Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 2


As soon as that second hand hit the twelve on the clock above the nurse's station I all but hauled ass to the monitor to clock out. This day had been one for the books. Thank God it was over and I didn’t have to come back for two whole days.

I hadn’t told Laci that yet, but I knew she was going to be ecstatic.

I had covered for a fellow PA four days ago and he had switched days with me. I didn’t know how to feel about having a Saturday and a Sunday off. Working twelve-hour shifts was hectic but I loved it.

Ever since we had moved back to Dogwood from Cincinnati six months ago; I had my mom drop Laci off at school and pick her up when I couldn’t get her.

We had repaired the rift between us the same week I had left and moved in with my Aunt Mae. My mother wasn’t happy about it, but she understood, and I was forever grateful for that fact.

Therefore, the moment Laci saw my truck pulling into the parking lot at her school, she jumped up from where she was sitting on a bench and all but ran to me.

Laughing as one of the teachers ran after her to open the right-side passenger truck door.

“Laci, girl. What are we to do with you.” Ms. Abrams the guidance counselor chided.

“When it comes to my momma, nothing.” Ms. Abrams offered me a kind smile as she waved then closed the back door.

“Have a good day sweet pea?”

“Yep. You’ll never guess what happened. So, Cindy was on the monkey bars and guess who was below her so he could catch her in case she fell?”

“I don’t know. Who?”

“Cort.” I smiled as I remembered the little dreamy look in her eyes as she always talked about Cort.


“It was so cute and sweet. Mommy, do I go after him now, or let him be?”

“Honey, you're six years old. Why are you talking about going after boys?”

“You taught me that we only live once. We have to make the best of the life we are given.”

Damn. Who knew a six-year-old could outsmart someone. “I think you need to wait for when that person walks in your life and you get butterflies in your tummy and your heartbeat picks up to match the rhythm of theirs.”

Nothing more was said as I pulled away from the curb.

As soon as I pulled out of the primary school where Laci had enrolled in six months ago one of my favorite songs came on. We had the windows rolled down and together my daughter and I had joined in with the song.

Just as we both sang the lyrics, To watch a storm with all its wonder raging in her lover's eye. She had to ride the heat of passion like a comet burning bright. My face flushed.

It took everything in me to not change the song, I made a mental note to never play this song again while my daughter was in hearing distance.

As soon as Laci and I got home, she ran for something while I changed. The moment I walked back into the living room in some comfortable sweats it was to see that Laci had grabbed our manicure bag.

We painted our fingernails and toenails. I was now sporting rainbow nail polish. I would have to take the polish off come Monday morning but for the weekend I was repping the polish.

We had just sat down in front of our tv to have pizza and a movie night when Laci asked, “Mommy, have you ever gotten butterflies in your tummy and your heartbeat matched another’s?”

I made a vow the day I had Laci that I would never lie to her. Not ever.

So pulling my big girl panties up so to speak, I answered her, “Yes. Once.”

“And what happened?”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full young lady.” I teased her as I did the same thing.

Laughing, I sobered. “You know about that night baby.” She had asked me when she was five where her daddy was. That day at school, they had been making father’s day presents. So because of that vow, I told her the truth.

I knew I should shield her from things like that, but I never wanted to lie to my daughter. Lies hurt.

“Yes, mommy. And I know you hate the man that did that to you but you are thankful that you have me.”

“That’s right baby, always will be.'' Sitting my slice down on my plate I turned to face her. “I met the man that gave me butterflies and that caused my heart to beat, not for me, but for him. I laid eyes on him when I was fourteen years old and I just knew. I knew he was the man that I was meant to be with. That night had happened because a lie was told to him, and he believed the other woman over me.  I had run out of the clubhouse, crushed, and I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings.”

“So, you really should be telling that guy thank you because had that not happened you wouldn’t have me.” Six-year-olds and their logic.

“When did you get so smart?”

“Mommy, that’s because I have you flowing through my veins.”

“Love you sweet pea.”

“Love you too mommy. Have you ever seen him again after that night?”

“No, to be honest, I hadn’t wanted to take the position at the hospital because his clubhouse is here.

“Clubhouse? What is that?”

“He is or was in a motorcycle club.” The moment those words came out of my mouth Laci looked up at me wide-eyed.

Shrieking, she asked, “He was in a motorcycle club?”

“Yes, baby. He was. Just like your grandpa, same club.”

“Then before that night, he was a good man. I’ll kick him in the shin for you if I ever see him.”

Laughing softly, I placed a kiss atop her raven black hair and then turned my attention back to the movie that we watched a thousand times, How To Train Your Dragon. My daughter didn’t like Hiccup. No, she liked Astrid.

The next morning the moment we woke up I drove her two towns over to a huge flea market that I hadn’t been to in years. Not since Cameron, had taken me.

We walked up and down the aisles taking everything in. The moment we passed by a certain booth, Laci pulled my hand over to one of them, “Mommy, look at it.”

I smiled at the woman that had a stand set up with bracelets. “These are beautiful.”

“These are so cool. Do you have a kit or something?” Laci asked excitedly.

“Sure do.” The woman smiled down at my daughter as she bent to grab a kit underneath her table.

“Wow. This is cool.” The moment Laci grabbed the kit she had a gigantic smile on her face.

“How much?”

She winked then said, “Ten.”

Grinning, I pulled a ten from my back pocket and handed it over to the lady.

Then my eyes landed on a pair of blue friendship bracelets. Buying those, I knelt down in front of Laci.

“Be my best friend forever.” Her cute little giggle was what I lived for.

“Yes!” Smiling, I put the bracelet on her wrist while she did the same for me.

“Cute little girl.” A man said as we stood up.

My back straightened as I pulled Laci into my embrace before I looked over at the man.

He was like a glass of water in the Mojave desert. Geez, he was beautiful. His hair was cut close to his scalp and he had a beard that was awesome. Ink ran up and down his arms. He wasn’t built per se but he had a swimmer's body all lean with muscle.

Even though he was beautiful, sadly he did nothing for me. No one had since Cameron. Shaking my head out of that train wreck of a thought I took in his kutte.

“Can I see the back of your kutte?” The man’s brows crinkled as he shrugged then offered me his back. Letting out a slow breath I loosened my hold on Laci.

The man turned back around as he asked, “Okay?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m a bit overprotective.” I offered him unapologetically.

“No better way to be. I’m Lincoln.”

“Michelle. This is Laci with an I.” I always had to say that. To more people than I can count.

“Nice to meet you both.” He grinned then looked down at Laci nodding at the kit in her hands, “You going to make some of those?”

“Yep. I think they are cool.” She smiled up at him.

He nodded then turned his head to look at something, then said, “Alright. Y’all have a good day.”

Nodding, we turned and continued down the aisle of vendors. The moment we walked away from the man Laci asked in a whisper, “Was that him?”

“No baby. That wasn’t him. But he’s in the same motorcycle club.

“Good. I didn’t want to mess up my shoes.” Tossing my head back I laughed full out. She was wearing little pink ballet flats with sparkles on them.

Sunday night after dinner with my mother I read Laci a bedtime story then crawled into bed and like a light, I was out.

Dreams of how things used to be with Cameron filled my sleep.