His Twisted Heart by Ellie R Hunter

Chapter Thirty-Two


Sara closes the door softly, trapping me within the four walls of the kitchen. My blood is pumping. Fuck the twins, fucking assholes. They’re too predictable. I saw the moment Myles launched himself at me from the right, and Mason from the left. I was more than ready for them. The day they get the better of me is the day I’m in a box six feet under the ground.

“Is that true what they said out there?”

Turning on the faucet, I splash a few handfuls of cold water over my face, then cup a couple of handfuls to swill inside my mouth. Not even a tooth loose from their pussy punches.

“Why do you want to know? You won’t like what you hear.”

Leaning against the counter, I pull my smokes out of my pocket. Lighting up, I draw deeply and let the nicotine burn my lungs.

“We used to be able to talk about everything. You can tell me what happened, I won’t judge.”

Like shit she won’t. But if she wants to know, she should know what I’m capable of if she plans on sticking around.

“You should sit. It’s not pretty.”

She pulls out a chair at the table, and I join her.

“A while after you left, Tor and I would hook up. At first, it was meant to be a one-time thing, then it happened again, and again…”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Sara snaps.

“I wasn’t interested in anything but sex with her, but she caught feelings, and things got messy. You were in my head every day, and she was… actually here. It fucked me up, because I always planned on finding you.”

“You were?”

Her shock at my admission is patronizing, like she wouldn’t think I’d go looking for her. “Of course. Anyway, I got her pregnant and promised her I’d take responsibility and look after them both, but shit went down at the club. I was distracted, and behind my back, she got rid of my kid.”

The crease between her eyes deepens at the mention of a baby.

“The club had business up in Mercy, and shit between Tor and me wasn’t great. All I wanted was to push her away once and for all, so I hooked up with the Mercy chapter president’s daughter and made sure Tor caught me in the middle of fucking her.”

“Wow, your honestly is brutal,” she huffs.

“It’s the truth.”

“Luca, that was horrible. Like, I can’t believe you did that to someone, but how did that make her deaf?”

“Because she ran out crying into the middle of two guys fucking around with their guns. Shots were fired, and they fucked up her ears. End of story.”

“So she blames you for losing her hearing?”

“You could say we have a mutual hatred for each other.”

Sighing, she comes back at me with, “‘They say there’s a fine line between love and hate,’” and I’m not ready for that.”

“If I loved Tor, I’d be with her. I don’t love her, and I’m not with her. Can we stop this conversation now?”

“But does she love you?”

“She got rid of my baby. You think she loves me?”

I can’t do this anymore. Stubbing my cigarette out in the ashtray, I go to leave when she rises and steps in my way.

“I know I’ve been away for a long time, and we’ve both had lives, but we can’t hide things from each other. I don’t want to look a fool, Luca.”

“Us having this conversation makes us both look like fools.”

Her brows pinch together, and her eyes squint with frustration.

“I’m heading into town. I need to pick some things up from the store.”

Snatching her purse from the table, she storms out, but I lack the want and inclination to chase her down. I’ll catch up with her later.

Out in the bar, I ignore the Simmons clan and lean against the bar.

Forgetting I’m the prospect, I round the bar, grab a beer, and slide onto a stool before anyone asks for a drink.

The scent of violence and death surrounds me. I look over my shoulder to see Pope standing behind me, arms crossed over his puffed-out chest, and a death glare in his eyes.

“You don’t care who you hurt. You think you can do as you please and get away with it because of who your daddy is.”

As if this day could get any worse. “Like the twins? Because of who their grandaddy is?” I retort.

Grunting, he unfolds his arms, and his hand drops to the gun at his belt, yet my remark amused him. I can see the glint in his eye, the one he gets when someone’s about to get hurt.

It disappears, though, when he says, “You’ll learn one day that everything you do has consequences. I have to settle for that shit show of a fight earlier for what you did to my granddaughter, but I strongly believe in what goes around comes around, and you’ll get yours soon enough, one way or another.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Not at all, boy. It’s called life, and it always has a way of coming back to bite you on the balls.”

If I wanted, maybe if I were brave enough, I’d tell him what his precious granddaughter used to do to my balls.

“I warned you once what would happen if you hurt her. The only reason you’re still breathing is because she promised me you weren’t worth it.”

Without another word, he walks off, and I dig out my cigarettes. I’ve barely turned around when Leo sidles up beside me, gripping my chin and checking my face over. Yanking out of his grip, I light a smoke and inhale deeply.

“I heard about your fight. Not a mark on you.”

“Don’t sound so surprised,” I snort. “I was fighting the twins, not someone who can actually throw a punch.”

When he barks out a laugh, I look at him in surprise. I haven’t heard Leo laugh since India was killed.

“I haven’t heard anyone gossiping about the baby. Why didn’t you tell them what she did?”

Shrugging, I mutter, “It’s not anyone’s business.”

“So you’re fine with being the asshole?”

“It’s what everyone thinks I am, anyway. Makes no difference to me.”

“Big achievement, that, little brother, being an asshole since birth.”

“Fuck off. I learned it from you.”

Knocking his shoulder into mine, I almost smile when I see that his grin’s not weighed down so much with grief for once.

“Da-da!” Rayna’s little voice shouts. Looking over my shoulder, I see Holly standing there with Rayna in her arms. Leo’s smile grows, and looking at the three of them, I’m not sure if it’s for my niece or Holly. Her hands are covered in lace gloves to hide the burn scars. The poor girl’s just another casualty of Tal’s betrayal.

“She’s getting hungry. I’m going to take her into town for lunch,” Holly says, and Leo tenses.

“No. Take her over to the main house. I’ll be over shortly.”

Listening to him, she nods, doing as he says.

“Looks like you’ve got her trained.”

“I pay her to do what I say when it comes to Rayna.”

“Yo, everyone in the back room. Thirty seconds!” Sparky hollers.

“Sorry, bro, the men need to talk. You stay out here with the women.”

“Fuck you.”

I take a seat on the nearest bench, the sun warm on my face. Scrolling through my messages, I click on Victoria’s thread and start typing.

I’ll never forgive you, but I’m done. From now on, you do you, and I’ll do me.

I suppose people were going to find out what went down between us one day. At least it’s done and over with now.

The sheriff’s car pulls up to the gates, and from what I can see, the prospect isn’t letting him through.

Sliding off the bench, I head into the bar and to the back room. Banging on the door, I yell, “Cops!”

Dad’s the first one out, followed by Sparky and Ricky hot on his heels. Outside, the sheriff is heaving himself from his cruiser, and I slide my ass onto the picnic bench.

“What can we help you with, Sheriff?” Dad hollers, keeping a short distance from him.

The sheriff is alone, and looks around leisurely, his lip curling in disgust.

“Didn’t you get my message?”

Dad shrugs, and the sheriff steps closer, his eyes landing on me for a brief second before settling on Dad.

“How’s your boy gonna patch in if he can’t deliver a simple message?”

“My boy’s no concern of yours, and he did pass your message on. I just haven’t found the time to give a shit as to what you want.”

I smother a laugh before anyone catches it.

The sheriff’s shoulders straighten as he braces his hands on his belt. “There was a robbery at Sassy’s Strip Club a couple of weeks ago. You wouldn’t know anything about it, would you?”

Dad’s lips stay firmly closed.

Sparky steps forward, crossing his arms over his chest. “Wasn’t us, and you know it, or you’d be here with backup to take us in. Don’t you have better things to do than waste gas driving out here?”

“I have all the time in the world when it comes to you ladies,” he snorts, amusing only himself. “The minute a witness comes forward, I’ll be back with the rest of my department.”

“Fine. If you call ahead, I’ll make sure everyone’s here,” Dad retorts sarcastically.

The club watches him leave, but as I look around at the men, I notice the twins are watching me. Blowing them a kiss, I laugh when Myles lurches forward, only to be held back by Mason.

I smell her perfume before I look to my side and see Sara sidling up beside me.

“Do the cops come around here often?”

“Not really. The new sheriff has a hard-on for the club. He’ll grow bored soon.”

“I still can’t believe you decided to join. You were so adamant you weren’t going to. What happened?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. The words would’ve poured out to the old Sara, but it doesn’t feel right to tell her about the shit with India and Ellis, and all the other shit that’s happened since.

“Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but not today.”