Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 5


It had taken Kell just short of a month to reach the portal.  His world contained just two openings, whereas in the alternate world, you could drop through almost anywhere.  When his ancestors first discovered the portals, both sides were relatively equal in the number of openings.  It wasn’t until a few years ago that they decided to erect magical safeguards, making it more difficult to pass between the two worlds.  It was Kell’s understanding that Emmalyn’s world was oblivious even to the existence of the portals, and the reason why no safeguards were installed on their end.  Such circumstances made his task significantly easier.  With no barriers standing in his way, Kell could drop straight into the princesses dwelling place.

He had hoped to make the journey more quickly, however, a brief stopover in his kingdom to gather men and supplies was imperative.  He settled on a contingent of a dozen of his most trusted men.  This task was of grave importance, and only the strongest and fiercest warriors must be at his side.  Only a royal could open a portal, as travel to distant realms was highly frowned upon.  Emmalyn’s parents must have been desperate to choose such a risky option over any other solution.

Upon reaching the portal, Kell knew something was wrong.  The damn thing was open. A very bad sign to an already complicated journey.  Also, about eight horses were tied to some nearby oak trees, two of which looked like pack horses.  The men who opened the portal he reckoned, were still on the other side.  It also meant a royal was present, and still lurking around, or had opened it and fled.  This portal resided in the Kingdom of Larkinge, and during the summer months, tracking would be a challenge.  Kell could only pray his initial assumption was right and that the royal had already passed through.

Turning to his men, Kell ordered four of them to stay behind.  If the other men made it out, someone needed to stay and greet them.  He also didn’t relish the thought of losing his own horses and supplies to hijackers.  The journey back would be a painstakingly slow one if they had to proceed on foot.

The men he left behind stepped close to the portal, unsheathed their swords and stood at the ready.  Kell and the remaining warriors approached warily.  Not knowing what to expect, he preferred to tread carefully.  The portal was buried deep in the thickest part of the forest, and to the untrained eye appeared to be a large spider web.  When closed, it resembled a normal, although unusually large web.  Strung between two giant trees, the intricate swirling patterns were exceptional.  However, when the portal opened and the web was surrounded by a translucent mist, the strands themselves shimmered with a brilliant green glitter.  The effect was breathtaking.

“Everyone ready?” Kell challenged the warriors at his back.  Each gave a tight nod and growled.  “Swords at the ready.  We will step through right in Emmalyn’s dwelling.  The men who abandoned these horses will no doubt be on the other side.  Surprise will be ours, so let us use it to our full advantage.  I will go first, with Behr and Torin at my side.  The rest of you protect our back.”  Kell dropped his head, closed his eyes and in a strong voice recited the traditional words of protection.  “May the souls of fallen warriors protect us and give us strength.”

“May the souls of fallen warriors protect us and give us strength,” the men repeated.

With nothing further to say, Kell raised his sword, took a deep breath and stepped into the web.  The mist thickened around him and an unseen force propelled him forward.  Kell relaxed letting the mist take him, and only when it started to thin, did he brace himself on the other side.  He bent his knees slightly and landed smoothly, then moved forward to allow his men room to follow through behind him.

The first thing that struck Kell was a roar reverberating around the room he now found himself part of.  The portal on his side was calm, but on this side, the whirling wind wreaked havoc on the dwelling.  Papers flew about, shattered glass lay on the floor and furniture was upended.  The room was bright, but small and had an unpleasant odour.  He instantly disliked it.

Kell suddenly heard the unmistakable sound of clashing swords.  As the men filtered through by his side, he nodded once and moved across the room.  What he encountered in the next room took him completely by surprise, and he found himself frozen in place at the terrible scene unfolding in front of him.

“Damn,” Behr muttered from beside him, but Kell was too stunned to acknowledge him.

A warrior he recognized as a Kilharbor guard was locked in battle with Mathias and a tiny slip of a girl.  Mathias and the warrior were clearly fighting to the death as both were covered in blood from several injuries.  It was wee female warrior wielding a small knife though that concerned him.  The princess must have been assigned a female guard that he was not informed of.  The girl wore threadbare pants, had a shirt on that scarcely covered her and was barefoot.  Her mass of tawny hair looked like it had been drawn back in a braid, but was now in disarray as it tumbled around her face.

Matching the other two men, she was also covered in blood. It was immediately evident that she had suffered a large wound on her arm.  It did not slow her down though.  She dodged, jabbed, and got in several slices of her own as she deftly deflected the blades.  She was fighting quite well for someone of her size, and a female nonetheless.

As the warrior battling Mathias and the girl seemed to gain the upper hand, it became clear Mathias was tiring from his many injuries.  The warrior knocked Mathias back slightly as he swung upward and Mathias lost his footing, creating the perfect opening.  The warrior spun, dropping his sword down and opening up Mathias’ leg.  The wound was severe and forced the guardian to his knees.  As Mathias went down, he lost the grip on his sword and it clattered uselessly to the floor.  The warrior smirked and thundered in triumph, then raised his blade once more to deliver the killing blow.

Kell watched as the warrior turned slightly to harness the full weight of his body behind the swing.  The minute it arced down the wee warrior jumped forward to position her slight body in front of Mathias.  With Mathias on his knees, she effectively shielded him, placing herself in the perfect position to take the force of the blade instead.

Kell moved before anyone else could act.  He was at her side immediately.  The warrior’s blade was inches from her face when Kell seized the man’s arm in a powerful grip.  It halted any momentum and stopped the blade just in time.  With a violent shove, he thrust the warrior backwards.  The warrior’s face registered shock for only a second before Kell started swinging his own blade.  With precise aim, he caught the warrior in the lower stomach.  With an upward stroke, Kell opened him from the stomach all the way to the shoulder and watched in satisfaction as the blood flowed.  The warrior seemed perplexed, then his blade clattered to the floor and he collapsed.

The girl did not even acknowledge Kell and his men.  She quickly shifted, tossing her knife away and helping Mathias as he attempted to lie back.  The tears started coming furiously as she fawned over him.  Kell watched her for a minute before interrupting.

“We need to move,” he commanded loudly, gaining Mathias’ attention.  The guardian shifted and glanced up.

“Kell Hawthorne,” Mathias grunted in surprise.

Kell nodded in greeting.  “Due to reasons I refuse to divulge right now, your existence has been revealed.”

“Hence the unexpected visitors,” Mathias growled in response.

“Are you well enough to travel?” Kell immediately questioned.

“No, but I’ll damn well do it anyway,” Mathias swore.

“Whoa,” the girl interrupted, swiping away her tears.  “I don’t understand what’s happening here and I don’t want to know, but you’re going to the hospital.”

Mathias lifted a hand and brushed her cheek affectionately.  “No Emmy,” he denied.  “We’re going home.”

“Emmy?” Kell repeated, as he eyed the girl curiously.  “This is the princess?”

“This is,” Mathias proudly confirmed.

“Mathias,” Emmalyn interrupted as she took him and his men in warily.  “You need to tell me what’s going on and who these men are.”

“Short version?” Mathias questioned, and she nodded smartly.  “We are from another world.  You were sent here with me at just a few months old because an attempt was made on your life.  Today’s events prove that we aren’t safe here anymore.  It is time we return home.”

Emmalyn turned an alarming shade of white and Kell took a step towards her in concern, but the glare she levelled on him gave him pause.

“This is my home,” the wee warrior growled.

Kell did not have the time or the patience to argue with her.  He turned to a couple of his men and instructed them to gather up the bodies and travel back through the portal.  Then he ordered Torin to assist Mathias to the other side.  Kell watched as the fallen were quickly shouldered and carried away.  Mathias however was shaking his head and moving slightly away from Torin.

“There is a room at the end of this hall.  On the floor of the closet, you will find a small wooden chest.  It needs to be delivered to the King and Queen of Fairrest,” Mathias requested rather urgently.

Kell nodded and Torin moved down the hall, coming back a minute later with the chest tucked securely under his arm.  Torin and Behr easily pulled Mathias to his feet.  Mathias was a large man, but Kell’s warriors were broader.  In no time, Mathias was whisked across the room and through the portal.

Kell shifted his attention to the princess.  “It is time to go,” he ordered.

Emmalyn instantly glanced down at her bloody clothes and grimaced.  “I need to change,” she whispered.

“There is no time,” Kell growled in frustration.  Before she could get the words out to argue, his patience snapped.  He sheathed his sword, bent down and put his shoulder to her belly.  Emmalyn started shrieking as Kell tossed her over one shoulder and headed to the other room.