Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 48


Kell turned his attention near the edge of the clearing to see his warriors step aside to reveal a rather small woman.  Emmalyn was short, but this girl was smaller still.

The girl had long chestnut hair with streaks of white weaving through it.  And it was pulled away from her face by a slew of intricate braids.  She wore a brown suede dress that fell to just above her knees with short sleeves.  The bodice was tied together with crisscrossed pieces of black leather.  She wore a metal shoulder plate that only covered one shoulder and forearm.  The other arm displayed a large tattoo that looked to Kell like a set of angel’s wings.  She wore high brown suede boots laced down the front.  The entire outfit was completed with a large bow and arrow slung over her shoulder.  But it was the points on the tips of her ears that drew Kell’s attention.  They were on display because of her pulled back hair.

“Who are you?” Kell questioned as he studied the girl.  She had an air of confidence making him believe she wielded power.  Although that was impossible.  Kell knew everyone in his world, and he had never met, let alone heard of her.

The girl bowed her head slightly in greeting before looking back at Kell to meet his eyes directly.  Kell was surprised to see she did not fear him, even after witnessing the intense interrogation of Seraphine.  Although Kell had been incredibly easy on Seraphine despite all that she had done.

“My name is Kiera,” the girl replied in an attractive musical voice.  “I am a Princess of the Fae.”

“Fae?” Emmalyn questioned as she eyed the girl curiously.  “Do you mean to say you’re a Fairy?”

Kell glanced down at his wee warrior practically bouncing on her toes in anticipation of Kiera’s answer.  She appeared to be extremely excited about meeting a possible Fairy.

“I am,” Kiera confirmed.  “Although we don’t use that term where I come from.”

“I am very sorry,” Emmalyn immediately apologized.  “I meant no offence.”

“It is fine,” Kiera assured her.  “And it is not offensive.”

Emmalyn nodded and eyed the girl once more, causing Kell to chuckle.

“You want to see if she has wings,” Kell declared, easily reading his bride.

Emmalyn glanced at him and grinned.  “I do,” she agreed before turning back to Kiera.  “Is it rude to ask that you show them to me?”

Kiera smiled back at Emmalyn, and Kell realized how stunning the Fae was.  All his warriors watched the Fae with great interest, but she seemed unaware of the attention.  How this girl knew someone like Seraphine was puzzling.

Both Kell and Emmalyn watched in fascination as Kiera suddenly lifted from the ground.  Small iridescent wings sprang from her back, reminding Kell of dragonfly wings.  She hovered for a moment, then dropped back down and tucked her wings out of view. Emmalyn’s gasp of delight made Kell chuckle even louder.

“Your wings are beautiful,” his bride happily announced.  “I’d love to fly.  That would be so awesome,” she declared, reverting to words from her own world.

“Just like with all things, having wings brings both advantages and disadvantages,” Kiera sighed.  “Some days I am happy to have them, some days I loath them.”

Emmalyn frowned.  “You should always love them,” she admonished.  “They are a beautiful part of you, and something to be proud of.  They make you who you are.”

Kiera nodded and seemed surprisingly humbled by Emmalyn’s words.  As always, his bride proved why she belonged by his side.

“We have no Fae in our world,” Kell announced, bringing the conversation back around. “We have tiny Fairy-like creatures in our glens, but nothing as extraordinary as you.  How is it I don’t know of you?”

“I am not from your world,” Kiera declared, surprising them all.

“I opened the portal to Emmalyn’s world.  I can open the portal to other worlds as well,” Seraphine interrupted.  “I simply disappeared for a while as the situation became too much to bear.  Kiera welcomed me and gave me refuge through those difficult times.”

Kell eyed Seraphine for a minute, and she held his eyes.  It was clear to Kell that she was being honest with him.

“Did Seraphine explain to you why she was hiding in your world?” Kell questioned with a raised brow.

“She did, and I felt sympathy for her.  I myself have never felt a love such as hers, but I can only hope one day I will,” Kiera replied with a touch of envy in her voice.   “She has suffered far too greatly in this world.”

Kell remained silent on that subject and brought up something else.  “Seraphine claims you can help me,” he reminded Kiera.  “Yet you are a single Fae, what do you think you can accomplish by yourself?”

Kiera smiled, this time it was a smile filled with confidence.  “I am not alone,” she announced, taking them all by surprise.  “I brought a few of my friends.”

All eyes turned as Fae of different genders and colours magically appeared from the tops of the trees.  Hovering high above the ground, their combined wings created a harmonious whirring sound.  It was fascinating to witness.  Kell watched them for a minute before his anger returned.

“You lied,” Kell accused both the Fae and Seraphine.

Seraphine dropped her head in guilt, but Kiera seemed unaffected by the accusation.

“I simply withheld the information until I was sure you had accepted me,” Kiera huffed.  “Not all do.  These are my people and my duty is to protect them.  I also needed to gage your reaction to Seraphine’s story.  If you reacted badly, I would have suffered along with her simply for being a companion.  I’m sure you can sympathize with my plight.”

Kell nodded.  Her explanation made sense, and he would have considered the same approach.  She proved herself a Princess, just as she claimed.  Something else occurred to him that he needed to clarify.

“What do you get out of helping us?” Kell pushed as he crossed his arms and studied Kiera.  “Surely you haven’t come out of the goodness of your heart?”

Kiera smiled.  “Of course not.  I do have ulterior motives.”  She paused a moment and Kell nodded for her to continue.  “It is good to have allies.  Allies that our enemies are not aware of.  I’m hoping by showing my support that I can count you as one.”

“You are in need of help?” Kell inquired.  If he accepted the aid, he would be obligated to return the favour, which was something he could not do at this time.  If he won the battle, he would be busy restoring peace throughout the lands and accepting the role of King.  There would be much to do, and he would not be able to tear himself away to assist.  He also wanted to settle Emmalyn in Terrasen.  Kell wished to start a family, and he could not accomplish that if he was in another world.

“I do not need your help at this time,” Kiera confirmed, sensing Kell’s inner struggle.  “But I may in the distant future.  It would be comforting to know I have assistance if needed.”

“I will be there when you call,” Kell vowed, committing to make the necessary concessions to fulfill his promise when the time came.  “All you need to do is send word to me.”

Kiera nodded and the deal was done.  With the alliance formed, the Fae slipped back into the cover of the trees and disappeared.  All was suddenly quiet once more.

“What is your battle plan?” Kiera questioned, getting right to the heart of the matter.  Kell couldn’t help smirking at her take charge attitude.  The Fae Princess was clearly well acquainted with fighting and strategizing.

Kell spent the next hour explaining every detail while Kiera listened attentively.  He outlined the plan, informing her about all of Connor’s evil exploits and providing her with the layout of Kilharbor.  Thankfully Seraphine had already explained Kell’s powers to Kiera, so he didn’t need to cover that.  He remained however quiet about Emmalyn’s.

“I would like you and your people to hover in the trees until my warriors launch the initial attack,” Kell ordered.  “Once they push towards the main keep, you will enter the battle.  Stay in flight if possible as you will take them by surprise.  They will not be looking to the skies, so you will have them at a disadvantage.  This tactic should be extremely effective.”

“I agree,” Kiera acknowledged.  “It is a good plan.  We are extremely skilled with a bow, even in flight.  We will take many men out quickly.”

“Connor seems to prefer outfitting his men in all black,” Kell explained.  “They should be easy to recognize.”

“How did you find us?” Emmalyn suddenly asked, most likely tired of the battle talk.  “Seraphine imparted it was you that led her to us.”

Kiera nodded.  “My people can fly faster than yours can walk.  We took to the skies and scouted the area.  It was easy to find your camp.”

Emmalyn nodded and yawned, reminding Kell it was getting late.

“We were settling in to bed.  The night is getting late and my men need rest, as do yours.  Tomorrow we leave just shy of dawn so be prepared to wake early.  We have plenty of food near the main fire that you and your people are welcome to,” Kell invited.

“Thank you, but we carried dried meat and fruit with us.  We are all well fed, so there is no need to partake in yours,” Kiera replied.

“You may house yourselves in some of our shelters if you like.  My warriors can vacate a few tents.  They are used to being in close quarters and will not be inconvenienced,” Kell encouraged.

“I thank you again, but that is unnecessary.  My people are more than comfortable in the trees.  We typically sleep there when we are far from home.  It is familiar to us,” Kiera explained.

Kell smiled.  “Then that is fine with me.  I will bid you goodnight.  May you all rest well.”

Kell took his wee warrior’s arm and led her away.  He turned back, sensing someone behind him, to discover that his men had all taken their leave.  Kiera however had quietly followed.

“Is there something else you need?” Kell inquired, not sure what she wanted.

Kiera smiled at them both.  A smile of pure happiness.  “I wanted to wish you congratulations, but did not want to do so in front of your warriors in case they did not know.”

Kell furrowed his brow in confusion.  “I am sorry, but I do not know what you are congratulating us for.”

Kiera looked at Emmalyn and her smile grew.  “I wish you congratulations on the babe you are carrying.  It is a joyous time.”

Kell’s look of astonishment and Emmalyn’s gasp had Kiera laughing.

“You did not know,” she questioned. The couple simply stared at her blankly as she continued.  “Fae have a way of sensing such things.  I am happy I could be the one to tell you.”

“Thank you,” Emmalyn whispered as tears suddenly fell from her eyes.  “I have no idea how to thank you for what you have given us tonight.”

“It is certainly good news.  News that came exactly when we needed it most,” Kell added.  “Now I’m sorry, but as you can imagine we need some time alone together.”

Kell scooped up his wee warrior and strode purposely towards the cabin.  His heart was near to bursting with joy.  Tomorrow would come soon enough, and there was no way to guarantee the outcome.  Tonight, they needed to celebrate, and Kell knew just what to do.