Hidden Love by MINK



Ican’t read her. One minute she’s coming and calling my name, the next she’s locking me out.

Sole, open the door.”


I force myself to take a calming breath. If I don’t, I’ll turn this door into splinters. “Why not?”

“I need to think.”

“About me?” I ask.

“Get over yourself.”

“Never.” Just like I’ll never get over her. She’s mine now, no matter if she tries to run. I own her, just like she owns me.

“I’m going to clean up.”

“Don’t wash me off.” I run my finger down the wood door. I want my smell branded into her skin. Then maybe I’ll start to calm the fuck down.

“You’re like an animal!”

I nod even though she can’t see me. “I’m going to fuck you like one as soon as you’re ready.”

“Fenton!” She smacks the door.

It’s cute. Almost as cute as her perfect little pussy. Which reminds me… “You’re right.”

“What?” Some of the irritation fades from her tone.

“You were right about me making a crude joke about you. It wasn’t my best moment. I didn’t realize—well, I only had a feeling…”

“A feeling?” Feelings. This is new to me. It's something I've never had to deal with before when it came to a woman. She knocked me on my ass from the start. I was beyond crude because I didn’t understand what the hell was going on inside of me.

“About you.” I press my palm to the door. “I apologize for what I said. Like I said, I had this feeling about you, but I didn’t realize you would be my bride.” I don’t want anyone ever thinking about her pussy. If she is shaved or bare is only for my knowledge. I’ll murder anyone else who might want to know. A possessiveness roars through my veins. The word mine chants over and over in my mind with each beat of my heart.

I hear something thunk. “You okay?” I eye the door, thinking about breaking it down again, but I worry she’s too close to it and I might hurt her in the process.

“Did you just say bride?” Her voice is close now; she must’ve plunked her forehead against the door.

“Yes.” I thought I made this clear when I took her virginity. She’s it for me. I’m all hers. When you know, you fucking know.

“Like, as in you want to marry me?”

“As in we are going to get married, yes.”

She lets out a huff. “You’re insane.”

“Am I?” I smirk and twist the door handle. “Let me in.” I’m starting to grow anxious. I’m like a junkie, and she’s my fix. The more time I’m with her, the more I know she’s mine.

“I need to think.”

“You’ll think better in the shower while I wash your body.”

“There’s no way I can think when you’re touching me. Naked. With water. And bubbles. Nope.”

Sole, I won’t ask you again.” I tap on the wood. “Open this door. If I have to break it down, I’m going to spank you.”

She gasps. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“I’d dare quite a bit for you, Mariana.” A sizzle of desire pumps through me at the thought of spanking her round ass.

“No. I need to think. You need to go away. Just go do whatever mafia crap you like to do. I’m not the one. I don’t want this life. I want …”

“What do you want, Sole? Tell me, and I’ll make it happen.” I’d do anything for her. I just need to know what that anything is.

“Ugh!” She smacks the door again.

“Well?” I ask.

She’s silent.


More silence, then I hear the shower turn on.

I step back and sigh. We’ve known each other for only a short time, but I’m certain Mariana realizes I’m not the sort of man to let her walk away from me. Does she need a lesson in who she’s marrying?

“Stand clear,” I warn her with a smile, and with a sure kick, bust the door open.

She shrieks and turns to gawk at me, her body on perfect display in the glass shower. “Fenton!”

“I warned you, Sole.” I open the door and step in with her, then grip her shoulder and press her against the wall.

She looks up at me. “What are you going to—”

I whip her around so I have a nice view of her taut ass. “I warned you, Sole.” Rearing back, I let her have a hard slap, then another, and another.

She cries out, then moans as I rub the red handmark.

“Now, Sole, tell me what you want.” I turn her around and tilt her chin up so she looks at me.

“You just … you just spanked me!”

“I’ll do it again if you lock me out.” I cage her in, backing her into the tile. “This is your life, Sole. You and me. Together, we can do whatever we want.”

She nibbles her lip.

“Your father’s business? It will be ours.”

Her shoulders slump a little.


“Nothing.” She slides out from between me and the wall and reaches for the shampoo.

“What is it?” I take her arm and look into her eyes. “Tell me.”

“That’s why you want me, isn’t it? For my family name? I should’ve known it was some plan for you to take over and make a name for yourself. I’m just a feather in your cap.”

Sole, that’s not—”

“Can I please shower in peace?” She turns her back to me.

“No.” I stroke my hand down her back.

She makes a frustrated groan and shoves the shampoo bottle into my hand. “Then make yourself useful.”

“My pleasure.” I smirk and take the bottle as she glares daggers at me. Leaning closer, I say close to her ear, “I think you’ll find I’m a very difficult man to get rid of.”

“And I think you’ll find I’m a very difficult woman to hang on to.” She crosses her arms under her tits, making them even more biteable.

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” I start soaping her soft hair.

She moves closer to me, her ass brushing against my erection.

I groan.

She’s torturing me. I hope she never stops.

Once I’ve rinsed her and smoothed conditioner through her golden locks, I soap up the loofah and begin running it all over her fair skin. When I get to her tits, I take my time, rubbing and caressing.

She swallows hard, her heartbeat rapid as I tease her.

“You’re terrible at this,” she says, but she can’t hide the breathiness in her voice or the way she glances right at my cock.

“I think you like it.” I keep stroking her tits, using my fingers along the edge of the loofah to rub her nipples.

“I know you do.” She gives my cock a pointed look, and I swear to God it feels like a touch. My knees almost go weak.

“I do.”

“Are we done here?” she snaps.

“Almost.” I move the loofah lower and stroke between her thighs. “But I think we should discuss wedding plans, don’t you?”

Her jaw drops right as I let the loofah go and use my fingers to spread her lips and rub her clit. She makes a strangled sound then grips my shoulders as I stroke her.

Dropping to one knee, I keep rubbing her just right. “Mariana, will you marry me?”

She gasps, her hips moving against my fingers, and then she comes, her breath catching in her throat as she moans.

I grin up at her. “I’ll take that as a yes.”