Awakened By The Lord’s Kiss by Meghan Sloan




“You look so beautiful, Caroline.”




Caroline turned to see Lady Cornwall standing behind him. The duchess was giving her a smile with tears in her eyes. It still felt strange having the older woman treating her with warmth after their interaction almost a month ago.




“Thank you, Your Grace.” Caroline smoothed her hands down her dress. “I’m glad the dress fit me. Your seamstress is a wonder with the needle.”




“She absolutely is.” Lady Cornwall took Caroline’s hands and looked her up and down. “You look every bit a lady. I’m glad my old wedding dress could be used for one of my son’s weddings. James ... he wouldn’t have appreciated the gesture like Henry.”




At least she wasn’t breaking down at the mention of her younger son’s name. Caroline could see she was wobbling, but the duchess held herself together. She had finally managed to regain her composure whenever talking about James in the last week while the wedding plans were underway. It was like she had found something to throw her energy into.




It did feel strange to have a wedding in the chapel on the Cornwall estate only a few weeks after a funeral, but both sets of parents said it was not to be put off. James was given a good funeral, and he had been made the focus of everyone’s attention. That was not going to happen with his brother’s wedding.




Caroline knew that Henry was glad he could say what he needed to his brother before he passed away a few hours later. Doctor Preston hadn’t been impressed that the older son was out of bed, but neither he nor the duke and duchess had stopped Henry as he knelt by James’ bedside and took his hand, talking like he was in a confessional. His words had left Caroline holding back the tears, especially when he said that he forgave his brother for what he had done.




It took a strong man to forgive someone who had almost killed him. And Caroline loved him even more for that.




Her husband did look every bit the heir to a dukedom as he talked to his father and Lord Bingham, both men wearing looks of pride with Bingham clapping his hand on Henry’s shoulder. And he looked far more relaxed now, especially with his parents.




Caroline hadn’t been privy to their hours-long conversation about the past and how James had manipulated everyone, but she knew it had been filled with quite a bit of shouting and lots of tears. Whatever had been saidseemed to have changed things, and Henry was starting to regain the trust and love of his parents. Caroline was glad about that; he deserved to have his mother and father proud of him.




It was a shame it was at the expense of James’ life, but it was there now. Caroline knew there would be a lot of patching up to do, but Henry wasn’t going to be alone in it. She was not leaving his side.




A movement to her right had Caroline turning, and she saw Sarah had joined them. The duchess let go of Caroline’s hands and gave Sarah a nod before moving away to join Lady Bingham, who was talking to the priest and looking like her smile was going to split her face.




“Caroline.” Sarah hugged her friend. “I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much in a long time.”




“Did you think this was ever going to happen?”




“The moment I saw the way you two were together, I just knew.” Sarah grinned. “You were falling for him long before you acknowledged it. You just didn’t want to admit it.”




“I didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone you hated.”




“You’ve made it possible.”




Caroline looked over at Henry again. He was speaking to his father, both men looking a little tearful. Then they shared an embrace, Cornwall looking like he was about to cry. Caroline felt a stab of sympathy for the man. He had needed to change his perspective on his sons after so many years, and it had to be tough on him. Henry would certainly appreciate it, though. He wouldn’t admit it, but he had always been seeking his father’s love and approval. He wanted to be seen and heard.




That was happening now.




“I’m sure James would have enjoyed this wedding as well.” Sarah gestured at the rest of the wedding guests, who were milling around the garden. “There are plenty of young ladies who would have enjoyed his attention.”




“I’m sure that would have made him happy.” Caroline paused. “Do you think he was remorseful? At the end, I saw a flash of regret when he hurt Henry. Do you think he would have expressed his remorse if he had woken up?”




“I like to think he would have. I saw the regret as well. Even though he did all those things to Henry, he never meant to hurt him. There was still some brotherly love there.” Sarah spread her hands. “James just went looking for love in the wrong way. His way of getting attention just made it worse, but he didn’t know any better.”




Caroline was glad that Henry had managed to say he forgave James for his actions. She hoped James had been aware enough to hear that.




Hands rested on her shoulders, and Caroline turned to see Henry. He smiled at her, love shining in his eyes.




“Are you enjoying yourself, my wife?”




Wife. Caroline liked the sound of that. She smiled back.




“Very much so, my husband.”




Sarah groaned.




“Great. Now the two of you are going to become soppy. I think I’ll leave you to it.”




“And I love you, too, Sarah.” Caroline squeezed her friend’s arm. “I’m glad you’re here.”




“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Sarah winked at Henry. “I think you’re going to be kept here for a while. If you want to be ... alone with your wife, I suggest taking the current opportunity. I’m sure nobody will mind.”




Henry laughed.




“I’ll take the hint, Sarah.”




With a final impish grin, Sarah walked away, joining Lord Bingham. Caroline turned to Henry.




“Was she trying to imply …?”




“Oh, she was. In her usual subtle way.” Henry took her hand. “Come on.”




Caroline didn’t protest as they slipped into the house, seen only by Klaus as he came out with a tray of drinks. Klaus nodded at them, but his expression didn’t change, although Caroline was sure he had a mischievous look in his eye.




“Are you sure about this, Henry?” Caroline asked as they crossed the house and went up the stairs. “Once people know we’ve gone, they’re going to know where we are.”




“So what? No one’s going to bother us, and they would be stupid enough even to try. Besides,” Henry flashed her a grin as he urged her to follow him up the stairs, “why should what happens on the wedding night happen at night?”




Caroline didn’t know what to say to that. She was aware that certain acts happened between married people, but she had been too shy to ask about them. She didn’t dare ask her mother what happened, and she certainly wasn’t going to ask her father. It did make her feel a little apprehensive.




But the thought of finally being alone with Henry and satisfying the desire in her belly made her hurry after her husband as they headed to their bedchamber. Henry let her in first, following in quickly and shutting the door. Then he pushed her up against the door and kissed her, his hands running over her body as his mouth claimed hers.




“I’ve been wanting to get my hands on you like this for so long.” He growled, shoving his hands under her skirts. “You have no idea how tempting you look to me, Caroline.”




Caroline didn’t know what to say to that, her mind turning to mush as his hands ran over her bare thighs, his mouth at her throat. She could feel his hardness pressing against her belly, and that just built her own fire.




But even as she wanted to grab at him and yank his clothes off, Caroline pressed a hand to his chest.




“I think we’d better take it slow with this dress. I don’t want to explain to your mother what happened to it.”




“I’m sure she will figure it out.” Henry sighed. “But I agree.”




He stepped away and pulled Caroline away from the door, pressing a quick kiss to her mouth before his hands started working slowly, pushing the dress off her shoulders and letting it pool around her feet. Caroline didn’t know if she could speak; her breath lodged in her chest as Henry began to take off her undergarments. He did it with such gentleness despite the fierce desire in his expression. She felt like the desire was running over her skin.




Henry was breathing heavily as he finally divested the last garment from Caroline’s attire, tossing it aside as he stared at her naked body.




“So beautiful.”




Caroline had almost tried to cover herself. She had never been naked like this before, especially not before a man. But the way Henry looked at her spurred her on. She smiled and ran her hands down his chest.




“I think it’s your turn now.”




Henry’s nostrils flared, reaching out and tracing a finger down her chest, circling her nipple before travelling down her body.




“In a moment. Let me do this first.”




“Do what?”








Henry tugged her to him, kissing her as his fingers probed between her legs. A finger slid inside her, and Caroline gasped, clutching onto Henry’s arms as the strange sensation started a slow burn that made her gasp turn into a moan. Henry’s other hand palmed her backside, lifting her onto her toes as he added another finger.




“Put your leg around me, Caroline,” he rasped as his fingers shifted their angle, Caroline’s body tensing as pleasure rippled through her. “I want to feel more of you.”




Caroline couldn’t do anything except do as she was told. On one wobbly leg, she lifted the other and managed to hug her thigh around his hip. Henry growled against her neck and then lifted her off the floor. Caroline squealed and grabbed onto him, Henry wrapping her other leg around him. His fingers slid deeper inside her, and the thrusting increased.




Was this lovemaking? If it was, Caroline didn’t want it to stop; it felt really good.




Henry carried her to the bed and laid her down, trailing kisses over her chest. He sucked her nipples into her mouth as his thumb brushed against a part of her that had Caroline’s hips jerking off the bed. Caroline clutched onto the bedding, unable to catch her breath.




“Henry …”




“If you want me to stop …”




“Are you mad? I don’t want you to stop.” Caroline rolled her hips against his hand. “Please, just …”




She didn’t know what she wanted. All she knew was she wanted more. Henry chuckled and shifted further down, pressing kisses to her belly.




“I know what you want. And you’ll have it soon.” He nudged her thighs apart as he kneeled on the floor. “First, though, I want to taste you.”




“You want to …”




Caroline broke off with a moan as Henry pressed his face between her legs, his tongue lapping her wet flesh as he kept up the thrust of his fingers. She had never thought this was something that happened. Not that she was complaining; it was making everything twist and build inside her, and soon she was writhing on the bed, trying to clutch onto something that could keep her still and take more of this. More of Henry’s mouth churning out her pleasure to the point she had goosebumps, and she was struggling to clutch onto her sanity.




When her pleasure exploded, Caroline momentarily forgot how to breathe, her body going into spasms so hard she was sure her eyes had rolled into the back of her head. And Henry was showing no signs of slowing down, drawing out her pleasure until Caroline was limp on the bed, her body shivering with waves of heat.




“Henry ... I …”




“I’ve got you.”




Henry removed his fingers from her body, which had Caroline moaning again in protest. She heard the rustling of clothing and then she was tugged down the bed until her hips were on the edge of the mattress. She opened her eyes to see Henry leaning over her, wrapping her legs around his waist. His gaze was full of barely restrained hunger, his hips tightening on her hips.




When he finally entered her, Caroline was practically squirming. His hardness was far wider than his fingers, and it took a moment for her body to adjust. But when it did, it felt incredible. Caroline’s legs tightened around his waist, arching up towards her husband. Henry groaned.




“You look so beautiful like this, Caroline.” He lowered his head and kissed her breasts. “So warm.”




“Aren’t you supposed to be doing something here?” Caroline panted. “I may not be well-versed in lovemaking, but I’m sure just staying still isn’t the way to go about it.”




“You’re not too sore, are you?”




“Just shut up, Henry.” Caroline lifted her hips. “Show me how a man loves a woman. I want to know.”




Henry’s eyes flashed. Then he began to move his hips. Having him move like that felt even better, and Caroline couldn’t hold back her moans. She was sure they were going to be heard at this point, but she didn’t care. Not when she could have Henry like this whenever she wanted.




She clutched onto his shoulders and bit his shoulder as his thrusts increased, his hips pressing his hardness deep inside her with each fast thrust. Caroline could feel her waning pleasure building again, and this time she could feel Henry joining her. His body was tensed up and shaking, growls coming out of him with each thrust. She was starting to see him lose control of himself.




Caroline lay back and watched his face as he rutted into her. He looked magnificent like this, his eyes hooded with his arousal etched into his face. Caroline shifted her legs around his waist and ran her hands over his chest. She wished she could feel his bare chest, but the feel of his clothes against her sensitive skin left her trembling.




Henry growled and shifted up, reaching between them as his fingers went searching. He touched her throbbing flesh and rubbed, which made everything explode. Caroline cried out, writhing underneath him as she rode more waves that crashed into her, clutching onto Henry’s arms as his thrusts reduced but still slammed into her. His body was shaking, or was that still her? Caroline didn’t know.




She was still trying to catch her breath as the final wave started to abate when Henry let out a shout and stiffened, his eyes closing. Caroline could feel him move inside her with his release, and that made her moan. Then he was slumping over her, pulling her in for a kiss as his hips pressed against her, his body still trembling. Caroline’s legs were hurting from holding onto him so tightly, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to keep hold of him for longer.




Henry broke the kiss, brushing her hair away from her face.




“I love you.”




“I love you, too.” Caroline tugged his jacket. “Am I going to get to see you naked now?”




“I was going to undress before, but the sight of you …” Henry shook his head. “I couldn’t help myself. I just had to take you.”




“Now I want to see you.”




“In a moment.” Henry kissed her. “Let me get my breath back, and you can see all of this as much as you want.”




Caroline liked the sound of that.









Can't get enough of Caroline and Henry? Then make sure to check out the Extended Epilogue to find out…


Who are Theodore and Charles? What will make them hide from Caroline?

How will the future relationship between Caroline and Teresa be and what will Teresa’s position in the new house be?

Who is Jeremiah Evans and what is the relationship between him and Teresa?


Click the link or enter it into your browser



(After reading the Extended Epilogue, turn the page to read the first chapters from “A Scot to Break a Lady's Rules”, my Amazon Best-Selling novel!)