Raven’s Climb: Wrath MC by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 5


Seeing that little girl ate me up inside, knowing that had I not made Michelle leave, then she would have paid more attention to her surroundings and she wouldn’t have been raped by that mother fucker. Hell, she wouldn’t have walked to her fucking car alone.

Michelle had been raised in a home that babies were miracles, no matter how they were conceived, so I knew she wouldn’t have an abortion.

What struck me was how much the little girl looked like my mother. That was insane.

Not only that but I didn’t miss the resemblance to the face that I stared at every morning in the mirror. If that wasn’t a kick in the balls I didn’t know what was.

I sighed when I looked up and saw one of the club whores making her way over to me, why did Flo feel the need to talk to me. How many times had I already shot her down?

“Hey, Cam..”

“Done told you, you don’t have the right to call me that. It’s Cameron.”

“But I don’t understand, everyone calls you Cam.”

“Then you haven’t been paying attention. My brothers, their ole’ ladies, and their kids have that right. No one else.”

“Ugh... fine, then what is it gonna take to get you to allow me to call you Cam?

“Flattered honey but I’m not interested.” She should be used to this by now. It was always the same answer I had given her time and time again.

“You never are. What is it going to take?”

“For you to be someone else,” I told her honestly.

“Well, what do I need to look like?” Was she serious?

Laughing darkly, I said, “It’s not just that Flo. Yes, you're very pretty, but you’re not her. You could put on twenty pounds, change your hair type and color, hell even wear a different perfume, but you wouldn’t be her.”

“Sometimes you have to let go of something to receive something even more beautiful.”

“In a way, you're right Flo. But when you find your soulmate, there is no letting go of that. There’s nothing beyond that.”

Either she sensed that this conversation wasn’t going the way she wanted or she just finally understood where my head and my heart was at. I sighed, thankfully, that she turned on her spiked heels and walked away.

“What’s on your mind?” I looked over to see that Lil had sat down beside me in one of the loungers that we had around the fire pit.

Sighing, I asked, “You hear about the girl I broke up with then the moment she left here was raped?”

“Yes. Everyone knows about that.” Sadness was written all over her features.

“The girl is back,” I told her with my head hung low.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she asked, “She came back?”

“Yep. Now she wants nothing to do with me.” And truth be told I couldn’t say that I blamed her.

“You haven’t seen her since that night right? She probably just needs time. Thank God I’ve never had to deal with something like that and I hope and pray that I never have to. But those memories are probably playing havoc with her emotions.”

“I’ve only seen her twice but still, before she left town, she would have talked to me until my ears bled.”

“Cam, I know you. I also know that you haven’t even been with another woman. Tell her that. Make her see you. Wear her down.” I kept replaying Lil’s words over and over in my head for the next two days.

I called the hospital to see when she was going to be on shift next. I was fucking lucky when they told me that she was scheduled for lunch in an hour.

Thankfully, I had time to grab us some lunch as I headed to the hospital.

The moment I parked my bike and grabbed the bag out of my saddlebags I started for the emergency room department.

Having a lot of nurses’ eyes on me didn’t faze me in the slightest. They weren’t the eyes that I wanted on me.

However the moment I walked up to the nurse's station I saw that wealth of familiar blonde hair.

Grinning, I walked over to her and muttered, “Beautiful.”

I smiled when I saw her back straighten then when she slowly turned around her eyes had narrowed. “Cameron.”

“Michelle. Lunch?” Smiling, I held up the bag.

“I’m not hungry.” However, her stomach had betrayed that lie when it grumbled.

Smirking, I asked, “You sure about that?”

I saw her head lower as she shook it. “Let’s go.”

Hiding the smile that wanted so badly to burst forth I followed her through the emergency room while I heard whispers at my back. It didn’t deter me though; no way was I letting this opportunity pass me by.

The moment we made it to the cafeteria, I followed her to a corner table.

She took the chair that was open to the room, leaving the one that was against the wall for me, “You remembered.” I muttered.

“Just like you remembered what I love from that place.” Thankfully they had paper towel dispensers on every table.

“Busted.” I knew she knew what I got her; it was hard to miss that smell of the barbeque.

Sitting the plates down on the table. I handed her the fork and grabbed my own. “So how come you're only a PA and not a doctor?”

She sighed, “Laci. I wanted to give her everything I could without taking time away from her.”

“I get that. Do you plan to go after your doctorate?”

“Yes, when she gets a little older.” She said as she took another bite of her barbeque.

She had just grabbed a napkin to wipe her mouth as she looked down at the table and whispered, “That man. That attacked me. Any clue where he is? I filed the police report but his DNA wasn’t in the system.”

“You don’t need to worry about him.”

As soon as those words left my mouth she looked up at me with shock written all over her face, “You mean…”

“Mean, he’s enjoying his long-extended life in hell.”

Her shoulders relaxed as she whispered, “Thanks, Cameron.”

“Think you can call me Cam?”

“No. I wasn’t the one to draw that line, Cameron, you were.” With that said she grabbed the trash and stood. “Thanks for lunch Cameron. I needed that.”

And with that, I watched her ass in those scrubs as she walked away.

I’ve seen women in barely there clothing, leaving nothing to the imagination, but seeing Michelle in a pair of scrubs, my dick was hard within seconds.

Two weeks later after driving to the hospital every day she had lunch and spending an hour with her at a time, I had a plan in place and this time I was getting some fucking answers.



As soon as I stepped outside of the hospital, inhaled the fresh air, this was by far my favorite time of the day. Breathing in the smell that was in a hospital wasn’t in my top ten.

The moment I made it to my truck I halted in my tracks. There sitting on his bike beside my truck was Cameron. “Go for a ride with me?”

“I gotta get Laci from her after-school program.”

“Couple of the brothers and their ladies are going for a ride, one of them is pregnant so she is staying at the clubhouse, she’s watching the kids. I know the other kids would like to play with Laci.”

Swallowing I said, “Not sure I can go back to that clubhouse Cameron.”

I stood there for a few moments as he thought about it, then I watched as he grabbed his phone and placed a call “Yeah, y’all at home?”

“Yeah, y’all mind watching Michelle’s daughter for a few hours?”

Nodding he said, “Cool see you in a few.”

After he hung up he said, “Heathen and June can watch her. Is she okay with dogs?”

“Umm yea she is.” What was I doing?

“Let’s go get her, then y’all can follow me to their place and you can leave your car there.”

“Cameron. I just don’t know.”

“I know you’re scared Michelle, but please just give me this if nothing else. Come for a ride with me, Michelle. No one has ever been on the back of my bike before. Help me break that cherry.”

Normally that statement about the cherry would have caused me to go into a panic attack but coming from him, it didn’t.

Knowing he would just keep pushing until I caved, nodding. “Okay.”

“Just text me their address and I'll meet you there. I gotta run home and change.”


Twenty minutes later I was turning off the main road and onto a paved driveway. Laci had asked for my phone so she could take pictures.

“Oh my God. Mommy look at all the dogs.” Grinning at her excitement I took the dogs in and was amazed that none of them tried to get close to the truck but a few of them were barking. There were only three of them but to Laci’s little body, that was a lot.

When we made it to a house upon a little incline, I saw Cameron standing there on the porch with a man and a woman along with two kids.

Those two kids each had a cast on an arm. “Remember your manners okay?”

“Yes, mommy.” Getting out of the truck and rounding the hood, I helped her down out of the truck.

Holding her hand as we made it up the front walk, “Cameron!” She squealed. “Mommy told me you were going to take her for a ride.”

“That’s right, peanut. Did you help her dress?” He asked as he eyed my boots, jeans, and my thick sweater.

“Nope. But I did tell her that she looked pretty.” Which she had done the moment I stepped from my bedroom.

“Good job peanut.” He smiled down at her then looked at me, “This is June and Heathen and their sons Nathan and Lucas.”

I held my hand out for June and nodded at Heathen, the man was intense, so intense that I could feel a protective barrier coming from him. That I would respect.

“It's nice to meet you too.”

With the introductions done, the little boy that I had been introduced as Nathan asked Laci, “Do you like dogs?”

“Yes. We can’t have one because mommy works a lot but I love them.”

“Come on, we can introduce you to them.” They both looked so much like their dad that it was uncanny. Seeing June’s smaller stature standing beside Heathen, I wondered how she managed to carry both of the boys.

I called to Laci’s back as she followed the two boys, “Have fun baby. I love you.”

Running after the boys she turned her head as she yelled, “Love you too mommy.”



Grabbing the helmet I had bought for her in town I handed it to her. She stilled; I knew that she saw the design. It was a flower design in her favorite color, blue.

“You bought this for me?” I saw the hesitation in her eyes.

“Yeah. Not going to have you on the back of my bike without a helmet baby.” Her eyes flared when I called her baby, she just needed to get over that fact.

The moment she climbed on behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist, I inhaled a breath. She was a wet dream.

“Hold on tight,” I told her, and she squeezed her arms around my waist.

We made it down the driveway and out of town, but instead of meeting with the club, I drove around on the backroads. The moment we had turned down one backroad that would take us by a lake, I felt her body shaking, laughter bubbled up out of her which caused me to smile.

We had just pulled into the driveway of Heathen's place to see Laci playing with a couple of the dogs. “Did you like the ride?”

“Yes, loved it. Now I get why people ride motorcycles.” Her cheeks were flushed. She was fucking breathtaking.

She took her helmet off and handed it to me, shaking my head at her, I said, “Keep it. It’s yours.”

I saw a range of emotions assault her features, but everything was let go when Laci came running over to us.

“Thank you so much for watching her. I had a blast.” The soft smile on Michelle’s face had me clenching my fists to stop me from pulling her into my embrace and slamming my mouth down on hers.

“Of course! Any time.” June smiled back at her.

“Mommy those dogs are so pretty.”

“That they are.” She said as she rubbed one of them behind its ears.

I smiled down at one who had followed Laci to where we stood. “You have a good time, peanut?”

“Yes. They are  two grades ahead of me, but they told me during recess that we could all play together.”

“Good I won't have to worry about anyone being mean to you.” I tapped her nose with my index finger. Her giggle was music to my ears.

After she got Laci loaded up in her truck I said, “Come on I’ll follow y’all home.”

This feeling in the pit of my stomach that shit needed to be ironed out, couldn’t be overlooked anymore.