The Bonds We Break by Becca Steele


The queue for Sanctuary snaked down the street, but we bypassed the line, heading straight up to the door. As soon as Jessa gave the bouncer her name and he realised she was the owner’s sister, he was immediately deferential, fawning all over us. Good times.

When we were inside the cavernous main space, a hot as fuck brunette in a short, tight black dress led us across the club, past the long bar, and up to a set of roped-off glass stairs. As we ascended to the upper mezzanine level, she turned, addressing Jessa. “I’m Laura. This is the VIP area. Austin told me to let you know that whatever you want, it’s yours. If you need anything, this buzzer on the table will alert myself or one of the other staff.”

“Anything?” I questioned, giving her a blatant once-over, letting my lips curve into a smile. Next to me, I heard Jessa sigh.

Laura returned my smile with a sultry one of her own, staring at me from beneath her lashes. “Austin doesn’t approve of staff members fraternising with guests, but he doesn’t control my free time.”

With a smooth move, I extracted my phone from my pocket and handed it to her.

“I finish at three,” she told me, inputting her number with one long, midnight blue fingernail. “Hope to hear from you then.”

As soon as she was gone, Jessa shook her head at me, pouring champagne from the ice bucket that rested on the table. “Only you. Five minutes in this place, and you’ve already got someone’s number.”

I grinned at her. “No one can resist my natural charm.” Taking a step closer, I leaned in, right next to her. “Even you,” I breathed in her ear, my voice low. At her noticeable shiver, my smile widened, and she shot me a glare, darting back from me.

“Drink your champagne and behave. And don’t even think about ditching me as soon as we’ve arrived.”

“As if I would. We’re each other’s wingman tonight.” Picking up my glass, I held it out towards her. “Cheers.”

We clinked glasses, and she slid into the booth that circled the table. The VIP area was set on a mezzanine level above the main club, with a series of secluded booths all facing the same direction. The balcony was clear glass, allowing an unobstructed view of the dance floor below. Everything was decorated in shades of black and midnight blue, with burnished gold embellishments that somehow managed to look modern.

My eyes catalogued everything in an instant, then returned to my partner in crime, Jessa, as I slid into the booth next to her.

She looked good. Really fucking good. She’d taken my advice, and she’d worn a short, floaty-type dress in midnight blue. Same colour as the accents in the club, come to think of it. Gold shimmered over her skin, her dark hair hung glossy and straight down her back, and her green eyes were outlined in black and gold, making the green appear even brighter. As she crossed her legs, my eyes were drawn to her smooth, tanned thighs, and I had to grab my drink again to stop myself from reaching out to her. I didn’t think she had any idea of the effect she was currently having on me, but she soon would if I didn’t focus on why we were here, rather than—

“What’s the plan?” Placing her glass down and leaning back against the booth, she glanced over at me, interrupting my thoughts. Her whole body was relaxed, the constant tension she seemed to hold on to nowhere to be found.

Good. That was the way I wanted it. Tonight, we were going to let go and forget all the shit that she was dealing with. This was about reminding Jessa of who she was. A confident, fucking beautiful woman. Who, yeah, maybe had a sharp tongue at times, but that tongue was also extremely talented at giving head—

Fuck. Adjusting myself discreetly, I steered my mind away from that path. “The plan?”

She nodded.

“Finish up this champagne, dance, flirt, see if anyone catches your eye that you want to have fun with…” Trailing off, I gave her a suggestive wink. “Enjoy yourself.”

“Okay.” Her finger traced the condensation on her glass, a troubled look entering her eyes. “I can do that. I hope.”

Scooting closer, I placed my hand lightly on her thigh. I’d removed the bandages on my thumbs just before we’d come out, and it was clear that both Winter and I had been overreacting. Okay, mostly me, not that I’d admit it to anyone. Both cuts had faded to a thin line, and other than some redness around the sides of the cuts and a bit of pain if I pressed down hard on them, they were fine. I let my hand curve around her smooth skin as I met her eyes. “Serious time. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, I’ll be here, okay? I’m not gonna go off and leave you.”

“What about Laura?” As soon as the words came out, she made a small, distressed noise. “No. That’s not…I didn’t mean it like that. I just…I want you to have a good time, too, not being stuck with me because you feel like you have to.”

Fuck. She was all huge, worried eyes, her shoulders hunched over as her hand clamped around her glass. I had to tread lightly—this was a big deal to her, her first stab at normality, and I needed her to know that what I wanted was to be here for her. Keeping it casual, I shrugged. “Got her number, didn’t I? I’ll call her later. Or maybe not. But I won’t ditch you, I promise. You’re going home with me tonight.”

“Oh, Cass, are you saying I’m getting lucky later?” Finally, a proper smile appeared, and she batted her lashes at me exaggeratedly.

This, I could deal with. Easily. “I think I’d be the lucky one.” Giving her the same deliberate perusal that I’d given Laura earlier, I watched as a flush came over her cheeks, her eyes darkening.

“Stop with your sex voodoo.” Her voice came out husky. Shifting, she dropped her head forwards, her hair falling around her face, hiding her expression from me.

“Sex voodoo?”

“You know what I mean,” she huffed. Picking up the bottle, she split the remaining champagne between our glasses, a determined look coming into her eyes. “Drink up, and let’s do this.”

Down on the dance floor, the beat pounded, heavy and hypnotic. Smoke machines turned the air opaque, and lights pulsed in time with the music. Writhing bodies were everywhere, and I curled my arm around Jessa’s waist protectively as a guy stumbled into our path, almost sending her flying.

“Okay?” I felt her body tremble against mine, and I tightened my grip on her, leading her to a relatively empty space off to the side of the platform where the DJ stood. She shook her head, and I turned her to face me. “Tell me what it is.” I had to dip my head down to her ear to be heard over the music.

Her arms came up to grip my biceps, and she pressed up against me to speak in my ear. “It’s just…I’m not used to this anymore.” She paused before clarifying, “Being surrounded by so many people. Dancing. Having fun, like I used to.” I felt her huff a bitter laugh against my skin. “Stupid, isn’t it?”

Winding my arms around her, I pulled her more tightly against me. Our bodies were completely aligned, and my dick was suddenly very, very interested.

For fuck’s sake. Now wasn’t the time.

“It’s not stupid. Let’s get you used to it again.”

She pulled back slightly, meeting my eyes, and I saw her lips form the word yes before she spun in my arms, keeping her body pressed against mine, and began to move to the beat.

Do you know how impossible it is to stop your dick getting hard when a hot woman is sliding her sexy body all over you? I didn’t even try to stop it, just let my hands go to her hips, moving us both like we’d done this a hundred times before. As one song merged into the next, I felt her laugh against me, and I lowered my head to her ear. “This good?”

Turning her head slightly, she looked up at me through her lashes, a slow smile curving across her lips, and that was all the answer I needed. My lips moved from her ear to her neck, not kissing, just moving over her skin. She tilted her head, a clear invitation and one I took full advantage of.

I pressed a kiss to her throat as I ran my hands up her sides, feeling her body shiver against me. Fuck, she smelled so good. Some sexy, spicy kind of perfume that made me think of things that I probably shouldn’t be doing with her but really fucking wanted to.

“Is this a private party, or can anyone join?”

Lifting my head, I met the gaze of a gorgeous blonde with a short dress similar to Jessa’s, giving us both an appreciative look. Jessa remained pliant in my arms, still moving to the music, and I took my cue from her, leaving the ball in her court. I knew she liked this, or had done, but I wasn’t going to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

“It’s up to my girl.”

Jessa exhaled against me and extended her slim arm to the blonde, who smiled, letting herself be pulled towards us. She placed her hands on Jessa’s hips, just below mine, and together, we began to move. I resumed sliding my lips over Jessa’s neck, while Jessa pulled the blonde closer, positioning her so their thighs slid together. Her hands cupped the blonde’s ass, and the blonde responded by grinding down on Jessa’s thigh while she angled her head to kiss Jessa’s jaw.

My cock went from half-mast to rock fucking hard.

The songs merged from one to the next, and our bodies slid together, slow and so fucking sexy. The blonde whispered something in Jessa’s ear, and Jessa responded with a small nod, to which the blonde smiled and licked her lips.

Jessa whimpered as one of the blonde’s hands left her hip, dipping between her legs. She moved, leaning forwards and meeting the blonde’s lips with her own.


I groaned, pressing harder into Jessa, my cock straining against my jeans as my hands joined hers, cupping the blonde’s sexy round ass. They broke apart from their kiss, and then the blonde tilted her head towards mine. Our mouths met, her tongue tangling with mine, while Jessa’s head fell back against my shoulder. The blonde’s hand continued to move between Jessa’s legs as she ground herself against Jessa’s thigh, panting into my mouth. Because I was a gentleman, I helped her out by moving my hand between her legs, pushing aside her underwear and sliding two fingers inside her. She moaned into my mouth, writhing on my fingers while she worked her own fingers faster, coming to a shockingly quick climax. Against me, Jessa’s body shook as her own orgasm hit her, her body going lax against mine, her breaths coming in fast pants.

“Thanks for that.” The blonde stepped back, giving us both an appreciative look as she flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Here.” Lifting her hand, she pressed her fingers to my lips. The fingers that had just brought Jessa to orgasm. “Taste your girl.”

Obediently, I opened my mouth, sliding my tongue around her digits. “Mmm. That’s it.” Placing a light kiss to Jessa’s lips, she smiled, slow and appreciative. “Thanks for sharing your man with me. See you both around.”

Then she was gone.

“What just happened?” Jessa turned, tilting her head to look at me, blinking. “Did that…I didn’t dream that, did I?”

“Yeah, you didn’t dream it.” I flashed her a wide, satisfied grin. Directing her over to the wall, I positioned her to lean against it. “Wait here. Gotta go wash my hands.”

She nodded, still looking dazed, flushed from everything that had just happened.

Fucking beautiful.

I pressed down on my cock with the heel of my hand, and her eyes darted downwards.

“You didn’t—”


Turning in the direction of the toilets, I paused, then spun back around. “By the way.” I pressed my lips to her ear. “You taste even better than I remember.”