Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 16


Three days later walking into the clubhouse with Laci’s hand in mine didn’t cause shivers like it had been doing. Which was what caused me to smile wide.

A week ago, Cam had turned that bad spot in the compound's front yard into a more memorable spot. My vagina was waking right back up at those memories. God, I really was a hoe.

Cam had everyone stay inside the clubhouse while he fucked me deliciously on the side of his bike.

When we had walked into the clubhouse while I was wiping my lipstick from his lips, hoots and catcalls filled the night air. I placed my face on his shoulder and started to shake with laughter.

“Yeah. Damn proud to call you brother.” Heathen chuckled from where he sat beside June.

Lincoln was sitting with baby Wren in his arms and I couldn’t help the smile that broke out over my face. I seem to be doing that a lot lately, “That’s the baby I was telling you about Laci.”

Normally, I didn’t tell her about my day nor the patients, but when she had asked why I had looked so sad I had told her that a baby had been brought into the hospital, the baby wouldn’t stop crying so the mother thought to give her a bad drug. A very bad drug.

The moment we reached Lincoln and Wren, I smiled down at her. She was perfect.

And what did my daughter do? She placed a kiss on baby Wren’s forehead then she caused not one dry eye in the clubhouse, “We aren’t related, but in a way we are. I’ll be your big sister.”

“That reminds me,” Cam said as he walked over to us.

The entire clubhouse quieted down when he reached us. I noticed he held two boxes in his hands.

“What is it?” I asked.

Then Cam dropped to one knee right there in the middle of the clubhouse in front of Laci and me.

“Michelle, I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I’m not going to say I’m sorry for that night, because had that not happened you wouldn’t have had Laci and I wouldn’t be this fucking happy to have a daughter. You’re the air I breathe. You’re the beat to my heart. I don’t want to go another second without you and the entire fucking world to know how I feel. You accept me for me. Not once have you ever tried to change me. I’ll be there when y’all are scared, to kill anything that dares to threaten y’all. I’ll be there to wipe every tear Laci sheds and kick the little punk’s ass that caused it. For all of that, all I ask is for you to say yes. Say yes to forever with me, and even beyond then.”

That was when he handed one box to me and the other box to Laci.

I stood there as we all watched Laci open her box, then the thing tumbled to the floor as she threw her arms around his neck and squealed out, “Yes.”

Inside the box was a property kutte and on the patch above the heart read, Daddy’s Princess.

Smiling, down at them, I then opened my own box and saw my own property kutte, “Well mom? Give my daddy a yes.”

“That’s not all.” He was still on one bended knee with Laci in his arms when he reached into his kutte pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

Placing the box on the nearest table I opened the box and saw it. We had been in the back of his truck when we were teenagers and I happened to be scrolling on Pinterest when I saw the ring. The ring that was perfect for me. And there glaring me right in the face was that ring.

“Searched high and low for that ring.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? Put it on me.” I had tears trailing down my cheeks as Cam did just that.

I smiled when he wiped a tear away as he stood with Laci in his arms and then I threw my arms around the both of them.

We stood like that as I placed a scorching kiss on his lips.

After I let go of him, he placed Laci down on her feet then nodded to her kutte. “Let’s get it on you peanut.”

What I didn’t know was that June had been taking pictures of everything. After he helped put my own kutte on, shots were poured and sparkling apple cider was placed in solo cups for the kids.

“To Cam, Michelle, and Laci. Thank God Cam got his head out of his ass. Cheers.” Powers chuckled when Cam flipped him off.

It was strange to see that, you wouldn’t expect the President of an MC to take that kind of insult lightly, however, the relationship that Powers had with these men was like nothing I have ever seen before.

I didn’t know about any other MC’s but what I did know was that none of them were like ours.

Later that night we celebrated our engagement and him making me his ole’ lady officially, and suffice it to say, we both fell asleep without cleaning up.


Two Days Later

I had just got off the phone with the insurance company when Cam and Laci walked in the door with dinner.

“How’d it go?”

“Thankfully my insurance was up to date. They already received the police report and they’re cutting the check.”

“Yeah, that’s great baby.” He smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

“I need to buy a new truck.” Sadly, I had my truck in the garage that night when my house had been burned down.

“Yeah, we can go ahead and get you a new truck baby.” Stubborn man.


“Honey, that property kutte on your back and that ring on your finger means I take care of mine and you agreed to let me.”

Knowing he wouldn’t budge on this, I sighed and nodded, then I got a good idea, “One condition.”

He eyed me curiously, “And that is?”

“You let me pay for a trip to Disney world.”

He lowered his head and sighed. I knew that would work. Laci and I were his world and there was nothing that he wouldn’t do for us.

I knew that fact to be true when he simply nodded a scant second later.