Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 10

Sean and Dale could not help but wonder what kind of queen acted like this Featherfly Queen as they followed her chattering procession. Soon Maisy had led them to her throne room.

She sat down and smiled, “Right, I have spoken with Queen Tiana. I know what is going on and have already set plans for the high dragon council to investigate the old pack.”

Apparently, Maizy was the one to always get things done, then and there.

“For now, you four will remain here, Stefan dear? You have your own home as always, and there are two houses for you three mix as you wish,” she waved her hand.

Zoya smirked. “Good, then I will live alone.”

Dale pouted, “But you just said you would live with me?”

“Your brother can not even boil water,” Zoya answered flatly.

Dale blinked and sighed, “You are right. I better live with him,” His affirmative nod made Sean growl.

“Hey, I can cook.” He snapped with determination making Zoya and Dale give him incredulous looks. “I have only ever burnt the kitchen down. Five times.” He insisted.

Zoya laughed. “More like twenty.” Sean just glared.

“Anyway, the houses are side by side and share a garden, so you will still be close. I ask you, please don’t leave the compound; already, my watchers have spotted wolves moving into the area. They are fixated on you, dear,” Maizy smirked at Zoya’s worried face.

“I do not wish to be or cause trouble,” She looked down. Zoya remembered Maizy, and it was clear the Queen harbored a love for her, but the last thing she wanted to do was make her life harder.

Maisy laughed brightly, “Are you kidding? Those of my den have craved some fun for years now. Let them teach these wolves a lesson. You are welcome here as always, Zoya.” Her hand gestured to the guards that stood silent at their posts.

“Queen Maizy, always a pleasure.” Stefan gave a short bow and left the room as the guards made motions for Zoya, Sean, and Dale to follow.

Zoya pursed her lips. This was not what she was just told. The two houses were not two. Instead, it was a large building with two front doors. “No space.” She muttered, heading up to one door and leaving the other two on the walk.

Inside she immediately found doors that connected to the other space. Doors which she made sure were locked. She even considered getting more deadbolts, just in case.

Putting her bag down on a cushy leather sofa, she made her way for the kitchen. If she remembered anything, it was that dragons always had good food and plenty of it. She imagined persimmons and other fresh fruits, and sure enough, the kitchen teemed with food.

Finding meats and cheeses in the fridge and good bread in the pantry, she settled on a sandwich. No sooner had she cracked the butter for the bread than a knock came to the door that connected the kitchens.

Looking up, she stared until the knock came again. Sighing, she put down the knife and unlocked the door to find Dale smiling and waiting. She moved to let him in, but as she tried to close the door behind, Sean wiggled past.

The two took a seat at the large butcher block. While Sean looked around, it was Dale that spoke after a short clearing of the throat. “We were wondering if you want to go for a proper run?”

Zoya looked at Sean. She couldn’t help it. She needed to know if he wanted to or was this only a kind gesture to a pathetic lonely female. Trying to be more open, she answered honestly.

“That does sound nice.”

Dale smiled, “It was Sean's idea. He said your wolf must be craving some wolf attention after having to run by yourself for so long. So he thought it would be good for us to run-together,”

Zoya could see him trying to make Sean look good. Puffing up the particulars so she might agree. She shook her head.

Just have to ask. She thought, then looking at the sandwich bits, shrugged. “Fine, let's go.”

They headed out to the back garden. Looking around, Zoya sighed then shifted while the guys followed. Her heavy paws sunk in the grass as Sean, now a large black wolf approached her. Unsure what to do, she hunkered down and whimpered. Gently Sean licked and nuzzled her. Pressed against her, making body contact to try and ease her tension. With him was Dale, a pristine white wolf, that though the smallest of them, seemed to be the most comfortable in his fur.

Zoya could not take the stillness any longer, lifting, she shook them off and headed full tilt for the trees. She did not try to evade, though she did playfully hit the creek just beyond. Soon the brothers were at her side boxing her in. The feeling of closeness was a thrill for her, yet each time Sean got too close, Zoya snapped at him to keep him back. Forgiveness was not here, not yet.

They jumped and played. It was simple and clean. Easy. Zoya became immersed as they ran, and the snaps turned to playful nips and nuzzling. Which as Sean ran her down, it eventually led to her having to stop. Panting in a patch of sunlight that Dale had been resting in for some time, she lay in the grass as Sean licked and preened her.

She didn’t understand the gesture. It never appealed to her, but she was not complaining now, as it felt rather nice.

Her wolf was all too ready to forgive as Sean lay next to her. Dale dozed, and it occurred to her how easy it would be for her and Sean to just go off. Shake the hurt away and get back to the fun of mating. That was her wolf, the woman in Zoya knew better. Knowing Stefan was right, Sean needed to earn her, and one run would not do that.

She moved to stand, and Sean got a little too familiar with her tail end, making her boop his nose with her paw, causing him to snort. Before he could press the issue, a little yip caught their attention. Their heads turned toward Dale. He was quite awake and on his back. His pink belly was on display as he batted and snuffed an oak leaf that had fallen toward him.

If it wasn’t so damn cute. Zoya thought, and Sean leaned into her gently before snorting.

Dale stopped hearing, and when he saw them watching, he let the leaf fall to the grass.  Zoya was sure that he would be blushing right now if he could manage it.

Before Sean could get any more familiar, Zoya took off, headed back to the house. By the time Sean and Dale caught up, she has already shifted back and waited for them on the porch, so it seemed. She smiled broadly as Sean spoke.

“Feel better?”

Her shoulders shook in mild amusement as Dale dragged his ass up the stairs to the house. “Yes, I did not know how much I missed running with others.” Sean looked too damn proud. “This does not mean I forgive you,” she insisted, standing. Turning to face to say more, she found him in her personal space. This made her gasp and back up until he had her pinned to the front door.

He leaned in and ran his nose along with hers. His warm scentless breath made her tingle. She tried as hard as she could to not reveal that little fact.

“I know I have to earn my place back, no matter the reason what I did was wrong. I should have been able to overturn the drug or listen to you when you told me about it. My mind is clear, and I know what I want.” He whispered against her flesh. “You will be mine.” His Alpha side was on full display, and while it made her want to do unimaginable things, and she was sure he could smell it in the air, she held firm.

“We will see, now, won’t we?” Pushing the handle on the door, she backed inside.

“Don’t worry, Zoya, I like a good hunt, you know that,” he winked before letting her go.

Zoya slammed the door shut, hearing him chuckle as her back hit the door. Her heart raced. His need was as intense as it had been years ago. To think that what Morgan had been dosing him with had subdued, hell totally killed his mating instinct was just… Maybe she should have warned someone about it sooner. She shook her head. She was just an Omega. None of the wolves believed her now, why would they have back then?

Zoya went to get cleaned up. Only time would tell if Sean meant the things he claimed. She would have to think up some hoops for him to jump through. He said he liked a good hunt, but what was a good hunt without a trick or two? Sean thought he was the hunter and she the prey… He would soon find out just how backward that truly was, and she would enjoy every second of his groveling.