Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



Maksim and Aspenwork together and figure out a way to rezone the city lot back to residential. It's time to start the cleanup, but Dmitri says, "If it snows, we're screwed. The ground can't be frozen."

"Sam gave us a three-week turnaround time when we did our due diligence. He's always been reliable on estimates. This next week's weather is supposed to be over forty, including overnight. Let's hope we get an early spring and it stays that way," Maksim declares.

"And if it doesn't?" Boris's eyes grow darker.

"We'll figure it out."

He shakes his head. "This is cutting it too close."

There's a clause in our purchase agreement. We only have a small time frame to clean the lot, or it reverts back to the city.

"What other options do we have besides moving forward?" Maksim asks.

"At this point, nothing."

I cross my arms. "What if we do?" I stayed up all night with insomnia, trying to stop myself from texting Kora and thinking about how to make sure nothing happens to cause us to lose the lot. I studied the contract until I couldn't look at it anymore. Then I made a bet with Boris in the elevator on the way up to Maksim's penthouse.

"What are you talking about?" Maksim asks.

"Hear me out."

"We're all ears," Dmitri states.

"We've relocated all the residents on the northern lot. Let's have Sam start there. Then we can begin construction while he's cleaning up the rest. Our guys stay working with no issues."

"Except we have the ninety-day stipulation with the city."

I smile cockily. "We only have to start the process. It doesn't say we have to finish it."

"Maksim, get out the contract," Dmitri says.

Maksim obeys, and I give Boris an arrogant look.

"You set me up," Boris mutters.

Yep. Take that, big brother.

"Well?" Dmitri asks Maksim.

"Sergey is correct. It clearly states we need to commence the cleanup. It says nothing about when we have to finish it."

"The cleanup on the northern lot was estimated only to take five days, correct?"


"So start the cleanup on the old city lot on Monday. Let's demolish the buildings on the northern land, and then we'll pause the cleanup and have Sam move to the other lot if it's going to take longer than anticipated."

Maksim rises and pats me on the back. "Little brother, I think you might have just saved our asses."

I hold my hand out to Boris.

Boris grunts, pulls his wallet out, and slaps a thousand dollars in my hand.

"What's that all about?" Dmitri asks.

"I bet him I could solve our problems today."

"I should've known. How long have you been sitting on this idea?" Boris asks.

I tap my head. "Shower ideas."

"Well, you should shower more often then. Good job."

"Maksim?" Aspen yells.

"In the office," he replies.

Aspen comes in and tells us the city promoted her. We all congratulate her and leave. I get in my car and decide I'm on a roll. I want to see Kora. I'm not sure where she disappeared to after the fight. I looked for her, but she wasn't around her friends. I thought maybe she went to the restroom, but then Aspen announced that Kora texted she left.

"Does she always take off when you are out together?" I asked.

Aspen shrugged. "She has a case that's driving her insane right now. I think it adds a lot more to her plate when she has to go to court, and she's been in it all week."

It's another reason I didn't text Kora last night. I didn't want to disturb her while she was working.

I'm hoping she doesn't have to work all night tonight. I pick up my phone and text her.

Me: Are you free for dinner tonight?

Several minutes pass. Dots appear on the screen but then disappear.

My stomach flips, nervously waiting for her response. When several minutes pass, I get antsy.

Me: Are you in court today?

Kora: Yes.

Me: Right now?

Kora: I'm on a fifteen-minute recess.

Me: Let me guess, you're kicking ass and taking names.

Kora: What makes you say that?

Me: I've seen you in action. You're a piranha.

I stare at the phone, waiting for a reply, but I get nothing.

Maybe she had to go back inside the courtroom?

I glance at my watch. It's four. I'm several blocks from the courthouse, so I decide to have my driver park in the lot, then make calls to the foremen, telling them what our plans are moving forward on our projects. I instruct them to make sure our workers are aware there won't be any layoffs. Tomorrow I'll make the rounds and reinforce there is enough work for the next two years, and no one needs to worry about paychecks. However, the sooner word gets out, the better. We can't risk any of our guys feeling like they need to lean on Zamir Petrov for support.

It's a nice day, so I get out of the car and wait.

Around five, Kora steps outside. A soft-pink form-fitting dress and matching suit jacket hug her body just right. I groan. She looks as hot as the last three times I've seen her, but the pink reminds me of how much I want her back in my mouth.


She's talking to a woman who I assume is her client. The lady looks distraught, and Kora puts her hand on her shoulder.

They speak for a while. Two men come out of the building. One of them says something. Kora spins and steps in front of her client, as if to shield her. I'm too far away to hear what she says, but she steps closer to the man and speaks. The man replies, and Kora addresses the other suit next to her.

He scoffs, and Kora points at the first man. He steps closer to Kora and gets in her face then starts looking over Kora's shoulder at the other woman, barking out something I can't hear.

Kora pushes her client back farther with one hand and stays planted. The man steps so close to her, he's inches from her face. His is red, and the two keep exchanging words.

I don't like what I'm seeing. Without thinking, I rush up the stairs, reach for the back of his suit jacket, and pull the man away from Kora. I growl, "Get away from her!"

He catches his footing and spins. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm about to be your worst nightmare."

"Sergey!" Kora cries out.

I glance quickly at Kora. Anger and shock are both evident in her expression. The woman behind her is shaking, and tears are falling down her cheeks.

I step closer to the man. He's close to my height and looks like he keeps in good shape, but I don't doubt I could take him. His eyes blaze with rage, and he scowls.

The second guy steps away from us. He's probably never worked out a day in his life, and fear fills his face. He pushes his glasses up his nose. "Jack, let's go."

"Larry, get your client away from mine. The next time he steps within one hundred yards of her outside of court, I'm filing for the restraining order," Kora threatens.

Jack spins away from me. He points in Kora's face. "Don't you threaten me, you—"

I grab his throat and lift him so high, he stands on his toes. He reaches for my hand, but I'm gripping him too tight. He chokes and turns purple.


I lean into his ear. "Listen to me, you piece of shit. I'm going to let go, and you're going to apologize to these ladies. Then you're staying here, and we're leaving. If you come near either of them again, I'll hunt you down and find everything there is to know about you. Don't push me. I guarantee you won't like what I'm capable of." I release his neck, and he bends over, choking.

Larry's eyes are wide. He might have pissed his pants for all I know. Kora is gaping at me while still shielding her scared client behind her.

I yank Jack up by the collar. "Say you are sorry," I order through gritted teeth.

He barely gets it out.

I get back in his face. "Don't forget my warning. I won't repeat it. I'll take action." I release him, put a hand on both Kora and her client's back, and lead them to my car.

"Sergey," Kora mutters.

"Don't talk right now."

I put them both in the car and say, "Hold on a minute." I close the door and jog back to the two men. Jack is still trying to catch his breath. Larry is asking him if he is okay.

I put my arm around Larry and lean into his ear. "You seem levelheaded."


"If you or your clients ever disrespect my woman or anyone she represents again, I'm coming after you, too." I pat him on the shoulder and go back to the car. When I get in, I put the divider window down. I look at Kora's client. "Ma'am. Where can I drop you off?"

Her lip quivers, and she cries harder. "I... I don't know. He'll be home eventually."

My gut drops. "You still live with him?"

She nods, scrunches her face, and looks at Kora.

"Sorry, I'm going to assume since you're Kora's client, you're divorcing him. Is this not true?"

"Yes, but..."

"It's not straightforward," Kora claims.

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't your business. My client's—"

"No. It's okay. You can tell him," the woman says.

Kora's face hardens. She purses her lips.

The woman replies, "When I filed for divorce, he revoked my access to all our assets. I don't have a penny to my name right now. Kora tried to get the judge to make him give me access and force him out of the house, but..." She closes her eyes.

"But what?"

Kora's jaw clenches. "Selena's husband is connected. He's friends with every judge in town. The judge conveniently said he needed the weekend to review the case. It's a stall tactic for Jack to get what he wants."

My stomach knots. I address Selena. "So you have no money and nowhere to go?"

She bites her lip and shakes her head.

"Has he hurt you before?"

Shame fills her face, and she focuses on her hands twisting on her lap.

Kora's face confirms what I assume.

The savage man who resides in me stirs. I take a few deep breaths to calm him. "Do you have family you can stay with?"

"She moved here from Greece. Jack cut communication off with her family years ago," Kora softly informs me.

"I see." I address my driver. "Igor, take us to Serenity Plaza."

"Why are we going there?" Kora asks.

I roll the divider window up. "My brothers and I built it. The units are all sold, and the showroom model is fully furnished. We were going to have the furniture removed Monday, but I'll cancel it. You can stay there as long as you need." I reach into my pocket and take my billfold out. I hold the cash I won from Boris, along with whatever else is in my wallet, out to Selena. "Take this, and I'll get more for you if you need it."

She opens her mouth, and her eyes dart between the money and me.

"Go on. Take it." I push the money at her.

"I-I can't do that."

"Sure, you can." I reach for her hand. "You put your fingers around it like this then move it away from my hand."

I pull my hand away, since she is still frozen.

"I... I... this is a lot of money!" she exclaims.

"Don't worry about it. I won it off my brother this morning."

Her forehead wrinkles.

I gently push her hands toward her so she's not leaning over the seat. "What is your husband's last name?"

Her eyes widen. "Why?"


"I want to know the name of the man who has left her vulnerable and is threatening her," I tell Kora in a firm voice.

"It's Christian. Jack Christian."

I snort. Figures. A holy name for a bastard.

The car stops. "We're here." I step out.

"I can't—"

"You can. No one else is using the place. I think you'll find it has everything you need." I reach in and hold my hand out for Kora. "Come on. You can put your stamp of approval on it for Selena."

Kora raises her eyebrows. She slowly reaches for my hand. I help her out of the car and tug her into my chest. She inhales sharply.

"You look beautiful, my lapa." I peck her on the lips, wink, then help Selena out of the car.

I guide both women inside and authorize security to give Selena and Kora full access.

We go into the apartment. It's a three-bedroom home, and something occurs to me. I turn to Selena. "Forgive me. Do you have children you need to go get?"

She shakes her head. "No. It's just me."

"Okay. Will you be comfortable here?"

She glances around. "Is that a serious question?"

I chuckle. "Great. I'll leave you my cell. If you need anything, just text me."

She looks at Kora then back at me. "I think I'll be okay. Thank you. You don't know..." She stops, and tears fill her eyes again. When she composes herself, she smiles. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Kora turns to me. "Sergey, can you give Selena and me a moment?"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Thank you."

I open the door, and Selena yells, "Wait!"

I spin.

"Sir, who are you?"

"I'm Sergey Ivanov."

I'm a goddamn cruel enforcer, and if your husband tries anything else, he's going to see my wrath.

"Kora, I'll meet you in the lobby. Take your time." I step into the hallway and shut the door. I call Adrian.

"Sergey, what's up?"

"I need you to find everything you can for me on Jack Christian."