Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 49


Emmalyn snuggled against Kell’s chest as he carried her into the cabin and headed straight for the bedroom.  He took the stairs two at a time, proving he was just as impatient for some much needed privacy.  Kiera had blown her away with the pregnancy admission.  Emmalyn was baffled at not knowing what was going on inside her own body.  She simply hadn’t recognized the signs, and her only excuse was that so many other things distracted her.  As Kell laid her on the bed and joined her, she voiced the thoughts.

“I can’t believe I didn’t know about the baby,” Emmalyn sighed.  “There were so many indications.  I have been tired the last couple days and slightly nauseous.  And I haven’t had a menstrual cycle in some time,” she admitted.

Kell pulled her close and stroked her hair.  “I too should have been more observant.  Kiera’s declaration took me by surprise, when it should not have.  We have been pulled in so many directions these last few days and had other things on our mind.”

“A baby,” Emmalyn whispered as her tears fell once more.  “I am going to have your baby.”

Kell dropped his head and let the words wash over him.  “It is a dream come true.”  Then he paused and lifted his head to lock his dark eyes on Emmalyn.  “You are a dream come true.”

She smiled at him.  “Do you wish for a girl or boy?” Emmalyn questioned, as she reached up to place her palm on his cheek.

“It does not matter,” Kell softly claimed. “But a beautiful girl with hair like yours, and a sweetness about her would be heaven.”

Emmalyn flashed another grin before adding her own ideas. “But a boy with intense eyes and a fiercely protective instinct would make my heart full,” Emmalyn whispered.

“We shall have one of each,” Kell declared, as if by saying the words he could will it to happen.

Emmalyn laughed as she moved her hand to his heart.  “I do not think it works that way.”

“Then we will have to keep trying until we have at least one of each,” Kell smirked.  “Think of all the fun we will have.”

“And all the babies,” she giggled.  “We could end up with a house full before you get your wish.”

Kell didn’t seem at all concerned at the suggestion.  “I never thought I’d have a family of my own.  I assumed when the time came that I was forced to marry, I’d pick a bride simply to fulfill my destiny.  I never imagined falling in love with her.  Picturing a home with you filled with dozens of children pleases me.  It pleases me immensely.”

Kell slowly started to undo the ties that held the front of Emmalyn’s dress together.  Meticulously, he untied the bow and pulled each leather piece through the tiny eyelets.  His warm hands brushed against her suddenly heated skin, sending tingles throughout her body.  Dropping the ties, he leaned down to softly kiss her throat.  She moaned as his kisses moved lower and whispered across the top of her breasts.

“Kell,” she breathed as she pulled at his shirt.  “Please.”

Lifting only as much as necessary, Kell grabbed his shirt by the back of the neck and pulled it over his head.  He kicked his boots off, startling her as they crashed to the floor.

“Nervous my wee warrior?” Kell smirked as his eyes darkened even more.  He slid down the bed and began unlacing her boots.

“Always,” Emmalyn admitted.  “It always feels like the first time with you.  And all I want to do is please you.”

Kell got the first boot off and reached for the second.  “You always please me,” he declared, as the second boot pulled free as well.

He shucked his pants and joined her on the bed.  He sat and lifted Emmalyn to straddle his lap.  In this position, Kell easily pushed the dress off her shoulders, pooling it at her waist.  Then he twisted and dropped her back on the bed.  When he pulled the dress down her body, she lifted slightly to speed up the process.

Now completed naked, Emmalyn expected Kell to cover her body with his.  When he hesitated, she was confused.  Then she noticed the look of reverence in his expression as he studied her belly.  He was fascinated.  Kell moved slowly and covered her tiny belly with both of his large palms.  She could feel the warmth seep deep into her skin.

“Soon you will show,” Kell smiled.  “And everyone will know you carry my babe.  It will bring me immense happiness.”

“Do you think I am far along?” Emmalyn questioned, desperate to try to think of when the conception had taken place.

“The day we made love for the first time,” Kell surprised her by saying.  “The glen was a magical place.  It is the logical time for my seed to have taken root.”

Emmalyn nodded in agreement.  It did seem like her entire world changed that day.  “I think you are right,” she happily conceded.

Kell retracted his hands and placed a soft kiss on her belly.  He thankfully adjusted to the position she preferred.  His body covered hers and felt like home.

“I love you Kell,” Emmalyn sighed.  “And I am overjoyed that you are alive to experience it all with me.  I am thankful our combined powers were strong enough to save you.  It proves we are destined to be together.”

“I love you too, my wee warrior,” Kell returned.  “And I am relieved to be here by your side to support you.  Although death would not have stopped me.  I would have found a way to return to you.”

Emmalyn said nothing, agreeing that the fierce warrior in him would have accomplished just that.  When his hand slipped down to test her readiness, all talk was forgotten.  He smiled as he played with the folds of her sex, alighting her body with a fire she was sure would mean the end of her.  Then he stopped, and she barely got a whimper out before he gently slid inside of her.  She gasped as she adjusted to his immense size.  Kell gave her a few minutes, then began to move rhythmically.

Emmalyn wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he took his time worshipping her body.  In and out he sank, as he suckled on the column of her throat and massaged her breasts.  He seemed in no hurry, and moved painfully slow, drawing out her pleasure.  When the need became too much, he sensed her readiness and increased his speed.

Emmalyn moaned as her body tightened, warning her of the impending release.  She dug her nails into his shoulders, spurring him on.  Thankfully he took the hint and changed his angle, creating the friction she desired.  She detonated as her climax hit and cried out his name.  Her frenzy sent him over the edge as well, and he groaned as his release bathed her insides.

After a few moments Kell twisted to his side, bringing Emmalyn with him.  He held her a while longer before kissing her passionately and then slipping from the bed.  She watched as he walked over to the nightstand where a basin and cloth lay.  He dipped the cloth in the water and returned.  Tenderly he cleaned away their lovemaking, once more kissing her belly as he worked.  When he was finished he tossed the rag, climbed into bed, and dragged her across his chest.  She melted into his warmth as he pulled the blankets over them both and settled.

“I will leave my fiercest warriors to protect you tomorrow,” Kell quietly declared, as he brushed the hair from her face.

Confused, she raised her head to look down at him.  “Why would you do that?” Emmalyn questioned with a small frown.

“Because I want you to be safe while I am gone.  I can only hope no one will betray me and lead the enemy here, but I cannot take the chance.  I will not let anything happen to you,” Kell vowed.

Emmalyn narrowed her eyes and propped herself up by resting her arms on his chest.  “Just what makes you think I will stay here while you go off into battle without me?”

“You are pregnant,” Kell declared.  Emmalyn was surprised that Kell couldn’t sense the anger that emerged in her.

“So, you can fight and I can’t?” Emmalyn huffed.

“Exactly,” Kell smiled, as he lightly stroked her back.

“I think not,” she snorted.  “You want to end this marriage before it has even started, just try leaving me behind,” Emmalyn warned.  Kell immediately lost his smile as the words sunk in.

“You will not go into battle while you carry my babe,” he declared as his eyes darkened.  “If anything happens to you, the safety of all will be in peril.  My power will be unleashed and I will not be able to control it.”

“Well, if you do not take me, your safety will be in peril,” she shouted, throwing his words back at him.  “And I have some exceptional powers of my own.”

Kell narrowed his eyes and glared at her, so she glared right back.  “You expect me to take you into battle?” he growled.

“If you remember, the last time you left me alone you died,” Emmalyn reminded him.  “I will not suffer through that pain again.”

“Emmalyn,” he sighed as his voice softened.  But she didn’t care.  She was going to win this debate.

“You keep saying we are a powerful couple and that we are meant to be.  Our eyes match.  We both have powers.  We are physically in pain when we separate from each other,” she paused then, and softened her voice.  “I need to fight by your side.  We need to defeat Connor and his men together.  Everything has led us to this point.  We are one, you and me, and we can win, but only if we are side by side.”

“Emmalyn,” Kell pleaded again, and she realized her words were getting through to him.

“Surround me with men.  Do your tornado move and hide me from view.  I will do what you need me to do, to ease your mind.  But I will remain by your side,” Emmalyn declared.

“A circle of fire,” Kell huffed.  Then he frowned.  “No, a thick wall of ice.  Maybe one with a moat around it.  I can also surround that with hundreds of tiny tornados.”

Emmalyn laughed as she laid her head back on his chest.  She remained silent, letting him come up with more ridiculous ideas.  She would let him do whatever he wanted, simply because he was giving in.  She loved him, and she allowed him to go through the motions to settle his mind.  It wasn’t a hardship for her to be loved by Kell.