Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 7

Though now silent, Sean glared at the male dragon his mate was using as a shield.

“Why are you hiding from your mate?” Queen Tiana asked.

Zoya sighed. “Pick a reason. Maybe because Morgan, his Alpha, sent him to bring me back. Or perhaps because he rejected me. Claimed I was not his mate when I know that I am. Then there is the fact that he plans to hand me over to Morgan to do with as he pleases.” She now glared at Sean as her words dripped with venom.

Wrong,” Sean sing-songed, knowing his own intentions. He smirked to reveal them to the room. “I was going to do all that. However, as my brother has beaten me over the head, I realize that Morgan should not have my loyalty. I plan to claim you and run from him with you and Dale.” His triumphant demeanor was not well received.

“No thanks,” Zoya quipped.

Sean’s eyes narrowed at Dale, who downright giggled. “Wow, bro, did you really think that would work?”

“No, but it was worth a try,” Sean shrugged, “Still, the point is made just the same.”

Queen Tiana moved closer. “Why have you seemed to change your mind?” She asked cooly.

Sean swallowed. “Simple, I was told by my Alpha, if I claimed Zoya as mine, he would kill her. It is the same reason my brother backed off. Her friendship would have resulted in his death. Morgan is fixed on her, so I always thought he would take care of her. My wolf hated it-hates it, but I did what I had to in order keep her alive.” With a downward glance, he rubbed his head before looking back up once more. “Dale, finally after a long time of trying to get it through my thick skull, convinced me that Morgan only craved Zoya. Not that he loved her. The final straw was that Morgan has sent the hunters after her, with the word they can use her how they want as long as they bring her back. I was unhappy to give her up to a male I thought would keep her safe, but I will not let anyone hurt her.” Sean growled as his wolf showed in his eyes.

Queen Tiana looked at him, then turned to Zoya, “He is trustful.”

Zoya huffed. “Wow, well done. He at last worked out the truth. Big whoop. I don’t want him anymore.”

Queen Tiana smirked as she turned back to Sean and Dale. “You do seem to have your work cut out for you.”

“I know,” Sean looked a touch too proud at the notion.

Stefan looked to Zoya and blinked, “I think I should take you to your room. You look like you are about to fall asleep where you stand.” He had been given his orders to take care of her. His mother would help the males that came calling.

Zoya blinked and then yawned. “I am fine,” she snapped. Still, she really was tired for some reason.

“The air here is claiming you. Filling you and pushing the exhaustion you have been hiding to the front.” Stefan led her from the room, leaving a growling Sean behind.

As they walked, Stefan tried to make conversation. “Do you think you will forgive him?”

Zoya’s brows knitted together as she side-eyed him. “My wolf says yes, but I say no,” A small smile crept over her face when he gave a curt nod. “My wolf is very forgiving. She is a lot sofer than me. I guess more Omega, you could say. Me? I was raised to be strong, he betrayed me in the worst way, and I don’t know if I can trust him.” She stepped under his arm as he held a door open to her. The room wasn’t as overdone as she expected. Earthy tones on the stone walls, A bit of finery, including she noted as she sat, a thick cushy mattress covered in cooling cotton linens that would make sleeping in the early summer heat comfortable. Though the large windows with their benches looked even more inviting as they looked out over the mountains. She was a very minimalistic creature. Never knowing if she would have to run, but she could understand the appeal of staying in one place. She let out a little sigh but was brought back by Stefan speaking.

“Tomorrow, we will leave. He may or may not accompany us. That will much depend on what my mother finds to be best. I will stay by your side to help, but if you will take some advice?” He paused, and she nodded. Walking toward her, he gently took her hand. “Sometimes males will do what they think is best though it may not be what is right. It does not mean they do not care. I believe he has troubles that go far deeper than you know.” She looked almost through him, her eyes moving as she tried to work out his meaning. He smiled with amusement.

“My gift is to see into someone's heart. I can feel the light or darkness of their soul-when I wish to anyway.” He gently squeezed her hand. “I chose to look at him. He has some darkness. There is something… A fear. One that has no power over him, apart from the power he gives it. My advice? Make him earn you, make him prove himself. He has hurt you, and for that, he should not get you so easily. Make sure you feel he has atoned for his sin before you bless him with your beautifully broken heart.” Stefan kissed her hand, then, with a respectful bow, took his leave.

Zoya’s chest heaved as she set her pack on the ground just as a knock shook the door. Her head swiveled as it opened without her consent. A spot of platinum blonde shag snaked around the heavy frame. Worry hid behind the smile on Dale’s face.

“The scary lady said I could come to talk to you. Sean is getting a tongue-wagging ear leashing,” he smirked.

Zoya nodded with a bit of exhaustion. Sitting back once more, she was not sure if she was ready for this confrontation. While Sean’s betrayal was deep and hard in its way, the trust that was broken by Dale was somehow more.

Dale sat beside her. “I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you,” His tone was tiny, and she wanted to forgive him, but he, like Sean, was going to have to earn her back. She watched him as he continued. “Morgan said he would kill me if I did not back away from you. I was scared. I am not as strong as you.” He finished weakly.

Zoya stayed quiet, she knew Dale had more to say, and it was better to let him get it out all at once. “The night you came to me, I did tell Sean about your fears. I had hoped he would stand by your side, but like the fool he is, he took the rumor to Morgan. Once Sean was gone on a track, you were beaten. Morgan, I think sussed out you had been the one to start the rumor. You need to know. Sean had no idea what happened.”

A little gasp escaped Zoya’s lips. She had always believed Sean had known but did nothing. This was a small revelation. Though it would not absolve him, it was a shred of light in the darkness of her heart.

“I know I have to earn your friendship once more and regain the trust I lost, but I only wish for you to give me a chance. I wish to remain by your side, even if you don’t accept Sean.”

Zoya looked away from him, out the window, and over the mountains. She needed to process his words. She could not truly blame him for backing away. He was weaker. His father made sure that he was raised to be obedient. Then what was this statement that he would leave Sean? Was it a ruse? Was he able to deceive like that?  She wasn’t so sure.  Dale was more like a helpless pup half the time. Knowing this filled her with emotion that she wasn’t happy to be dealing with at that moment. She was hurt by his actions, but knowing why? How could she blame him for wanting to live? Dale could hardly stand up to a Beta whelp, let alone an Alpha as guarded as Morgan.

“Dale, you have been helping your brother to bring me back.” Zoya knew this to be true. She knew that while Sean was a great tracker, that Dale was a better hacker. She knew he was how they were always right behind her.

Dale smirked, “Nope.”

Zoya looked very confused by this single word.

“Where do you think the warnings and signals came from? I mean, come now, a car horn for two minutes? “ He sounded so smug, recalling months ago the incident of the annoying alarms that landed her at her last cottage.

“So that was you? I thought Sean fucked up.” Dale sighed and shook his head. “No, I did everything I could to help my brother but also did what I could to keep you a couple of steps ahead. I hoped to drag it ot but not lose you at the same time. I hoped that the longer we were away from Morgan, Sean would see what he had been doing. That he would realize how dark Morgan truly is. I believe that Morgan has been dosing the pack. Using drugs to make everyone obey him,”

“Duh? Father knew that. He tried to tell the others, but no one believed him. Why do you think he never took any meals with them? It was the fucking tea! He gave up and figured the stupid would perish, and that would be it. I tried to tell Sean, anyhow. Big surprise, he did not believe me.” She snapped on the end bit, which made Dale whimper and flinch.

He thinks I’d hit him? With a soft sigh, and though her better judgment said no, she hugged him. She often forgot that Dale was an Omega and just as mistreated as her, only as a male, it was in ways far worse. He didn’t have the protector she had in her father. For him, it was Sean, and Sean was rarely ever around. “Dale, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know if I can trust you two not to turn me over.” She was defeated as he clung to her.

“I will never turn against you again, I swear it. I think Sean has at last woken up or rather sobered up. I suspected the herbs in the tea, but as much as I’ve checked it over, I can’t understand how it works. I promise you we will get you someplace safe, and if Sean ever tries to send you back, I will hide us. Unlike you, I know how to fully drop off the grid.”

“I am tired, Dale. I need to sleep now.” She stood, but Dale did not follow. Looking back, she found he was lying sprawled out on her bed. “Oh no, you don't.” She pointed for the door. “Get out.”

Dale pouted, grabbed one of the pillows, and hid under it.

She sighed. “Really? You are an adult. Stop acting like a child. Go to your own room.”

Still hiding, he just shook his whole body, no,

“You will go, poof. If I take my eyes off you. I am not losing you again.” His voice was muffled by the pillow, and it occurred to her that she could sit on it, and then it would be quiet, but then she’d have to explain the body as it sailed out the window.

She smirked darkly. I may have just channeled my father. Fine.” She finally lamented and started to undress. Dale, happy as a lark, did the same. They slipped into the bed, and like any member of a  pack, were soon in their own puppy pile. Zoya snored softly as Dale nuzzled against her. He hoped Sean did not blow it as he wanted Zoya as his true sister.