Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper


“Be glad you can’t see my face right now, caller.

It would disturb you.”

- June


Chapter 1


“Hey, girl, can you believe they fired Hillary for telling the customer that he needed to tone it down and to quit yelling at her?” She saw Cortney chomping down on a chip.

“Yeah, I know. This place is getting even crazier by the second,” she murmured to her sandwich. She didn’t really want to talk about this place while she was on her lunch break.

“So, any plans this evening?” Cortney looked at her expectantly.

It had been four weeks or so since Heathen had been at her house, and judging by the time he usually showed up, he should be at her house either tonight or tomorrow night.

“Yes. Sorry. Maybe another time,” she told her.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like Cortney. It was that too often when she had gone out with her, she had ditched June to be with her so-called man, who had once offered his cock to June. That memory made her cringe.

Cortney’s man was greasy. He was part of a weekend warrior MC, and he had dirty blonde hair and an unkempt beard. His dark hazel eyes had tracked June with every move she made.

That was also something she never understood. If you are with someone, then you don’t need to be checking out other women, and furthermore, you need to keep your cock in your pants. Period.

“Ah, with a man?” Cortney looked at her expectantly.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” June knew that Cortney would give anything to know what she was doing.

No way would she ever tell her about Heathen, not to mention she knew that Cortney showed that she was a friend, but she would be the so-called friend who took your man away from you and then smiled at you at the same time.

It wasn’t that June was worried about her taking Heathen away from her. Well, it wasn’t that he was hers really, but after almost two years, she did have somewhat of a weird claim on him.

Heck, any time he went somewhere with her, his eyes never looked at another female. Yes, those times had been few and rare, but the fact still remained.

After June put her things away and threw her trash in the bin, she headed toward the main room, got back to her desk, and started up her computer.

Come on, minutes, hurry the hell up.

June was done with this day. She wouldn’t mind quitting after the last customer who’d called in, but she had bills to pay.

And then, just as the minute hand was rounding on three o’clock, her phone picked up another caller.

So, there she was at three-forty-five, finally cutting off her computer and clocking out.

She didn’t know if Heathen was going to come over to her house, but tonight was the night that her new favorite television show came on, and she had Italian food in the fridge, a bottle of sweet white wine, and Yellowstone.

As soon as she made it home, she kicked off her heels on the way to her bedroom, pulled up her heavy hair into a messy bun, and then pulled on her sleep shorts and an oversized sweatshirt that Heathen had left at her home a couple months ago.

Just as Yellowstone came on, there came a knock on her door.

Frowning, since it was already eight at night, she grabbed the remote, paused it, and then walked to the door and looked out of her peephole.

There stood a man dressed in all black at her door. The guy wasn’t too much shorter than Heathen, but he wasn’t built nearly as big as he was.

Not knowing what to do, she knew for sure that she wasn’t opening her door for him.

The man stood there and then looked up and through her peephole, sneering at her.

And without saying anything, the man turned, walked to a waiting truck, and climbed in. The tires screeched as they took off.

She was shaking.

Who the hell was that?

Putting the matter aside, no way was someone ruining her night with Yellowstone and all that sexy male goodness. Well, she was with someone who put all of the men on the show to shame, but still, she wouldn’t deny herself any of it.

As she sat there watching the show, she began to think about her life. She was a twenty-three, almost twenty-four-year-old woman. Who also rented her own home. She was a woman who had only been with one guy her whole life thus far, and she was a woman who had only one piercing, her ears.

You see, she had been raised that women didn’t distort their bodies. Women didn’t sit with their legs open. Well, whoops. And women didn’t swear. Oh, but they could drink like sailors.

She wanted to think that her mother’s views on the world were distorted completely, but she figured that some of her ideas had merit.

June had also been raised to wait. To save yourself for the right one.

In June’s eyes, she had.

There wouldn’t be another man who by just his touch alone would send rivers of electrical currents straight through her body. There wouldn’t be another man who, when he looked at her, showed her the entire world.

And there wouldn’t be another man who could turn her on with just the thought of his delectable, hardened body.

Was she okay with being one of those so-called cat ladies?

Yeah, so far, she was. Though swap out those cats for cuddly dogs, and she would be golden when she had her own home. Her sweet landlady had said no pets, and even though she wanted some, her little abode was perfect for her.

But there was something that she had been wanting to do.

As soon as the show had finished, she grabbed her phone and called the tattoo parlor to reach one of the girls who used to work at the call center but now tattoos and pierces at the local parlor.

“Yeah?” a gruff voice answered over the phone.

“Hey, is Shiloh free for a sec?” she asked, biting her lip.

“Who’s asking?” The gruff man sounded bored.


“Wait, for real? Your parents named you after a month?” That boredom was suddenly gone, and silently, she wondered what the man looked like.

She found herself looking at every man she met and comparing them to Heathen. So far, in two years, she had yet to find anyone even remotely as scrumptious as he was. Gah, she had it bad for that man.

“My mother was, how should I put this, a good old southern woman with a bit of lunacy.”

That had been the truth, at least what she could remember about her mother. Her mother had died in a head-on collision when she was thirteen, and since they had no other family, her older neighbor who was also a foster parent had taken her in. She had no clue who her father was, and she hoped she never found out.

She had a couple pictures of her mother. It was because of the fairy tales that her mother had read to her at bedtime that she had grown up the way she had. And she wouldn’t apologize to anyone for it either.

She heard the bark of laughter as he sat the phone down.

Within a few minutes, she heard, “Girl!” June had to pull the phone away from her ear because Shiloh had screeched so loud.

“Hi! How have you been?” she asked happily when Shiloh answered the call.

When they had been working at the call center, they had chatted and gabbed all the time. Since they were in the same department, they had also sat together anytime their shifts lined up. Not to mention, they ate lunch together and even went as far as to bring extras for each other, so they shared their meals.

“Living the dream. I’m so happy I listened to you and went for it. I’ve got a client that just walked in the door, what you need?” June had seen Shiloh’s doodles, as she had called them, and had pushed her friend to really think about getting into tattoos.

“Good. Think you have time in your busy schedule to ink my virgin skin?” she asked with a chuckle.

“For you? Girl, can you come in tomorrow? We can sit down and figure out what you want and a time.”

After they got the day and time, they both hung up.

June was excited, but she was also nervous. She had heard that getting tattoos hurt, while others have said it simply relaxes them.

The next day at work, Cortney once again invited her to go out with them, but she had someone else invite her.

“Hey, girl, we’re going to go see Magic Mike, the new one. You want to come?” Stacy had asked her for Cortney.

Sure, she would indulge herself in the men in Yellowstone. But Heathen fully dressed, yeah, he put all the characters in Magic Mike to shame, easily.

“That’s okay, and thank you for the invitation, but I have plans.” She smiled at Stacy as she shut off her computer.

She had used up some hours of her vacation time today. She hadn’t missed a day in three years and hadn’t taken a vacation day.

After she clocked out, she headed to the tattoo parlor. The moment she walked in and saw Shiloh, the two of them met in a hug.

“Beautiful, I’m so glad to see you!” Shiloh squealed.

Shiloh was what you would call a blonde Barbie doll who was rock through and through, and she was freaking amazing.

“Same, girl! Same.”

“Follow me.” June smiled at the others who nodded at her as she passed them and followed Shiloh down a hallway and then to the left.

“What are you wanting to get and where?” Shiloh questioned as she grabbed her sketch pad and a pencil.

After they hashed things out on her tattoo, the placement, the colors, she left a deposit for the time and took the appointment card.

She still felt a little guilty for turning Cortney down yet again, but she did meet Shiloh, and sure, she could have met them at the movie theater afterward, but hopefully, she had been correct in turning them down.

Because at four, there stood Heathen with his bike in the back of her house.

June had noticed that he always smoked before he got off his bike, and he never smoked in her house or around her.

She had even had a flowerpot on her front steps so that he could snub the cigarette butts. He always emptied the flowerpot on the night he left no matter what.

There was Heathen, stripping off his clothes as soon as he hit her living room. And she followed suit.

He had started leaving that fitted ball cap on his head and allowed her to take if off. Very rarely did she ever see him without a fitted blue or black one. Only ever those two colors.

Damn all those tattoos.

And damn it all that he caught her drooling as he winked at her, and then she ran over to him and jumped on his back, giggling as he carried her to her bedroom.

With the promise of having his hot body on top of hers, she was already wet, and once again, she was on fire for this man.

She silently wondered as their mouths collided in a fiery passion if he would like the tattoo she had planned on getting.

He had so many of them, right?

As soon as her bed came into focus, he gripped her frame and tossed her onto it. She giggled as she bounced, tearing off her clothes as fast as she could.

The moment she felt the warmth from his skin, her body rose to a fevered pitch.

And like always, she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck while he placed his lips on hers, using his tongue to coax her mouth open. And the moment she opened her mouth to give him entry, he tilted his head to get a better angle.

Before long, their mouths parted as he moved his way down her body, his lips nibbled on her collarbone, and then he went to the place he loved the most, according to him.

He pulled one nipple in his mouth, while his other hand ran up and down her side, kneading the flesh with his calloused hands.

Then he moved to the other nipple and moved his hand between her legs.

She bucked her pussy into his hand. He knew what she liked, and he pleasured her.

He placed his mouth around the other nipple as he played with her clit and rubbed circles to a dynamic rhythm that had her body vaulting off the bed.

And then he worked his mouth down her body.

As soon as his knees landed on the rug that she kept at the foot of her queen-sized bed, he gripped her thighs and pulled her closer to him, and then, as his hands rubbed up and down the insides of her thighs, his mouth finally found her clit.

He drew lazy circles on her clit with his tongue as then he flicked her clit rapidly.

“Heathen,” she moaned.

The first time she ever groaned out, “God,” he had stopped moving and told her God wasn’t in this bed with her. He was.

Writhing atop her covers, Heathen took mercy on her and allowed her to come.


She watched in amazement as Heathen ripped a condom wrapper open and then rolled the condom onto his massive length.

Heathen smirked as he crawled up the bed, and then he did something that he hasn’t done in a while—he gripped her thighs and flipped her onto her stomach.

Knowing good and well she was wet for him, he took hold of her hips and brought her ass up. She knew what was next, so she placed her knees underneath her so that his body could slam inside of her as deep as he could.

And then he did. He slammed into her so hard, she felt his balls slap against her pussy.

Moaning, she stretched wide to accommodate the width of his cock. Fuck, she couldn’t wait to have that thick, hard cock in her mouth.

He thrust in and out, over and over again. And then, when he had to have felt her pussy squeeze with her release, she finally felt him still as he moaned.

As soon as he pulled out of her, he bent at the waist, picked her up, and carried her to the bathroom.

He turned on the water and she sighed, content.

He took the condom off, tied it, and then tossed it in the wastebasket.

The little smile he gave her, she cherished it completely.

In the shower, he picked her up and placed her back against the wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His cock slipped in nicely, and her heat enraptured him.

He thrust in and out of her easily. Hard and fast.

Then he pulled out of her like lightning, replacing his cock with his fingers, and then he grabbed her hand and had her finish him off on her stomach.

He came with a guttural growl, and the moment she felt his fingers curling in her pussy, she came in a shuddering wave.

Then as they were both coming down from the high, he placed his forehead on hers, both of them breathing intently.

After they had recovered, he removed his forehead as she unwrapped her legs from around his waist and allowed her bare feet to hit the tiled floor.

He grabbed the body wash, soaped up her loofa, and then he cleaned her off and washed himself.

One time, he had allowed her to clean his body off. But his teeth had been clinched the entire time, so she hadn’t pushed it again.

With a devilish grin, she lowered herself in front of him and licked the tip of his already hardening cock. Then she felt his hand wrap around her long mahogany braid.

She lapped up his cock and then deep throated his massive length. With her other hand, she gripped his hard shaft and moved it with the same rhythm as her mouth.

Using her tongue, she twirled it around the tip as she went back and forth.

The fifth lick she used, he gripped her hair harder as he held her head in place and then he pumped in and out of her mouth, once, twice, and then his hot cum was spurting into the back of her throat.

Working her throat muscles, she moaned as she swallowed the tasty liquid.

After she licked the last of his cum from the head of his cock, she stood, grabbed a towel, stepped from the shower, and dried off.

With another washcloth, she cleaned off her bare minimum makeup, took out her earrings while Heathen stepped from the shower, and then toweled off.

June stood in the doorway after she had pulled on her silk nightgown and watched as Heathen dressed in the same clothes he had on earlier.

This was their normal.

So normal and yet, she loved all of it.

As soon as she climbed under the covers, Heathen laid down beside her with his big ass body hanging halfway off the bed to make room for her.

“You always undo me,” he said as he grabbed her and hauled her closer to his body.

With her head lying on his chest, she closed her eyes. She had wanted to stay up and spend these precious moments with him, but like always, sleep claimed her.

Within minutes, she was asleep.

You always undo me. His words had made dreams that she wanted desperately to come true run rampant in her sleep.