Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 17


Three weeks later the moment we had our bags packed and out of that hotel and in the truck, I breathed a sigh of relief. The last week went like this.

“Daddy, let's go on that ride.”

“Daddy, look at Minnie Mouse.”

“Daddy, take a picture with me.”

And did I argue? Nope. Seeing her smile and the numerous giggles that came from her were worth it.

“All that kid wanted was a chocolate freeze pop.” She had grumbled when a kid pouted and the dad told him no, that he had to wait for their complimentary dinner.

So there I was, buying an extra chocolate freeze pop, handing it to Laci, and nodding over at the little boy.

As we stood there and watched as Laci handed the little boy the ice cream, Michelle wrapped her arm around my waist and whispered, “I love you, Cam.”

I was about to lunge at the man when he sneered down at my girl who had a heart of gold, then I watched as Laci tossed a smile my way and grinned. The man looked over at me, seeing my kutte, and stepped back from Laci and nodded.

Fucker was about to have his block knocked off.

Having the quietness in the cab of the truck, thank fuck. Disney World was fun, that was for sure, but goddamn was it fucking loud with kids screaming and squealing at everything that was in sight.

For the first time, I didn’t have any music playing. And fifteen minutes into the drive back home, both of my girls had fallen asleep. With both of my girls wearing Minnie Mouse ears.

And when we pulled up at stoplights, did I bother to take off the Mickey Mouse ears, no, no I did not.

Three months later I was sitting with the brothers for my bachelor party. I hadn’t wanted any strippers, Michelle would kill me, besides, I had the woman of my dreams, why would I want to look at naked women?

Just then I felt those all too familiar arms wrap around me from behind.

“You will not get drunk tonight. I want our pictures to look great.”

“If I can’t get drunk the night before our wedding, when can I get drunk?”

“After we say I do. After pictures. And after you pull me into a coat closet and make love to me with a wild passion.”

So I did the only thing I could, “Yes ma’am.”

She winked at me, bent at the waist, and whispered, “You won’t regret it.”

“Happy wife, happy life.” So I downed my last beer for the night.

Grinning, she kissed me hard, my damn cock got hard. Fucking hell.

Turning my head to watch her walk out of the clubhouse with Lil, June, and Melia for her bachelorette party, my eyes were all for her ass. Whoever said a woman with curves was nasty, they needed to be hung on the tallest tree. By their dick.

“Goddamn, you lucky fucker.” Lincoln smacked the back of my shoulder.

Yes, I was lucky indeed.

That night I  stayed at the clubhouse, as ordered so I wouldn’t see her the day of the wedding. I was on pins and needles.

I stood beside Powers with Savage, Heathen, and Greek as my best men, while we waited for the wedding to start.

She had asked us to be in light-washed jeans, a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to our forearms, and in our kuttes. Like she had to beg.

We had passed this field four weeks ago, on a ride with the club. Thankfully, Greek knew the owner and he was A-Okay with letting us get married in this field. His payment? Doing a memorial for his late wife on his gas tank.

I had tried to pay the man more because I didn't think that was fair and his words would stick with me for the rest of my life, “Boy, my woman would have been out here making sure the field would be perfect for your wedding, and if I didn't get out there with her, well I wouldn’t be having supper that night. Not to mention she would’ve held her body from mine and there is nothing that I wouldn't do to make sure I had that whenever I wanted it.”

“Are you ready for this brother?” Powers asked.

“Born ready.”

When Melia started down the aisle with June following, and then Lil, my breath caught in my throat.

Seeing Michelle in a blood-red dress had my cock rock fucking hard. It hit just above her knees. Seeing her in that, Jesus Christ, the moment we said I do, I was finding somewhere to fuck my woman.

As they started to make their way down to me with her grandfather on one side and Laci on the other, tears hit my eyes.

I just couldn’t wait anymore. I moved down the aisle, causing them to stop their forward motion, nodding at her grandfather, grabbed her hand and Laci’s, and pulled them up the aisle. All the while our family laughed.

“Who gives this woman’s hand in marriage?”

It wasn’t her grandfather or her mother that said the approving words, no it was Laci, “I do.”

Grinning, when Powers asked for the rings, Savage placed two of them in my hands.

First I knelt down in front of Laci, grabbed her right hand, and said, “Laci, I promise to always be there. To love you. To protect you. To play with barbie dolls. I promise to never tell you no for our princess tea parties. I promise to always let you paint my toenails bright fucking pink. But most of all I promise to be the best man that I can be, the one that God and your mother chose to be your daddy.”

With that, I placed a miniature ring like the one I was placing on Michelle’s finger but I placed it on her ring finger on her right hand. “As you get older, we can have it resized.”

Kissing her cheek I stood, then grabbed Michelle’s hand, “My heart. My life. My world. I promise to be there to get the lids off of jars. I promise to give you a foot massage every night because you are out saving lives and it’s the least I can do. I promise to never forget an important date. But most of all, I promise to love you, to handle your heart that I have held since you were fifteen years old with the utmost care.” With that, I placed her ring on her ring finger on her left hand.

Then with tears in her eyes, she grabbed my left hand and placed the ring on my finger, and nodded. She just fucking nodded? What the fuck?

Chuckling, I asked, “No words?”

“No, because you’re a shit. You read my vows, memorized them, and stole them.” I threw my head back and laughed. Yeah, I had done that.

We were in the backyard of the compound after she officially became my wife. Lantern lights lined the area. The brothers from the other chapters had shown up for the wedding and now, everyone was drinking and cutting loose.

We had already danced our first dance as husband and wife and I held Laci’s hand in mine as we walked off the dance floor to our daddy-daughter dance when Cotton stepped up to me and held out a beer for me.

Nodding, I took it.

“Good God, she’s the spitting image of you brother. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree, that’s for damn sure.” Cotton nodded as he took Laci in.

This wasn’t the first time that I had been told that, and never not once did I bother to correct anyone.

She was my daughter regardless.

“Actually he’s not my dad biologically but he was built to be my dad.” A lump formed in my throat each and every time she said that.

I couldn’t be more proud of her even if she were of my blood.

Cotton looked at me and nodded, “Yeah, I get that darlin’.”

“Time for pictures,” June called out. “Michelle, Cam, Laci can y’all come over here please?”

Seeing that Michelle was already making her way over there after she handed Wren back to Lincoln, I grabbed Laci’s hand as we headed in her direction.

June had a sign in her hands that she wasn’t letting me see, looking at Michelle she had a blank look on her face so I shrugged.

“Now, Cam, will you please stand with your back to Michelle?” When I did that she placed Laci in front of us at our sides.

That was when she handed Laci a sign.

June wasn’t holding the same camera as before; no, she was holding Laci’s polaroid camera.

“Okay one two three.” I heard the click.

The moment she was satisfied Laci sped off, hid the sign then came back to us.

Curious now, I took in our family's expressions and saw they were all smiling wide.

It was then that June held out the polaroid picture to me. Taking it, I looked at the sign that Laci was holding with a big smile on her face.

Coming soon to tear the world apart.

May 2022

Realizing what that meant I looked at Michelle and saw that she was smiling wide, “Surprise!”

Grinning, I dropped to my knees and placed a tender kiss on her belly. I was the happiest man alive and I couldn’t wait to welcome our newest bundle to our family.