Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper



Standing beside Savage we both watched as Gage ran his hands through his hair while he was on the phone.

He was at his wit's end with Conleigh. He wanted to help her so badly but she wouldn’t allow it. I knew that it was only a matter of time. Gage was a proud man, if Conleigh didn’t realize what she had in him, it was going to be too late for her.

Looking over at my wife it was to see her walking over to me as she placed Cruz in my arms, “Please put him down for his nap?”

Nodding, I placed a kiss on her temple and tucked Cruz in the crook of my arm, “Is that a nap?”

“Yep.” I grinned unrepentantly at Savage.

The only way Cruz slept was if he was in my arms. Sure it put a damper on our sex life but boy did we find times to fit it in.

Since the pregnancy with Michelle had been so horrible, the doctors had to take her reproductive organs.

Four months earlier

Sitting beside Michelle’s hospital bed with Laci on my lap we ran a wet washcloth over her forehead. Her water had broken twenty-one hours ago. Her pregnancy with Laci had run so smoothly that we thought this pregnancy was going to go as fast as that one had.

We had been so wrong.

When Michelle started to get pale and the nurse checked the monitors that were beeping, she had slammed a button behind Michelle’s head and then all hell broke loose. A nurse had asked us to step back.

“Their heart rates are dropping. We need to get them into the OR right now. Someone will come to get you when it's time to start.”

Without arguing, knowing how important it was not to argue, we sat. And we sat. And we sat.

Three hours when no one had come out to get us I walked to the nurse's station with Laci’s head laying on my shoulder, she was sound asleep.

My brothers had offered to take her but I couldn’t seem to let her go.

“My wife. I was told someone would come to get me but…”

It was then that the double doors opened, the baby was in a clear plastic container being pushed out right in front of my wife.

Leaving the nurses station as I approached my son and my wife, “Mr. Bryant?”

“Yes.” It was then that my brothers and their wives all stood and walked over to us.

“I’m sorry that no one could come and get you. The moment we started their heart rates dropped so we had to get the baby out. The sac that the baby was in had ripped which caused a rip in her uterus and she was bleeding internally. We tried several different extremes to stop the bleeding, the only thing we could do was to remove her reproductive organs. Your wife is now stable but she will be monitored for the next twenty-fours closely.”

It took my wife eighteen hours to wake up. I refused to see my son until his mother could see him with me.

The moment I held him in my arms and handed him to my wife, all of the turmoil and devastation over the last two days had been wiped away.

And now here I stood with Cruz in my arms and Laci up on Lincoln’s shoulder while his woman held Wren, we waited for the B’s to be called.

The moment her name was called, “Michelle O’Connell Bryant,” our entire group at the back of the auditorium cheered and whistled.

Did it bother us that everyone sitting there stared open-mouthed at us? No, it did not.

My heart was full as I watched my woman, my wife, my ole’ lady walk across that stadium to accept her diploma. All in a navy-blue gown and cap with gold tassels hanging around her neck while she proudly wore her property kutte.

Two months later walking into the hospital to have lunch with Michelle, the moment I heard, “Dr. Bryant.” I grinned like a cat that ate the canary.

“Oh Dr. Bryant, your husband has come to feed you.” She looked over at me and grinned just as a child leaned over the bed and puked all over her legs.



Ten Years Later.

Walking into the clubhouse I had murder in my eyes as I walked over to March one of the prospects we had patched in five years ago and his son, Derek, with Cruz hot on my heels, we stormed over to them.

“Why did you tell my girl she was stupid?” I growled out.

And without waiting for Derek’s response, Cruz brought his knee up and kneed Derek in the balls. “My sister isn’t stupid. She’s got more brains in her little pinky than you have in your entire body.”

“I told her she was stupid because she wouldn’t give me a chance.”

“I don’t blame her. You're not man enough for my big sister.” With that Cruz walked off.

“You bother her again, your dad, brother or not, I’ll kick your goddamn ass.”

That night, Laci came over to us where we sat making s’mores, “Whatever y’all said to Derek, it worked, he hasn’t looked at me once.”

She grinned as I handed her the s’more I had just made.

And that was when another chapter of Wrath MC that Cotton had started years ago walked in. We all looked at the brothers walking in, but when I looked at Laci, I gritted my teeth.

She had a look on her face that I had seen when Michelle looked at me.

I had another ass to kick. Onyx. The Icer for our Georgia chapter.

The End.


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