Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 47


Emmalyn stood at Kell’s back as Seraphine was revealed.  She had no idea why the woman had come and Emmalyn was increasingly nervous.  It was pure madness for her to step foot into the camp.  She was considered a threat, and to walk in unarmed and knowing she was hated was a surprise.  The woman either had a death wish, or had something extremely important to reveal.  Emmalyn prayed it was the latter.

Seraphine looked horrible.  The last time Emmalyn saw Seraphine had been at the Fairrest castle.  She had been dressed expensively with every hair in place.  Jewels had adorned her fingers and neck, and she was seated in a carriage that clearly showed her status.  The woman had looked like the true royal she was.

This time was completely different.  Seraphine wore a common gown that had clearly seen better days.  Her hair was thrown in a messy bun on top of her head and all the jewels had disappeared.  She had dirt smudges on her face and hands, and a small cut on her forehead.  The most concerning change was Seraphine’s demeanour.  Gone was the nasty attitude Emmalyn had witnessed before, and in its place was a look of pure fear.  Whatever happened to Seraphine had broken her.

“What in the name of the Elements makes you think you can just walk into my camp?” Kell demanded as his massive body shook with anger.  “You do realize you’re sentencing yourself to death?”

Seraphine seemed to wilt and tears pooled in her eyes.  Emmalyn couldn’t help but feel some compassion for the woman.

“Kell,” she beseeched as she placed her hand on his back.  “Please, can we hear her out?”

Kell twisted to look down at Emmalyn, and for once the tender look was missing.  He appeared to be a man about to reign down hell, and Emmalyn was terrified for Seraphine.

“This time you will not sway me,” Kell grunted, and Emmalyn could see the truth in his eyes.  “Seraphine has been a thorn in all our sides for far too long.  She has done naught but try to bend us to her will, and we have all had enough.  Tonight, she will have her say, and then she will be dealt with accordingly.”

Emmalyn paled and had no idea what to do.  She’d never seen Kell in such a state of anger before and it was scary.  She took a step back and dropped her head, then gasped when Kell pulled her to his side.

“Never fear me,” he rasped. “I do not mean to frighten you.  I just need you to understand the seriousness of the situation.  It is common knowledge that Seraphine conspired with Connor.”

Emmalyn nodded, then stood on her tip toes to kiss his chin.  “I will not interfere,” she promised.  She dropped back down and again stepped back.  Abrielle rushed to Emmalyn’s side, and together they stood in silence, waiting to see what transpired.

Kell turned back to Seraphine and stepped a bit closer.  “I have word that you took a royal as a lover.  Is this true?”

“No,” Seraphine whispered.  “Although that is the lie I was made to have you believe.”

Kell didn’t show any reaction at all to her words.  If any, his eyes seemed to narrow even further.

“Was it you who opened the portal for Warrick and his men?” Kell thundered.  “Men that wanted to slaughter Emmalyn and Mathias.”

At this statement, Emmalyn’s father stepped to her side as well and wrapped her in his arms in comfort.  It was clear that the King appreciated what could have happened that day had Kell not interfered.

“I,” Seraphine began, but Kell cut her off.

“Yes, or no?” he demanded furiously.

“Yes,” Seraphine whispered as the flood of tears finally erupted.

“So, you conspired with Connor to bring about Emmalyn’s death?” Kell pushed.

“I did what I had to,” Seraphine sobbed.  “Just as you would have done if you were in my position.”

“And what position is that?” Kell growled.  “You have been a horrible person for the last five years.  You have riches at your feet, servants at your beck and call, and a title you do not deserve.  Why did you feel that you had no other choice?”

Seraphine looked at Kell and a determination seemed to take hold of her.  She swiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her dress and sat up straighter.

“For five years I was a bitch,” Seraphine agreed as her anger seemed to build.  “But I wasn’t before that. Have any of you stopped to realize that?”

The men looked taken aback by her words.  They looked at each other as Emmalyn’s father stepped forward.

“I knew you as a young girl,” he admitted.  “I must say your attitude has caused me to forget the gentle soul you used to be.”

“And?” Seraphine pushed.

Emmalyn’s father frowned, but answered.  “You were a sweet child.  You were honest, loving, and kind to everyone.”

“I agree,” Rayme added.  “I actually considered pursuing you until your attitude changed.  I wanted nothing to do with you after that.”

Seraphine seemed surprised by Rayme’s admission and a tender look crossed her features.  As pretty as the woman was, Emmalyn had to admit the look changed her completely.  She seemed to light from the inside out.

“I may have considered you had I not already fallen in love,” Seraphine admitted.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kell sneered.  “Did Connor put you up to this?”

She ignored the question and posed one of her own.  “You are a male.  Do you lose your title if you marry beneath you?”

“No,” Kell grunted.  “But what does that have to do with anything?”

Emmalyn could remain silent no longer.  She stepped out of her father’s arms and took her place beside Kell.

“You fell in love with someone your family wouldn’t approve of, and you were worried about loosing your status,” Emmalyn declared.

“No,” Seraphine denied.  “I did fall in love, but didn’t care one bit what I would lose by marrying him.  He meant far more to me than any status.  I would have given it all up for him.”

“So, what changed?” Emmalyn’s father demanded.  “If you were willing to walk away from it all, why did your nature change so dramatically?”

“Connor,” Emmalyn guessed, causing everyone to turn her way.  “He found out about it.”

Seraphine sighed.  “We kept our relationship hidden for years.  Douglas is a blacksmith.  He knew the sacrifice I would be making if we wed, and didn’t like it.  He tried for years to push me away, but it never worked.  I refused to walk away from him.”

“Douglas has been gone for years,” Rayme interrupted.  “He took off, leaving everything behind.”

“No, he didn’t,” Seraphine denied.  “Connor discovered us and took action.”

“What did he do?” Emmalyn whispered.  She prayed Douglas wasn’t dead, having suffered the same fate as Kell’s father.

“Douglas is still alive,” Seraphine revealed, guessing Emmalyn’s thoughts.  “But Connor knew exactly how to get me to do his bidding.”  Seraphine deflated, and Emmalyn could see the pain she no longer attempted to hide.  “Connor took Douglas away.  He’s been locked in the dungeon below your castle ever since,” Seraphine sobbed as she looked up at Kell.  “If I didn’t do everything Connor demanded, he would torture Douglas.”

The warriors all stood there, stunned into silence.  But from their expressions, Emmalyn could see they believed Seraphine’s words.  Things were finally beginning to make sense.

“Douglas was in my castle the whole time and no one knew?” Kell spat.  “Is he even still alive?”

“I have no idea,” Seraphine admitted.  “I haven’t seen him since the day he was taken.  But I have to hold onto hope.  If I lose it, I have nothing left to hold me to this world.”

Emmalyn gasped, knowing that if Douglas was dead Seraphine would take her own life.  “I felt the same way when Kell was taken from me,” Emmalyn whispered without looking at Kell.  “I didn’t want to carry on without him.”

Kell growled and stepped in front of Emmalyn and gripped her arms tightly.  She looked up to see his eyes had darkened immensely.  “That would have been a terrible mistake,” he rasped, obviously tortured by her words.  “The world needs you in it.”

“I needed to be with you,” Emmalyn sighed.  “Even if it was in death.”

Kell wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close into his chest.  Kell turned back around to Seraphine.  “So, the rumour started circulating about you sleeping with a royal?”

“It was the only way to hide what was really transpiring,” Seraphine explained.  “I started it myself.”

“And you know of Connor’s plans?” Kell pushed.

“I know only parts of it,” Seraphine shrugged.  “He didn’t trust me enough to reveal the entire plan.”  She paused then and looked up at Kell in sadness.  “Connor wanted you to marry me so he pushed me in that direction.  When he realized it wasn’t going to happen, he was furious.  If we married, Connor assumed he could use me to control you.  I didn’t believe that for a second, but he did.”

Kell snorted and a small smile crossed Seraphine’s face.  “Even if you fell for me, it wouldn’t have worked.  You would have seen right through me.  I could never have fallen in love with you, regardless of what was at stake.  You cannot pretend to love someone when you already love someone else.”

Kell nodded and Emmalyn hoped he was beginning to come around.  She had hated Seraphine, but her heart was filled with empathy at all that Seraphine had endured.

“Kell,” Emmalyn pleaded, not saying any more.

“So, he wants my power?” Kell pushed, releasing Emmalyn and crossing his arms over his massive chest.

“Connor wants everything you possess.  He wants to destroy you,” Seraphine imparted.  “He’s angry and completely out of his mind.  Connor desires absolute power over all the Kingdoms.  And he wants them all to bow to him.”

Kell huffed.  “That won’t bloody happen.”

“Will you kill me now?” Seraphine asked warily.  “There is nothing more I can tell you.”

Emmalyn slipped her hand in Kell’s.  She said not a word, remembering the promise to Kell, but pleaded with her eyes.  He glanced at her briefly, then turned back to face Seraphine.  His face revealed nothing and Emmalyn had no idea what direction he would choose.

“You will be detained until the battle is over.  Once I regain my lands and take Connor’s head, I will search for Douglas.  If he is alive, he will either confirm or deny your allegations.  If he has perished, I’m confident someone will be present to question as to what befell him.  If all you say proves true, and you are as innocent as you claim, I will release you.  You will be free to go where you please, however, you will do so without your birthright.”

Seraphine nodded and looked surprisingly relieved.  It was clear she truly care nothing about her title.

“Now tell me who else accompanied you here?  I was advised you were not alone,” Kell ordered.

Seraphine looked up at him and smiled, a smile that dripped with revenge.

“I wish to see you defeat Connor, and I wish to see him dead.  I have brought you someone to aid in your fight.  Someone who just might tip the scales in your favour,” she smirked.  “She’s the one that found your camp and led me here.”