Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 5

Sean felt lighter than he had in days. The joy of the hunt was returning. He surely would still have to hunt Zoya down, but it was to keep her for himself. Convincing her that he wanted her after all this time, now that was going to be next to impossible. Sean smiled, he loved a good hunt and, even better, a good fight, and he was sure Zoya would prove adequate in both. As his mind wandered down the road, he heard a text chime on the phone, followed by Dale’s hiss.

“I—don’t think he trusts you anymore—” He sing songs. “Morgan has sent hunters out.”

“Fuck.” Sean shook his head. The hunters were ruthless. They didn’t care about people or anything. Just getting their targets. They were more beasts, and if they got to Zoya first… Zoya was beautiful, and the males always hated the fact she refused them. Many hunters, Fin stood beside her, telling her it was her choice. He protected her. He was always good to her but could be a real evil son of a bitch to those that pressed them. Especially after his mate died.

“So, where do we start?” Dale bit his lip.

“Same place as always. Waiting for her to turn her phone on so we can get a ping,” Sean raised a brow.

Dale sighed, pulling his laptop out. “We don’t have to. I can track her phone now.”

Sean blinked then growled playfully. “If I were not driving, I would be glaring at you right now.”

Dale smirked. “As if I was going to help you really bring her back.” He fired up his laptop and started to track her phone. Even with the battery out, it was possible. It just took a tiny bit of hacking. Sean never asked his brother how he did what he did. He thought it was safer not to know how many laws his baby brother was breaking right now.

“Okay, got her,” Dale linked his laptop to the car, so the GPS could show her location on the screen map.

Sean smirked and took off faster. They had to catch up to her quickly. He was sure none of the hunters could find her, but it was better to be safe than sorry. You never could tell. One of the lug-heads could have gotten smart and hired or, more likely, threatened a hacker to find her for them.


Zoya enjoyed the wind in her hair from the open window, singing to the radio driving down the motorway. She had made sure to get a car with a GPS and screen to find where to go next.

The mountain started to sound like a better idea, with many places to hide. If she played her cards right, she might be able to get into dragon territory. If she could, she would be safe, so she pulled over to use the car screen to track her way to the best path.

Her mother had lived with dragons. There was a fun tale of how Fin had stolen her from them, and Zoya had even visited the old den before her mother’s death.

Once she had the way plotted, she set off again, humming to the music. Something in her set her off, telling her to be careful. Zoya looked into the mirror and saw a car behind her. She did not know why but she was sure it was following her. Never one to disregard a feeling like this as it had saved her life more times than she could count, she sped up and smirked as the car followed in return. Oh, they want to try and keep up, do they? She thought, then slammed her foot on the accelerator. The car behind fell back. Maybe they weren’t following? Maybe I’m paranoid? She kept her speed up and eyes peeled to be on the safe side.

The car started to catch up. A matching black car right behind, she smiled. This was getting fun. She flashed her eyes down fast to check the map and saw a path that lead off to the left.

She could risk it, risk coming to a dead-end, or keep on this road and get blocked if there were more than just two. Having made her mind up, at the last second, she turned, keeping control as she sped down the newly chosen road seeing the black car speed by behind her.

She recklessly raced down the road, praying that she made the right decision with every hairpin turn. She had no clue if the cars had come back to follow. She blinked when the map rerouted itself but did not tell her to do a u-turn. In fact, she had just found a short cut it seemed by the time stamp.

She sighed, not seeing her pursuers, slowing as the road was rocky in its ascent. Through the trees and stone came a sudden blockade.

“Damint.” She glared at a gate the size of a damn house. Catching movement, she glanced and saw two massive men walking toward her. She tensed but rolled the window down at their request. As soon as she did, their scent wafted toward her. Not Wolf, but dragon, and from the warm, soothing feeling, Zoya would say Earth Dragons. They always smelled like freshly tilled soil.

“What are you doing here, female?” The taller tower asked. His shoulder-length chocolate hair swept the leather armor of his broad chest. His emerald eyes were framed by worry, probably at her being there alone. Female dragons were in short supply, so the males have a keen sense and drive to protect any female they encounter. Call it chivalry or simply survival.

“I am trying to get to the Featherfly den. I am on the run from my pack, who, well, let's say, want to use me in ways I don’t want. I fear I am being followed, which is why I came down here,” Zoya explained.

They looked at each other, then simply nodded before the sentinel spoke again. “Come inside, and we will call our leader. We can not let you go on until she says so, but you will be safe.” Zoya watched as the gate was opened, then the other who did not speak waved her inside.

Parking as far from the view of the road as possible, Zoya stepped from the car and breathed the fresh mountain air.

She spun, hearing the guard again. “I am Stefan, and that is Maxwell. We are high guards,” He finished with a bow.

Zoya raised an eyebrow. “Why are high guards by the gate?”

“We got word a car was racing down our road. A road, I may add, that is bespelled, so none see it other than those with a dragon blessing.”

Zoya’s lip curled. “My mum was raised by the Featherfly den before my father sort of kidnapped her to mate with. Don’t worry, they are true mates,” she added fast when Stefan growled. “By the way mother used to put it, the dragons let dad leave with her, where he says he fought his way out.” Her hand twisted in a roundabout. “The male ego.” She shrugged, and this time Stefan huffed but smirked. “My mum and dad used to take me up when I was a child, so I guess they may have blessed me as well.”

“That would work. Our leader asked us to come and see who was here,” he finished.

Zoya nodded softly. “Just little’ol me,”

Maxwell, the silent, finally laughed as he joined them. “I get the feeling you may be small, but you have the heart of a warrior. You seem far too bold to be a simple Omega.”

“My dad always said just because I was an Omega did not mean I had to be weak like one.” Zoya shrugged.

The guards smiled softly. “Our leader wishes to see you, follow us.” Maxwell nodded, and they walk away.

“My car?” She yelled, turning back.

“Leave it for now,” Stefan waved, but she hesitated. Then grabbing her bag from the back, she headed off after their fine tight asses.