Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 3


“What’s up brother, you alright?” I asked Lincoln as he walked over to where I stood with Savage. He had a weird look on his face that I have never seen before.

“Yeah, just think I found Mrs. Right.” Lincoln stood there looking off in the distance.

“Oh shit. Another one bites the dust.” Savage started to sing.

“Shut the fuck up.” I chuckled as Lincoln punched Savage in the shoulder.

“What was her name?”  I asked, intrigued.

“I’m not telling. All the good ones get claimed before I get to them.” Lincoln said as we all started walking to our bikes.

As soon as we walked into the clubhouse Powers called out, “Church.”

One by one we dropped our phones into the bowl outside of the double doors.

The moment we were all in our chairs with Powers at the head of the table, myself to his right across from Gage. Heathen sat to my left, while Savage sat across from him. Beside him was Lincoln, then across from him was Zeke. Greek sat across from him with Clutch on the opposite end. And at the end of the table was Skinner.

With the sound of the gavel being hit on the table, everyone quieted down.

“Where are we on builds?”

“Three weeks ahead of schedule,” I told him. Smirking. We had all been busting our asses.

Powers looked relieved when he said, “Thank fuck. Let’s get a month ahead then we are all going on fucking vacation.” Knocks from fists sounded on the table.

“How are the books?” Powers took a puff off of his cigarette. He had been cutting back, only smoking one in church. He never smoked in front of or near his kids.

Lincoln rolled in his chair to the safe and pulled out the books. For the next twenty minutes, we went over all of the income that we have coming in from our businesses and the expenses that we have.

“Security?” Powers looked at Greek.

Greek said, “Nothing’s hitting my end. All of our Doves have reported to their handlers for their check-ins.”

“Fucking good. Does anyone need to bring anything to the table”

“Well not really, except Lincoln says that he met Mrs. Right.” Rounds of chuckles came from us as Savage opened his big ass mouth.

“And I’m not sharing that shit. Soon as a good woman comes in all y’all vultures will be on her like white on rice.”

“Well, you can exclude Powers, Heathen, Skinner, and Cam. See the odds are better in your favor.” Savage quipped.

Skinner wouldn’t make a move on anyone. No, he had been changed irrevocably. As for why I wouldn’t make a move, none of them was the woman that I wanted.

Just as Powers’ opened his mouth to say something, the church doors were opened as Lil stormed in. We all watched with bated breath wondering what he had done this time.

With angry stomps, she walked to Powers, leaned in, and placed her finger in his face, “You are the biggest shit head known to man. How could you tell Rosa that it was okay to eat all the cake she wanted?”

“Darlin’ it’s her birthday tomorrow…”

“That’s not my point you shit head. You told her and I quote, what does it matter if your butt gets big like your momma? She's freaking beautiful.”

Around the room, everyone sat frozen until none of us could hold the laughter back anymore. I heard one of my brothers murmur, “We need to bring fucking popcorn in here.”

“Baby…” He tried.

“Don’t you baby me. Your ass just lost my mouth in the mornings.” With that, she turned and stormed out.

Without banging the gavel, Powers stood and stormed after her. Lil was the one thing in this world that could bring our president to his knees. Which she did without even batting an eyelash.

I was holding my stomach because I was laughing so hard. Hell even Skinner sat at the end of the room shaking his head.

“Well, I’m guessing church is dismissed.” I was still laughing as I banged the gavel on the oak table.

Just as I was walking out of church and heading to the front double doors of the clubhouse Lincoln came up to my side.

“You wanna know what’s odd?” With that comment, I stopped and looked at him.

“What’s that?”

“Said her name was Michelle and had a daughter.” With that, he walked off.

Standing there in the open doorway I let my jaw work, I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. Every single curly-haired blonde beauty that was the right height I had approached over the past six years, hoping beyond hope that it was her, that she had finally come back where she belonged.

Shaking my head I walked to the garage to get started on a few builds that we had due in about three weeks, thank fuck we were that far ahead.

We had to turn down builds two years ago and we were finally catching up.

Two hours later just as I tightened a bolt down, I saw Heathen storm to his bike as he roared out of the compound.

It was then that Powers walked into the garage shaking his head. “What’s up?”

“Heathen’s boys were playing in the backyard, fucking hellions. They fell out of the tree. Taking them to the hospital now.”

Without another word we all got on our bikes and headed to the hospital. Ignoring the fact that we had grease all over us.

The moment we made it to their room it was to hear June laying into her boys. Momma didn’t hold punches with her boys.

“Momma told you not to be climbing shit,” Heathen told his boys.

“Boys,” Skinner said as he looked down at both of the boys. Only then did they look down.

“Darlin’. You okay?” It was something else to see Skinner show any affection to anyone, but he showed that side of him to June as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“Yeah Skinner. Just scared me to death when I heard their screams. Something I never want to hear again.”

Releasing her, she went to Heathen as he wrapped his arms around her. “We are just waiting on the results from the doctor. We know they each broke an arm.”

“What’s the verdict?” June asked as the doctor stepped inside, then froze at seeing all of us in their hospital room.

“Umm… well…” The damn doctor was sweating.

“Doc ain’t no one here going to hurt you.” Powers sighed. Lil turned her face into Powers' chest as her body shook with silent laughter.

As if he was in a speech contest he said as fast as he could, “Nathan broke the ulna in his right arm. And Lucas broke the radius in his left arm. They will both be getting casts today and in about four to six weeks if the bones have healed properly we can take the casts off.”

After about thirty minutes the Doc returned with what he needed to cast both of their arms.

They had wrapped Nathan’s arm in a red cast and Lucas’s arm in a blue cast. What had me laughing my ass off were the glares that the boys sent to the doc. “Can’t you make them multi-colored? You know, like the American flag or something?” Nathan asked.

“I’m sorry but we can’t do that.” Heathen stood there with a proud smile on his face.

“Alright brother, y’all need me, let me know,” I told them as I turned to walk out of the hospital room.

“Go chop that fucking tree down,” Heathen growled out.

“Don’t you dare. They are your kids, what did you expect?” June chided him.

Shaking my head in laughter I headed down the hall and the elevator that would take me to the main entrance.

Just as I stepped off the elevator from visiting Nathan and Lucas my breath stalled in my lungs. No way. No fucking way.