Lily and the Lion by Honey Phillips

Chapter Nineteen

Mata was full of enthusiasm as she served Lily breakfast the next morning, chattering eagerly about all of the exciting things that Janob had shown her. A little concerned, Lily pushed her for more details, but it appeared that Janob had behaved like a perfect gentleman and taken Mata to the most innocuous places. Still, perhaps she would have Leo have a word with Nargan about the guard. And speaking of Leo…

“Where’s Leo?” she asked as casually as possible, not wanting to admit how disappointed she had been when she woke up alone. Last night had been the most amazing experience. Even now the memory felt more like a surreal dream than something that had actually happened. Lying there with her legs dangling in the warm water while Leo drove her into climax after climax with his tongue and his hands and his exquisitely dirty mouth. The whole world seemed to narrow to the two of them, the glow of the city lights and the distant sounds of traffic only a faint backdrop. Waking by herself had made it even easier to imagine that it was just a dream.

“He’s in his study, working,” Mata said. “He told me not to disturb you.”

Working? Hmm. She had convinced herself that he was one of the idle rich.

“What kind of work, exactly?”

“I don’t really know. But the Situni corporation is involved in a lot of different businesses.” Mata gave her a sly smile. “Why don’t you go ask him?”

A flutter of anticipation bubbled up in Lily’s stomach, and she smiled. “Only if you help me get dressed first.”

Examining herself in the mirror a short time later, she couldn’t help but smile. She thought this was the prettiest of the outfits that Shona had adjusted to fit her. Loose pants in a soft blue floral hung low on her hips—apparently most pants were cut that way in order to accommodate Tajiri tails. The fabric was almost sheer, but it was full enough to preserve her modesty. The matching top was tight across her breasts despite Shona’s best efforts, and it rubbed pleasurably across her erect nipples. The top ended several inches above her belly button, leaving a wide expanse of her stomach visible. Pretty, yes, but definitely sexy and she started to have second thoughts.

“Maybe this isn’t the best choice.”

“Don’t be silly,” Mata said firmly, then ducked her head. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m trusting you to tell me the truth. And isn’t that what Leo told you to do?”

Mata gave her a shy smile. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Why don’t you just call me Lily? At least when we’re alone,” she added when the girl’s tail twitched nervously.

“Yes, Lily.”

“That’s better. And if you really think this outfit is okay, why don’t you take me to Leo’s study?”

Her doubts disappeared the moment she walked into the room and Leo looked up and saw her. The hunger on his face sent a corresponding pulse of excitement to her clit.

“Am I interrupting? Mata said you were working.”

“I’m afraid so, but your interruption is most welcome.”

He held out his hand to her and when she went to join him, pulled her down on his lap and kissed her until she was breathless.

“Definitely welcome,” he purred, tracing his claw delicately over her erect nipple as it thrust against the thin cloth of her top.

Despite the arousal flaring in her body, she managed to remember her question.

“What kind of work do you do?”

He sighed, and although he continued to play with her nipple, he looked suddenly distant.

“That’s an excellent question. My father has a controlling interest in the company which means that I have very little actual authority. However, I do my best to check in periodically as well as monitor our various businesses to make sure that everything appears to be running smoothly.” He tapped a claw on his desk. “For example, there is an import export company that was recently added to our portfolio and I’m having difficulty tracking down its inventory.”

“And this is what you do with your time? When you’re not chasing females through the jungle?”

He growled and rubbed his face against her neck. “I have only ever chased one female through the jungle. But no, I don’t do this as often as I should. I find it… frustrating that I do not have the authority to make changes. Instead, I spend my time showing up at all of the latest hot spots and racing my vehicles and generally indulging myself,” he added dryly.

“Do you include females in your list of indulgences?”

“I used to,” he admitted, running his finger across her neck. “But that became frustrating as well. I don’t think any one of them were ever really interested in me, just my wealth.”

Poor little rich boy. The thought rose unbidden to her mind, but she suspected he wouldn’t appreciate it. Instead, she stroked her fingers through his mane and pulled his head back down for another kiss.

“Will you be working for much longer?” she asked when they finally separated, both of them breathing heavily.

“There’s nothing that can’t wait. I will ask Captain Nargan to look for more information about this company.”

“Then whatever will we do?” She traced her finger down his chest.

“Not what I hope you are suggesting. I am going to take you shopping.”

She sighed. Shopping had never been one of her favorite things. Her usual wardrobe consisted of jeans and vintage T-shirts with boots in the winter and sandals in the summer. She had some cute tops for the occasional date night and a nice collection of pretty underwear. But all of it was gone now and she would have to adjust.

“Is that because you don’t like this outfit?”

“On the contrary, it is most delightful.” He caught her nipple between his thumb and finger and tugged gently. “But we are going to an event tonight and you will need to be dressed differently.”

“What kind of event?”

“A party my father is hosting at the Situni mansion.” He didn’t sound enthusiastic at the prospect.

“And we have to go?”

“I think it would be best. I will introduce you as my mate and have a few words with the Mafanan ambassador. Then we can make a quick exit and I can bring you back here and have you all to myself.”

“That sounds much more pleasant.”

“I agree—but duty first.”

Not quite so spoiled after all, she thought as she followed him obediently out of the office.

The shopping trip didn’t start off well. Leo stepped aside to make a call and one of the females working at the first shop made a derogatory comment directed at Lily. Unfortunately, he returned in time to hear the end of the assistant’s insult and roared with anger. She only barely managed to calm him down and get him out of the shop without violence.

The owner of the next shop was far more accommodating and while his compliments might not have been sincere, they were fulsome enough to satisfy Leo. As a result, she ended up with far more clothes than she thought necessary. When she refused to visit any more shops, he took her to lunch instead. The tiny restaurant had only a few secluded tables overlooking one of the wooded areas of the city. The food was delicious and the service discreet, and although she suspected it was outrageously expensive, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Maybe having an obscene amount of money wasn’t all bad.

After lunch, Leo regretfully informed her that he needed to follow up on some information. He sent for Mata to join her, along with two guards, but she still felt a pang of regret as he strode away.

“Where would you like to go now, Mistress?” Mata asked cheerfully. “More shopping?”

“I certainly don’t think I need any more clothes. Unless… is there a lingerie shop?”

Mata ducked her head, obviously embarrassed, but she held a whispered conversation with one of the guards, her tail flicking anxiously, before returning with a suggestion.

The suggested shop was perfect, full of exquisite little scraps of satin and lace that were completely impractical and extraordinarily beautiful. She assembled quite a collection before her conscience intervened and reminded her that she was spending Leo’s money.

Leaving the expensive shopping area behind, they ventured into the more cosmopolitan area of the city. While the shops had been almost exclusively populated by Tajiri, the rest of the city was much more diverse, with an astonishing mixture of aliens. Mata showed her some of the places she had discovered the previous night—ranging from a park with a small carousel to a stall selling something unrecognizable but delicious on a long stick.

Leo was waiting for them when they returned, his hands on his hips and his tail lashing. “I did not expect you to be gone so long.”

Mata ducked her head, but Lily gave her a reassuring smile and shooed her away before turning to confront Leo. “I wasn’t aware that I had a time limit.”

“Of course you didn’t.”

“And I’m sure your guards kept you informed as to our whereabouts.” It was purely a guess on her part, but she wasn’t surprised when he nodded.

“Well, yes.”

“Then what is your problem?” she snapped.

“I - I would have liked to be the one to show you Kalima.”

Her heart melted. “It’s a big city. I’m sure there are lots of other places you can show me. But I did get this for you.”

She handed him the small wrapped package. He looked so astonished that her chest ached, but then he opened the package and pulled out the small toy.

“A paka? Why did you get me this?”

The paka simply looked like a cat to her, but Mata had explained that it was a distant relative of the Tajiri, rather like monkeys and humans.

“Do you remember when we met?”

“I will never forget.” His gaze sharpened. “You called me kitty.”

“Exactly. And this is a kitty.”

She burst into laughter at the look on his face, and took off at a run as he roared. He chased her throughout the apartment, even though she knew he could have caught her at any moment. She accidentally ended up in the kitchen at one point, and stumbled to a halt when everyone looked at her with wide eyes. But then Leo appeared behind her and roared again. She squeaked and started running, and she heard their laughter trailing after her.

He finally caught up with her in the bedroom, tackling her with one flying leap and throwing her onto the mattress.

“Why aren’t I surprised that we ended up here?” She laughed up at him, still breathless from the chase.

“Because it’s the perfect place to punish a naughty little female who ran from me?”

With one of his lightning-fast moves, he sat up and pulled her over his lap. His tail wrapped around her legs to hold her in place, and then his big hand came down on her ass with a resounding smack. Despite the noise, it left only a slight sting, but that sting went straight to her clit, excitement streaking through her body. He rubbed his hand over the heated spot, squeezing her cheek.

“I think you like that,” he purred.

Too embarrassed to admit it out loud, she wiggled her butt against his hand instead, silently asking for more.