Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper


“How many licks does it take to reach the lollipop?”

- Heathen


Chapter 12


These were the moments that he loved the most—just the two of them on his bike with the wind whipping at both of them and the open road laying out the world right below their feet.

The moment he saw her, he smiled fucking wide. She looked warm and toasty and fucking beautiful. She was in her light-washed denim skinny jeans and a cream-colored sweater that was under her big, black winter coat. But that wasn’t what had his attention. No, it was the cute little beanie that she had covering her ears.

She had braided her hair so it wouldn’t fly around on the back of the bike.

He helped her stow her small bag in his other saddlebag and then he handed her the helmet.

When they pulled up to the clubhouse, they climbed off and grabbed some coffee.

“Everyone ready?” Powers asked as Lil followed behind him.

With multiple nods and ‘hell yeah’s, they loaded up on their bikes.

Three hours later, they were parking outside of a boutique.

The women went in and looked around while their men followed them.

Heathen walked with June as she held pieces up to her body, and when she looked to him for his thoughts, he either shook his head or nodded.

Heathen had seen the saleslady eye-fucking him and he knew that was what had caused June to act.

She had grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dressing rooms.

These, you didn’t need an attendant to unlock the doors.

“Johnny, yes, please. More.” He had been fingering her with one of his thick fingers.

He had been used to using three fingers in the other women he had the pleasure of fucking. However, with her, with her tight pussy, he only needed one, two when she was drenched.

“Tell me what you want, babe,” he whispered in her ear.

“I want your cock inside of me. Now,” she groaned out.

He fucking treasured this woman. No matter where they went, she was always down for anything.

He pulled his other hand from her body, then ripped into the condom wrapper with his teeth and put it on.

In one swift motion, he hiked her long, flowing skirt up that she had tried on that made her ass look fucking sweet, pushed her forward, and then he was inside of her.

“Fuck, you’re drenched for me,” he growled out with appreciation.

“Oh,” she moaned aloud.

He knew that some people faked it, but she wasn’t one of them. Her pussy would never betray her.

It squeezed down hard on him when he pulled out just slightly and then he rammed back in. He pounded into her and the sounds of her cum met him thrust for thrust.

“Y’all okay in there?” the saleslady asked as she knocked on the door.

June tossed her head back and smirked at him. Devilish woman. He couldn’t contain the grin that slipped out.

Had that woman not been eye-fucking him the moment they had entered the store, she probably wouldn’t have been as brazen as she was right now in this moment.

And then it happened. She arched her back and he came . . . fucking hard.

All that he had, had exploded into her.

“Zipper got stuck,” June breathed out.

The thing was, the two dresses she had picked out to try on, he knew for a fact that neither one of them had a zipper.

“Well, alright,” the woman stuttered out her reply.

After he tore off the condom and chucked it in a bin in the dressing room, he tucked his cock back into his jeans, and said rather loud, “There, babe. Looks fucking sweet.”

However, he had also just helped her out of the untied dress and helped her pull her jeans back on.

With a shit-eating grin, he slipped his fingers in his mouth, tasting her as they exited the dressing room, all the while the saleslady stared in stupefaction at their retreating backs.

Once they paid for her two dresses, he placed his arm over her shoulders and carried her bag for her.

The dress was for tonight’s outing with his brothers, celebrating Lil’s birthday. He couldn’t fucking wait to show her off.

They rode the next hour to the casino and parked in the underground parking deck.

As soon as they had their rooms, they all split up.

Powers and Lil. Savage and Whitney. Gage and Laura. Pipe and Rachel. Skinner, Cam, and Linc followed behind them to the machines, and together they played until it was time to get ready for the concert tonight.

They made a good four grand a piece tonight. Every single person who had come with them.

“What you spending your money on?” Heathen asked June as they made their way to their rooms to get ready.

“A down payment for a new SUV I saw roll out a few months ago. I love my Jeep and it’s paid for. I’m going to keep it for summer weather, but this SUV has four-wheel drive and it’s a four-door.”

“Sounds good.”

“You?” He didn’t want to lie to her, but he hadn’t yet told her about something that he was building.

“Savings really,” he said, not looking in her eyes. She could tell when he was lying, and he never made it a habit of doing that to her.

They didn’t say another word as they got ready for tonight.

Under his kutte, he pulled on a black button-up shirt and rolled the sleeves up his forearms. He pulled on a fresh pair of jeans and his boots.

His breath hitched when she walked out of the bathroom in a form-fitted deep blue dress and curled her long hair.

She put on makeup but made it light, and added eyelashes. Fucking things made her eyes even bigger. Never would he say that he loved a woman who changed her features, but this? Yeah, he was all for it. He would buy her as many false lashes as she wanted.

“If we weren’t meeting them for dinner in five minutes, I’d throw you on the bed and have my way with you,” he told her as he eyed her body up and down. She was magnificent.

“If it wasn’t Lil’s birthday, I’d let you,” she whispered against his lips when she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him intimately.

She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on a pair of black heels with red bottoms that she treasured. With those on, he loved the way they made her legs look. And with those on, her head finally reached his chin. That was the tallest she was going to be to Heathen, and he still loved it.

That night, with his arms wrapped around her and swaying to the music, he had to keep a glare on his face. Fuckers kept trying to catch a smile from her.

However, their good mood had taken a turn for the worse when the girls had been dancing and a group of frat boys thought that they had the right to approach them.

Heathen stalked over to June just as his brothers stalked over to their dates and women. With his arms crossed, he stood behind her and glared.

Two of the men got the hint, but the other two were too wasted to listen.

Powers shoved back someone who was too close to Lil.

“Son, you don’t want to do this,” Powers stated calmly.

“What is it with y’all? Men always hit on y’all,” Savage said comically.

But the boy hadn’t listened. Powers took him out with a punch to his ribs, and down he went. Fucking pansy.

They spent the rest of the concert with a bubble around them. No one dared to venture too close to the women or them. Well, a few girls had talked to the free brothers and they went back to their suites with them.


However, there was a woman who had taken a liking to Heathen.

June had heard the woman say, “I want to show you some moves I learned in spin class.” She was a leggy blonde who needed to spend more money on her manners and less on plastic surgery.

“He already knows those moves, darlin’. He learned them from me. Move away from him before I rip those extensions from your head,” June growled at the woman.

Heathen couldn’t help the chuckle that came from his lips when the woman walked away from them.

That night, Heathen stripped the dress from June’s body but he made her leave the heels on.

Later, he absentmindedly rubbed the two indentions on his lower back where the heels dug in and she marked him as hers.

The next morning, everyone was yawning, they had gotten in late. He had left June in his bed at the clubhouse, warm and sated. The woman was going to be the death of him.

As they sat around the old oak table, he kept wondering why in the hell Savage was eyeing him.

“You got a fucking problem, brother?” he asked.

“Wondering if you’re making her your ole’ lady. I know she helps you and shit, but god damn. You ain’t claiming that? I fucking am,” Savage said as he stared, well, tried to stare Heathen down.

The fucker looked away first.

“Savage, we all know June does a lot for Heathen, a lot more than probably any of us realize. You sure you want to push this?”

Heathen glared at Powers. His temper was flaring, and his nostrils were doing double-time. “Powers . . .”

“I know, Heathen. I know. But by law, if a brother brings a woman around here and he doesn’t have any intention of claiming said woman for himself, then she is by all intents and purposes free to be claimed by another brother.” He hated to admit it, but Heathen could see the regret in Powers’ face.

Heathen turned his attention back to Savage. The mere fucking thought of someone else’s hands on her body was enough to bring a red haze over his entire frame.

And the thought of someone else receiving a fucking smile from her other than him?


And then he allowed the voice that he never used on a brother to come out, as he said so low it was near to a whisper, “She’s fucking off-limits, motherfucker.”

“Do I need to have Rachel make her a property kutte?” Pipe asked.

Heathen dropped his head. Either he could claim her and prevent her from ever finding more, or he could let her go.


As he made his way back to his room, he saw that she was still sleeping like the dead, cuddled up to his pillow with her dark hair fanning over it.

He wanted nothing more than to climb in beside her, but duty called. He took a shower, washing that scum from his body.

And she was still out.

He wrote her a little note apologizing for not being here when she woke up but telling her that he had to go somewhere and he would text her later.

He finished his note by telling her to text him when she got home, so he’d know that she made it there okay.

He placed a kiss on the top of her head and went to do his usual kicking ass and taking names.