Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



Maintainingmy role around Kora is hard. She's a piranha, and it's making my cock harder than a rock.

Eloise is a piranha.

She's not Eloise.

What if she is?

Kora's pencil skirt is going to be the death of me. She's crossed her long legs several times. All it makes me want to do is dive between her thighs.

Maksim kisses Aspen, and I stare at Kora. She's avoiding me. Probably for the best, since all I keep wondering is, How pink is her pussy?

Fuck. I bet it's a beautiful, soft pink.

I wonder if she'd let me tie her up and eat it.

I could throw her on the table and shove my face between her thighs and

My brother's voice rips me out of my thoughts. He and Aspen leave.

Time to get this piece of shit out of Chicago.

I yank Peter up. "Good to see you again, Kora. Have a nice day."

"You, too." She turns to Peter. In a razor-sharp voice, she says, "Peter, I hope you burn in hell and burn some more."

Jesus, she's a piranha.

Sexy as fuck.

I raise my eyebrows, sizing her up one last time and wishing there was more room in my pants, which suddenly feel restricted. I leave the conference room and snag her card before leaving her office. When I get to the bus station, I warn Peter one final time and remind him he's never to step foot in Chicago again.

Maksim should have let me kill the prick.

Several days pass. I try to get Kora out of my head. I stop myself several times from calling her or going to her house. I just got out of a messed-up situation with Eloise, and I don't want to make the same mistake.

Plus, Kora saw me in two very undesirable situations. The first time, I pulled a gun on the Petrovs. She was drunk, so I can't know if she would have hit on me if she were sober. The second time, I was in her office, and she didn't give me any clues she was still interested. Her blush when I walked in could have been embarrassment from the other night.

She probably thinks I'm a thug, since I was manhandling Peter.

It's been three days since our encounter at her office. I'm tired of staring at her business card. It's almost eleven at night, I'm antsy from issues going on at work, and I've smoked a bit more than I should have. I cave and text her.

Me: What are you wearing, lapa?

Kora: Who is this?

Me: Your cub.

There's a long pause. My pulse quickens.

Maybe she's seeing too many younger guys to know it's me.

Dots appear on the phone but then disappear. I light another joint and make myself wait.

Kora: What does lapa mean?

Me: It's a Russian term of endearment. Guys call their girlfriends it, but it means paw. I thought since you wanted to be my cougar, it was appropriate.

Kora: Interesting.

Me: What color are your panties?

Kora: I'm not wearing any.

I groan and once again think pink thoughts.

Me: Have you and your friends stayed out of trouble?

Kora: Yep. Nothing but boring stuff going on right now.

Me: Staying away from thugs, huh?

Kora: Current status: thug free.

Crap. Why did I write that?

She just confirmed why she should stay away from me. I can't really deny I've got some thug in me. It's not something I'm proud of, but I'm a violent person who does criminal things. Kora is smart. I'm sure she can see it. I try to figure out what to write next.

Kora: So, did our friend get out of the city?

Me: Yep.

Kora: Good.

Me: Hailee said you were a big shot. I can see why.

Kora: Hailee?

Me: After I dropped you off. You're quite the ball buster.

Several minutes pass. I'm not sure if she's doing something else or if I said something wrong.

Me: You still there?

Kora: Yes.

Me: That was a compliment, btw.

Kora: Thanks.

This is why I shouldn't get high and text women.

Me: What were you doing before I texted you?

Kora: Preparing for court tomorrow.

Me: Do you always work this late?

Kora: Sometimes. This is a complicated case, so...

Me: What time do you get up?

Kora: Five.

Me: Why so early?

Kora: I have to work out.

Me: That's what I'll be doing but not till six.

Although I'd rather be working you out.

Jeez, I really know how to have a stimulating conversation.

I need to end this before I embarrass myself any further.

Me: Get some sleep, lapa. Good luck in court.

Kora: Thanks. Night.

Me: Night.

My insomnia is on overdrive, and I don't sleep. I leave earlier than usual for the gym. When my brothers show up, I've run six miles and am covered in sweat. No matter how much I work out, I can't get Kora out of my mind. She's becoming an obsession. Eloise was one, too. I'm trying to avoid falling into the same situation where I get hung up on a woman who isn't capable of committing and doesn't want more than sex from me.

I remind myself again Kora isn't Eloise.

Don't make the same mistake.

All day, I push Kora out of my mind while visiting our job sites. It's important we reiterate to our employees there will be no layoffs, and we will move directly into the next project. We can't risk any of our men falling prey to Zamir.

At least I have the fight tonight to take my mind off Kora.

When I finish, there's an hour for me to shower then get to the gym. Boris is fighting. My brothers and I always attend, so it'll be nice to do something besides fixate on Kora.

I get off the elevator, step into my living room, and freeze. My chest tightens. "Eloise. What are you doing here?"

She's sitting on my couch with her legs crossed. Her miniskirt is barely covering her privates. The black form-fitting top she wears accentuates her cleavage. Her makeup is perfect, and not a hair is out of place. She sits back like she owns the place—my place. Her thick French accent, which used to turn me on, now annoys me. "Darling, we need to talk."

"About what?"


Let me guess, she wants my cock.

"What about us?" I ask.

"I miss you. We should be together."

I walk over to her and hold my hand out.

She smiles, takes it, and when I pull her up, I don't need to ask her. I already know why she's here and what she wants. She doesn't want me. "So you want to make a go at this? Commit to one another?"

She does what she always does and avoids my question. Her lips come toward mine. I turn my cheek then fist her hair and tug it back.

She gasps. It's one I've heard too many times, full of excitement and anticipation. She reaches for my belt, but I hold her wrists.

I put my lips next to hers. "What did you miss about me?"

"Stop playing games. Let's do what we do."

And there's the truth.

Anger spins in my gut. "I'm going to say this for the last time. We're done. Find someone else to get you off, Eloise. It's never going to be me again."

Her face falls. "Why are you acting so impulsive?"

I snort. "Get out of my house. Don't come back, or I'll call the police and have you arrested for trespassing and stalking."

She gapes. "You wouldn't."

"Try me. Might not be too marketable for your career."

She doesn't move. I put my arm around her back, snatch her purse off the table, and lead her to the elevator. She tries to argue with me all the way to the lobby. I guide her to the security desk.

"Frank, I want Eloise removed. Take her access away."

Eloise's mouth hangs open.

Frank nods and types.


"We're done. Don't come back. I'm warning you." I leave, go back to my penthouse, and take a few hits from my bowl to settle my nerves before I jump in the shower.

The last week, since seeing Kora again, I've barely thought about Eloise. I've tried to stop myself anytime I compared the two women. It's not fair for me to hold Eloise's shortcomings against Kora because they have some of the same traits. I don't want another Eloise, but the things that attracted me to Eloise, I also see in Kora. I can't deny it. They are both total piranhas. I'm not sure if Kora is too much like Eloise or if she's different. I want to say she's the good of Eloise without the bad. But I can't be certain, so it makes me cautious.

Seeing Eloise makes my blood boil. It's a reminder I lack something for her to want anything from me besides my dick.

She's the only woman who's ever helped calm my insomnia.

As much insomnia as I've had lately, I wonder if I should have taken Eloise up on her offer. It's always worked in the past.

I don't want her anymore.

Based on our kiss, I want to believe Kora would let me dominate her, yet I'm not sure about that, either. I've been with enough women to understand that not all women are okay with my methods. I can respect their preferences, but it's a deal breaker for me.

I take a shower, get dressed, and leave. When I walk through the lobby, I'm relieved Eloise is nowhere to be seen. On the way to the gym, we pass Kora's building.

It would be so easy to stop by on my way home.

Don't be a psycho. She probably has numerous guys taking her out all the time.

I think about her all the way to the gym. When I get inside, I go into the office and make some phone calls. I'm in the middle of a call with one of our foremen when Aspen walks in, followed by her three friends.

My dick twitches when I see Kora. Her high cheekbones glow, her pouty lips are a muted red, and her hair is in a perfect, sleek ponytail.

Perfect for taking control of her.

She's wearing black leather pants and a white fuzzy sweater. It's cropped to her waist and hanging off one shoulder.

I end my call and beeline toward the group, which now also includes Anna, Nora, and her brothers.

"I have to use the restroom. Can you point me where I go?" Kora asks.

"I'll show you," I reply.

She spins, her face slightly flushes, and she purses her lips. In her confident tone, she replies, "Lead the way."

I put my hand on her back, and her breath hitches.

I lean into her ear, "Did my cougar miss me?"

Her lips twitch. "I don't know. Did my cubby miss me?"

I check her out, lick my lips, then open the door and motion for her to pass.

I wait out in the hall, and when she comes out, I steer her the opposite way of the fighting area.

"Where are you taking me?" There's a slight nervousness in her voice, which surprises me. She didn't show anything but surety any other time I've been around her.

"You'll see."

I open another door and lead her in then lock the door behind me. The moonlight shines through the window, creating a faint aura around her face. I leave the lights off.

Her breathing quickens. "Where are we?"

"A private training room." I drag my finger over her cheekbone. The smell of gin mixes with her floral scent. "Have you been drinking tonight?"

She swallows hard. "Yes. I had a martini at Skylar's before we came."

Only one. Good.

I inhale deeply. I lower my mouth to her neck, kissing it, then murmuring in her ear, "Are you sober enough to make decisions and not be upset tomorrow?"

"Yes." Her heart beats faster against my chest.

I circle my arm around her waist and move one foot at a time. She moves with me, letting me guide her to the wall. "Good girl. First test passed."


"Mmhmm. I want to see if we should go out."

She smirks. "And what does this entail?"

I press my body into her, kiss the pulse beating in her neck, and she shudders. "I think two people should be physically"—I scrape my teeth on her shoulder, and she whimpers—"compatible."

She stays quiet.

"I bet you're a busy woman with lots of pressure. Hmm? Did I get it right?"

"Yes. You're correct." Her hands lace through my hair.

I kiss her jaw then stop next to her lips. "And you're the one always in control?"

She takes a deep breath.

I softly laugh when she doesn't answer. Then I hold her face, pinning my gaze to her big hazel eyes. "I don't ask permission, Kora. The only word I listen to is stop. Some people need code words. I don't see the need."

"Like a safe word?"

I reach behind me and grasp her wrists. "Yes. Have you used one before?"

"N..." She clears her throat. "No."

My lips twitch. My ego's digging she never needed one with any other guy before. The other part of me is cautious. She might not be able to handle what I'm into.

Best to start slow. See if she can handle the basics.

I move her hands over her head. "Don't move." I slide my palms down her arms, bunch her sweater, then pull it off her. I enclose my palm around her wrists, keeping them high above her head.

A cloud moves over the moon, and the room darkens. Her skin radiates with a bronze glow. Her chest rises and falls faster. I drag my finger over her strapless, lace bra, and her nipples pucker underneath. Goose bumps break out on her arms.

She puts her mouth near mine, but I move my head away. "Not yet, my little lapa."

"Do you call all women lapa?"

I snort. "No. Don't move your hands."

I reach for the jump rope hanging on the wall, throw it over the bar, then quickly wrap it around her wrists. I get rid of all tension and close her fist around the rope.

"Does this make you nervous?" I brush my lips quickly against hers. She flicks her tongue against my lips as I retreat.

"Should I be?"

I don't answer and reach behind her and unclasp her bra. I toss it on the bench several feet away. "Your breasts are amazing." I trace my fingers around the fullness then lick and suck each nipple until her breath is labored.

Someone tries to come into the room. The knob clicks, and there's a knock.

Kora tenses.

I shout out, "Go away."

"Ummm...maybe we should—"

"It's my gym. Relax." I kiss her, hungrily sliding my tongue against hers until her body goes limp and she's moaning. In several seconds, I have her leather pants and soaked underwear down to her ankles. I reach around her and palm her ass, stepping as close to her as possible so she can feel my erection. "I'm hard for you, lapa. I have been since I last touched you. Then you kept torturing me in your office. You're a real piranha. You know that?"

She closes her eyes then tries to move her legs around my thigh.

"You want my cock or my thigh?" I tease.

She opens her eyes. They blaze with a desperate fire. She murmurs, "Your cock. Please."

I rub my cock between her legs and lean into her ear. "You can't have it right now."

She freezes.

"I'm hungry, lapa." I want to see if she'll surrender to me or tell me to untie her. It's happened before. I even dated a woman once who wouldn't let me go down on her. It was another deal breaker for me. If I can't feast on every part of my woman, then what's the point of being with her?

I make my way down her body with my hands and mouth, licking and gnawing, until she's sweating and trembling. When I finally throw her thighs over my shoulders, I pause and inhale her scent for a moment. She bucks her hips toward me, and I grip them. "Stop moving. Those who have patience get rewarded."

To my delight, she obeys.

The clouds move past the moon, and light shines on her, creating a gorgeous silhouette of lips, breasts, and a glimpse of her pink paradise.

A calm washes over me. I kiss the inside of her thigh, continue to inhale her, and blow on her pussy.

She jerks back and gasps.

One long stroke of my digit over her slit is all it takes to make her cry out. "Please."

"Please, what? Finger fuck you?" I glide two fingers into her, inching farther with each thrust, then adding a third.

She rocks on my hand, clenching her walls around me. "Oh God!"

"Or do you want my mouth on your pretty little cunt?" I maintain my current position and bite her clit.


"There isn't anything holy about me," I growl then increase the speed I'm pumping my digits into her.

The moment my mouth hits her pussy, I groan. She's succulent, sweet and salty, and everything I assumed about how she tastes, or sounds, or feels was wrong.

I thought she'd be similar to Eloise. It's an ignorant assumption. Every part of her is a thousand times more potent, and I'm officially in trouble.

"Sergey," she breathes, barely audible.

I tease her with my lips, tongue, and teeth until she's shaking hard, urgently thrusting her hips into my face, and screaming my name.

My cock's hard and throbbing. But the bell rings for round one. I shimmy up her limp body and release her wrists. Her hands fall around my shoulders. She's still trembling.

"Good girl. You passed." I kiss her, hungry, desperate, wanting all of her. I almost ask her to come to my place for the night.

Then Eloise's face pops into my mind. All the mistakes I made with her, I don't need to make with Kora. It includes giving in to my temptation and spending all night with her. If I do, my addiction for her is going to spiral.

Better to wait until I take her out, and I can figure out if she's the same as Eloise or different.

If I did this to Eloise, she'd want to go back out to the gym and pretend nothing happened.

Eloise would never come to a boxing match.

Still, Kora is a piranha and so is Eloise.

I pull her pants up, secure her bra, and help her into her top. "Enjoy the fight." I spin and walk out, leaving her in the dark, and joining my brothers.

When she comes out, I avoid looking at her. She leaves without saying goodbye. Once I'm home, I smell her scent on my fingers and jack off, but nothing does anything to make me stop obsessing over her.