Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper


“My bite is worse than my bark.”

- June


Chapter 11


“Morning!” Whitney said as June walked into the kitchen.

“What sounds good?” Lilliana asked as she stared into the fridge.

“Diner lunch?” Whitney asked.

“Which one?” That was Lilliana.

“Oscar’s, the one and only,” Laura responded.

And June followed suit, “Oh, hell yeah! Let’s go.”

“The boys ask, we went to Oscar’s. You want anything?” Lil asked the woman named Jenny. After they got her order, they all piled into Lil’s SUV and headed to Oscar’s.

As soon as a popular song came on the radio, the four of them blasted out the lyrics to the melody.

Once they made it to Oscar’s, they slid into a booth and ordered orange juices.

“Y’all ready to order?” the waitress asked. She was new, which was evident by the sneer she’d shot at Lil. Being the only ole’ lady in their little group, Lil had on her property kutte.

“We would like a different waitress, please,” Whitney said before June could say it.

“Good.” Then we heard her murmur, “Biker trash.”

June stood to go and slap the bitch, but Lil grabbed her wrist and shook her head.

“I’ll let Powers know about this.” Oh, what June wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

“Hey, girls, let’s get y’all some food,” a waitress named Gladys said as she took down their orders.

“So here’s the plan. Powers and I ironed it all out. We’re going to ride to Cherokee. The original Wrath MC are going to be there as well. We’re meeting at five a.m. at the clubhouse, but we’re also attending a show there and I cannot freaking wait. I want all of us to be dressed to the nines.”

Since this was June’s first-ever long ride on Heathen’s bike, she had asked the girls what they were planning to wear.

“So have y’all talked about if y’all are a couple or not?” Laura asked June.

Laura’s question had gone unanswered as the waitress sat their plates on the table, as soon as she walked off, June said, “To be honest, we’ve always had an unspoken relationship,” she said as she dipped her fry in some ketchup. “He showed up every few weeks or so and then he would leave right after I fell asleep. But I always woke up to the kitchen cleaned up if I made us dinner and a little note atop my phone from him.”

“Wow. I never thought a man could be like that,” Laura muttered.

It made June wonder just what kind of men Laura was used to.

“Ever since the night at the clubhouse, when he said he needed me, we’ve gone from that to seeing each other every few days and spending more time with each other.”

“You’ll be an ole’ lady in no time,” Whitney said with a smile. June was glad that she had the woman as a friend now.

“Yeah,” Lil agreed with a small smile.

“I hope so.” June really did.

“Don’t forget to wear something warm for the ride,” Lil reminded her as they parted ways.

The moment she walked back in the door, “Have a good lunch?” Heathen asked after she placed a kiss on his cheek and then handed him a to-go box.

His smile was everything to her.

Laura handed Jenny her to-go order that she had placed as well.

“Where’s mine?” Powers asked Lil as he saw Heathen digging into his meal.

“You, my dear, can’t eat diner lunch anymore.” The pointed look Lil gave Powers had everyone freezing and staring at them.

“Doc said I needed to lower my cholesterol. He didn’t say I had to starve myself.”

“Well, excuse the hell out of me, but I want our kids to have their father in their lives. So, no greasy foods for you.” With that statement, she patted his cheek and walked off.

“Don’t ever fucking get married,” Powers spoke to the room as a hole.

June stood shocked when Heathen tossed her a wink. What did that mean?

“Oh, and before I forget,” Lil said as she paused on the bottom step.

Here we go, June thought as she glanced at Laura and Whitney and laughed with them.

The confused look on all of the brothers was comical.

“There’s a new waitress at Oscar’s who said I was biker trash.” With that, Lil walked up the stairs. “Her name was Shelby,” we all heard her say.

After he ate his steak and loaded baked potato and threw his trash away, Heathen stood, nodded to Powers, and three others followed them outside.

At the sound of the bikes rumbling, Lil came running downstairs.

“We going?” she asked.

Laura and Whitney smiled at June and they all ran to Lil’s SUV and raced to the diner.

The four bikes were already parked, and the girls rushed inside to see all four men with their arms crossed looking down at Shelby.

“My wife told me you called her biker trash,” he said.

“No . . . no . . . I didn’t.” The woman started looking around for an escape.

Heathen muttered, “Lie.”

“We ain’t the kinds of people that you lie to,” Gage said.

“You ever disrespect my woman again, it’ll be the last words you ever say. You get me?”

“No need, Powers. This isn’t her first time she’s been disrespectful. Shelby, you’re out. Here’s your check. Don’t come back,” Oscar, the owner, said as he handed her the check and then walked off.

As soon as the men turned to them, they hauled ass back to the clubhouse.

“I can’t believe she tried to say that she hadn’t said that. What the hell?” Whitney said.

“I know,” Laura said.

All at once, they busted out laughing.

The moment Heathen walked back through the door, laughing softly with Powers, Savage, Gage, and Cam, June couldn’t help but stare at the man she had the pleasure of touching every inch of.

As soon as he reached her, he pulled her with him out of the clubhouse and to his bike.

“Where are we going?” she asked as they approached his bike.

“Surprise.” He smiled as he handed her the helmet he had bought for her the other day.

“Where did this come from?” It was pretty matte black with the word ‘June’s’ on the back of it in small letters.

When she looked at the helmet he wore, it had ‘Heathen’s’ on it.

She smiled wide when she remembered the fact that he had told her there was no one else either. No other girls got to wear this helmet and be on the back of his bike.

“Store,” he said with a shit-eating grin.

Laughing, she smacked his arm. “Smart ass.”

After she tightened the strap under her chin, she climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.


“Always.” That would always be her answer where Heathen was concerned.

She caught the grin on his face and chuckled when the bike roared beneath her and then they were off.

Twenty minutes later walking hand in hand down main street, June couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. This was a rare moment for her.

Their fingers were tangled together, her hand fitting perfectly in his.

“Oh! I want to check out that store.” It was then that she pointed to the downtown corner store.

As they approached the store, she half-expected him to let go of her hand and sit down on the bench that was placed strategically outside the store.

Shocked but hiding her happiness, she smiled when he opened the door for the two of them and followed her inside.

The store was one that was probably in each downtown area in the south—a crafters store that sold handmade items. She loved stores like these.

As they walked around the small, compacted store, she smiled discreetly when he had to bend himself to get around the small space and all of the displays. She was shocked that he hadn’t knocked anything over or off a shelf.

And then she stopped. She stared at the multicolored ladder that she would love to have in her backyard whenever she bought a house. It was beautiful. It was a five-rung ladder that had pieces of different colored glass on each of the rung.

When she saw the price, she backed away, took Heathen’s hand, and walked out of the store, unaware that Heathen had made a mental note about the piece.

Just as they had passed an alley, they heard, “Freeze. Don’t make a move, or I’ll cut you from limb to limb.” June froze, but not the fact that someone had threatened them. No, it was that she could feel something inside of Heathen rising up through his skin.

Well, shit.

He slowly turned in the shadows. “Look here, boy, you don’t want to do this,” Heathen said darkly, right under the shadowed corner that protected his frame.

At the same time, he placed a hand on her waist and pulled her behind him.

“I told you not to move, bitch,” the man snarled out at her. Even though he couldn’t see her, he still tried to be strong.

But June just chuckled. That was the wrong thing to say to her.

Heathen rolled his shoulders and then cracked his neck. “You shouldn’t have said that.”

And with that, Heathen advanced.

She had seen that look on other men’s faces when they had faced Heathen. And yep, his face was white. She imagined that the man had also just pissed himself.

Of course, the smell was slightly masked by the smell in the alley, but it wasn’t masked by that much.

“Oh shit,” the man stuttered and then tried to run.

“Oh no, boy. You threatened us. I can get behind that. I get being desperate. Been there myself before a few times. But you crossed the line when you insulted her. You’re nothing but the small dirt speck that’s underneath her shoes.”

Heathen struck out a fist and knocked the man out with one uppercut to his jaw.

“Pussy,” Heathen mumbled as he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, tossing the man’s knife into the nearest dumpster.

They had walked in a few more stores and she bought a few pieces for the ride and the casino they were going to. She had put in for vacation time, and since she hadn’t ever taken any, she was approved immediately.

The next day when she got off work, Heathen had been waiting on her. They hadn’t been able to end the night together like they had liked. Club business had to be handled, so he had walked her to her car, kissed her tenderly, and reminded her to be careful and to let him know the moment she made it home.

She giggled as she made a mad dash for her bedroom, laughing as she stripped out of her dress and her bra. Smiling, she saw that he noticed she hadn’t worn any panties.

“Bend over the bed,” she heard him say.

Giggling, she did as he said. She had also heard that deep, dark chuckle that caused the little hairs on the back of her neck to stand up at attention. This man, he did awful, wonderful things to her body.


His hand smacked her butt cheek, and she didn’t stop the moan that escaped from her lips.

He ran his fingers around her clit. 'You're already wet for me, baby?’

Heathen brought his fingers to his lips and sucked her cum from them, closing his eyes as her taste hit his tongue.

“You’ve been a bad girl, not wearing underwear underneath this skirt to work. You let other men see this beautiful pussy?”

“Only you, Johnny.”

At the sound of his name coming from her lips, she felt his erection probe her entrance, and in he went.

She moaned at the invasion and she loved it.

“Give it all to me, Johnny.”

And he did. Four long and wonderful times, he gave it all to her.

“No more. Need Food.” She laughed when he grabbed her hips again.

She swatted his hands away, cleaned up, and then froze. There shouldn’t have been cum inside of her, only her own, but this was more than that.

She looked at Heathen when he pulled the torn condom from his cock.

“I’m on birth control,” she told him.

She expected to see shock on his face, but there was no emotion.

They didn’t say another word about it, not while she made dinner. And after they ate dinner, she cuddled up next to him and finished their movie.

“Lil told me there was this badass store before you hit Cherokee that the girls are going in. Are we stopping too?”

“Yeah, babe,” he said as he kissed her head while the ending credits ran across the screen. “Gotta go,” Heathen murmured in her hair.

“Okay,” she said softly. What she wouldn’t give for that dream to come true. That dream of having three kids, a rottweiler named Deacon, and a man that loved her, preferably Heathen.

“I’ll be here at four a.m., beautiful.” Heathen kissed her tenderly on the lips.

“Be careful, Johnny.”

“Always.” He kissed her forehead again.

“Love you,” she whispered out.

“Love you back, babe.”

The moment he left, she locked the door and climbed into bed. She was having to get up super early, and she wanted to be well-rested for tomorrow.

Since Heathen wanted to pick her up on his bike, he was getting to her house at four a.m., so she needed her beauty sleep.