s the sixth PA that you’ve turned down for no good reason. All six were qualified for the job,” Oliver says.

“I can’t help it if I don’t feel right about them,” I tell him.

We’re in the conference room conducting interviews. At first, I’d thought it was a great idea to quickly pick up the pieces of my life and move on. Getting a new PA seemed like a good start. Now, I see it was a horrible idea. I don’t want a new PA. I want Ava. I want her to be in my office, my home, my life.

“It doesn’t matter even if we interview another ten people. They still won’t qualify. They can’t magically turn into Ava,” Oliver says, a note of resignation in his voice.

He’s right. I’m searching for Ava in every applicant who comes in. it’s not fair to them. I can’t bear the thought of seeing another person in her office. I’d rather stay without a PA for a while. I can survive without one.

“You never did tell me what happened between the two of you,” Oliver says.

“Paige happened.”

Oliver nods. “I told you that woman was trouble. I have good instincts for people and Paige is not one of the good ones.”

“She made Ava think that something was going on between us. Ava chose to believe her.”

That’s what hurts. How could she believe the word of someone capable of lying about the paternity of her child? How could she believe someone she had known for such a short time? It hurts that in that time we were together, Ava never learned to trust me.

“I don’t blame her,” Oliver says. “Paige was living in your house. You were around her every night. Paige can make the most beautiful woman feel insecure. She’s sexy and oozes sex.”

I look at him skeptically. “But I don’t even find her…”

He laughs. “Anymore. You did once.”

“That’s not even the point. Two people who love each other have to trust each other. No matter what.”

“I agree with you,” Oliver says. “But maybe some people have to learn how to trust.”

I leave the conference soon after and go back upstairs to my office. It’s quiet and lonely since Ava left. It’s as if the walls are mourning as well. Work has been a savior. It’s prevented me from losing my mind. Or what’s left of it.

I’ve never been in love before Ava. I know that now. What I’ve felt before was nothing compared to this. I miss her so much sometimes I’m tempted to go and camp outside her apartment until she believes me when I tell her that my heart belongs to her.

These days I leave the office after six in the evening. I’m the last one to exit the building. I feel sorry for William as he too gets home later and later. I slip into the car and he drives me home. I only look forward to the weekends now as Elly spends most of them with me.

Through our lawyers, Paige and I hashed out an agreement and I get as much time with Elly as she does. That’s all I ever wanted. I want my daughter to grow up knowing that her dad loves her and will always be there for her.

I get a clue that there’s someone in my apartment when I find the living room lights on. Philip the chef no longer works for me. He works for Paige now.

I step out of the elevator just as a figure steps out from the hallway into the living room. Ava. My heart skips a beat. She smiles and I know that I’m not dreaming.

I close the gap between us and stop right in front of her. Her eyes are red-rimmed, and she looks tired. I’m close enough to touch her and to take her into my arms but I don’t.

“Ava?” I say.

“Michael,” she says. “You look thinner.”

I shrug. I haven’t been eating well. To be honest, I’ve forgotten what regular meals look like. I can go whole days without eating.

“I’m sorry,” she says.

“What for?”

“For not trusting you. I believed Paige and not you. I put you on the stand, judged you, and sentenced you, all without giving you a chance to defend yourself.”

“All I cared about was Elly. Paige was never a part of that equation and she’ll never be.”

“I know that now,” Ava says earnestly.

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved and will ever love.”

“Oh, Michael. I love you too,” she says.

My heart begins to thaw. Slowly, happiness seeps back into my soul. But I need to be sure. “I have to be sure you can trust me, Ava. I can’t do this again.”

“I trust you. I promise.”

I believe her. I open my arms and she steps into them. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. I bury my head in her hair and inhale her sweet scents.

“I love you so damn much,” I tell her.

“I love you too.”