Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 4

Glaring, Dale huffed as his brother just sat slumped. “This is all your doing, you know? Thanks to you, she hates me too.”

A confused look crossed Sean, “What did I do?”

“Everything!” He half roared then recovered as people were watching. “Everything! Your half-assed claim, subsequent rejection, and when it was all worse after Fin died, and I came to you, you ran your mouth to Morgan.” His fingers dug into the table. “I had to take a beating, just like her, then I had to turn on her to survive. Why couldn’t you just—ugh!” Furious Dale left Sean to his thoughts.

Sean had no idea that Zoya and his brother had been beaten. He did not think his voicing his concerns about rumors concerning Fin’s death could cause such havoc. Feeling the eyes on him, he knew he and his brother would have to be careful. Carefully he left the diner, searching out Dale, only to find him in an alley full of derelicts. He immediately realized that Zoya was messing with them and that Dale had tried to find and then lost her.

Sean watched his brother, who now refused to look at him. “Look, Dale, I am sorry. I never meant for any of this.” Dale’s response was to huff and walk back in the direction of the hotel. Sean jogged up alongside him to keep talking. “She would have left town by now, most likely by car seeing as we know she is here.” No response, Sean sighed, “most likely she’ll keep her phone off.” Barley a nod from Dale. Sean was frustrated, but there wasn't much he could do.

Not a word was exchanged as they packed up, checked out, and headed for their car. Sean could take it no longer.

“Damnit, Dale, are you going to blank me for the rest of the day?” He growled.

With a little turn of his lip, Dale answered flatly. “Maybe.”

Maybe, we need to find her and bring her back, or Morgan will send out the hunters next. She will die,” Sean huffed.

“Don’t you huff at me. You could be keeping her safe.” Dale was right. Sean was by far one of if not the strongest males in the pack. Fin, Zoya's father, was the only one that could have truly matched him, but he was gone. Sean did not yearn to be a leader. He just wanted a life with his mate. Something he knew as long as Morgan wanted her, he could never truly have.

They set off just as the phone rang. Dale answered, putting it on the speaker. “Have you found my breeder yet?” Morgan’s cold tone filtered through.

Sean buried a deep growl. “No,” he lied, and Dale's eyes went wide in shock.

“How are you failing me so badly? She is nothing but a weak Omega female. Sean, you are supposed to be our best. Now find her, or I’ll send the hunters out, and you know how they like to play with their food.” Morgan hung up as Sean almost shattered the wheel with his white-knuckled grip.

Dale looked at him. A mix of fear and curiosity filled his words. “What are we going to do?”

Sean licked his lips and, after an agonizingly long moment, spoke. His decision was made. “We find her, convince her to trust, and then get as far away as the roads will take us.”

Dale audibly cheered, and Sean found himself smiling. His wolf was happy but finding her was going to be the tricky part.


Hanging up, Morgan sighed in frustration., It seemed he was losing control of his tracker. He looked at the phone and then away. With each call, he could feel the lessening of his mind control over Sean. But yet he still obeyed, only now Morgan was sure he was lying, so it was time to take matters into his own hands—so to say.

With a lip curl, he tried to pull up his second number, but the damn phone wouldn’t obey. “Ugh!” He snarled, throwing the useless thing at the wall, shattering it. “GET IN HERE, NOW!”  The roar that tore through him had his second and third scurrying into the room.

Their eyes were glazed over. The drug he used to gain obedience was clearly in effect. Standing, he walked to them and pointed to the one he called third because he couldn’t be bothered to learn an actual name. “You, get me a new one, now, one that fucking works.” He gestures to the bits of plastic on the tile floor.

Bowing and rushing to clean the mess, the third made his best effort to move and be gone without much sound as Morgan turned his attention to the Second.

Morgan needed to gain control; he needed that bitch here for his plans to work. “Bring me the hunters.” He snapped, rubbing his chin as he sat watching them scuttle away. He may have to call in the council if this goes on much longer. This Zora or whatever was just as annoying as her mother and as stubborn as her father. His smirk tightened, he had tried to win them both over, but in the end, as the saying goes, you have to crack a few eggs.

His hunters came into the room, and his sullen expression brightened. “Come, I have a job for you. I want you to track down and bring me Zor—oya, I don’t care how or what you do, just bring her here. Also, feel free to have some fun and teach the little bitch a lesson, only she must get here alive and in a condition to heal. No one touches her cunt, do you understand? Her virginity is mine. You can do as you wish with the rest of her holes.”

Lips were licked all around. The hunters, six in all, were what one would expect. Big, powerful, and dumb as a sack of shitbricks. They took less tea than anyone in the pack to control, making them easy pawns to throw around.

“What if people get in our way, Alpha?” One asked, looking like he wanted to pick his nose more than rape, kill or maim.

Morgan shrugged. “Kill them, but report back to me anything that may stand out. Now go!” He waved a hand again, and they rushed out with howls of joy at the hunt.

“What a loud and annoying lot I will have to find better for when I am king,” Morgan smirked, his third rushed back in with a new phone. “Set up the text thing to Sean.” With a snap, he impatiently waited for the phone to be set. Smacking his third away, he shot off a text.

Hunters on the prowl.

Time to test Sean's loyalty. Morgan sat back and pushed his dark grey hair from his face. He could not wait to taste that bitch, teach her where her place was. He salivated over the idea of seeing Sean and his wolf die just a bit more as he witnessed another take his mate. He would control Sean by breaking him. It would be a shame if he didn't break or fail, but a king did not need disloyal pets.